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Has the apocalypse already happened and are we living in the "little season" of Revelations?

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posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

My 2nd Grade teacher was Mrs. Novak.

I remember reading the story of The North Wind and the Sun for the first time in her class. Sure, I know now that it's one of Aesop's Fables with a moral about gentle persuasion, but I do think that the effects of sunshine vs cold wind do have a real influence on clothing we wear or remove.

It has been a while since I have driven a car at night. In the year 2000 I drove across a floating bridge and was starting up a long hill when I saw a bright light in the night sky; brighter than the stars. When I told the story to my boss the next day, he said it was the International Space Station. So I believe that I have actually seen it.

The Copernican model was owned by my 4th Grade teacher, Mrs. Stockton. I don't think she was married. I think that social convention of that time dictated that teachers be called Mister or Missus for some reason having to do with respect for authority.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: FullHeathen

I suppose a bossman is just another direct authority, like our elementary-school teachers were.

Question authority ?

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

I suppose a bossman is just another direct authority, like our elementary-school teachers were.

Not exactly. The boss and I were closer to being peers as far as the sciences are concerned. But he had the advantage of having followed the progress of the ISS mission, and even heard a local update on the radio that the ISS would be visible at a certain time of the night. Just about the time I saw it, as it turned out.

Question authority ?

Perhaps a virtue up to a certain point. Once the utility has been reached, the further pursuit merely brings a halt to advancement.


John raises his hand "Dr. Bose, can you explain how that works?"

Dr. Bose replies, "I explained that to you yesterday, and you understood it, didn't you?"


"And the day before, correct?"


"Then why, John " askes Dr. Bose "are you asking again?"

"Because," explains John "Dr. Sanders says we should always question authority."

In case you have missed it, I have actually questioned the authority of Jesus himself, with my idea that Jesus may have been mistaken when claiming certain things would occur in his future.

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