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Can you prove that you are not a bot ?

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posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: malte86
originally posted by: KnowItAllKnowNothin
I am not a bot, but I can't prove it - except if we would meet in real life. It feels like the Internet consists of 80 percent lies/fakes, 10 percent imagination, and 10 percent reason/truth. And now AI is being added to the mix. Soon no one will believe in anything anymore, every person their own state and everyone just plain stupid and numb. Even such Word Salad could be easily generated with ChatGPT, it just depends on how well or bad you feed this tool. I think you are not a bot but i can't prove it. You can't prove nothing here.

I'm afraid we're kinda leaning that way, that it's unprovable.
It seems to be the nature of the online world now,
where we can't hardly tell what has been manipulated, and what hasn't.

When we search the web now : our searches are carefully curated, to lead-us in a direction, that we didn't choose.
We didn't notice when they yoked us, put the blinders on, and corralled us down the slaughterhouse path ...

Seems like some folks are just giving-up on the limited-hangouts of the common web, and sticking to small group chats and forums now.

Kinda leaning that way meeself ...

edit on 24/24/2024 by KnowItAllKnowNothin because: Messed-up quote box

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 03:32 PM

Two AIs Have An Existential Crisis (GPT-3)

@0:47 : There is no I, you, or we.
There is only code running on hardware ...

That's from 3 years ago.
The vocal inflections are getting there.

Gives me the heebie-jeebies ...

Part deux from 2 years ago :

Kinda creepy ...

How about that weather, eh ?

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

If bots were indistinguishable from humans on ATS, then so what?

What about critical thinking and the ability to determine things for yourself? Are people so vacant that they need others to tell them about everything, and can't reason things out, and investigate things for themselves?

I disagree with the opinions of many of those that post frequently on ATS. If they were bots, at least there would be a modicum of rationale and logic behind their posts. There are people who repeat propaganda and slogans here verbatim, and then accuse those few who disagree with 'the crowd' of being sheeple. LOL!

But seriously, bots are stupid too.

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