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My mask is gone…

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posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: JJproductions

It’s was the worst pain EVER to throw out your best friends and addictions but gained my life back. Anyone with a desire to stop can do it…one day at a time…♥️

Excellent prose, as always

Big time congratulations. Two years after I quit smoking, my doctor said, "how do you feel about smoking now? Do you hate the smell of it?" I said, "I love the smell of it. What annoys me is reformed smokers that make that sissy cough and fan the air in front of their faces, instead of just going somewhere else."

I said, "you know that burnout friend you had in high school, who frequently got into trouble, and when you did things together, they were often perilous?"
She said, "Maybe I do."
I said, "that friend that you always got into trouble with, but when they gone, you missed them? That's how I feel about cigarettes. If I found out that I was going to die in a month, I'd buy a carton and smoke them until I puked. Since they are killing my feet and I think I'd really miss my feet, I will never smoke again."

That's how I feel. I know you feel much the same and much respect for your dilligence and accomplishment. Well done, mate.
edit on 28/8/24 by argentus because: spelllin'

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: argentus

I totally agree with you! I don’t mind the smell of smoke, it’s all around all the time. Lol, you are funny with your “sissy” statement!

I also would smoke till I puked lol with one year left to live! I have some friends that can’t go a hour without a smoke. Addiction is bad.

You and I know how to beat nicotine addiction! Never buy it and never inhale.

ETA: I know someone with sugar addiction. Sadly she can’t stop wolfing down candy.
edit on 28-8-2024 by JJproductions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: JJproductions

I used to quip that "quitting smoking is easy -- I've done it lots of times." There was both humor and truth in that statement, and just a bit of sorrow. I have quit smoking several times, once for six years and then took it up again during an emergency response when I was part of an earthquake SAR team. Cigars. "oh, I won't inhale them". Bull#. I eventually did. When you are inhaling cigars, you might as well just smoke cigarettes.

I couldn't taper off. Nope. That works for some people. I had to just stop, and I warned those I cared about to just keep their safe distance for a couple of weeks, until I felt stable again. That's all it took. As you know, the physical addiction is short-lived. Nope, but that dang psychological hook, that's the bugger. Same with the drink, and virtually every other addiction. I kicked coke in my 20s by going up in the boonies with my dog for a month. Your brain will try to trick you into "just a sample, to see what it's like, no problem". The brain is desperate at this point for just a little bump.

It's why the best alcohol/drug/narcotics counselors are those who've been there.

When I quit smoking, I carried around a full pack of my favorite smoke, Camel filters. If I awoke scared in the middle of the night that I couldn't score a cigarette, I just squeezed my pack. Right there. Safe. Can have one any time. This is me choosing to not have a cigarette for an hour. I even put a book of matches in the cellophane. I didn't toss that pack for another three months. Just one day, I got tired of carrying it and pitched it in a grocery trash bin. No ceremony, no teery goodbyes. Done. That was in 2016. I'm still done. Not even a puff.

Still, I don't mind standing near somebody smoking. It's kind of soothing.

edit on 28/8/24 by argentus because: spelllin'

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: argentus

Wow, you did amazing. The psychological is not fun at all. I am so happy for you. You are super strong!

My doctor told me not to quit smoking or quit adderall but to wean myself off over 3 months. I told my doctor that I want this crap out of my body ASAP and I do not want to keep myself in withdrawal by weaning.

She had a big argument with me about withdrawal. I finally asked her if she ever smoked and she said no. I really do not think a person who was not addicted to nicotine should tell an addict how to quit!

Same, I don’t mind standing next to a person who is smoking.

Good you you today see ya in 2016!

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: JJproductions

My mask is gone…

That's're only as sick as your secrets.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: lilzazz

Very true! Thank tou

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: JJproductions

Your doctor was using a addiction replacement model, which works for some people. It replaces the drug/alcohol/nicotine/food/sex with other things that are deemed "healthy", while all the while tapering back on the primary drug of choice. It can work. It didn't work for me or for you. I have too much of an addictive personality, so it has to be all or nothing for me. I chose nothing. So did you. Very proud of you. Only me and others like us know the knee-deep # you waded through to kick the cigs. Goodonya mate. (winks and nods)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: argentus

Yes, that would never work for us!

For my 8 year quit date I drove to Chicago to see Pearl Jam tonight at Wrigley Field!

Have a great night too!

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