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Iran plans to knock out U.S. with 1 nuclear bomb with electro-magnetic pulse

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posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
When did a 1 MT blast not effectively deliver EMP of that scale and when has a Nuc been exploded at 200k feet in the ionosphere?

Well, its entirely possibly that I am misinformed here, and perhaps you can make a nuke that can do this.

Originally posted by Nygdan
I gave some 'potential' scenarios and you can laugh at WND all you want while reading the NYT as gospel ok?

I don't read the NYT as gospel.

As for the Nuke, oh yes it can and the USSR and USA have known it for a while.

Who has these nukes?

And why wouldn't they? they sold them to Pakistan? North Korea? Whats the difference? they have already helped whom,ever had the cash.

China has sold 1 megaton nukes to pakistan???

As aleta notes, its the sensationalism of hte article that goes all out of whack. A single bomb to do all this? Made by iran????

Boy did you ever, 2 of which I can not figure out why. You like me don't you?

I like everyone. C'mere man, gimme a hug! Lets crack open a beer with Aletia and Vincere and all get pished!

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 03:52 PM
I found this topic quite compelling, at least for me- prompting me to send the article to a friend of mine....

He responded with an email reply that I just had to get his permission and post here. It's his opinion and only his opinion. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant- the point is what he said is intelligent, rational and ON TOPIC. This is also coming from a mind that has "high" political aspirations and believes in America even through our "Darker Moments"....


I am a bit skeptical on the effectiveness of the attack—would it really knock out that much of our infrastructure? I don’t doubt our infrastructure is outdated and needs more redundancy, but I don’t think it would lead to a system-wide meltdown. Perhaps a regional meltdown.

But let’s assume they’re accurate in how they describe the effects.

No nation would ever do this. Iran and North Korea in particular would never even attempt it, or even allow groups “unofficially” associated with them to do it. So you succeed in attacking the US? Every other major power in the world would be invading you, even if the link is tenuous. It would be in every major power’s interest to destroy any nation or group that pulled this off. The US wouldn’t have to defend itself, everyone else in the world would be immediately on the offensive.

Key argument is how the US population would react. Do I think there is a potential for panic? Yes. But I think Americans are built of sterner stuff than anyone gives us credit for. Our elite leaders (media and politicians) usually project this kind of timid weakness onto the general population that just doesn’t exist. They do it because our elites are timid and weak—so they just assume we are too. Not the case.

And so it takes months to rebuild—I do NOT think it would take years because, after all, we are the US and can muster untold forces to react if the need arises. What happens when we’re done rebuilding? Lots of bad things to the people who did it. And in the interim every nation in the world would be trying to help us, because although it would cause all sorts of problems for us, in the end it will be a sharp expenditure of resources in a short span of time, relatively speaking. And since we have more resources than the next three major powers combined, we’d still come out of the mess as the biggest kid on the block. You’d want to make nice with the wounded dragon, wouldn’t you? If anything the end result would be a worldwide outpour of support for the US and outrage at the attackers. Everyone would lose, and everyone would be pissed.

I actually think this is right-wing propaganda. Imagine the worst possible thing while you try to shove useless and expensive missile defense systems through the budget. This would clearly be the best argument for expanding those programs.

I do think that if someone were to do this it would be terrible, but I also think the chance of someone carrying this through would be minutely small.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Serum39
I actually think this is right-wing propaganda. Imagine the worst possible thing while you try to shove useless and expensive missile defense systems through the budget. This would clearly be the best argument for expanding those programs.

One word for that: Amen.

Most of the quotes in the "article" are taken from the mouths of various senators. We all know how senators are experts in electromagnetism and nuclear physics... Wait a second, I meant to say special interests.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 05:35 PM
Do we happen to have any nuclear buffs who can do some math for us?

If we know
A. What the efficiency of Iran/NK's nukes is.
B. The payload capacity of any Iranian missiles which are capable of being launched from the deck of a ship.
C. How high those missiles can be fired and detonated and their actual range.
D. How strong of an EMP it takes to harm electronics

Then we could calculate the real range of this weapon.

Odds are the if they bring one over on a ship and fire it over our east coast, it's not going to affect the whole country. I was listening to the CEO of worldnet daily on Coast to Coast last night. He sounded like he didn't particularly know what he was talking about and was hyping it up, and he wouldn't so much as identify the organization that his so called expert sources worked for. One thing that did come through though in that interview was that even he doesn't seem to think that its so simple that you can just lob a nuke a bit into the air anywhere and hit the whole country.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 06:25 PM
I would be surprised if Iran took such an action as it would seem very unpopular and unsetting with Iran's growing young population who are straying further and further from the Ayatollas and strict religous governing bodies. I hear they have taken I liking to western culture, especially satelite tv.


posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 06:32 PM
Come on - this is really dumb. The only force likely to set off a nuclear device against the US is the USG or the forces behind them
They have already happily infused the bodies of their fighting dupes with uranium, blasted their allied nationals with the output of mininukes
They continue to blast the homeland and foreign populations with the psychotronic frequencies developed in the old days of the USSR
The war's on us as much as them

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 06:48 PM
I can't believe that there is this much discussion going on about a WorldNetDaily article.

I can't think of one story that they ever broke that was confirmed by any other media outlet. It's more like satire than news.

If Iran was seriously planning something like this, there are tonnes of media outlets that would be paying top dollar for the story and doing their own investigating. Does WorldNetDaily actually have investigating reporters? Somehow I doubt it.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I like everyone. C'mere man, gimme a hug! Lets crack open a beer with Aletia and Vincere and all get pished!

I'm all about it, cannonball!!

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Aelita

The preposterous thing about the "article" is that it plainly states that Iran plans to knock out the US with a single bomb. If one lookes at this sensationalist statement, they find that (1) Iran does not have the multimegaton warhead that would be required for such a feat (2) Iran is willing to be annihilated for the dubious purpose of having the US in blackout for a few weeks -- an ICBM launch is sure as hell to be detected and properly attributed.

A major nuclear power would be capable of pulling this off technologically, but a multimegaton weapon in Iran... Puh-leeze.]

It never ceases to amaze me. They are not saying they will kill all 300 million Americans and beat us, what the article clearly states is that almost ALL electronics will be damaged beyond repair unless they are hardened ones(military). If all the electronics fried one day, people and many of them would die from starvation, from riots, from the CHAOS that would be created.

Perfect Tulipwalking example of looking at things....

As for the Launch of the ICBM, let me just give you a 'maybe'.

A mobile SCUD launcher on a ship, the hatch is opened 200 miles off the South Carolina coast and the Missile is launched. You know it is still a ballistic missile and therefore goes very damn high.

They were stating that the Iranian military was testing missiles in which the warhead exploded at the do you understand?

Is it likely? Probably not BUT, this would be the only way to really hurt the US and hurt it it would, and badly I might add.

Thing is, it could also be Europe that could be hit in this way, so it is good that most of the major European powers are capitulating now so they can get off the target list.

[edit on 27-4-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
One thing that did come through though in that interview was that even he doesn't seem to think that its so simple that you can just lob a nuke a bit into the air anywhere and hit the whole country.

I think some people are missing the true impact of weapons such as these. Everyone always concentrates on the weapons itself and not the domino effect which occurs afterwards. I remember a few back that California was having power issues. These blackouts caused outages as far as Kansas. There were no nukes involved, just a connection to each other.

Suffice it to say that it could be done if we were not prepared.

I agree, however, that it would not be in a country's best interest to do something like this to the US. The world's inventory of trinitite would increase overnight.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:09 PM
Well it is not a matter of what the US response would be, we all know that one. It is the damage to the US by economic warfare on such a scale that would be the problem, and the inevitable side effects of the 'modern society' collapse.

Oh its a threat alright and a damn big one....

You keep asking what country would be stupid enough to do this? Well lets go back a minute, would you have thought that Afghanistan would have attacked the US by Proxy? Iran also supported BinLadin and some believe AlQueda also by proxy so again ask yourself who is to stop them?

It could be said that the "end timers' in Christianity could do something on a drastic scale to bring about the Last Days, although I would disagree as I believe it is on God's timetable not ours.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Some points to make.

1) Iran would have to be in the procession of a hydrogen warhead

2) Iran would also have to have some form of launch vehicle to deliver this warhead

3) Iran would dominate the heavens supply of virgins

From my own experience, Iran would need a warhead in the range of 20MT -25MT, that would roughly knock out all of the USA`s unprotected systems. Too my knowledge warheads of that size don’t exist anymore, making a little party popper is easy, but your talking about the crowd pleasers, that’s something only 4 countries have ever done on there own, and all of them used espionage to help them along.

EMP blast radius would roughly be around 1500-1800mls (20-25MT). So yes the whole USA would be affected.

For Iran to make or buy a warhead of this size, and to actually use it, would turn Iran to black glass in around 30minutes, strategic defences were designed for survival, every country in the world knows this, If some country provided Iran with such a weapon I would imagine that country would at the worst have a attack launched on it of similar scale (a EMP blast) or be invaded.
People forget the out pouring of support after 9-11, they forget because to many Iraq isn’t part of the war on terror, they forget over 100 countries helping the USA ,the whole of nato providing troops and support, ANZAC, British troops led the us special forces into Iraq, within 6 days of 9-11, Russia supplied 50 tanks, new weapons and uniforms for the northern alliance, specials forces from, france,Canada,Australia,new Zealand,britian,Norway,denmark,germany,korea, the list goes on.

What do you think would happen if someone set a 25MT off over the USA would happen?

P.S. a rumour for you all, its understand Iran has had warheads in the region of 50Kt since around 1996 at least 4 of them.

If these politicians and everyone here who hasn’t served wants a war for the slightest hype and paranoid news story, go sign up and put yourself on them front lines, you sure as hell won’t see no politicians next to you in a gas mask.

No one stops to think if these Arabs were really crazy, the mailing address from the black market arms dealer would be Isreal, they would be that much of a hurry to use it.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:36 PM
Attacking the USA with ONE NUKE would be the equivalent of kicking a Grizzly Bear in the Crotch.

It will hurt him for a few moments but its not a good Idea.

Dirty Bombs and suitcase nukes we might have to worry about but no country is insane enough to launch even a first strike against a country with as many nukes as we have.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:38 PM
I have to say I have not read a thread so funny in some time. I thought Dr H was mad, this tops even his posts.

A few points.

Iran does not actually have any nukes, it amazes me some here think they do.

Irans reason for living is not to destroy the US. Have you noticed that the so called " death to America" chants only come after the US threatens Iran? See a pattern? Probably not...

Europe is trying to rebuild relationships and trade deals with Iran,,,which was partially halted by the old Axis of Evil BS.

Afghanistan did in no way attack the US, by proxy etc. Iran did in no way support Bin Laden or AQ. No more than the US, in fact likely less than the US. Read up.

Thank goodness, only a tiny minority believe the kind of rubbish this thread started to describe.

[edit on 28-4-2005 by Kriz_4]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by owell
Some points to make.

P.S. a rumour for you all, its understand Iran has had warheads in the region of 50Kt since around 1996 at least 4 of them.

True but the tritium triggers must be bad by now. Still they did get them and they are tactical designs, I understood them to be 10kT ex-Soviet artillery shells.

Originally posted by Kriz_4

Iran does not actually have any nukes, it amazes me some here think they do.

You apparently do not keep track of items very well, yes they do but they are very small ones, if they even would work now.

Originally posted by Kriz_4
Afghanistan did in no way attack the US, by proxy etc. Iran did in no way support Bin Laden or AQ. No more than the US, in fact likely less than the US. Read up.

I beg to differ, by supporting Bin Ladin and his actions, to which they knew he was wanting to attack the United States, the government in power was guilty by proxy.

Bin Ladin has been in Iran and back out since 911, plus the Iranians allowed Al Queda refuge from Afghanistan so again by proxy...

[edit on 28-4-2005 by edsinger]

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Ah yes, some G2 Bulletin

Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for almost 30 years.

Yea, I'm sure that's less biased than World Net Daily, oh wait, it's the same thing. Just more war-mongering going on. Shall we start exposing the bias, untruthfulness, and sensationalism of WND on past stories? Hmm, shall we turn your thread into a mudpit of WND's dirty secrets?

It's so sad how some selfish arrogant , power-hungry and greedy American control freaks will resort to anything in order to devastate countries so that they can achieve their vicious goals of plundering the wealth of others and extend their world hegemony! It's really very, very sad that as a result of the misinformation which these morally corrupt American crooks and criminals are the source of, hundreds of thousands of innocent people have to die, and the lives of millions of people have to be ruined.... For what? Just so that the U.S. shall gain more wealth and power in the world. And yes, they are criminals! There is no difference between a cold-blooded serial murderer and these murderers! These are "prestigious" murderers dressed in dark suits and ties - smiling in front of the cameras and talking about "democracy" and "freedom" and "war on terror", but in reality they are just a bunch of super-selfish, greedy, and blood-thirsty racists and criminals - Their hands are soaked in the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 07:45 AM
Get serious!! Pakistan didn't buy any nukes - they produced their own, and did the U.S. so much as raise an eyebrown?? No, they didn't. And this is the same Pakistan that armed, supported and maintained the Taliban regime in Afghanistan! And the same Pakistan to whom the U.S. just sold some of its most technologically advanced weapons to, including fantom fighter jets. Are you telling me that Iran is more radical than the Taliban? If so, I have to inform you that you are way off track! The most fanatic and reactionary fundamentalists of Iran are like choir boys in comparison to the backwarded, fanatic, cavemen fundametalists of Pakistan! Doesn't this tell you something? Don't you see that the issue obviously is not about Iran's nukes being a threat to the U.S. and Israel, that this is about something else, and that the U.S. is using this as an excuse. If it were about that the U.S. and Israel felt threatened, they wouldn't have allowed the Pakis to pursue their nukes and then in addition sell them their most advanced weapons.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by SiroosIt's so sad how some selfish arrogant , power-hungry and greedy American control freaks will resort to anything in order to devastate countries so that they can achieve their vicious goals of plundering the wealth of others and extend their world hegemony!

What great Propaganda! Right off the Tulipwalker spreadsheet! I will let you in on a secret, that the same place Al JeLiera gets there stuff also.

Originally posted by Siroos
Get serious!! Pakistan didn't buy any nukes - they produced their own, and did the U.S. so much as raise an eyebrown?? No, they didn't.

Uh - yes they did - we stopped selling them arms around that time, that is why they only got the f-16A and had to go to China for arms. And China and North Korea BOTH helped Pakistan in their nuclear endeavors. They didn't buy the bombs, they bought the bomb makers!

Originally posted by Siroos And this is the same Pakistan that armed, supported and maintained the Taliban regime in Afghanistan! And the same Pakistan to whom the U.S. just sold some of its most technologically advanced weapons to, including fantom fighter jets.

YO mean the F-16A like I mentioned?

Originally posted by Siroos Are you telling me that Iran is more radical than the Taliban? If so, I have to inform you that you are way off track! The most fanatic and reactionary fundamentalists of Iran are like choir boys in comparison to the backwarded, fanatic, cavemen fundametalists of Pakistan!

I think they are more of a threat yes, they have supported international terrorism for over 25 years now, they are cruel to their own people.

Originally posted by Siroos Doesn't this tell you something? Don't you see that the issue obviously is not about Iran's nukes being a threat to the U.S. and Israel, that this is about something else, and that the U.S. is using this as an excuse. If it were about that the U.S. and Israel felt threatened, they wouldn't have allowed the Pakis to pursue their nukes and then in addition sell them their most advanced weapons.

The Pakistanis had a good arguemnt for the Bomb, the country in which they had been at more multiple times with already had one. Makes excuses for Iran all you want, most most who read this will see through your little smokscreen....

And again, we didnt sell pakistan our most advanced weapons, I dont see them flying f-117's or anything that new.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 08:56 AM
Hey Siroos is that a picture of your sister? Lets have tea together.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Serum39
I found this topic quite compelling, at least for me- prompting me to send the article to a friend of mine....

He responded with an email reply that I just had to get his permission and post here. It's his opinion and only his opinion. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant- the point is what he said is intelligent, rational and ON TOPIC. This is also coming from a mind that has "high" political aspirations and believes in America even through our "Darker Moments"....


I am a bit skeptical on the effectiveness of the attack—would it really knock out that much of our infrastructure? I don’t doubt our infrastructure is outdated and needs more redundancy, but I don’t think it would lead to a system-wide meltdown. Perhaps a regional meltdown.

But let’s assume they’re accurate in how they describe the effects.

No nation would ever do this. Iran and North Korea in particular would never even attempt it, or even allow groups “unofficially” associated with them to do it. So you succeed in attacking the US? Every other major power in the world would be invading you, even if the link is tenuous. It would be in every major power’s interest to destroy any nation or group that pulled this off. The US wouldn’t have to defend itself, everyone else in the world would be immediately on the offensive.

Key argument is how the US population would react. Do I think there is a potential for panic? Yes. But I think Americans are built of sterner stuff than anyone gives us credit for. Our elite leaders (media and politicians) usually project this kind of timid weakness onto the general population that just doesn’t exist. They do it because our elites are timid and weak—so they just assume we are too. Not the case.

And so it takes months to rebuild—I do NOT think it would take years because, after all, we are the US and can muster untold forces to react if the need arises. What happens when we’re done rebuilding? Lots of bad things to the people who did it. And in the interim every nation in the world would be trying to help us, because although it would cause all sorts of problems for us, in the end it will be a sharp expenditure of resources in a short span of time, relatively speaking. And since we have more resources than the next three major powers combined, we’d still come out of the mess as the biggest kid on the block. You’d want to make nice with the wounded dragon, wouldn’t you? If anything the end result would be a worldwide outpour of support for the US and outrage at the attackers. Everyone would lose, and everyone would be pissed.

I actually think this is right-wing propaganda. Imagine the worst possible thing while you try to shove useless and expensive missile defense systems through the budget. This would clearly be the best argument for expanding those programs.

I do think that if someone were to do this it would be terrible, but I also think the chance of someone carrying this through would be minutely small.

Your friend is quite correct in most of his assessment. This is just one of a series of scare tactics that the U.S. and the zionist lobby in the U.S. is resorting to in regards to Iran. Mr. Corsi's totally outrageous book "Atomic Iran" and his so called "Iran Freedom Foundation" are other such scary examples. His book should be moved to the science fiction department. Iran has been projected as a monster in the U.S. and the West - Not that Iran has been totally innocent in the past - particularly the first decade after the revolution - but what can one expect from a country who lived under a U.S. supported repressive government for all those years, and which had just undergone a major political upheaval, comparable to such titanic historic events as the French and Russian revolutions. The fact is though that Iran today does not at all deserve to be projected as a monster or as a member state of the "axis of evil". Iran today is a TOTALLY peaceful society which is in the midst of finding itself, and is undergoing a process of liberalization, enlightment and reformation. And the U.S. is trying to stop it and to devastate its armed forces and infrastructure so that it can make tons of money by securing contracts for itself to rebuild the infrastructure and the military and sell weapons, and put a regime in place which will be a puppet regime hated by the masses, and which will act as an obedient servant to the U.S. just like in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the other Arab sheikhdoms. It's so disgusting that it makes me sick to my stomach.

The U.S. power apparatus knows how gullable the masses in the U.S. are - no offense, but it's the sad fact, and the world has seen ample evidence of it. Yes, there are millions and millions of enlightened Americans, but they are nothing in comparison to the masses who have fallen victim to a system which abuses them in every way possible, and keeps them satisfied with the illusion of materialistic welfare. The materialistic American masses live a lie, and are as a result the by far most indebted nation in the world. They are being kept in the dark and used for the benefit of the tiny elite who are abusing them and using them to enrich themselves, and they are being lied to over and over again about what is going on in the world, and from time to time their children are sent to countries near and far away to fight the wars of the tiny elite. They're even no longer guaranteed any financial security for their retirement as the tiny and wealthy elite has decided to rob them of that too. They were lied to about Iraq, and now they're lied to even much, much more about Iran. But things cannot and will not continue like this forever. Greed is selfdestructive in the end.

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