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Undecided Voters Say TRUMP WON Debate, Kamala Came Off As SNOOTY

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posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:36 AM

Undecided voters support Trump after debate, say Harris was vague on policy plans: Reuters survey "I still don't know what she is for," said 61-year-old Mark Kadish, an entrepreneur in Florida. "There was no real meat and bones for her plans."

Reuters interviewed 10 undecided voters after the debate. Six said they are now voting for Trump or leaning that way. Three said Harris. One remains unsure

Post millennial quoting Reuters

Harris did better than expected. News is 90% positive on Harris and 90% negative on Trump.

Still independent voters thought he won the debate according to Reuters 10 people.

No way a scientific survey yet still interesting.

D used to have more independents leaning D, now they lean R by 1-3 points. More interestingly D and R are tied at ~30 percent independents are ~40 percent now.

Trump is actively courting libertarian/independents.

He is promising them many enticing policies and cabinet positions. I don’t like the topic but he even said he will vote for legalizing marijuana in the Florida referendum - which is hot button topic for many L.

He is going on many YouTube podcasts that are favored by independents/libertarians.

I think this will win him the actual election - unless cheating is too big to overcome.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I believe it. There aren't many people who thought Kamal-a had a good debate and now a lot of people are seeing that she was walked through it and her constant lies were never fact checked by the mods.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Trump is an obnoxious asshole that embellishes everything all the time.

Liberal hurt feelz aside though, pretty much nobody can deny that his first term wasn't successful in terms of prosperity for the country.

Harris has been second in command of the worst administration in the history of the country and now she claims a Harris administration would be a "New Way Forward" if elected.

That's the biggest load of bullsh!t ever, nothing would change.

She spent 95% of the debate crying about Trump without laying out a plan that would bring that change.
Let me give you a little hint....she doesn't have one.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: pianopraze

Trump is an obnoxious asshole that embellishes everything all the time.

Liberal hurt feelz aside though, pretty much nobody can deny that his first term wasn't successful in terms of prosperity for the country.

Harris has been second in command of the worst administration in the history of the country and now she claims a Harris administration would be a "New Way Forward" if elected.

That's the biggest load of bullsh!t ever, nothing would change.

She spent 95% of the debate crying about Trump without laying out a plan that would bring that change.
Let me give you a little hint....she doesn't have one.

Have you noticed that they get worse and worse? I remember when Jimmy Carter was known for being the worst president ever, then Obama took that away from him and Biden took it away from Obama, but Harris is worse than all 3 of them.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Neither are good for prosperity.

Interest payments this year is 13% of government spending, the third largest category.

These two administrations have increased the debt by about 50% in just 8 years. Even if we give both the excuse of COVID, both would still have added to the debt.

Those interest payments are only going to get bigger with rates and the debt itself going up. They project it could get to 20% in the coming years.

Both are silent about doing anything to address it, which doesn’t matter since both had 4 years to try.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I don't think the Democrats realize they're running Hillary Clinton 2.0

She's not qualified, nobody likes her, nobody trusts her, but they will vote for her because Orange Man Bad.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:27 PM
She had a script for every one of the Moderators' directed points. She had to know in advance and had it mostly memorized. Not fooling everybody, but fooling enough! They had her focused on the cameras too. All setup in advance! She had notes too. 😀

An upfront honest debate forum would have been better and different. Obvious cheating again. Not bad though for a candidate that got zer0 votes in the Primaries of all 50 States!! 🤣🦆

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

These "debates" need moderators who are not network employees. Get a political analyst from each camp to serve as moderators and cut out the propagandists who work for the media. BS setup from the get-go.


posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I'm really liking the huge increase in Independents.

If we make it to 2028, I wouldn't mind seeing a Vivek/Tulsi ticket.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:46 PM
She is snooty, it's not an act that she puts on.

Well it's all full steam ahead now, what's next on the crazy train....
edit on 12-9-2024 by SomeStupidName because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I've watched the Jon Stewart, Phil Mcgraw and Ben Shapiro segments for different perspectives. The consensus all around is that Kamala kept baiting him and it worked. She goaded him multiple times into saying something stupid and he doubled down every single time. He needs to learn how to stop reacting.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I’d like to see Joe Rogan host a debate!

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: pianopraze

I'm really liking the huge increase in Independents.

If we make it to 2028, I wouldn't mind seeing a Vivek/Tulsi ticket.

I’d vote for that ticket.

a reply to: TzarChasm

Sounds accurate, but in balance I heard people say it made him sound human and upset at what is happening to our country.

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: pianopraze

I don't think the Democrats realize they're running Hillary Clinton 2.0

She's not qualified, nobody likes her, nobody trusts her, but they will vote for her because Orange Man Bad.

That is a nice summary of my opinion as well.

Hope the results are the same and Trump wins.

edit on 12-9-2024 by pianopraze because: Adding replies.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:01 PM
The "talents" Kamala displayed in California won't work on the national stage. She found that out in 2019 and will see the same crash/burn this fall.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
She had a script for every one of the Moderators' directed points. She had to know in advance and had it mostly memorized. Not fooling everybody, but fooling enough! They had her focused on the cameras too. All setup in advance! She had notes too. 😀

An upfront honest debate forum would have been better and different. Obvious cheating again. Not bad though for a candidate that got zer0 votes in the Primaries of all 50 States!! 🤣🦆

Maybe the next debate will be at FOX news. That should counterbalance the 3 against 1 debate on ABC.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The "talents" Kamala displayed in California won't work on the national stage. She found that out in 2019 and will see the same crash/burn this fall.

California politics are unique.
The democrat supermajority there creates politicians who give zero #s about the other party.
They regularly tell the republicans there to shut up and sit down.
They have no need to compromise/negotiate policies.
You can’t be a statesmen when you’re groomed to be an authoritarian member of a communist party mindset.
If she had just one smart person in her campaign they would have told her that.
She never really had much of a chance and the ones she had she squandered.
The fact that her entire career shows that is fitting.
The consequences of when DEI hires show their true colors.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

She made it about his ego, on purpose, and he responded to the attacks on his ego more than defending his policy and vision for America. Hook line and sinker.

edit on 12-9-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
She had a script for every one of the Moderators' directed points. She had to know in advance and had it mostly memorized. Not fooling everybody, but fooling enough! They had her focused on the cameras too. All setup in advance! She had notes too. 😀

An upfront honest debate forum would have been better and different. Obvious cheating again. Not bad though for a candidate that got zer0 votes in the Primaries of all 50 States!! 🤣🦆

Of course she had a script for every one of the moderator's points. So did Trump. That's called "preparing for a debate". Anyone with an IQ greater than two digits should be able to figure out what the main topics are going to be and to figure out what their response is going to be and how it compares to their opponent's position. That's basically what campaigning is.

Only a MAGA moron would believe that thinking through your policy positions ahead of time is "cheating".

The rules (published ahead of time) allowed both speakers to take notes in real time. Prewritten notes and props were not allowed. The moderators provided both candidates with pens, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. Harris took advantage of those aides, as successful prosecutors often do. Trump ignored those aides, as illiterate, convicted felons often do.

And finally, both candidates were focusing on the camera because this is--get ready for it--Television.

Basically, you're whining because Harris: prepared in an intelligent manner for the debate, used all the tools available to both candidates, and took some care to have a good TV presence.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: pianopraze

I don't think the Democrats realize they're running Hillary Clinton 2.0

She's not qualified, nobody likes her, nobody trusts her, but they will vote for her because Orange Man Bad.

Hillary had First Lady experience, Secretary of State experience, Barack Obama carrying her around on his shoulders, and she still lost to businessman Donald Trump, who promised to drain the swamp.

Kamala has no achievements on her VP resume but opening our border to murderers of humans, cats, & geese.

posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

All Trump had from ABC was a general topic list. Nothing else.

And 90% of the Kamala responses were drifted off topic intentionally as we all saw, especially the very first mod statement and question (especially after Muir intentionally "mistook" Trump being elected with Kamala in 2020 lol lol lol and THAT was never corrected) 🤣


posted on Sep, 12 2024 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The "talents" Kamala displayed in California won't work on the national stage. She found that out in 2019 and will see the same crash/burn this fall.

California politics are unique.
The democrat supermajority there creates politicians who give zero #s about the other party.
They regularly tell the republicans there to shut up and sit down.
They have no need to compromise/negotiate policies.

To be totally honest, I want MAGA Republicans to have majorities (WH/House/Senate) large enough so we can tell Democrats to "shut up and sit down".

None of the, "Because we need your votes and want you to like us, we'll allow 500,000 illegal aliens instead of 2 million, Mr. Schumer and Mr. Jeffries.".

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