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Routh is a patsy groomed by the CIA and trained at Fort Bragg"

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posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Assassin Routh had a


Bumper Sticker on his Truck.

No doubt where his allegiance fell:

Figures. 🤪

He apparently flew into Florida from Hawaii just a day or two prior to the incident. He acquired both the truck and the gun once he arrived in Florida. The plates on the truck were stolen from another vehicle.

Do really think he took the time to locate a "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker while plotting his "assassination"attempt?

Or did specifically search for used vehicle with such a sticker already attached?
edit on 19-9-2024 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Those that head to his rallies do not demonstrate to me any education at all. What they demonstrate to me is that they are victims of celebrity culture. Celebrity culture loves the same thing over and over again. Celebrities offer that. Actors playing the same type rolls movie after movie after movie. Singers and musicians offering the same kind of song album after album, show after show. People showing up concert after concert, city after city just to be in a huge crowd of like minded fans and then going home again to brag that ''they were there''. And yes, all those who attend Trump rallies will vote for Trump. They are fans. However I see no reason to consider this a reflection of the broader scope of the voting public other than of course those who support Harris in her rallies in the same fashion. As for the polls, ,I also pay little attention to them because of, just as you point out, their bias.Yet even then, didn't Trump come out right after his tv show with Harris and claim that he won the debate? He cited polls he did, and claimed that they were indicative of his victory. He claimed that all the polls had him winning. 60/40, 70/30. even as high as 92/6. So here, Trump would have us believe in BIASED polls. Myself, I have no time or patience to discover ANY poll that is unbiased so I just give them no heed.

I have to disagree with you. Funny that you would see anyone that supports Trump as uneducated, I think that’s a extremely ignorant assertion on your part. I get it that there are some people that support Trump that could be perceived the way the msm has you programmed to see him and his supporters but most of what I see as far as his supporters are people that are just sick n tired of all the democrats insane bs that’s been destroying this country, such as the open borders. The last four years have been one failure after another and the lies and hypocrisy from the dems to cover up all their failures has been off the charts.

Conservatives aren’t as stupid as you think Terry. Matter of fact I think the opposite is true, I see the majority of dems as stupid brainwashed cult zombies that have no concept of critical thinking whatsoever. I see it in comments here every day. Reason being is that you have to be pretty ignorant to ignore the damage the dem party has caused the last four years and you have to be a special kind of stupid to want four more years of the same people that have created the dumpster fire we’re seeing now. That tells me that they’re the uneducated ones that have allowed themselves to be programmed and brainwashed sheep. I’m just not seeing that on the right at the level I do with the right.

Another metric I’ve been judging my opinion on has been YouTube and FB comments which I find to be more telling than any poll. That is there is not as much support for Kamala as people think. The overwhelming general census is that people are done with the dems BS and their constant lies. This includes all minorities, they’re done with it. Yes, there’s a lot of bots n shills but they’re fairly easy to spot once you know what to look for. Almost all of the bots I see are a product of the left not the right, I would even goes as high as 90% leftist bots to 10% on the right and that’s being generous.

All that being said I think the fix is in no matter. We’ll witness another rigged election guaranteed. Democracy is all but dead in this country and I LMAO every time I hear the sheep on the left use the term.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Assassin Routh had a


Bumper Sticker on his Truck.

No doubt where his allegiance fell:

Figures. 🤪

He apparently flew into Florida from Hawaii just a day or two prior to the incident. He acquired both the truck and the gun once he arrived in Florida. The plates on the truck were stolen from another vehicle.

Do really think he took the time to locate a "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker while plotting his "assassination"attempt?

Or did specifically search for used vehicle with such a sticker already attached?
WTH are you talking about??? His truck with the Harris bumper sticker was parked in front of his home in Hawaii that was raided by the FBI.

A better pic

Are you saying he also had one on the vehicle he used in the attempt? I think you need to get your narrative in order bud.
edit on 19-9-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

I have to disagree with you. Funny that you would see anyone that supports Trump as uneducated,

Hold it right there will ya. What I said was ''

Those that head to his rallies do not demonstrate to me any education at all. What they demonstrate to me is that they are victims of celebrity culture.

Let me clarify as I can see now how easy it can be read that in a manner I did not intend it to suggest that i see his supporters as uneducated. Attending a political rally to me is not a demonstration of intelligence or lack of intelligence, just as attending a popular singers massive show is indicative of intelligence. i did not imagine that anyone would interpret otherwise in the in the context of the rest of tht paragraph. If you noticed, I ended that paragraph pointing out that I see people attending Harris rallies in he same way.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Most people I know that support Trump understand the national debt and are disappointed by Trump and the handling of the budget his time in office. And they understand that Harris blindly and wrongly shows no concern for the national debt. Spend &itches spend.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

My error.

Did not realize that the truck in question was in Hawaii.

Point taken.

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