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Why Do Democrats Support Hamas-Palestinian Terrorists - Even Though They Murder Americans?.

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posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:41 AM
Monday, September 2, 2024

I don't know what the percentage is, but a very large chunk of U.S. Democrats were glad when the Palestinian's Hamas leadership invaded Israel and brutally murdered hundreds of Israeli citizens, and 33 American citizens. (October 7, 2023)

This week, Hamas terrorists killed 6 hostages (5 Israeli and 1 American). Instead of being angry at the Hamas captors, our Democrat-owned U.S. News Media is blaming Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Representing Hamas and Kamala Harris respectively, NBC host Kirsten Welker invited Senator Tom Cotton to a debate. Ms Welker asked Senator Cotton questions from a position of support to both Hamas terrorists and the Kamala Harris campaign. Despite the framework, Senator Cotton stayed on point and eviscerated the narrative engineering as it was put in front of him.

Hamas killed 6 innocent hostages, Welker, on behalf of Harris, tries to blame Benjamin Netanyahu.
Video at: 9

Also, Officials and Leaders who frequently condemn Israel for killing innocents during the process of bombing Hamas terrorists, NEVER condemn Hamas for periodically killing some of the 251 hostages they captured inside of Israel, and transported to the Palestinian territories on Oct 7th 2023.

One example is Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres:

As an American, its embarrassing that tens of millions of my fellow citizens support HAMAS, even though these terrorists intentionally inflict horrific atrocities on innocent men/women/children, for no logical or rational reason.



edit on 292024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Israel is going on strike today to try get into Netanyahu's head that if he called a ceasefire and went for talks they would probably release the hostages. But he just wants to demolish and kill all of the Palestinian's buildings and people.

A NATIONWIDE STRIKE aimed at ramping up pressure on Israel’s government to secure the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza has got underway this morning. The call by Israel’s largest union to paralyse the economy follows a night of massive demonstrations, with tens of thousands of protesters taking to the streets in an outpouring of grief and fury over six hostages killed in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu seems to be a major stumbling block

Critics have accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of prolonging the war for political gain. “Were it not for the delays, sabotage and excuses” in months of mediation efforts, the six hostages “would likely still be alive”, campaign group the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement.


posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

If you're not with us you are against us, is flawed warmonger logics. Only stupid people fall for it...

Bush era stupid, and all that ever got you is war and the patriot act.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 03:51 AM
In the current era of world politics it seems weak leaders are favored. As we can see, they're just a capable of funding wars as strong leaders, just using other country's men as fodder.

The entire world need to pull its head out before it's too late.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 05:12 AM


How did Osama Bin Laden pull of the controlled demolition of WTC7 on 9/11? There are a lot of monsters and terrorists in this world these days.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: WeMustCare

Israel is going on strike today to try get into Netanyahu's head that if he called a ceasefire and went for talks they would probably release the hostages. But he just wants to demolish and kill all of the Palestinian's buildings and people.

A NATIONWIDE STRIKE aimed at ramping up pressure on Israel’s government to secure the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza has got underway this morning. The call by Israel’s largest union to paralyse the economy follows a night of massive demonstrations, with tens of thousands of protesters taking to the streets in an outpouring of grief and fury over six hostages killed in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu seems to be a major stumbling block

Critics have accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of prolonging the war for political gain. “Were it not for the delays, sabotage and excuses” in months of mediation efforts, the six hostages “would likely still be alive”, campaign group the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement.


Guess Netanyahu understands his enemy.

Israel was not in Gaza for YEARS before the Gazans violated a ceasefire agreement and attacked innocent Israelis.

Yeah, hostage negotiations are just for restocking Hamas. Not good faith stop the conflict.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Why Do Democrats Support Hamas-Palestinian Terrorists

because they are a

edit on 2-9-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:24 AM
Antisemitism is alive and well in America 😢

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:35 AM
reply to: WeMustCare

They support them not despite the murder of Americans it's because they support the murder of Americans.

Democrats have N E V E R wanted American people to prosper. When have democrats besides Kennedy, ever give power back to the people? He was assassinated for that.

Democrats are the number one domestic enemy to America.

Until people pull their heads out of their ignorant arse, nothing changes until everything is changed.

Stop voting democrat, stop voting for corrupt rinos, stop voting for corrupt career PARASITE politicans all together!

Those so called people, who have made a half Century career in politics, are the most evil people in America.

Forgot about the politics, forget about the bs political optics, use common F'n sense and stop falling for the propaganda.

Until We the People, snap out of this stuporous illusion, We will continue to suffer under the tyranny of politicans.

Democrats support those, who hate America.
Because they the Dems hate America, unless it benefits them.

They love our liberty, but hate our tradition.

Double standards are the only standards Dems have.

edit on 2-9-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:47 AM
I think the dumbing down of society as a whole has been a resounding success. Masses of people can be led by tick-tock videos to spend time, money, and effort protesting the injustice they are told to champion, simply because they were told to. In seeing the interviews, these folks haven't a clue what they are actually against, or for. Only that someone, somewhere, needs them to be outraged for the social justice aspect. True warriors of the cause. Idiots.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:54 AM
Obama was an islamic manchurian candidate. No question about it imo.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: network dude

First, democracy have rendered government dysfunctional and ineffective, and consequently has decreased public trust in government.

Second, democrats have pushed in a more polarized direction, just as SO posted years ago, those who read it know what I'm referring to.

Those who don't should search and read it, because Skeptic Overlord himself saw this and called it years ago.

Divided and conquered... because people choose ignorance.

Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788 "I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, (A)nd if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.

"If Virtue & Knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslav'd. This will be their great Security."

Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, February 12, 1779

"It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country."

Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America

"[F]or avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy . . . the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. [T]herefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God."

Gouverneur Morris, Penman and Signer of the Constitution.

"If truth be not diffused, error will be."

Daniel Webster

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

They love our liberty, but hate our tradition.

I disagree.

They use our liberty to enslave us.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

You're misunderstanding my point.

The dems and leftist, like enjoying the benefits of America but don't want any responsibility or to be held accountable.

They want all the free handouts, but don't actually work towards earning it...

They use our collective ignorance against We the People, who kept ignorant make willing slaves.

Our liberty is meant to keep us free, but can't if people don't know they are free to begin with.
edit on 2-9-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 10:22 AM
Monday, September 2, 2024 (Happy Labor Day!)

JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS, the top two leaders of the United States, say Benjamin Netanyahu is to blame for 6 of Hamas's hostages being murdered over the weekend.


We can't get irrational Biden-Harris out of the White House FAST ENOUGH! 😡

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 10:59 AM
the left is obsessed with race. they are still hopping mad about apartheid.
some clever operative started accusing Israel of racism and apartheid against the Palestinian people, and the leftists in the media and the Democrat part have gone with it.
so in their minds Israel is a racist oppressor and the Palestinians are Noble Victims. and they are noble anti-racists for defending the Palestinians, and by extension their terror groups.
plus, supporting them is the cool trendy thing to do you know.
edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 11:10 AM
God gave us the answer to this question thousands of years ago. Here it is...

The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

Ecclesiastes 10:2

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 11:42 AM
The democrat leadership and the swamp has become a dangerous disease that our nation needs to purge itself from it.

They want America to be infiltrated by the worst of what other countries no friendly to US have to offer.

We have been intentional invaded; we will lose our own power over our government and the sign are already in the wall, we got hamas in our government already thanks to democrats. With open borders plenty of nefarious groups knows how to get imbedded in our politics using willing democrats.

Purge the nation of these disease.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: WeMustCare

Israel is going on strike today to try get into Netanyahu's head that if he called a ceasefire and went for talks they would probably release the hostages. But he just wants to demolish and kill all of the Palestinian's buildings and people.

A NATIONWIDE STRIKE aimed at ramping up pressure on Israel’s government to secure the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza has got underway this morning. The call by Israel’s largest union to paralyse the economy follows a night of massive demonstrations, with tens of thousands of protesters taking to the streets in an outpouring of grief and fury over six hostages killed in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu seems to be a major stumbling block

Critics have accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of prolonging the war for political gain. “Were it not for the delays, sabotage and excuses” in months of mediation efforts, the six hostages “would likely still be alive”, campaign group the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement.


There's no doubt Netanyahu should have IMMEDIATELY killed the 4 leaders who are in charge of HAMAS.

These guys: (They are in charge of Funding, Plans, Training, etc..) That was Netanyahu's number #1 goal right after the Oct 7th 2023 massacre of civilians by the terror group.

Thousands of innocent lives would have been saved if he had simply cut off the 4 heads of the snake, as he vowed/swore to do. At that point, they were all out in the open, bragging.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:25 PM
We need to look at the mix of foreign students attending our universities. We have liberal teachers and staff that jump on that bandwagon supporting extreme foreign viewpoints, and our young get caught up in the wave too because it is cool to protest.

I say as others have that if foreign students get arrested for violent protesting, then their school visas should be revoked, same with any other visa holder that decides to break the law.
edit on x30Mon, 02 Sep 2024 13:26:14 -05002024245America/ChicagoMon, 02 Sep 2024 13:26:14 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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