a reply to:
I'd be interested to knowthe breakdown of the parental demographics...because in several circles, from single moms with multiple children to wealthy
lazziez faire parents, the last two generations of parents seem to have cranked out children with no regard for how they turn out as socieital
I'm Gen X and was pretty much tended to until I was five years of age, at which point I was given an alarm clock and expected to wake myself up in the
morning, get myself ready for school make my own breakfast and catch the bus because both my parents were already at work by the time my alarm went
off, but that was during the 80's and 90's before the information highway was pumped directly into my eyeballs at 5G speeds.
Oh sure, once I reached eight I was a little hellion when I was wandering the neighborhood and woods, but my Father had the good fortune to be a
military carrer man and we could afford to live in a safe quiet suburban neighborhood and he was insistant onmaking sure we lived in a good school
district with an emphasis on good fundamental education.
Whatever trouble I got into was of my own doing and own making, and it was little more than roughhousing and ripped jeans back then from outdoor play
and I was a pretty obiedent kid anyway because when my Father gets angry he's a force of nature and the sound of his voice alone is enough to stike
fear into the hearts of a kid like me.
Long story short, back then when the sociological experiment with the youth was in full swing, the music was much more higher minded and less
sexualized, and ever since the collapse of the Twin Towers and advent of cell phones and the rise of the internet and home recording studios on a
budget cranking out filth available at every convience store for five bucks and no oversight from the major recording labels, things began to take off
at a slow but exponentally increasing rate.
My gneration wasn't perfect by anymeans, but their causal parenting approach for the majority of low income single parent households under the
"revolutionary values" instilled by their experiences during the Grunge revolution has given rise to kids entrained on touchscreens with such speed
that they can do significant damage in a virtual blink of an eye.
When we moved out here to the Nowhere last year, a young woman with a meth habit going through a fight with her husband knocked on our door an hour
after we put our new door mat down. Her husband had thrown her flimsy thing and unprotected dollar store phone and broken it,and she was desperae for
a bottle of water as their had been shut off for nonpayment because her husband was mad ather for using her phone to solict sex from stranger to
afford her drug habit.
She asked if she could use my phone to call for a ride from family. Normally I refuse to let anyone use my phone for multiple reasons, but she was in
a panic due to the water and utilities being cut off and my heart went out to her and she seemed coherent enough to take a chance on. I offered her
my phone, but I was heavily on guard and watched her like a hawk.
Within two seconds of being given my cell with the keypad already opened, she had accessed my camera roll, backed out, scanned my contact list and
files. I don't keep anything important on my phone because my Father worked in cybersecurities with the Air Force and cautioned me not to keep
anything important like financial details on it.
Her fingers and thumbs worked at lightspeed, and within five minutes she had called five members of her friends and family and finally got a ride.
Now, I'm slow on my phone because if I move too fast I make stupid mistakes and get flooded with information overload and last time I tried to move
fast on the device I got overstimulated, my mania kicked into overdrive and I ended up having a schizophenic episode and wound up in inpatient.
Subliminals. Flashes of light as the device updates and reroutes, advertisements at every turn, it's like the concept of "blipverts" from Max
Headroom and the brain has a mild epileptic seizure. At least for me. When I came out of treatment my Father told me to be cautious about "trying to
be an influencer and to take it easy on my phone"...now I just use the device for calls and text with family and doctors appointments.
Now imagine that type of synaptic stimulation to kids glued to their interactive device and nefarious alorithms "guiding" the participant deeper and
deeper into the rabbithole., the brain subconsciously registering every redirect, add and misclick.
Last time I was in inpatient there were several 20 somethings who made the stay very unpleasant, the males were hyperexcitable and criminally adept
and sharing tips and tricks about their cause de celeb, and they were suffering from internet and drug withdrawl from being involuntarily committed on
a court order in leiu of incarceration.
Most of the young women were quiet and sullen, ravaging their meals because their drug habits took precadent over buying healthy food, several of the
young women made mention of their children at home and were worried about CPS or exhusbands taking their kids away. One young woman was branded with
an all seeing eye on her chest during a blackout from her drug addiction and she was excitedly bragging about all the times she blacked out on her
drug binges and woke up in jail, and how her mother was taking care of her two children. Absloute narcissist.
And these are just the kids that I know of.
I've seen cases on the internet of "underprivilaged" parents who give their eight year old a smart phone and the next thing you know the young girls
are online sending self produced child porn to poterntial "clients". There is a trend of certain mothers creating "modeling websites" of their beauty
pagent daughters and taking comissions from "intereted parties" for custom hotos of their young daughters eating hotdogs or posing with phallic
objects which can be easily photoshopped to satify the pedophilliac fantasy.
Soem parents are openly grooming their daughters for the sex trade from an early age, and once the daughter hits puberty and the hormones and female
power fantasies of "sex is powerful" kick in to overdrive, the amount of self generated porn increases tenfold. Some turn to prostitution and selling
images online in order to "have a part time job" because it's "liberating" and makeup, fashion and props cost time and money.
Most men wave this aside because, well, mena re men and naked childs and all that, but single mothers are actively encouraging this behavior, either
to help make ends meet in the lower socioeconmic circles or to give their kids an "start" intheir own "business model" for as long as their looks and
viability hold out.
Long story short, yes, it's the parents responsibility to raise their kids to be aware of right from wrong, how to use these technologies for self
enrichment and so forth, but unfortunately, a lot of today's parents simply don't have the time, training or inclination to produe a viable and well
rounded world citizen. Instead, they're producing "influencers" and those kids have more sway over other kids from households where the parent or
parents pretty much do little mroe than engage in cotius, give birth, change diapers, hand their toddler a device and go back to stroking their own
pleasure/reward systems while their kids are distracted.
It's a vicious cycle.