posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to:
I used to quip that "quitting smoking is easy -- I've done it lots of times." There was both humor and truth in that statement, and just a bit of
sorrow. I have quit smoking several times, once for six years and then took it up again during an emergency response when I was part of an
earthquake SAR team. Cigars. "oh, I won't inhale them". Bull#. I eventually did. When you are inhaling cigars, you might as well just smoke
I couldn't taper off. Nope. That works for some people. I had to just stop, and I warned those I cared about to just keep their safe distance for
a couple of weeks, until I felt stable again. That's all it took. As you know, the physical addiction is short-lived. Nope, but that dang
psychological hook, that's the bugger. Same with the drink, and virtually every other addiction. I kicked coke in my 20s by going up in the
boonies with my dog for a month. Your brain will try to trick you into "just a sample, to see what it's like, no problem". The brain is desperate
at this point for just a little bump.
It's why the best alcohol/drug/narcotics counselors are those who've been there.
When I quit smoking, I carried around a full pack of my favorite smoke, Camel filters. If I awoke scared in the middle of the night that I couldn't
score a cigarette, I just squeezed my pack. Right there. Safe. Can have one any time. This is me choosing to not have a cigarette for an hour.
I even put a book of matches in the cellophane. I didn't toss that pack for another three months. Just one day, I got tired of carrying it and
pitched it in a grocery trash bin. No ceremony, no teery goodbyes. Done. That was in 2016. I'm still done. Not even a puff.
Still, I don't mind standing near somebody smoking. It's kind of soothing.
edit on 28/8/24 by argentus because: spelllin'