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Routh is a patsy groomed by the CIA and trained at Fort Bragg"

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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:39 AM
There are just to many indicators pointing to Routh being sponsored by some party to kill Trump. First class airplane ticket from Hawaii bought by a dude who makes $3000 a month doing roofing..... that monthly salary must include all the time he was globe trotting trying to recruit mercenaries to fight for Ukraine.

The deep state wants Trump out of the picture or their house of cards may come to a devastating fall down event.

The weapon he had was an SKS .... I owned 2 and they are more accurate that any AK-47 I have ever shot or owned.

Ryan Wesley Routh is a patsy groomed by the deep state to carry out a hit on Donald Trump says Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer.

edit on 727thk24 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

The problem is, what happens when they send a real shooter ? So far, it's been people who can't shoot worth a damn and look like crazies bent on some Holy Mission [ at least in their own eyes ].

What if the Deep State gets tired of playing games and sends the real thing. They know his moves days in advance. The campaign stops, rallies etc.

With the complete incompetence of the Secret Service, it's be easy for an "accident" to happen.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:17 AM
Why would they use, in BOTH attempts, ineffective gunmen using semi automatic rifles for a long range target?

Are these shadow governors just a bunch of cheapskates shopping for assassin's at Goodwill?

For a target like Trump, first class airplane tickets are peanuts. He is easily a $50,000 minimum in untraceable cash target.

If they put a hit out on him, there will be at least 2 gunmen for the event. To ensure the kill and to obfuscate, just like JFK.

We're dealing with John Hinckley Jr's, not Lee Harvey Oswalds.
edit on 18-9-2024 by TinfoilTophat because: James Earl Ray NOT James Earl Jones

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

i owned three, a russian made sks, a yugo Zastava M59/66 PAP sks clone, and a norinco sks paratrooper that uses real ak magazines instead of the ones made to replace the box mags i hate those hard to carry and sort of awkward to insert as much as i hated the stripper clips to load them. on occasions it will fire in 3 round bursts. at first i thought it was slam firing, then one day i was trying to find out why it did and found a article in one of the gun magazines where they were wanting people to let them know if their sk's were doing that. i also found out that norinco made a version that had selective fire. so i'm kinda figuring that parts may have been mixed up.

all were pre ban and i fitted all them with fiber force stocks had to shorten the butts cause the were a little to long and hard for me to shoulder.

here's the sweet part, 100 bucks for the russian and yugo, and 115 for the paratrooper. and your right they are shootin little rifles for the money.

edit on 18-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

150 yards is not long range.

An AR-15 style rifle is perfectly capable of producing a 1" group at 150 yards with iron sights.

400 yards is not a difficult shot either for a man sized target.

I've never shot an SKS, but 400 yards is well within it's effective range.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

I think now it is more important to have someone cought in the attempt to kill Trump than to actually kill him. I'm also think that will change very soon. I don't think some of the ones in charge are fully ready for the concequenses quite yet. Despiration has not fully set in but is well on the way.

Sometimes a warning shot is more useful than a kill shot for some purposes.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Crooks and Routh are the Best Democrats can do. They picked and groomed Biden and Harris too. See the pattern?

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:31 AM
The limited evidence we have does point to Routh be associated in some way to US Intelligence.
It's still not clear how a man arrested for having a fully automatic machine gun and an hrs long stand off with police did not go to jail and has since managed to get to Ukraine and quite publicly try to recruit fighters.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:31 AM
They can't pull any more Pandemic lockdowns for voting fraud.

They know that fake and fraud Harris can't beat Trump in a fair and square election.

The next logical thing for them is taking him out this way.

It's really funny to hear them say "We are relieved that Trump was not hurt" when all they've tried to do is hurt him any way they can.

What an awkward couple of phone calls those would have been with Harris and Biden calling him.

"We told the entire country you are Hitler but we are happy you are fine"
edit on 18-9-2024 by RazorV66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:44 AM
Well ... I expect to see more attempts.
The election is getting close ... so their time to get him before that is running out.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The attempts will not stop, unless he is "defeated" in the election.

If he is elected, the attempts will probably get worse and more brazen. TPTB don't want Trump having any sort of power ever again and they will do anything to make that a reality.

Speaking of TPTB:
edit on 18-9-2024 by PorkChop96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:19 AM
They sent Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t they?
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:27 AM

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:32 AM
I'm on board with the thought that if the deep state, letter agencies really wanted him dead, he'd be dead.
For one thing, it's pretty clear by now that any attacks on him, either projectile or verbal enhance his popularity poll-wise and allow for the doubling down on the persecution narrative.

So who really gets the advantage from these attempts on his life, those who want him to win do. As long as those attempts fail. For now anyway. Once he wins that failure part could change dramatically.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

"what happens when they send a real shooter ?"

Nest time it will be 2 shooters in a crossfire.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
I'm on board with the thought that if the deep state, letter agencies really wanted him dead, he'd be dead.
For one thing, it's pretty clear by now that any attacks on him, either projectile or verbal enhance his popularity poll-wise and allow for the doubling down on the persecution narrative.

So who really gets the advantage from these attempts on his life, those who want him to win do. As long as those attempts fail. For now anyway. Once he wins that failure part could change dramatically.

there it is. He hoaxed it.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

They send a real shooter that gets the assignment done; they need to prepare for a full-on civil war. That would be the only outcome I could see if they actually managed to take him out. You may not get his entire voting base, but I would wager a few million people at least, which would be more than enough.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: network dude

I did not say ''he'' hoaxed'' it.

Did I.

I said, those who want him to win would be a logical assumption. Come on dude. Are you one of those who believe that all those who want him to win love him sooooo much? That's not realistic. Sure, some do. But Trump holds a lot of power, correct? And historically, what happens if a man who holds that much power suddenly is gone, for whatever reason. There is a mad rush by those who were envious of that power rush to grab it. Any notion that there are no quiet and lurking wannabes hovering at the edge of the Trumpian power bubble is extremely short sighted.

edit on 705559102024Sep2024-09-18T10:55:31-05:001020242024 by BingoMcGoof because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
Why would they use, in BOTH attempts, ineffective gunmen using semi automatic rifles for a long range target?

Are these shadow governors just a bunch of cheapskates shopping for assassin's at Goodwill?

For a target like Trump, first class airplane tickets are peanuts. He is easily a $50,000 minimum in untraceable cash target.

If they put a hit out on him, there will be at least 2 gunmen for the event. To ensure the kill and to obfuscate, just like JFK.

We're dealing with John Hinckley Jr's, not Lee Harvey Oswalds.

They need someone like those two for the optics. It needs to look believable and they also need to be people who are expendable. Besides one didn’t miss the target, Trump moved. The other one was stopped before he could line up his shot, so I wouldn’t say they were 100% ineffective gunmen.

The public would buy into a passionately unhinged lone gunman quicker than a government trained assassin(s) that is going to want an astronomical amount of money and not to get caught.

They would want this person captured, or even killed, so they could quickly close the case like they did with the first attempt.
They wouldn’t want another JFK where sleuths spend decades breaking down the lie the gov has presented.

In the age of cameras and social media it is both harder to get away with it and also easier to weave a story of sicko wanting the fame, or believing they are the answer to “saving democracy”.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: network dude

I did not say ''he'' hoaxed'' it.

Did I.

I said, those who want him to win would be a logical assumption. Come on dude. Are you one of those who believe that all those who want him to win love him sooooo much? That's not realistic. Sure, some do. But Trump holds a lot of power, correct? And historically, what happens if a man who holds that much power suddenly is gone, for whatever reason. There is a mad rush by those who were envious of that power rush to grab it. Any notion that there are no quiet and lurking wannabes hovering at the edge of the Trumpian power bubble is extremely short sighted.

LOL, so you didn't say "he hoaxed it", but it would just be logical that he hoaxed it. Own your words Terry, if you are going to say them, own them.

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