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Has the apocalypse already happened and are we living in the "little season" of Revelations?

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posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Are you goin on about that book of Revelations? That account of the downfall of the previous civilization is often mistaken as being a prediction.

The title of the book of Revelation is taken from the first sentence of its text:

"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His servants the things that must soon take place."

It is a single revelation, not revelations.

Nor does it recount the downfall of a previous civilization. It is clearly descriptive of events which had not occurred previously, and many of which have, even now, not yet happened.

edit on 2024-09-15T05:13:12-05:0005Sun, 15 Sep 2024 05:13:12 -050009am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: nugget1

What if it's more about stability? Or relative peace...

The world is pretty stable, and we are living in peaceful time compared to other periods...

Absolutes are not a thing in nature, although the Bible and it's proponents would want you to belive. Absolutes is the tool of manipulators, dictators, and warmongers.

The human mind is not suited for absolutes, and neither is the world around us.
the only absolute we handle is death...

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

This is so interesting I never really understood this theory I have to do a short day today at work so when I get off I'm gonna watch the videos and thanks for posting them.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: FullHeathen

Sorry. I could not watch past the middle of Part 2. His "I'm a biblical cosmologist and I don't know how to make a working model of the flat Earth, but I know that all maps are false."

That’s fine, but that’s not exactly what he says. It’s in the beginning of part two and he says “I’m a biblical cosmologist “ he continues “ I’m not one to pinpoint a working model because I don’t know what the working model is. You look at the book of Enoch, everything moves through portals it gets really weird, it’s not quite as simple as a flat disc with a dome on top necessarily like the weird mainstream conspiratorial model. I think it’s way more trippy than that.” He literally says he’s doesn’t believe the flat earth model, but he does emphasize he doesn’t believe the mainstream maps of the North Pole.

And every history book ever written is a lie, even the Church Fathers and the Nicaean Council, but somehow, miraculously, Matthew 25 and Revelation 20 are pristine truth and nothing but the truth.

What does Matthew 25 have to do with this or the shape of the Earth? While Revelation 20 talks about casting satan into the bottomless pit and then later he is released. Also nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

The floating mountain or city is his take on the subject, he’s literally spitballing his ideas, he even suggests the camp of saints could be inside the Earth like legendary Agatha or Shambala.
He does seem set on it being in the middle because Satan later surrounds it with his army. Again his take, but not everyone’s. Other on the subject have their own ideas, he’s not the end all be all of the subject.
He likes to refer to the original North Pole map Mercator map which shows the black mountain in the center of the pole.

Copernican model of the solar system is a Satanic lie. The floating city has been hovering over the North Pole since 70 A.D. invisible to ground telescopes, satellites, Hubbell and Webb telescopes, balloons, planes. Oh wait! Satellites and space telescopes are Satanic lies.

Does he say any of that about Copernican model is a satanic lie? I missed it if he did. Hubbell, Webb telescopes look away from Earth. Any satellite images I’ve seen of the North Pole are not clear enough to see below the cloud cover. Do planes normally fly from North to South over the poles? Are they allowed to?

I think that I will stick with the modernized Copernican model of the Solar system, and have blind faith that ISS is real and actually orbiting the Earth.

The ISS orbits Earth from west to east in low Earth orbit so it would not see a clear image of the poles. It’s obviously up there because we can see it from the ground.

It’s absolutely fine you don’t like the theory, but it’s not his. He, like others, have taken it and are actively adding to it so there are going to be some wild takes on it for sure.
edit on 15-9-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 09:59 AM
Yes death is absolute, we all deal with death. Many things cause death and we are aware and deal with them. There are absolute limits on all kinds of things in nature. Absolute zero, terminal velocity, force of gravity. Light and dark. States of energy.

We are highly suited for absolutes. And so is nature.

a reply to: Terpene

edit on 15-9-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

This is so interesting I never really understood this theory I have to do a short day today at work so when I get off I'm gonna watch the videos and thanks for posting them.

It’s interesting at least, as I keep emphasizing it’s a working theory and no one has a complete picture of it. I do find it telling that Jesus did tell his disciples he would be back in their day, not ours. When he finally gets to scripture in his video it does seem to make that clear.
How does it all work after that? Who knows? I certainly don’t.
I had never heard about the events of 70 AD before this and how the temple was destroyed as Revelation said it would, which is believed to be written in 66 AD, only 4 years before the siege of Jerusalem. I’m sure the people of that time would think the apocalypse was upon them as they endured the hell of the invading Roman army.

If it interest you please don’t just take the views of the guy in the video as pure fact because, like he later states, there are many people who dive into the subject and they all bring something different to it. I just could not link them all here without making the first post way too long, so I linked only a small portion to get the subject rolling.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

I have spent some time in study here for years on this subject with my family and friends. It does read to me also that he did mean that generation that were alive when John wrote it.

The whole history of Earth is controlled by the people who won victories to vanquish their enemies who were the ones left to write it down. There are proofs of some of our history like Christ's miracles the Romans themselves wrote down for Caesar to be notified. There are also evidence of aa bunch of BS for sure on things like the Golbek Tepi site that defies conventional theories on mankind's technology prior to "modern" times. Things like the Mud floods and whole finds of frozen Mastodons in one field with meat that was consumable still on their bones are not on the radar to explain properly from my observation of the raw facts.

Thus we COULD indeed be in the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ and Satan is to be released for that final battle. Either way, we all picked one Hell of a time to be born with the ability to do things to people that would make Hitler flush with envy.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

What does Matthew 25 have to do with this or the shape of the Earth? While Revelation 20 talks about casting satan into the bottomless pit and then later he is released. Also nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

Sorry. I meant Matthew 24, not 25. I was not connecting that with shape of the Earth but rather the a priori belief that Jesus was 100% correct in every thing he ever said, and that the Gospels and Revelation are 100% reliable sources of information.

Entertain for a moment that Jesus may have been mistaken about some things. The whole reason for the theory of 1000 year reign having already occurred collapses.

Oh! And there are satellites that have a polar orbit .

Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) Overview

Complementing the geostationary satellites are polar-orbiting satellites known as POES, S-NPP, and JPSS-1 (now NOAA-20). NOAA-20 is the first of the JPSS Series. Polar orbiting satellites constantly circle the Earth in an almost north-south orbit, passing close to both poles.

The POES satellite system offers the advantage of daily global coverage, by making nearly polar orbits 14 times per day approximately 520 miles above the surface of the Earth. The Earth's rotation allows the satellite to see a different view with each orbit, and each satellite provides two complete views of weather around the world each day. NOAA partners with the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) to constantly operate two polar-orbiting satellites – one POES and one European polar-orbiting satellite called Metop.

edit on 15-9-2024 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

Also: If the Book of Revelation was written after AD 70, the theory falls apart.

When Was the Book of Revelation Written?

Traditionally, the book of Revelation has been dated near the end of the first century, around A.D. 96. Some writers, however, have advanced the preterist (from a Latin word meaning “that which is past”) view, contending that the Apocalypse was penned around A.D. 68 or 69, and thus the thrust of the book is supposed to relate to the impending destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70).
The external evidence for the late dating of Revelation is of the highest quality.

Irenaeus (A.D. 180), a student of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John), wrote that the apocalyptic vision “was seen not very long ago, almost in our own generation, at the close of the reign of Domitian” (Against Heresies 30). The testimony of Irenaeus, not far removed from the apostolic age, is first rate. He places the book near the end of Domitian’s reign, and that ruler died in A.D. 96. Irenaeus seems to be unaware of any other view for the date of the book of Revelation.

Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 155-215) says that John returned from the isle of Patmos “after the tyrant was dead” (Who Is the Rich Man? 42), and Eusebius, known as the “Father of Church History,” identifies the “tyrant” as Domitian (Ecclesiastical History III.23).

Even Moses Stuart, America’s most prominent preterist, admitted that the “tyrant here meant is probably Domitian.” Within this narrative, Clement further speaks of John as an “old man.” If Revelation was written prior to A.D. 70, it would scarcely seem appropriate to refer to John as an old man, since he would only have been in his early sixties at this time.

Victorinus (late third century), author of the earliest commentary on the book of Revelation, wrote:

When John said these things, he was in the island of Patmos, condemned to the mines by Caesar Domitian. There he saw the Apocalypse; and when at length grown old, he thought that he should receive his release by suffering; but Domitian being killed, he was liberated (Commentary on Revelation 10:11).
[and etc]

edit on 15-9-2024 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Athetos

If any of the mentioned where absolutes and we had their zero points and max points, religion would long be death.

God of the gaps is the only real God...

It's the reason why many scientist who actually search for those absolute points come to the conclusion there must be something outside that which we can define.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 12:44 PM

Has the apocalypse already happened and are we living in the "little season" of Revelations?

No. But a good case could be made that we live in purgatory.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: FullHeathen

John was born around c. 6 AD in Bethsaida, Galilee, Roman Empire.

Within this narrative, Clement further speaks of John as an “old man.” If Revelation was written prior to A.D. 70, it would scarcely seem appropriate to refer to John as an old man, since he would only have been in his early sixties at this time.

Since the average lifespan of the first century was between 20-35 years old it seems Clement doesn't realize the definition of old man of that era. John would have been seen as an old man long before 70 AD.

Oh! And there are satellites that have a polar orbit .

Yes, I am aware. I am also aware what I wrote to you.
"The floating mountain or city is his take on the subject, he’s literally spitballing his ideas, he even suggests the camp of saints could be inside the Earth like legendary Agatha or Shambala."

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

Has the apocalypse already happened and are we living in the "little season" of Revelations?

No. But a good case could be made that we live in purgatory.

No? It's hard to argue the case you present for that thought.

Make a thread on how we are living in purgatory and I'll read it.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

he’s literally spitballing his ideas

Yes! He is a guy spitballing ideas.

But his a priori is "Let Jesus be true and every man a liar", paraphrasing the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:4.

Any peer review by other spitballing peers is bound to be lies.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: FullHeathen
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

he’s literally spitballing his ideas

Yes! He is a guy spitballing ideas.

But his a priori is "Let Jesus be true and every man a liar", paraphrasing the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:4.

Any peer review by other spitballing peers is bound to be lies.

This would include both of us.
Hawk Tuah.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
No? It's hard to argue the case you present for that thought.

Make a thread on how we are living in purgatory and I'll read it.

Nah ... too lazy ... not in the mood today.

My thought .. just look around. Look at the suffering. Endless suffering.
And just about everything that is alive today, is alive because other living
things have died to feed them in some way. Even the grass in the yard
is fed by other living things dying and feeding the soil. Then the grass
dies being eaten by cows. Then the cows die being eaten by us. And
then we suffer all through life and die. Earth really is a gruesome place.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I can’t argue with that.
If we are in the little season of Satan we would see the same kinds of suffering.

Endless wars because of greed seem to be the cards we have been dealt.

When anyone creates other forms of energy other than the dependency of oil that person dies.

If anyone tries and end the wars that person is persecuted.

Anything that is supposed to help us only imprisons us further in debt. A.I. and robots comes to mind. While they help the upper echelon, it will keep everyone else in poverty.

Self sustainability is stomped out and laws challenge it.

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Alternate way of interpreting things.

I don't know what may, or may not be real.
Especially because there are multiple ways of pondering all.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Since Jesus' 1,000 year reign is supposed to be one of peace I don't see how the millineum could already have happened.

Well, they are saying that Satan is prowling and allowed to deceive the nations right now. It seems that has some traction too.

So that, those who are left get one more chance but that will mean we must choose between obvious good or obvious evil for their destination after our mortal body dies. This was happening, death to the mortal body. I would think it is so obvious to me what being a good person is verses flat out evil things like murder of children, or worse even.

As I see it now the Holy Spirit has enlightened some and the others have chosen the sick side of humanity as their hero's instead of keeping the faith that what Jesus said is real. That the important things are Love God and to "love one another as we love ourselves". We are charged with keeping the faith in those things until the end of time because we can't be there in the light of goodness and love till the end of time if we are dead spiritually.

edit on 16000000103020249America/Chicago09am9 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 16000000553020249America/Chicago09am9 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: FullHeathen
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

he’s literally spitballing his ideas

Yes! He is a guy spitballing ideas.

But his a priori is "Let Jesus be true and every man a liar", paraphrasing the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:4.

Any peer review by other spitballing peers is bound to be lies.

I am certain as the Sun comes up from the east that if you took the attitude of Jesus being right all the time, then you will not fail spiritually to reach everlasting peace. That does make me go back and rethink my position I have been raised to believe when I tried to say maybe it did happen then. I am open to the concept at least because there is no doubt that some kind of evil beings are having an open season on the innocent right now.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: FullHeathen
I think that I will stick with the modernized Copernican model of the Solar system, and have blind faith that ISS is real and actually orbiting the Earth.

All beliefs are welcomed here.
I would like to say that you are honest with yourself, while recognizing the leap-of-faith part, and that is appreciated.

Now we just have to get you to doubt your hungover grade-two teacher : Mrs. Stinkybaum.

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