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Undecided Voters Say TRUMP WON Debate, Kamala Came Off As SNOOTY

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posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: spacedoubt

If there would have been a 2a discussion after Trump was almost may have a point.

If there would have been a 2a discussion after the transmission may have a point.

Oh, and the topic of racism is laughable at this point.

Unless you wish to tell me your struggles as a (insert vaguely qualifying term de jour to describe skin color here).

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 07:09 PM

Where did Trump say people were eating pets? Ohio?

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

Racism claims are a last-ditch effort when you can no longer discuss merit.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

But, but, but, it's the very FIRST thing Democrats bring up!

Their "last ditch effort" is all they have.

Let's call it "Project Last Ditch Effort"

Or, in Democrat speech "Project Save the Planet from Trump".

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 07:18 PM
There is a part of society that should be noted. Politicians abuse this tactic to try to get people to vote for them.

People want to be part of the majority of society, so polls are created that exploit deception to make it look like a majority of people are voting for some one. Most people want to belong to the winning feel they are part of the normal culture. This means people are being led to believe in something that is not true...people will just vote for someone based on their brainwashing that they are like the majority of people.

The Democrats are using this technique on the younger crowds to get elected, they do not even give a plan as to what they are going to do. The right uses it to a small extent, but they are more conservative and conservatives learned from other conservatives in the past that this is nothing other than political deceit...never give complete trust to politicians. Politicians used to kiss babies to make themselves look good, unlike Biden who sniffs the hair of young girls. Now, it seems like Harris is a very good deceiver at this, she talks about changing things, yet does not actually give any details and there is no research to verify if these changes are good for society. The left has initiated changes that have screwed up our society, not holding criminals accountable for crimes they are committing and just pointing at the cops for doing their job in a way they do not agree with. You cannot let criminals get away with things, people are responsible for their actions whether high or drunk or delusional. They must be punished, if we do not punish those who break the laws when they are young and the crimes are small, they will believe they can get away with more. A simple punishment of having to do community service with no excuse for missing it will deter a lot from becoming criminals. Making the young be responsible for their actions is important. Making sure protests are more peaceful without turning to riots where people torch buildings and cars and beat up others is critical to a good country. Racism is being created out of thin air by the Democrat party, systemic racism is not real. It is a tactic of democrats to make the young go against the elders, I was called a systemic racist by my granddaughter, she is half hispanic, my sisters son is half Micronesian, I have had Indian friends for over fifty years. I have had a few black friends too, but there are not many blacks around here, and I am not going to force myself to try to befriend someone I do not know...that would be racist if I did it just to try to make others believe I am not racist. That would be an attempt by myself to try to make people believe I go out of my way to befriend those who are not my color. We are all created equal in my book, I will talk to black people if they say something to me, and I will strike up a conversation in a store with a black person sometimes...not because I am trying to prove I am not racist, but because I will talk to anyone, no matter what color...but I avoid jerks no matter what color they may be.

Boy, that is a long paragraph.

Now, Kamala says she is multiracial...who gives a crap. That should not influence whether we vote for her. We vote for president based on what they are going to do to improve society in our country, a gradual shift to the better, whether going forward with change or returning back when the change that was made fails to produce a positive effect on society. She wants to leap forward with change but all change needs to be contemplated and evaluated to see if there will be a lot of negative side effects. And if there are negative aspects, the change needs to be reversed back to proven historical policies.

Kamala is wrong for the country in my opinion.

I have one vote, that is all the say I have. I even question if Trump is going to be all right anymore because of all the crap the Democrats threw at him, crap that was not real or properly applied...just to discredit what he was doing.

In my opinion, Trump is better than Kamala and hopefully I am overthinking that the Dems have possibly made him too bitter to do his job right. The Democrat party seems to be the party of lies and screwups and coverups these days, abusing the Ad Hominum tactics in our society...with the help of certain medias that want the power to control our beliefs.

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