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Sen. Johnson Asks the CDC How Many Americans Were Killed by COVID Shots

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posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: BasicResearchMethods

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

During Covid. Maybe you don't live in the US, but science was used to stifle our basic human rights.

When people and corporations were coerced by Biden, or else lose their jobs if they did not get vaccinated, it became partisan. Do you remember the Biden mandate that companies with more than 100 employees must require vaccinations or weekly testing?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

You're confusing public policy with science.

And Trump was president during COVID...

Simplification leads to simplistic understanding.

Public policy that used science to mandate people to give up their basic rights.

Biden was who used science to enforce the mandate.

I don't care how simplistic your understanding is. I'm not here to denigrate anyones understading. You do you.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: BasicResearchMethods

originally posted by: xuenchen

Science has been a Partisan issue for decades. Many decades. Think "Profit" and think "Control" and think "Power". 😊

edit on Sep-16-2024 by xuenchen because: 🤡😡

You're confusing production with research.

I didn't realise "conservatives" were against profit.

You are misunderstanding. "Research" always has "Profit" in mind and in funding. 😀

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Some one must be confusing conservative with capitalism.


They're not the same.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

My 95 year mother got Covid while she was in a nursing home getting therapy late last year. I ended up getitng it, too. It was making the rounds. She was never vaxxed, neither was I. For her and I it was like a cold, but I did lose my sense of taste and smell. Her vaxxed roommate got pneumonia and had to be put on oxygen. My mother and I recovered from Covid. The vaxxes did nothing to protect those who got them and they killed millions of people from the side effects. Some quickly, some years later. There's still a spike in younger peoples deaths from them. Fauci needs to be tried for mass murder. Add to that all who pushed for the vaxxes to be forced on people and who coerced people into getting them and the vaxx manufacturers.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

You'll never get a correct answer. 3 forms listed on death certificates:

Cause: Heart Attack
Reason: Traffic accident
Histology: Cardio Vascular events, TIA's, Stroke

Now...UNLESS you can eliminate the obvious variables...X (times)'d never know for sure....which caused that death...even if they DIDNT get jabbed.

Obvious he had an accident...which caused the heart attack behind the wheel, and with a history of...or no history of ...provides us..and me...which way to investigate....
edit on 09245330America/ChicagoTue, 17 Sep 2024 08:45:53 -050045202400000053 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 12:06 AM
Covid was a trial run to collect data for future planning?

How well people responded to the MSM presententaion favroing getting the safe and effective vaccine, while placing the infected in nursing homes amongst the most vulnerable.
How well the population responded to encintives, like free pixxa, $5.00 for getting vaccinated, etc. etc.
How hard the pushback to lockdowns was.

Big bonus: MASSIVE test group to try and perfect technology they had been struggling with for over two decades tin order to qualify for trial testing.

We know 'properly connected' people became millionaires overnight by adjusting their stock portfolios or investing in a product that would be in great demand.

TPTB know how to handle the next pandemic; what works and what doesn't. Make no mistake; there will be another pndemic when needed to divert our attention from something more important.

They won't go full on China or Gestapo next time. Getting vaccinated for the next pandemic will be totally 'free will', but if you're not vaccinated you won't be allowed in any public buildings 'for the safety' of others. That will include grocery stores and pharmacies.
You won't be allowed in a medical clinic or hospital 'for the safety of others'.

You won't be required to wear a gold star, but you will be required to 'show your (vaccine) papers'.

Your kids won't be allowed in school unless they're vaccinated and will be removed from your custody if they're not of legal age to drop out of school.

You won't be receiving SSID, supplimental income, food stamps , medicare coverage, health insurance or gov. assistance of any kind if you're not vaccinated.

History repeating itself, indeed.

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