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Does yahoo allow pedophilia ?

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posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by triplesod
Yep, I know. Apologies for that, I was just in a bad mood and trying to be nasty

Fully accepted, and COMPLETELY understood. Expressing ourselves freely here is a beautiful thing, and if you really are a bit of an ass, it's only right that it should show

Now, back to the subject at hand. You say that it is potentially somewhat destructive to the site in general to even discuss this topic here, due to the hits it may draw from search engines. I can see your point in that, but I would like to point out that this entire thread has no place here. This particular forum is intended to be used for ATS website related discussion, not yahoo website discussion. If there is a forum here for discussing the shortcomings and faults of OTHER websites, I have not yet found it.

I am really new around here, so I was not aware of the nature of this forum before I posted my first thoughts on this thread. I got drawn in by my urge to "fight the good fight" over an issue that I am deeply concerned about. I was wrong to do so, however. It should have been left alone to whither on the vine.

Having said that, I would like to point to the original thoughts here and agree that yes, I have seen with my own eyes that child-pornography and pedophiliac chat in general has spread like a cancer throughout all of the yahoo chat user created rooms. Yahoo does allow too much room for abuse there. This particular problem is not the only sinister and frightful thing to be found. I really do wish that they would make some changes there.

As one other poster has suggested, doing away with user-created rooms would go a long way toward solving these problems, but then, the people who could do something about it are not reading this thread. I doubt that sending a personal feedback e-mail would help, either.

Now, I'm off to find other threads on which to express my thoughts and opinions. Hopefully ones have been posted in the appropriate forums.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:36 AM

Now, I'm off to find other threads on which to express my thoughts and opinions. Hopefully ones have been posted in the appropriate forums.

It was a discussion posted in a forum where a multitude of things are discussed.
I sincerely hope that there is no forum that openly discusses pedophilia, but i doubt that to be the case.

I agree, it is a very touchy subject with the majority of people, but having said that i think its good to discuss the wrongs that this kind of topic brings to light.

I haven't seen any post or links on ATS that promotes the subject, and i hope i never do.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:06 AM
As someone noted, you can report suspected criminal activity to abuse@domain or you can report child porn as outlined on sites such as this:

You might not remember this well publicized sting operation in 2002:

[edit on 05/4/28 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:12 AM
im sure the FBI already knows about the child porn stuff on yahoo

im going to guess; that the people doing this nowdays are actually not in america or european juristiction

if your in the middle of mexico it makes it Really Really Really hard for the FBI to arrest you over internet child porn
i mean its Really Hard to Bust them

in fact it would be easier and cheaper just to get the CIA to make a hit on them....they know plenty of great assassination methods

im from texas; here we execute our psycho criminals

and i would shed no tear if the child rapists were executed

and mr Jackson; if you get convicted of child rape you should be removed from earth life also

yes i can be very nice politically and take up for many people that probably dont deserve it; BUT; in this case; killing off the child rapists is probably the best solution

Just explain to me in a reasonable way; Why we should keep morbid twisted people like child rapists around???
Why? beause they deserve life? Not any more!
off with their heads! hehe

i am certain that more than half of america will agree with that...
in fact; id bet 500$ that more than 51% of america thinks that
thats more than voted for Bush...

i have a 9month old baby girl; and if someone raped her
i would rip his guts out all over theplace
id do so much more; but its too graphic to describe here...

i dont wanna pay taxes to keep them in prison
no no; a bullet is far cheaper and faster
and it does solve the problem

until you can solve the issue globally in a peaceful progessive method ; a bullet works just fine locally

where is the Punisher when we need em?
we all know how The Punisher solves this stuff

PS - Child Rapists are not born with it; its a Mental Choice!
Crime is not a birth trait; its a mental choice one accepts and acts out within reality; they are intentionally knowingly committing horrific acts because to them; it gets them off
just like murder gets a cerial killer off
just like money gets the greedy man off

its all the same; its a choice plain and simple
dont go trying to protect them by saying they were born with it

but thats just a side point; the main point is we need to find the Punisher and have him clean up this garbage pronto

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:28 PM
The thread starter is probably just trolling for information or fish to bring home for dinner.

Another thread with allot of clueless people.

Like mad dogs with no thought process just the auto-execute mode when they don't understand something. You will never know what is really going on because you have been programmed to give your knee-jerk responses.

There are truly some evil folks out there, but most of them are hiding behind lots of money and are for all intensive purposes - way untouchable unless your the type that can start world war IV.

To lump the whole subject all in one category is preposterous. There's clearly social differences around the world & something called pedophillia in one society might not be labeled that way or illegal in another. Who's right? That's like asking what religion is right. (another words in some places 16 or older is okay & others less than 18 makes you a pedophile) Plus there's differences between pure nakedness and an act of sex or a pose made to provoke a sexual response. In my opinion many youth modeling tight fitting clothing who's creators are trying to provoke a sexual reaction seems to reek of pedophillia more than a naked picture of a youth playing on the beach.

I don't know whether this is all genetic coding or learned behavior that makes such a large group of the population on this planet attracted to this type of material. Though I think part of it must be genetic in order to ensure survival of our species. Think about it - If your capable of thinking beyond your one response programming. When I say large group I'm not talking about just those who are prosecuted for pedophillia I'm talking about - why are the most successful models & pornstars the ones who look like little girls? Have you ever asked youself that question? I guess most of the human race must be monsters if legal images of models & pornstars are who look like little girls are making the most money. Do you plan on executing most of the human race for looking at those images or just those who actually hurt children?

I believe much of the stuff traded on the Internet has been originally planted by law enforcement and has been encoded with material that will call home or resist deletion, place hidden files ect. and start an investigation - & send your IP out just like add spyware. So I really suspect our thread poster is someone with a beef or law enforcement looking to attract some users.

Who are the monsters? I guess we can keep going after the little ones and keep pretending we're doing something good. Or if you have enough balls investigate further. There appear to be some on this planet who see us as prey & they use us in many different ways from sex to slavery and all along keeping us against each other so we don't look their way.

Here's a clue for you - most of you have been programmed with your Eyes Wide Shut & that's all I will say to keep the wolves & real monsters away.

Yes, if your wondering I'm against hurting human beings - especially our children.

[edit on 28-4-2005 by outsider]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by outsider
The thread starter is probably just trolling for information or fish to bring home for dinner.

Another thread with allot of clueless people.

Gotta take exception to the above quote you made.
If you care to read my posts in this thread, you will see that i gave advice as to how to report the problem, as did many others.

maybe you ought to edit the quote while its still fresh?

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 01:03 AM
Uh, what was the point again? Anyways, it doesn't, there are some sites that do cyber youth, where they take a pic of a 18 year old and make her look underage, since she isn't underage it is legal, in some places, had a Law & Order on that.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by outsider
The thread starter is probably just trolling for information or fish to bring home for dinner.]

Very nice of you , are you this polite with everyone ?

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:26 AM
I'm not always right, but that's the feeling I got from your post - maybe I'm wrong & you're just a bit new to the net or a little naive I don't know. This type of stuff has been on the net since before the World Wide Web & when people bring up the ugly subject again I just figure it's someone on a personal crusade because they discovered something new that they don't like or someone trying to get attention with other agenda in mind. Sorry I didn't mean it to be an attack upon you. Yes I'm a little harsh with people sometimes, but that's my nature & as time goes on I get more mellow everyday.

[edit on 30-4-2005 by outsider]

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:34 AM
If you notice people preying on children, another organization to contact would the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They catch a lot of Pedos every year by referring internet chats and message board posts to the FBI every year. In fact, they may be the number one organization in terms of impact in that area.

So in answer to this thread: no more so than the rest of the internet. It's the nature of the beast. Like most communities, the internet works best when self-policed.

If you see someone commit a crime, report it. Simple as that.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
As someone noted, you can report suspected criminal activity to abuse@domain or you can report child porn as outlined on sites such as this:

You might not remember this well publicized sting operation in 2002:

And those sites, rooms, e-mails, etc. are often "allowed" to persist to catch people. It preys on their weaknesses like a magent.

Remember AOL's motto: AOL, where the men are men, the women are too and the children are all Federal Agents.

[edit on 30-4-2005 by RANT]

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
If you notice people preying on children, another organization to contact would the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Thank you for posting this, WyrdeOne! I did not know that there was an organization taking on this task!

Here is a link to their Cyber Tipline page:

I have been fighting this battle on my own for years, with little success. In fact, someone from the FBI wrote and asked me to stop submitting logs of IP addresses a couple of years ago LoL.

It is encouraging to see that there are people working together to stomp out this massive monster.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:55 AM
No, thank you! You did me one better by posting the link.

There're a lot of concerned people, but very few are active.

As far as the FBI telling you to limit your contribution, that seems like caseload getting in the way of doing their job.

Probably too busy hunting terrorists...

There's plenty of real crimes and real criminals to be caught and locked up, no reason to spend eternity turning on and off the bedroom light, trying to catch the boogeyman.

Anyway, the involved agencies do a pretty good job, but there are exponentially more perverts than agents, and that's obviously tough to surmount.

I sort of understand the root cause, it's our instinctual programming, our evolved evolutionary psychology taken to the extreme. Young partners are preferable because they have more years of child bearing ahead of them, however, there is an obvious difference between a young woman and a child. This difference is lost on the perverts for some reason. It might be chemical, something in the reward sector of their brain, it might be emotional, something in their past. I don't know, and I imagine it varies a great deal from individual to individual.

In any case, parents can do a great deal to stop the abuse of their children by simply supporting and protecting their children.

In a neighborhood that locks their doors, so they say, there is little theft.

So lock your child! Errr...I mean, watch your child. Be involved in their life. Don't use the internet to babysit them. Teach them the proper way to deal with strangers, and impress upon them the need to tell you, the parent, everything that goes on during their day. This way, you can hear about the lead in, or the seduction phase as it's often called, before anything bad happens.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 09:07 AM
You have voted WyrdeOne for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 08:28 PM
The internet is a very sick and sad place. It grows exponentially everyday and is the home of pornogrophers, swindlers, criminals, perverts, etc. This problem is way beyond Yahoo. And if it's happening on yahoo, it's happening on AOL, MSN, etc.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 04:50 AM
What you think there was no child porn before the internet? Please.
There has been child porn since there was photography, and child prostitution since the dawn of time.

If anyone has any illusion that the goverment will ever stop any kind of organized crime, you are pipe dreaming with a hand full of K-Y jelly. The government is ineffectual at protecting anyone.

For instance, when they arrest someone for child porn, the child is already exploited, in fact several hundred children have already been expoited, and the cops get one person to put in jail for 10 years.

You know there are several cases where the government is the one who is shipping child porn in the mail, enticing people to order more of it, and then arresting them after they have alread received piles of this stuff from the government

Also the "ped stopper" cops, actually get paid to surf the web looking at kiddie porn, other guys get paid to chat up men on the internet trying to entice them into underage sex.

You have to wonder, what kind of freak could collect paychecks for this?
I sure the hell couldn't, I'd get fired jailed after killing the first guy I caught.

Back in my teens I ran into a few guys who offered me money for sex, although they didn't outright say "I'm going to rape you for cash", they offered "a ride" or money. I always wished I could get away with murder in those instances, damn stupid morals that prevented me from sweeping the streets clean of human trash.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by outsider
I'm not always right, but that's the feeling I got from your post - maybe I'm wrong & you're just a bit new to the net or a little naive I don't know. This type of stuff has been on the net since before the World Wide Web & when people bring up the ugly subject again I just figure it's someone on a personal crusade because they discovered something new that they don't like or someone trying to get attention with other agenda in mind. Sorry I didn't mean it to be an attack upon you. Yes I'm a little harsh with people sometimes, but that's my nature & as time goes on I get more mellow everyday.

[edit on 30-4-2005 by outsider]

aaaw i'm blushing , no hard feelings mate , i guess all this stuff is new to me , and it really makes me sick , because if i try to get a journal article i go through hell and porn is free ......

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

Originally posted by kinglizard
*preemptive post*

Please don't post links to pedophile type chat rooms.

Good point. I was asking for evidence that this goes on in Yahoo.
IE news items etc. Maybe i should have been more specific in my last post.

if you want proof just go to yahoo games in the public rooms there are all kinds of porn being advertised in the chat area of the screen.(cam girls etc.). i have sent feedback on this and got no response(all hail the mighty ad dollar)

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 12:53 PM
What the thread is about, is pedophilia being present on Yahoo, and does Yahoo allow it?

Porn in general is not really the discussion here.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Bikereddie
What the thread is about, is pedophilia being present on Yahoo, and does Yahoo allow it?

Porn in general is not really the discussion here.

well how would you feel if your eight-twelve year old is playing a game in a public chat area and is bombarded with porn adverts in the chat itself.could you make it part of the discussion then.exposure is exposure isn't it!!

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