posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to:
network dude
Yes, let's be clear here dude. The federal law was established to provide citizens the right to re establish themselves on the voting lists after
having been purged. That is the ''quiet period'' provision.
Virginia says no, that ''quiet period'' is unnecessary because we now have the means to correct incorrect purges in a much shorter time. So there is
no need for that ''quiet period'' because we have established rules for incorrect purging to be corrected insuring citizen voting rolls.
I agree with Virginia and the Supreme Court decision.
The real opposition here, it seems to me is those who favor abiding by Federal Law instead of State Law. As I have not paid any attention to the
whining of democrats over this issue I do not know on what grounds they might be whining. However it is pretty clear about why Republicans are
whining, they think this whole thing is a Biden plot to get non citizens on the voting rolls of Virginia with little to no proof at all.