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Originally posted by mikromarius
Originally posted by Tyriffic
67. I have problems like everyone else under the sun. Yet, thankfully, I have none like yours. One, I try very hard not to bash anyones belief. I will respond to threads that are offensive to Christianity though. And, I do know that you may fiegn innocence in this latest post of yours, but I see clearer.
No you don't. This thread is not offencive to Christianity. If it ios offensive to anyone, it will be the Babylon you call church and your own ignorance. Deny ignorance is the payoff for this group, and to me you and your like are among zealots who fight for a lost case and blindly without ever thinking of rejecting part of your whore's doctrines, because it is these doctrines that has misled the sheep of God for ages. Your mother is sleeping with wolves, dining with snakes and commits adultary wherever she goes. Your mother is a harlot, and you accuse them who dare to stand up against her as satans?
Jesus had several parables prepared for people like you and the age in which we live: Luke 18:9-14+19:11-27 are two of them
Originally posted by helen670
Illmatic how can you say Jesus Christ was married.......He was not a prophet ..........He was the Son Of GOD........
Originally posted by mikromarius
The Gospel of John is the only Gospel written by an eye-witnesse, the beloved disciple, whom Jesus at the cross even grant the honour (or perhaps remind of his duty) of caring for his Mother Mary. The Gospel of John has as the only Gospel within the Catholic canon to be believable as to the events around the death and ressurection of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth. While the three others that was written much later and by second and third hand writers, somehow don't seem to support the idea that Jesus was married, at least not to Mary Magdalen.
Originally posted by Illmatic67
Netchicken, your whole entire post was terrible.
Read my first post. Jesus was called a rabbi, he was a respected rabbi and he had to follow the code of rabbi's to be called a good teacher, so he did.
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Mike, let me help you out a bit, Christ's mission on Earth the first time was not to marry and rear children. Such a lifestyle would have been actually counter-productive to the mission. He was the Son of God as well as the Son of Man, as well as referred to by other titles. Regardless, he wasn't here for procreation. Bloodline is very important as a race was even set aside from which Christ was to come, I can't imagine Christ creating a new line of people whose biological forefather would be Christ himself. Sounds like the makings of a cult. There's a fella in Australia that might be interested in that angle!
Originally posted by mikromarius
Jesus was here for one thing only to prepare the Way for his Son, called Yisre'el in the Book of Hosea, him who will fulfill Jesus' kingship and (re)establish it on Earth. This is difficult for you to swallow, for Jesus has enemies, and they seek to copy everything he does, though twisting it just a little so that it all ends up in missery.
Jesus called himself the Son of Man in order to show that he was nothing more than a man, a descendant to Adam whose name means literally Man. He was called the Son of God, simply because he was the king he was. Every king on this Earth who is chosen by God to rule, is a son of God, nothing more nothing less. How many times must I tell this again and again?
The Church with her multitude of spirits and gods is misled. They don't know the Spirit of God and they never did. For the Spirit of God says "Leave her! Leave Babylon! Flee from her unless you'll suffer the same fait as her! Her lovers, the kings of perdition, will fulfill God's plan with her and come and destroy her. For her iniquity has risen up to the highest Heaven and her adultary and falseness is distasteful, so God will spit her out of his mouth!"
When was the last time a priest, "vicar of God" healed anyone? When did they ever speek in languages they never learned? These two signs are the two signs in which we shall know who is of God and who isn't. Their so called exorcism is nothing more than a deal with Satan. One word should be efficient if you are a man of God. One single word. Not a bunch of crosses and robes, "holy water" and all the other gadgets the Church loves so much.
Tell me about ONE king who ever lived without being married and having children?
Originally posted by helen670
Christ and the Father are One (John 10:30),
and Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father (I John 2:23).
Christ Himself is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except by Him (John 14:6). In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9).
Our faith in Christ and His words is supported by numerous prophecies, by the evidence of miracles, by His divine Incarnation of a virgin, His Resurrection and ascension, and by countless manifestations of His love for mankind.
"No man hath seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him," (John 1:18) and "Not that any man hath seen the Father, save He Who is of God, He hath seen the Father" (John6:46).
Illmatic how can you say Jesus Christ was married.......He was not a prophet ..........He was the Son Of GOD........
Muhammed's life cannot even compare to the life of Jesus Christ.........he does not even come close to the love that Jesus Christ showed to people .......Jesus Christ taught forgiveness and love for all mankind.......
God is love (I John 4:8,16).
Although Muslims believe Allah to be loving, merciful, and just, he is more frequently revealed in Muslim scriptures to be stern, demanding and retributive:
"Those that disobey Allah and His Apostle shall abide forever in the fire of hell" (Sura 72).
Hope you have not taken any offence Illmatic !
I am just stating the truth as a Christian ..........
A true Christian will forgive but where is the forgiveness and the Love of which Muhammed speaks of???
Originally posted by Valhall
The oldest Gospel is Mark. And that's pretty much accepted across the board in both secular analyses and theological analyses of the Gospels.
Originally posted by Valhall
Originally posted by Illmatic67
Netchicken, your whole entire post was terrible.
Read my first post. Jesus was called a rabbi, he was a respected rabbi and he had to follow the code of rabbi's to be called a good teacher, so he did.
I will restate what I stated in the OTHER thread that is currently discussing this same topic...which leads me to ask why this thread was initiated in the first place...
And then on the subject of using the fact that Jesus was called "rabbi" by his followers:
It appears that Christ himself rejected the title "Rabbi" as used by his followers. First off, I think it a bit disingenuous to even use this particular point in your argument. If there was ever any one that was deemed teaching heretical views as far as the Jewish religious beliefs at that's got to be Christ! He got murdered for it! HELLO!
Here are the words of Christ on this very issue...and I think his words should be the end all of any particular discussion on him:
Matthew 23:
Jesus speaking of the scribes and the Pharisees:
"They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi (NOTE: greek word used here is literally translated rabbi). But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one TEACHER (NOTE: greek word used here is literally "teacher" - NOT rabbi), and you are all students." (I take this to mean that if there was NOT another Hebrew word for teacher, other than "rabbi", then Jesus intentionally chose a GREEK word to use here that differentiated him from the label "rabbi". In other words, he was a teacher NOT of the Jewish Law, but of a new message.)
verses 6 - 8
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
No, Mikro, I do not buy that for a minute. You are correct that Jesus has enemies, and they are all led by Satan. But Christ has the greatest Ally of all - His Father.
You ask when have I ever heard of a king not taking a wife and having children. I ask you, when have you ever heard of a king laying down his life so that all can have eternal life, and then arising after three days, conquering death and Hell? The King of Kings is not like any king we've ever known.
I cannot seem to find "Yisre'el in Hosea. Where would I find that, and in what translation?
Originally posted by Tyriffic
...I think, Mikro, you are confusing my post with another posters.
I also think you are confusing me with another church- need some rest fella!
Originally posted by mikromarius
Valhall. Using the palace of Odin, the hethen Norse viking king, miracle man and false prophet for your name, you amuse me when you try to explain what Jesus of Nazareth is all about: I have told you this several times: RABBI is Hebrew, and means litterally TEACHER. This is even specified in the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 38: "Rabbi means Teacher" and I didn't see Jesus reject these two first disciples, on the contrary he brought them in to his house and showed them great honour for accepting him.
Jesus is indeed the greatest Rabbi who has ever walked on the Earth.
PS: Forgive me for being irritated, zealous and angry, but how many times must I tell you these basic things? Would 1000 times be enough? I can't immagine that 1000 times 1000 times would make you understand.
Originally posted by helen670
Muhammed's life cannot even compare to the life of Jesus Christ.........he does not even come close to the love that Jesus Christ showed to people .......Jesus Christ taught forgiveness and love for all mankind.......
God is love (I John 4:8,16).
Although Muslims believe Allah to be loving, merciful, and just, he is more frequently revealed in Muslim scriptures to be stern, demanding and retributive:
"Those that disobey Allah and His Apostle shall abide forever in the fire of hell" (Sura 72).
Hope you have not taken any offence Illmatic !
I am just stating the truth as a Christian ..........
A true Christian will forgive but where is the forgiveness and the Love of which Muhammed speaks of???
Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
Hell must be full of Muslims like you. Poor Satan....