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Kamala Taking Credit for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal-- Video Surfaces

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posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: CriticalStinker

That exit was terrible and executed like a drunk staggering out of a bar at two oh five. It was a bungle for the entire administration. So what the hell else was she to say? No? I did not agree with it? Heck no, she sucked it in and and accepted her responsibility as a ranking member of that administration. There was nothing else she could do at that time. But look at her eyes in that video. I see no forcefulness there, no determination at all. What I see in her eyes looks like this was out of her hands or realm of responsibility yet she had to back the action regardless. At the time it was PR and now it is Bad PR

So based on your reading her eyes, she gets a pass. I'll remember this tactic when it will benefit my point.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Her Czar'd up flub might be why she acted so arrogantly like this when asked.....

That video is a pile of CRAP. She was trying to be friendly with the press on the tarmac. There was a rush of cameras and microphones and reporters clambering for her attention. Her laughing with the cacophony of the press was her way of gathering all of them together BEFORE she addressed their questions.

That clip of her lasted two to three seconds but the slam of the entire video, along with that dramatic music lasted much longer. It was a propagandist hit piece

Note the happy smiling picture of her at the beginning of the video before it starts that has absolutely nothing to do with the clip of her whatsoever?

Note the other pictures of her though out smiling and laughing at different venues?

Note the detracting comments by twitter users who we know nothing about the personal bias's?

Note the dramatic music setting Machiavellian twist to the video.

Yeah, propaganda crap.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

Do you disagree with any of the rest of that post? That the pull out was a blunder? That it was a smack down on the entire administration? That she HAD to take responsibility regardless of whether or not she was part of the decision making process. My guess is that she was not. My guess is that she was little more than window dressing for the administration and that now they are putting pretty curtains on her. Come on dude, do you want to discuss or just take quick pot shots.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

She's highly trained to deflect and make people think they are seeing and hearing something they aren't. She's done this exact same tactic before. 😃

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

She's highly trained to deflect and make people think they are seeing and hearing something they aren't. She's done this exact same tactic before. 😃

Right, just like that video, right?

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I don’t think she was the ultimate shot caller in this admin, and neither did a vast majority of people before it became convenient. But if we ignore the actual truths, how do we fix anything? If we keep putting 100% of blame on our political opponents while nothing actually changes, where do we go? The same direction.

Of course she is not the Shot Caller . That woman couldn't think her way out of a wet paper bag .....

But none the less she is the lightening rod , So she needs to either Sh*t or get off the Pot because clearly she cannot handle the hot seat.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: putnam6

If we are going to have to go back and change every thread title because it seems somewhat misleading we will need longer than 4 hours to redact and censor the title to make it ATS-compliant

I’m not suggesting that any “rules” change regarding titles.

I’m just going to call it if I see it. I’ll do it for both sides of the aisle as I have in the past.

No one complains when we point out fallacy in thread titles disingenuous against the right (I’ve called some of those out too). I don’t see how this is any different.

People are free to post what they want, and members are free to contest it.

Yeah FWIW, I can't recall so many threads being labeled as mistitled here on ATS ever, Hell I got dinged recently because the title thingy wouldn't take the published article headline, So in shortening it to fit it was deemed misleading title.

The main point though is it's a classic troll maneuver, to derail a thread.

 LOL unless we have long COVID brain fog and collectively we can no longer discern what another ATS member's thread was generally referencing.

In this case, Madame VP agreed with the withdrawal plan from Afghanistan is the main point. The withdrawal was disastrous and she was 100% on board.

Her only semi-legit excuse would be it was so early in the administration that she didn't have time to process and evaluate the situation. It was just 3 years ago and now we are going to let her be Commander in Chief to all of our armed forces?

FWIW she could be thrust into that position at any moment, I'd prefer somebody with better judgment when it comes to the lives of our men and women in the military.

That's the point of the thread not just changing one word in the title to make sure it's compliant.

as for the nervous giggling video, it's charming when it's your wife or girlfriend, but I don't think it's something I want to see our President do when 13 soldiers died on her President's watch. It shows she has no awareness

Not even going to mention the billions in equipment the Taliban is now selling and using, which in itself is a little bit too much aid and comfort for an enemy and is worthy of all the criticism it receives

but yeah let's talk about the title

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: putnam6

The main point though is it's a classic troll maneuver, to derail a thread.

It’s trolling to validate if a claim is factual?

I don’t think that’s the case.

I don’t like Kamala and think she’s a horrible choice for president. She deserves to have her tenure as VP analyzed.

I am mildly rooting for Trump, because he’s slightly less worse. But he very well may blow it because he and his base thing they can make claims with impunity, and justify it with the left is worse.

We’ve all had disdain for the way the left just tries to claim moral platitudes and force the country into their way of thinking while making wild claims.

But we don’t make it better by engaging in their same tactics… that makes the tit for tat dance move the goalposts every volley by justifying the new tactics on your opponents old ones.

Your message in replying to soundly laid out how she can be criticized for her role in the pull out from Afghanistan… so why can’t OP look like that. Why is it we put up with hyperbole and clickbait titles? How is that different than propaganda?

Why is asking if a claim is factual trolling in today’s world? Is it because we’re so desensitized to hyperbole and actively enjoy loaded language to get us riled up?

Also, for the record, in your thread I simply asked if we were sure it was Joe who made the call. Pretty harmless question if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Ha, I wasn't even referring to that thread, CS.

Where Im coming from is I want to discuss the topic, not the title.

Between ATS's truncation and not being able to handle symbols and punctuation getting the exact published title can be impossible, and what id the original is a clickbaity, to begin with.

Regardless I agree with most of your opinions on the TOPICS Im just questioning ATS's seemingly newfound TITLE policing.

****Disclaimer be advised below is just this poster's attempt at satire and in no way should be construed as factual ****

Maybe I have COVID-induced brain fog ADHD, and once distracted it's hard to go back to the meat of the subject or perhaps some have COVID vaccination-induced OCD, and the titles must be correct and accurate and they have become some peoples' waffles

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: putnam6

That’s fair, I thought you were talking about member callouts, not actual moderation.

But see it from my perspective. If there’s a thread that is critical of the left, anything goes between members. The wildest declarations go unchecked. That’s not to say everyone who leans right here is disingenuous, but a lot slides in that context.

You don’t see as much now, but if he wins I suspect we will, but threads critical of Trump or the right go through the gauntlet of critical reasoning. And that’s fair, I’ve been part of the grill team. The media, Justice department, and other facets of the country have him targeted. So the least we can do is be fair.

But I think it should just be a standard across the board. If someone is disingenuous, we should just call it. The threads should be as truthful as possible. There’s more than enough points you can speak on absolute fact to make a case, I’ll do it for both happily.

I don’t think it’s a big ask. That we hold eachother to a standard. If we’re all in agreement the media is absolute ass, let’s offer an alternative. That was kind of always the point, and old school ATS had more of a robust diversity of thought, not just right or left. But it kind of died out.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Also, for the record, in your thread I simply asked if we were sure it was Joe who made the call. Pretty harmless question if you ask me.

Yeah, I agree to disagree, it isn't just the mods BTW

As to questioning who made the call...we have multiple articles stating Biden the President ordered the protection 6 weeks earlier. True or False

The chain of command is Biden, Harris, and Mayorkus, and the 5 person congressional committee, though they are just an advisory to Mayorkus and Biden. True or False

ergo which is more logical using deductive reasoning, Biden pulling the protection while discussing it with Mayorkus, or Harris or Mayorkus pulling it and not telling Biden.

There are no other options...

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 05:20 AM
Yikes. Not good.

Now if only Trump would let her build the wall like she wanted to the whole times she’s been VP & border czar.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: network dude

Do you disagree with any of the rest of that post? That the pull out was a blunder? That it was a smack down on the entire administration? That she HAD to take responsibility regardless of whether or not she was part of the decision making process. My guess is that she was not. My guess is that she was little more than window dressing for the administration and that now they are putting pretty curtains on her. Come on dude, do you want to discuss or just take quick pot shots.

I'm sure it wasn't her idea, and she likely didn't have much say in it, but I also am sure the generals told them all what would happen if they pulled the troops first and gave Bagram away. And She had to have heard that, then heard Joe make his plan. So tell me Terry, If you and a criminal mastermind planned the assassination of Trump, but your partner pulled the trigger, would you hold any blame?

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: network dude

Yes, it was a fuster cluck. Trump had pulled out so much of the troops already and the Pentagon wanted all troops out by July 4 but Biden kept the Embassy open into August depending on intelligence that the Afgan government could hold together until the embassy closed. It did not and the scramble to get out was much more than was planned for. That was in my opinion the major cluck. Not extracting people who needed to be extracted with troops still in country.

Then the suicide bomber that killed the dead. Biden's fault was not in deciding to execute the pull out but rather to trusting an incompetent staff that organized it. And blame should be on him for that. Meanwhile Harris sat in the corner singing to herself, la la la la la , I guess.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 01:34 PM
On top of our soldiers and our Afghanistanian allies we abandoned, we made the Taliban the best-equipped military in the region. It was an obvious cluster, it's still a cluster and will always be a cluster

There were 2,459 United States military deaths in the War in Afghanistan, which lasted from October 2001 to August 2021. 1,922 of these deaths were the result of hostile action. 20,769 American servicemembers were also wounded in action during the war.[1] In addition, 18 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives also died in Afghanistan.[2] Further, there were 1,822 civilian contractor fatalities.[3]

But these 2 seem full of joy So its okay

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

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