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Iran plans to knock out U.S. with 1 nuclear bomb with electro-magnetic pulse

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posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by edsinger

You apparently do not keep track of items very well, yes they do but they are very small ones, if they even would work now.

Utter propaganda rubbish, give me proof

I beg to differ, by supporting Bin Ladin and his actions, to which they knew he was wanting to attack the United States, the government in power was guilty by proxy.

Bin Ladin has been in Iran and back out since 911, plus the Iranians allowed Al Queda refuge from Afghanistan so again by proxy...

[edit on 28-4-2005 by edsinger]

Again utter rubbish, proof? Iran offered to hand over some known terrorists, but the US wasn't interested. Hell, the US trained the pilots that alledgedly flew the planes on 9/11.

Whats the weather like over there in Cloud Cukkoo Land Ed?

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Serum39
I found this topic quite compelling, at least for me- prompting me to send the article to a friend of mine....
So you succeed in attacking the US? Every other major power in the world would be invading you, even if the link is tenuous. It would be in every major power’s interest to destroy any nation or group that pulled this off. The US wouldn’t have to defend itself, everyone else in the world would be immediately on the offensive.

What rose colored world is your friend living in?

Everyone else would be too busy dividing up the US's international resources and interests to care about Iran or anyone else who attacked us with an EMP device. We'd be living in the dark and wouldn't even know what happened until the newspapers arrived on a slow boat.

Think about it, we'd have no Electricity, TV, Radio, Internet, Phones, Cars, Trucks, Planes, Weapons, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, etc, etc. 300 million people sitting around with a candle singing coombyah does not equal a 'superpower' and you can bet our 'friends' will be the first in line to kick us in the face while we're down.

If we're really lucky, Bush might be able to broker an oil for food deal that will slow down the starvation rate if he doesn't skim too much off the top, and the UN might send us a few troops to help when the Chinese come looking for war brides.

Now THAT'S reality!

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Frosty
I would be surprised if Iran took such an action as it would seem very unpopular and unsetting with Iran's growing young population who are straying further and further from the Ayatollas and strict religous governing bodies. I hear they have taken I liking to western culture, especially satelite tv.

Yes, I would be surprised too, but not because of the reaction of Iran's youth, but because Iran's leadership has nothing to gain from such an action! It would be totally foolish of them to do something of the sort, because the whole world would oppose them from there on. What would Iran have to gain from dropping one atom bomb on the U.S. when it knows that the U.S. has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world which could wipe half of the world off the map over and over again? Do they really think that they're dealing with some crazed and psychotic cavemen? The problem with people who believe that Iran would do such a stupid thing is that they titanically underestimate Iran's political elite. The Iranian rulers are not the Talibans or the Al Qaida. Some of them might be very conservative, but not at all psychotic. Iran is not a backwarded society, and the Iranian civilization rests on the pillars of deeprooted humanistic and spiritual values which prevents even the most fanatic Iranian to ever resort to such behaviour as to use the nuclear bomb. If Iran would have the bomb, rest assured that it would ONLY use it if Iran would be pressured into a situation where its EXISTENCE is seriously threatened. It would never even use it in the event another country attacked it - but only if its existence would be threatened.

As for the youth of Iran, yes it's true that many of them yearn for change, but not the way that the American media has reported. Iranians have NEVER been anti-Western. This again is the false stereotype of Iranians projected in the American media, and through lousy movies like "Not Without My Daughter".

The American anthropologist and author, William Forbis writes:

"Iranians Relate themselves, as friends, allies, travellers, and students, to Western Europeans and Americans rather than to their physical neighbours. Even poor farmers compare themselves to Belgians or Italians more naturally than to Pakistanis or Arabs"

The Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 was never about being anti-Western - That is rather the Western interpretation of the ideals of the Islamic revolution in Iran. The ideals of the revolution was that Iran must be TOTALLY independent in all aspects, and cease to rely on the super powers and the west for their tecnology, development, arms, industry, etc, etc.... Now these kind of ideals may be equaled to be "anti-Western" by some in the West, but not because it is anti-Western, but rather because they WANT countries like Iran to be dependent on the West so that the West can remain the center of power in the world. This school of thought is outdated and does not belong in the 21st century, and if the West insists in maintaining it, then it will undoubtedly lead to major conflicts down the road which will benefit nobody.

Iranians do not look at products, services, culture, music, dances, fashion, etc.... and consider their national origins. They adopt and use that which they like, be it from China or the U.S.A. Therefore it's kind of misleading to state that "Iranians have taken a liking towards Western culture" because Iranians never had a disliking for it to begin with, and they do not follow western culture just because they dress in western attire, listen to Western Music and watch Satellite TV. We do not say that Americans and Europeans have taken a keen liking towards Eastern culture because they eat Chinese, Thai, Indonesian and Persian food, and dance to Middle Eastern techno music, and wear fashion inspired by the East with Persian paisley fabrics, etc.... As far as satellite TV goes, Iranians have satellite TV not so that they can watch western TV stations, but so that they can view GOOD TV ENTERTAINMENT, and half of it is Persian exile TV stations based in L.A., Turkish TV from Turkey, and some of it is Western such as for example MTV, which I would much rather do without considering the filth and arrogance that it teaches the young of today. So it has nothing to do with the Iranians becoming increasingly "pro-Western" - For Iranians this claim has no meaning. Iranians are neither pro or anti- western - We're simply Iranians who take delight in whatever delightful there is in the world without considering where it comes from. If you go to Iran you will find plenty of people who are devoted Muslims who for example support the current establishment in Iran while they wear fashionable clothes, listen to western music, but also are avid followers of traditional and classic Persian music and adhere to the morale of the Iranian society of which they are a part. This is Iran today - Actually this is the world today. Just because one listens to Western pop music and follows the western fashion does not mean that one is "pro-western" - And just what is "pro-Western" anyway? One has to first define the meaning of "Pro-Western" and then assess whether the Iranian youth are "pro-Western". If it's about fashion and music, then the Iranian youth in the 1930's were also pro-western - it's just that most foreigners don't know enough about Iran and how it was from the 1930's until today. As for fashion and the image of life in urban Iran, Iran was never more westernized than it was in the 1930's. The reason for that is that the Shah of the time, Reza Shah the Great as he was referred to, who was legendary absolute monarch and dictator of Iran (The father of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) had decreed that the "Chador" and "hejab", the veil and the head scarf, were totally forbidden. The soldiers were ordered to set fire to the veils of any woman who dared to defy the authorities. The men were also forbidden to have beards and the Priests were forbidden to wear their turbans and robes of priesthood. The Shah ordered that hundreds of thousands of fashionable ladies hats be imported from the west and sold at very low prices. Men were actively encouraged to wear suits. Within just 15 years of the rule of Reza Shah, Tehran looked like any city in Europe. Then came the Americans, British and Russian troops who invaded Iran and arrested the Shah, accused him of being an ally of the Germans, and forced him to abdicate in favor of his son. His son came and made it a matter of free choice for people to dress anyway they wanted, but towards the end of his rule the Pahlavi monarchy was despised by many Iranians just because they felt that it "Westoxicated" Iran. In those days the popular culture of Iran was indeed westoxicated in the sense that all too many Iranians seemed to believe that anything that came from the west was good, and they started to neglect their own very valuable and noble culture. The revolution changed all that, and it made Iranians appreciate their own culture more. As a result, Traditional Persian/Iranian music, Iranian folklore, Iranian cinema, Persian poetry salons, and Persian art experienced a rennaissance which resonates til this day. A whole new ideology emerged which was based on the principles that Iran's ancient and sophisticated civilization, enormously rich heritage and Islamic morals must serve as the platform for Iran's ambitions to develop into a highly advanced and developed country, and a role model for other developing countries. In the beginning - the first few years after the revolution, a so called "Culural revolution" was launched with strict restrictions on what kind of music could and could not be played in Iran. For instance, while western and Iranian popular music and rock music was forbidden, Western classical music and Western Jazz music was allowed. So it wasn't really an anti-Western cultural revolution as much as it was an Iranian and Islamic cultural revolution which was selective about precisely what kind of Iranian and Western music one could or couldn't listen to. If it was anti-Western it would simply forbid all western music and allow all Iranian music, but that was absolutely not the case. After the end of the Iran-Iraq war and the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, things in general started to become more and more relaxed, and then with the victory of President Khatami and his reformist parliament in 1997, social freedoms improved drastically, and today western rap music can be heard blaring from the loud speakers of Tehran's trendy cafes and restaurants, and women were fashionable tight-fitting clothes, show more of their legs than ever and wear higher and higher heels.

Today's domestic Iranian politics is not about the youth vs the Islamic Republic - This is an entirely false picture distributed in primarily the American media and promoted by the insignificant and incompetent exile opposition which is totally out of touch with the realities in Iran. The youth wants more social freedoms and more opportunities as far as employment, etc, yes, but the majority are not opposed to the Islamic Republic - The majority do not really care about politics more than that they want Iran to continue to remain independent and self-reliant. Independence and self-reliance - Those are the grand prizes that the Islamic revolution of 1979 brought the Iranian nation, and we will not negotiate neither one for anything else.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by Aelita

The preposterous thing about the "article" is that it plainly states that Iran plans to knock out the US with a single bomb. If one lookes at this sensationalist statement, they find that (1) Iran does not have the multimegaton warhead that would be required for such a feat (2) Iran is willing to be annihilated for the dubious purpose of having the US in blackout for a few weeks -- an ICBM launch is sure as hell to be detected and properly attributed.

A major nuclear power would be capable of pulling this off technologically, but a multimegaton weapon in Iran... Puh-leeze.]

It never ceases to amaze me. They are not saying they will kill all 300 million Americans and beat us, what the article clearly states is that almost ALL electronics will be damaged beyond repair unless they are hardened ones(military). If all the electronics fried one day, people and many of them would die from starvation, from riots, from the CHAOS that would be created.

Perfect Tulipwalking example of looking at things....

As for the Launch of the ICBM, let me just give you a 'maybe'.

A mobile SCUD launcher on a ship, the hatch is opened 200 miles off the South Carolina coast and the Missile is launched. You know it is still a ballistic missile and therefore goes very damn high.

They were stating that the Iranian military was testing missiles in which the warhead exploded at the do you understand?

Is it likely? Probably not BUT, this would be the only way to really hurt the US and hurt it it would, and badly I might add.

Thing is, it could also be Europe that could be hit in this way, so it is good that most of the major European powers are capitulating now so they can get off the target list.

[edit on 27-4-2005 by edsinger]

You have been reading too much science fiction and watched too many bad and racially biased hollywood movies. Would Iran risk to be nuked off the map by using one single bomb that will casue a blackout in certain parts of the U.S.? Think about it! And can you please tell me why in the world Iran would bomb Europe????? It seems to me that you are a perfect example of how badly some poor Americans have been brainwashed by their anti-Islamic, anti-everything-else-than-American media, government and certain hollywood film makers. You know what? I'm almost tempted to buy you a plane ticket to Iran and treat you for a two week tour of Iran, because I'm 1000% certain that it would change your life and how you view the world. You would then see the friendly and peaceful nature of Iranians, including the priests, and understand how truly ludicrous and outrageous your suspicions about Iran wanting to destroy the U.S. and the West really is. Please do yourself the favor and wake up from the paranoid world your government has created for you.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by Siroos]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 12:03 PM

I beg to differ, by supporting Bin Ladin and his actions, to which they knew he was wanting to attack the United States, the government in power was guilty by proxy.

Bin Ladin has been in Iran and back out since 911, plus the Iranians allowed Al Queda refuge from Afghanistan so again by proxy...

Edsinger! How can you be so IGNORANT???!!! You don't know what you're talking about! Stop watching FOX TV while your brain can still be saved. Listen to me: Bin Laden is one of Iran's number one arch enemies.

Bin Laden HATES Iran:

1) Iran's state religion is that of Shia Islam, and Bin Laden follows the most radical, fanatic, strictest and most backwarded sunni sect called "Wahabism", and Wahabism regards Shia Muslims as heredics and enemies of Islam.

2) Bin Laden was found guilty of planting a devastating bomb in Iran's holiest shrine - The Shrine of the Saint Imam Reza in the city of Mashad, which killed some 90 innocent pilgrims and worshippers.

3) The Talibans of Afghanistan who were the host of Bin Laden and the Al Qaida, were the sworn enemies of Iran because Iranians are Shia Muslims, and also because they despise the ethnicity of Iranians. The Talibans were racially and ethnically close to the Pashtun tribes of Pakistan and despised the Persians/Iranians and their brethren in Afghanistan. Hence the Taliban launched an ethnic cleansing campaign against all Iranian brethren and Persian speaking people in Afghanistan and killed entire populations of city after city.

4) During the same time the Taliban killed 9 Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan, and Iran threatened to invade Afghanistan as a result but was persuaded no to.

5) Iran was the number one supporter of the anti-Taliban and anti-Al Qaida Nothern Alliance of Afghanistan, who recieved generous funding and arms from Tehran.

Considering all these facts, are you telling me that Iran was cooperating with Bin Laden? Do you know how incredibly stupid that claim is? Do you have any proof that Bin Laden was in Iran? If the CIA or whoever in the U.S. has such information, then why have they not presented any proof? Wouldn't you think that if they were so certain that he had been in Iran, they would have to have some kind of proof? And if they do have such proof, wouldn't you think that by presenting it they would appear more credible? The reason why they have not presented any such proof is because they simply don't have it. And the reason they don't have it is because it never happened. Even if it now had happened that Bin Laden had set his foot on Iranian soil, that doesn't mean that he did so with the knowledge of the Iranian authorities. Iran is a vast land, and just like the U.S. Iran has many unchecked borders that are relatively easy to cross. Are we going to hold the U.S. responsible for the fact that the hijackers onboard the planes that crashed into the WTC buildings lived in the U.S. shortly before they boarded their last flight?

It was very obvious to me when Bush held his first national speech after the 9/11 attacks that he had a major plan which entailed in his own words a "crusade" against the Muslims and a military confrontation with Iran who he without any basis whatsoever labelled as one of the countries of the "axis of evil". Ever since, he and his co-fascists in Washington and Tel Aviv have tirelessly poured out misinformation about Iran aimed at creating the necessary public opinion in the U.S. and the world to set the stage for a military attack on Iran. Iran is the grand prize in his crusade for oil, power, American world hegemony, zionism and evangelic Christianity.

Wake up! The truth is that it is the Bush family who have more than a cozy relation with the Bin Laden family, and on the same morning as the planes flew into the WTC buildings, members of the Bin Laden family, including Osama's brother, were sitting in a very important business meeting with some of the most important government figures of the U.S.

Do you think that it's a coincidence that one hears nothing from Osama Bin Laden for more than a year, then suddenly TWO DAYS BEFORE THE LAST U.S. ELECTIONS Bin Laden sends a video taped message to the U.S., stating that he and Al Qaida has plans of attacking the U.S. in a manner which will dwarf the WTC attacks? Bin Laden is undoubtedly not a stupid man - and thus he should have known that his video taped message two days before the elections would have played a very major role in how Americans would vote, and that it would benefit Bush. I'm positive that there was a deal struck between the two families of Bush and the Bin Ladens, and this is why you will never see Bin Laden getting caught. He will live in freedom until he dies a death not caused by any American troops or intelligence agents. Bush and a few other criminals in your country also knew about 9/11 - He needed it and he wanted it. He will never be charged for the murder of some 3000 innocent people, just as he probably never will be charged for the murder of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, because he had nothing more to do with it other than that he knew that it was coming, and decided to do nothing about it. And such a thing is extremely difficult to prove against him. However, I'm certain that he will have to pay one way or another since there is a God and Divine Justice.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by Siroos]

[edit on 29-4-2005 by Siroos]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

Originally posted by Siroos
I hope you're not gullable enough to believe such crap!! Iran has ABSOLUTELY no designs against the U.S.A. whatsoever! It's exactly the other way around! This is cheap and tasteless Israeli & American propaganda.

Horse pucky!

Then why chant "Death to America' within your Parliament? It is not just the US and Isreal that are watching this situation in Iran and the dangerous game that your country is playing........

They don't chant "Death to America" in the Iranian parliament - And they never did. If SOME people shout "death to America" in the streets, then that's a different issue. Yes there are still some remaining anti-American graffiti on murals through the capital city, but most of it is old, from the first decade after the revolution, and much of it is paling away on its own. But with the kind of threats that the U.S. has issued to Iran, what can you expect? The U.S. is not the angel that you think it is. The U.S. has done much good, but it has also caused much more grief and pain around the world.

The Iranians that I have spoken to can't wait to get the mullahs out of power so that Iran CAN join the world community again.

Iran HAS joined the world community LONG time ago - the only countries that it is at odds with is the U.S. and Israel. Iran has very good relations
with all other countries.

Well, the Iranians you have spoken to 1) Live abroad and most of them do not have a clue of what the situation is like in Iran, because they haven't been there for a very long time. 2) Would not dare to say anything else to you, knowing that you have your prejudiced opinion of what Iran is like and wouldn't want to get involved in an arument with you or risk to be labeled as "terrorists" and be deported to Cuba!

With the oil wealth and technological aptitude Iran can be a great leader in the Middle East, but alas not at the moment with the likes of what Government it does have.

Those who benefitted the most of Iran's oil wealth were the British and the Americans prior to the revolution. When the Iranians wanted to nationalize Iran's oil, the British threatened to invade Iran, and when the Iranians couragously ignored the British threats and went ahead and nationalized the oil, the Americans planned a coup called "Operation Ajax" against Iran's popular prime minister, Dr. Mossadeq. During the last decade of the late Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran, the Shah was pumping billions of dollars of money into the American economy for weapons and other stuff. Iran was made dependent on the U.S. Today Iran is largely self-reliant, and builds its own Metro systems, sophisticated highways, infrastructure, tanks, fighter jets, missiles, submarines, and much much more. We will not go back to being sucked dry by the U.S.

Did you know that it was the U.S. who pressured the Shah of Iran to pursue a nuclear programme in the 1970's? They insisted that the Shah must buy super-expensive reactors from the U.S. -- The Shah annoyed the heck of the American capitalists by accepting to pursue a nuclear programme but went ahead instead and struck a deal with the French and the Germans who were offering a much more reasonable price.

Iran will never again have the same dependency on the U.S. We have learnt from the past. You are totally right about that Iran with the wealth can be a great leader in the Middle East - It already is today. I predict that Iran will not only be a great leader in the Middle East, but far beyond.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by Siroos]

[edit on 29-4-2005 by Siroos]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Deleuze

Originally posted by centurion1211
Earth to all appeasers:

Thank you Deleuze - That was very interesting. I have bookmarked the website. Seem it will be of great use in today's increasingly complicated political world.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Aelita
Nygdan has posted an excellent argument and analysis above, which summarizes almost everything on this topic.

I would just like to add that the idea of one nuke producing an EMP big enough to take out 48 states is really beyond preposterous. I am a scientist by education and did study a little of civil defense, and this mega-weapon is a pure work of fiction along with the Batman and Rescue Rangers.

And what is even more preposterous is to belive that Iran would do such a thing when it knows all too well that it would run the risk of getting wiped out by a massive U.S. nuclear response...

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:27 PM
I will catch up on posts later but here is another..........

Iran military journal eyes nuclear EMP attack on U.S. High-altitude missile detonation could be launched from ship, warn top scientists

WASHINGTON – In the latest evidence Iran is seriously planning an unconventional pre-emptive nuclear strike against the U.S., an Iranian military journal has publicly considered the idea of launching an electromagnetic pulse attack as the key to defeating the world's lone superpower.

Congress was warned of Iran's plans last month by Peter Pry, a senior staffer with the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack in a hearing of Sen. John Kyl's subcommittee on terrorism, technology and homeland security.

In an article titled, "Electronics to Determine Fate of Future Wars," the journal explains how an EMP attack on America's electronic infrastructure, caused by the detonation of a nuclear weapon high above the U.S., would bring the country to its knees.

Iran military journal

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

You keep asking what country would be stupid enough to do this? Well lets go back a minute, would you have thought that Afghanistan would have attacked the US by Proxy? Iran also supported BinLadin and some believe AlQueda also by proxy so again ask yourself who is to stop them?

It could be said that the "end timers' in Christianity could do something on a drastic scale to bring about the Last Days, although I would disagree as I believe it is on God's timetable not ours.

Iran never supported Bin Laden. Bin Laden has always been one of Iran's fiercest arch enemies. He despises Iran and the Iranian leadership because the Iranians are Shias, and are considered heretic by Bin Laden's school of extremist Wahabi sect. Bin Laden and the Taliban were always at total odds with Iran, and they also launched terrorist attacks against Iran inside Iran. When you say that Iran supported Bin Laden it is so ridiculous that I don't know with what language I can tell you how extremely outrageous your statement is. You obviously do not have any knowledge of the geo-political realities of that region, or else you would not have said something so ridiculous! Iran was the number one supporter of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance of Afghanistan, and the Talibans and their Al Qaida allies were Iran's number one enemies in the region.

When did Afghanistan attack the U.S.? Have I missed something? Helloooooo! It was Al Qaida who attacked the U.S. (With the "blessings" of some of your fascist leaders - Or shall we say their ability to look the other way and miss all that was going) Afghanistan never attacked the U.S. Get your facts straight! And the fact that you even compare Tehran to the Talibans of Afghanistan just shows how much you have been kept in the dark! Please do not involve Christianity and God in the ungodly affairs of the U.S.!

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
Do we happen to have any nuclear buffs who can do some math for us?

If we know
A. What the efficiency of Iran/NK's nukes is.
B. The payload capacity of any Iranian missiles which are capable of being launched from the deck of a ship.
C. How high those missiles can be fired and detonated and their actual range.
D. How strong of an EMP it takes to harm electronics

Then we could calculate the real range of this weapon.

Odds are the if they bring one over on a ship and fire it over our east coast, it's not going to affect the whole country. I was listening to the CEO of worldnet daily on Coast to Coast last night. He sounded like he didn't particularly know what he was talking about and was hyping it up, and he wouldn't so much as identify the organization that his so called expert sources worked for. One thing that did come through though in that interview was that even he doesn't seem to think that its so simple that you can just lob a nuke a bit into the air anywhere and hit the whole country.

Don't bother to waste your time on this one. First of all, you seem to have forgotten that Iran does not have any nukes to begin with. With the U.S. monitoring every move of the Iranians, do you really think that Iran could so easily venture out into the open waters and be allowed to reach American waters? And you think that we Iranians are so stupid that we would cause our own destruction by launching such an attack on the U.S.? THE IRANIAN ECONOMY IS INTER-RELATED TO THE ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD, and thus if Iran would lauch such an attack to cause an economic collappse of the U.S. economy, it would shoot itself in the foot, or rather in both of its feet! This is nonsense U.S. and zionist propaganda at its worst and cheapest! And it's obvious that they feel frustrated and desperate since they realize that Iran is much more difficult to stop then they ever could have imagined.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
Can the Mullahs in Iran be this crazy? Joseph Farahs articles are ususually acurate....

Blobbys right, our Ohio class submarines would blast the Iranians off the map and send the rest of Islam to their knees begging Americas forgivness for all their sins. The Iranians are playing a dangerous game with the lives of their people....and this game will end soon.


You fascists make me sick! Your submarines won't do you any good when the good Lord has decided to teach you one last lesson before you're reduced to a regular non-super power country. Your fascist criminal leaders are playing a dangeorus game. Sins..... I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Disarm the U.S.A.!

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Siroos
They don't chant "Death to America" in the Iranian parliament - And they never did.

Please explain this then:

TEHRAN -- In a display of anti-U.S. anger not seen in parliament for years, Iran's conservative-dominated legislature chanted "Death to America" and hardliners clashed with reformists yesterday in the first day of the house's new session. The tensions signalled a tough year ahead for President Mohammad Khatami, after fellow reformists lost control of the parliament in contentious February elections. The ballot was boycotted by reformists and largely spurned by voters because the hard-line Guardian Council disqualified thousands of reformist candidates.

In a speech to legislators, reformist Interior Minister Abdolvahed Mousavi Lari accused the clerics of the Guardian Council of acting without justification when it barred candidates from running in the election.

A number of conservative legislators shouted in protest, and, in a bid to end the bickering, hardline legislator Mahdi Kouchakzadeh asked parliament to condemn the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

"To attract the attention of everybody to what is our main task, I invite you to pray for the devastation of the American belligerent occupiers," he said.

Fellow conservatives responded by chanting "Death to America."

It was a sign of how much the new parliament, in which conservatives hold about 180 of 290 seats, differs from the previous one, dominated by reformists. Before, only a few would have shouted anti-American slogans.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:11 PM
If you read it they are talking about the US armed forces and the occupying forces. Not the US as a whole.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
If you read it they are talking about the US armed forces and the occupying forces. Not the US as a whole.

Are you Siroos? Oh well. That's your take on it, and you're reaching. They said "DEATH TO AMERICA", how can you say there was a specification? Siroos said they never said "Death to America" in parliament, they clearly did. They mentioned the occupying forces, but still chanted "Death to America", not "Death to the US armed forces and the occupying forces", who are still my people, young kids doing the work of crooked old rich men. But why is Iran so worried about Iraq now? Just because they hate America more than they hated Iraq, whom they fought a bloody war with and probably would have occupied themselves if they had won as decisively as we did.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by 27jd]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Siroos
You fascists make me sick! Your submarines won't do you any good when the good Lord has decided to teach you one last lesson before you're reduced to a regular non-super power country. Your fascist criminal leaders are playing a dangeorus game. Sins..... I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Disarm the U.S.A.!

Err... How's that going to happen Mahommad? You just said Iran doesn't have any nukes..

Don't bother to waste your time on this one. First of all, you seem to have forgotten that Iran does not have any nukes to begin with.

Coming after us with a pointy stick and a pocketful of rocks?

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Siroos, why won't you address my request? You said absolutely nobody in the Iranian parliament ever shouted "Death to America", I presented you the evidence that they recently did and asked you to explain why you said they didn't. Is it that Iranians really have no idea what's going on in parliament? Do the religious fanatics in power have you guys fooled just as our government fooled us?

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Do you even read your own quotes?

FYI, I am a English person.

"To attract the attention of everybody to what is our main task, I invite you to pray for the devastation of the American belligerent occupiers," he said.

Did you see the word beginning with the letter O?

All of you carry on with your hate, its fine, no skin off my nose.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Also 27jd, have you ever considered that threatening a country will likely result in threats made back at you? Probably not....

Are you really that, um..., can't you see that threats are made against the US, because threats were made by the US first?

Fine, go blow the crap out of another country, I am sure it will make you all feel very proud.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
Do you even read your own quotes?

No, I just blindly cut and paste what to me looks like words and little squiggly lines hoping it supports my opinion.

FYI, I am a English person.

Where did I question your nationality? I asked if you were Siroos because I addressed him, he said:

Originally posted by Siroos
They don't chant "Death to America" in the Iranian parliament - And they never did.

I pointed out they do, and you took what one member of that parliament said in addition, and tried to spin it as if all they meant by "Death to America", was death to our soldiers, which is clearly not the case, but you will spin it how you will. Here's more of Iran's warmth projected upon the U.S. just after 9/11, before our bloodthirsty rampage:

After a two-week hiatus since the attacks on the United States, loud cries of "Death to America" rang out again in Iran on Wednesday as its leaders firmly ruled out joining a US-led anti-terror coalition. Privately, several ordinary Iranians felt Tehran had missed the boat for patching up relations with Washington.

All of you carry on with your hate, its fine, no skin off my nose.

I don't hate anybody, but I do call BS when I see it, on all sides. I love how you automatically label somebody hateful the second they don't clearly choose your side. I'm against war, especially the one in Iraq, but I'm also against the U.S. being labeled as the sole aggressor in every situation by foreigners who just want to hate the U.S., like yourself, who has decided to stop buying U.S. goods and will not vacation here anymore, carry on with YOUR hate, it's fine, no skin of my nose either.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by 27jd]

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