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Gang activity confirmed after release of Colorado woman's surveillance video

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posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 11:49 AM
In the run up to the November elections; Municipalities and politicians around the US are going heavy on their PR campaigns trying to convince their constituents that crime is decreasing... thanks to their efforts... and they seem to have the statistical evidence to back up their claims.

However more and more eye witnesses accounts are capturing the criminal violence first hand for everyone to see for themselves. And, as in the below example, wherein entire colorado city buildings are being taken over by gangs, the criminals seem to be becoming more brazen and violent.

Cindy Romero, living in Aurora Colorado, has been terrorized by a gang of Venezuelans who had taken over the building she lived in. A prisoner in her own home, Romero was forced to placate her terrorisers by supplying them food and supplies after calls to the police systematically went un answered. It wasn't untill she shared videos of her and her neighbor's ordeal with media that their plight received any attention.

I guess if your a politician and a city leader; the best way to show that crime is down under your watch is to have your law enforcement departments simply ignore it. If you ignore reports of violent crime then your statistics on violent crime inevitably goes down.

Venezuelan gang activity confirmed by Aurora officials after release of Colorado woman's surveillance video

Officials in Aurora have begun to acknowledge the presence of Venezuelan gang activity in their Colorado city after the release of a terrifying surveillance video.

For Cindy Romero, living at 12th Avenue and Dallas Street has become a daily struggle against escalating violence and neglect. Life deteriorated into a nightmarish ordeal, marked by frequent encounters with crime and what she calls a lack of support from the city and police.

"We were constantly forced to take measures to protect ourselves," Romero said. "I installed more locks, bought additional cameras, and parked further away from the building. Despite all these efforts, the situation kept escalating. We felt like we were being tortured."

"The police would call me and say they weren't coming unless it was a severe crime," Romero said. "When I called the police to report a shooting, one officer asked if I had considered moving."

According to [Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky], police leadership had instructed officers that a minimum of three to four officers were needed to respond to such situations. If those numbers weren't available, officers were told not to respond.

Romero installed multiple cameras that captured violent activity over weeks. Doorbell video shows a group of armed men forcing their way into her neighbor's home. Another night, her camera outside captured two men approaching a vehicle with guns drawn.

Romero criticized city officials for their failure to address the problem.


Luckily for Romero; exposing her situation to the news media gained her the attention of one city Councilwoman who helped Romero find a new place to live. But Remero's escape feels bitter sweet to her because she believes it's only a temporary reprieve, as she believes the gangs are moving across the city and will find her again.

But what do the political leaders think; as they sit comfortably in their good neighborhoods and protected by their security staff?

Denver, Aurora mayors say exaggerated migrant gang coverage is creating 'hysteria'

In an interview Thursday with 9NEWS, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston said the situation is being exaggerated.

A former tenant of the apartment complex shared a video shot Aug. 18 with 9NEWS that shows people carrying guns at The Edge at Lowry on 12th Avenue and Dallas Street.

Police have had this video for days, and they have not said it shows members of the gang.

Coffman and Johnston said the exaggerated and inaccurate news coverage is creating risks and problems as their cities try to deal with the gang.

"It's overwhelming our 911 system, or our emergency call center, and so it's actually hurting our ability to respond to crime,"

Republicans in Aurora, including City Councilwoman Danielle Jurisnky, have claimed the city isn't telling the truth about the situation. Coffman said not every situation involving Venezuelan people, like the large gathering during Venezuela's election, is associated with gangs.

"It wasn't organized, and it had some detrimental effects," Coffman said. "And they somehow conflate that with gang activity."


Denver and Aurora Colorado 911 system is being overwhelmed by frightened citizens calling for help ... and they are the problem according to Denver and Aurora Mayors.

edit on 31-8-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 12:10 PM
The payoffs must be astounding! 💥

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 12:12 PM
I was on a mission trip to New Orleans, and amazed how much the criminals in the neighborhood made life tough for even the elderly in the neighborhood.

It’s amazing how democrats talk about oppression and the rich. But totally ignore who can directly impact neighborhoods at the home level. Violent criminals that seem to get a pass. That directly cause great harm and damage to neighborhoods.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 12:38 PM
Okay who is trying to deny this is happening ?

I don't even need to see the Video to believe it ....

I was in a Hotel in Baltimore for Business 2 nights ago . I was about to go out for dinner that evening and the Concierge looked at me and said " Sir I don't suggest you go our after Dark " .

The Reason this struck me as a 'WOW' moment is because the same thing happened in Atlanta a couple weeks ago . I was asking the Concierge about the night life and places to eat and she said ' Oh sir I don't suggest you go out by yourself in the city at night " . Now at the time I thought she was just trying to get my business for the ' Hotel Restaurant ' .

Now I realize these people genuinely were concerned for my safety .

The Truth is most of these Cities are not even reporting the massive escalation in Crime they are just sweeping it under the Rug . There is a literal War in the inner cities of America right now .

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

"We aren't coming unless it's a severe crime" Fired. Immediately. I hope she got the badge number of every officer she spoke to for the ensuing investigation because that entire department is now complicit in terrorism. Apparently it goes all the way up to city council as well.

edit on 31-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:10 PM
They deny the problem exists, but then turn to a local source and see how quick they are turned loose when arrested. Then you can shake your head when they bother to tell you how many timesthey have been arrested. Sorry some projection from a New Yorker. Here the migrants that get arrested seem to always get their charges dropped and are free to reoffend. But God's help anyone that has to fight back. Then the law suddenly gets enforced against them. The liberal dream here.
edit on 31-8-2024 by hangedman13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

thought it was the gov that said it was imagination that gangs were taking over.

I am sick of living in "interesting times", we can see the train wreck coming and politicians still refuse to take steps.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Who you going to fire. Dems are “downsizing” police deportments already. And not many want to be cops now that they are a political target.

Hell. The person taking the call might have just been one of those case workers?

Oh…. A little research. If I got the right city. It’s a cluster…


Aurora police and fire embark on next phase of reform agreement: ‘Significant progress’
‘The department is on a good trajectory, but there’s a long way to go’

by BY MAX LEVY, Sentinel Colorado Staff Writer
April 25, 2024

Aurora has been without a permanent police chief for more than two years, ever since the firing of Vanessa Wilson in what city management has said was a response to Wilson’s failure to effectively manage the department and rally Aurora’s demoralized officer force.

Wilson sued the city last month for its decision, saying she was retaliated against for her efforts to hold officers accountable for the same excessively violent and insensitive behavior the consent decree was designed to curb.

Since Wilson’s firing, the department has served under a succession of interim leaders, including former chief Dan Oates; ex-Austin, Houston and Miami chief Art Acevedo; and, most recently, Acevedo’s deputy chief, Heather Morris.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:20 PM
Sounds like a job for the local militia.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

In the run up to the November elections; Municipalities and politicians around the US are going heavy on their PR campaigns trying to convince their constituents that crime is decreasing... thanks to their efforts... and they seem to have the statistical evidence to back up their claims.

Felony crimes were reclassified to misdemeaners, which drastically reduced crime rates. The FBI gathers the stastics for crime rates from agencies all across the country, but reporting crimes to them is voluntary.

The federal crime agency has a 60% threshold for releasing nationwide data, meaning, if fewer than that percentage of agencies release their crime stats, the bureau won’t do a nationwide analysis.

In 2021, around 9,900 police departments disclosed their statistics for crimes like homicides and assaults to arsons. While that may seem like a lot, it's actually only about half (52.5%) of the police departments.


I just grabbed the first link that popped up; there are more current ones, but I'm too lazy to do the work before I finish my morning coffee.

As anyone can see, it's just a numbers game-same as 'inflation is down, employment is up, the country is doing SOOO much better than when Trump was in office!'

Harris is promising us more of the same 'path forward' that Biden has given us, yet some still fail to see the Dead End sign at the end of the road.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Yep the VP and biden invited the criminals from all over the world into our nation with open borders and now the gangs are taking over, countries around the world, opened their mentally ill hospitals and prisons and let the criminals and insane come to the US border where kamala and biden received them with open arms.

Remember democrats has to finish the job, in his February address to the union, he makes sure that he repeated several times that he was going to finish the job.

The job of turning America into a darn third world country, where law abiding and hardworking Americans cannot walk the streets without been targeted by illegals in the streets, but then we taxpayers are forced to fed, dress, house and give health care to the criminals to keep them healthy soo they can terrorize all of us.

Too bad that the Job is now in the hands of kamala to finish once biden got ousted by his own people when he failed to have Trump eliminated.

kamala will finish the job.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:00 PM
I’ll always consider CO home, I lived there for 20+ years. It’s really sad to see what it’s become although most of my years there were spent up in the Rockies, I did live in Denver for awhile. Aurora has nice neighborhoods and really sketchy neighborhoods. There’s always been a presence of gangs in Aurora mostly black gangs but I think that demographic has maybe changed a little but I never heard of anything like what they’re seeing now.

My daughter currently lives in the downtown Denver area and she’s says it’s not safe. There’s apparently a huge Latino encampment of illegals close to Coors Field and the Broncos stadium that she says is out of control, she doesn’t go out at night anymore. They have a extremely liberal Mayor in Denver who defunded the police in order to give funds to support the illegals. They seem to come first over US citizen’s as do most democrat controlled cities and states. People that keep voting blue are going to keep getting what they’re getting. Unfortunately Democrats don’t have the self awareness to acknowledge that they’re the problem with most of the negative issues we face in our communities today. The decline of western civilization as we know it is happening as we speak, it’s a hard watch.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:18 PM
There’s a city someplace, I think Chicago? the illegals (central Americans) are pushing out the section 8 tenants, mostly blacks, and they ain’t happy. All out unrest is immanent.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: 38181

Nah. They won't. Democrats have been treating Blacks and their voters in general like sh** for decades and they still vote for them.

If things go the way I think [ no matter who gets elected ] cities like Chicago, Denver, New York etc..are the last place you'd want to be.

The economists I've been reading are predicting a recession by mid 2025 and if you think crime is bad now....

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 04:43 PM
They also want to stop the law abiding from owning firearms, so that only these animalistic gangs will get to have them.

These illegal alien thugs need to be sentenced by a court and then exterminated like the plague rats they have chosen to be. It's a good time to carry concealed to avoid having to surrender to armed thug animals.
edit on 31-8-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
They also want to stop the law abiding from owning firearms, so that only these animalistic gangs will get to have them.

These illegal alien thugs need to be sentenced by a court and then exterminated like the plague rats they have chosen to be. It's a good time to carry concealed to avoid having to surrender to armed thug animals.

Which perpetuates the need for micromanaging federal assets that punish innocent civilians in a misguided effort to provide security while completely ignoring the root causes of violent crime.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

True, but this is tangible, when they’re sleeping on the sidewalks freezing their behinds off watching these new illegals enjoy what they once had, someone is going to snap. Hell, the street gangs may join up.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:08 PM
It’s America I am surprised I didn’t get to see one of those gang bangers get absolutely blasted right through the door.

God I love those videos where someone is trying to break in only to be deleted in the door frame. Magic really.

Also worth noting that IF this wasn’t captured on video all the people who are victims here would be gas lighted by law and media. Called racist or the like.

I am of the belief that illegal immigrants in America(or any country) should not have the same rights as citizens, should be taken as extreme threats in every single instance, and dealed with using extreme prejudice. And be actively sought by ALL citizen and law enforcement to be summarily removed by what ever means or force is required. They can go peacefully or in match boxes it matters not for me.

Legal documented immigrants no problem.

No papers? You simply disregard the laws of the nation and walk on in? Nope could be a terrorist, pervert, child trafficker, and should be treated as such. No respect for the laws of the country they already invaded. They don’t deserve any in return.

a reply to: Dandandat3

edit on 31-8-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 08:38 PM
Oh HERE we go!

Hells Angels Heading To Aurora, Colorado To Fight Venezuelan Gangs? Videos Surface 😀

Social media claims suggest that members of the Hells Angels are heading to Aurora, Colorado, to confront Venezuelan gangs amid concerns about gang activity. This follows the release of a surveillance video showing armed men allegedly "taking over" an apartment building, identified as the Edge at the Lowry, linked to the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA).

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

In Colorado, the Hells Angels will be arrested for disturbing the peace, or illegal weapons if they have a knife. JAIL TIME if they have American Flags visible on their bikes or clothing. A MAGA symbol will bring life in prison.

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