While waiting for someone to get into the right track concerning the ultimate occult symbology, more on obvious details:
In roughly 1118, a group of some thirty knights including Hugh of Payens and Godfrey of Saint-Omer vowed to observe poverty and chastity, and to
protect Christians on pilgrimages to the Holy Land from vagabonds and enemies.(3) A decade later, at the Council of Troyes, these Poor Knights of
Christ and of the Temple of Solomon--better known as Templars--were formally recognized by the Church. In the centuries after, they would play a
prominent role in the course of the Crusades, and in Mediterranean and European politics.
The Rule given to the Templars had as a model the Rule of St. Benedict, influenced greatly by the reformed Cistercian version, and from this base
developed their own distinct code of military, spiritual, and everyday life. As a result, the Benedictine and Templar Rules bear considerable
similarities. Both the Templars and Benedictines prescribe leaders expecting complete obedience...
Key thread to understand Glory of the olive:
May 8, 1945 - the bloodiest conspiracy ever ended with an illuminati defeat, 60 years ago www.abovetopsecret.com...