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Fluoride exposure conspiracy was right again !

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posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:03 AM
Look like another conspiracy was right !
i hope one day that these conspiracy stop

The NTP monograph concluded that higher levels of fluoride exposure, such as drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter, are associated with lower IQ in children. The NTP review was designed to evaluate total fluoride exposure from all sources and was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoridated drinking water alone. It is important to note, however, that there were insufficient data to determine if the low fluoride level of 0.7 mg/L currently recommended for U.S. community water supplies has a negative effect on children’s IQ.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Dolby_X

I read something like that this morning from a different source. But I believe I read that the effect was mostly detrimental while pregnant mother drank it with baby in womb. It is the baby in womb that suffers from fluoride exposure. It does not seem they focused or noticed any effects on regular adults or kids and their consumption post fetus stage. I did not read the full study, but I believe the study itself makes the distinction that this is detrimental when the fetus is exposed to excessive fluoride inside mama.

Just like smoking or drinking alcohol while pregnant has a similar effect, amongst many other negatives.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Dolby_X

Heard the reason the government adds fluoride to drinking water is because fluoride calcifies the 'third eye' (the pineal gland).

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 11:05 AM
Mmmmm, delicious!! I buy expensive filters to remove ALL the flouride from my drinking water.

"The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as “silicofluorides” (i.e., hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate). Silicofluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride products; they are unprocessed industrial by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry."

Here's a link,of%20the%20phosphate%20fertilizer%20indust ry.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 11:15 AM
But... but... but scientists have been saying it's perfectly safe and effective at preventing tooth decay for decades, how could so many intelligent people possibly be wrong? I'll keep micro-dosing a powerful neurotoxin thank you very much. Lmao, this world really is so full of disinformation it's almost mind boggling... it's almost as if there's a very powerful force trying to undermine the health and prosperity of humanity. Nah, that's totally crazy, I'll keep trusting mainstream science which tells us there is absolutely no evidence for the existence of humanoid-aliens, despite the overwhelming amount of data to suggest we are being visited.
edit on 24/8/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

It is the baby in womb that suffers from fluoride exposure.

Even more reason to stop fluoridation!

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: nugget1
But I don't get it. I have drank fluoridated tap water all my life and I regularly test in upper brackets in everything from the ASVAB, standardized testing, pattern recognition, history knowledge, and at the very least above average on electrical, mechanical, and basic structural engineering concepts. Shouldn't I have had some kind of degradation in critical thinking and speed of calculations??

Someone mentioned the pineal gland, but no actual scientific study that I know of has made a connection between fluoride and that sleep regulator that somehow can detect photons with your eyes closed. Of course that may be intentional as with all the things humans and science have explained, for some reason science does not know why the gland calcifies. I personally think it has more to do with a lack of natural sunlight exposure.

I bet if you checked all night workers and basement dwelling incels, they are more likely to have a higher frequency of this calcified gland. I want to believe fluoride is bad, but my entire beverage diet for decades now is 99% tap water. American, municipal tap fluoridated water . How can Earth's weight, the suns weight be calculated, the speed of light, the past be peaked into with powerful optics, but we cannot explain a calcified gland?

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Dolby_X

Funny I was just reading this ....will add to post

Communities Which Have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990 - LINK

Fluoride in drinking water is linked with lower IQs in kids, federal report says - LINK

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

But I don't get it. I have drank fluoridated tap water all my life and I regularly test in upper brackets in everything from the ASVAB, standardized testing, pattern recognition, history knowledge, and at the very least above average on electrical, mechanical, and basic structural engineering concepts. Shouldn't I have had some kind of degradation in critical thinking and speed of calculations??

Is it possible our individual genetics account for some people being more affected than others?

I have a VERY large extended family that for some reason seems to be immune to cancer of any king. It just doesn't show up in my lineage despite being exposed to the same cancer causing toxic soup known to elevate cancer risks.
Mind you, I'm not complaining, but when a history of over 1,000 relatives shows no cancer you have to wonder how it's even remotely possible.

What my lineage does have is a propensity towards lung disease for both smokers and non smokers on both sides of the family tree. Oh! And longetivity, with most living into their 90's and 100's.
By all accounts and review of my medical 'journey' I should have died at least 10 years ago, yet I'm doing better than others with far less lung damage.

Maybe there's some truth to 'only the good die young'.

How can Earth's weight, the suns weight be calculated, the speed of light, the past be peaked into with powerful optics, but we cannot explain a calcified gland?

What IF it's true that the pineal glad can be a direct link to our Creator'? What if the pineal gland has all or some of the powers mystics and ezoteric religions claim? Why would those who control us tell us? It would be in their best interest to do everything possible to deactivate it.

Fluoride is a tocix chemical; a by-product of mining and smelting that was labled highly toxic and too expensive to dispose of so it needed to be re-branded and re-purposed.

Dentists are taought the scientific benefits of fluoride for dental health. Have scientists ever been wrong? Besides thing like:
Bloodletting: Believing that an excess of “bad blood” caused illness, ancient physicians like Hippocrates and Galen practiced bloodletting, which often resulted in accidental death from blood loss. This practice continued well into the 19th century.
Maggot Therapy: While maggots can dissolve necrotic tissue and infectious bacteria, ancient practitioners used them to treat wounds without proper sterilization, leading to infections and death.
Fire Treatment: In the Middle Ages, people burned open flesh to prevent blood loss, close amputations, or treat mental illness. This barbaric method was eventually replaced by heated lancets and knives.
Corpse Medicine: For centuries, physicians used human flesh, blood, and bone in remedies, such as “mummy powder” made from ground-up mummies. This practice was believed to cure various ailments, including epilepsy.
Urine Therapy: Ancient Romans used urine as a teeth whitener and cleaning agent, while some cultures employed it as a treatment for various conditions. The ammonia in urine can be toxic in large quantities.
Pig Dung: Ancient Scots used pig dung to stop nosebleeds, while other cultures employed feces as a treatment for various ailments. Fecal transplants are a legitimate medical treatment today, but this ancient practice lacked proper sterilization and hygiene.
Arsenic: Despite being a deadly poison, arsenic was used medicinally in ancient times, often in the form of “arsenic wine” or “arsenic ointments.” Its toxic effects were not fully understood.
Whale Blubber: The “whale hotel” treatment involved injecting milk into patients’ veins, which sometimes led to immediate pulse drops and subsequent death. This practice was based on a flawed understanding of human physiology.
Cat Pianos: The “cat piano” was a device used to treat mental illness by placing patients in a room with cats, allegedly to stimulate their senses. This practice was likely ineffective and potentially harmful.
Lizard Blood: Ancient Egyptians used lizard blood as a topical ointment and dressing, which may have introduced infections and other complications.
Horse Saliva: Women were sometimes treated with horse saliva as a cure for impaired libido, without any scientific basis or understanding of its potential risks. (AI answer)

Cue the 'safe and effective' mRNA vaccine.

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: ETA

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 01:54 PM
Remember when a certain POTUS set new standards
so everyone could get the same level of the neurotoxin
fluoride in the drinking water?

Yeah, maybe they were overdoing it a little, eh

But don't worry, it was only causing cosmetic damage to
about 40% of adolescents teeth!

And even worry about the other horrible side
affects like bone cancer, and ADD, and lower IQ's!

edit on 24-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
a reply to: Dolby_X

Heard the reason the government adds fluoride to drinking water is because fluoride .......

I read that they put fluoride in our water because it's a good way to get rid of it.

Whatever the reason... we do NOT need it added to our water.

The Cochrane report also concluded that early scientific investigations on water fluoridation (most were conducted before 1975) were deeply flawed. “We had concerns about the methods used, or the reporting of the results, in … 97 percent of the studies,” the authors noted. One problem: The early studies didn’t take into account the subsequent widespread use of fluoride-containing toothpastes and other dental fluoride supplements, which also prevent cavities. This may explain why countries that do not fluoridate their water have also seen big drops in cavity rates

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Is it possible our individual genetics account for some people being more affected than others?
There's probably someone out there who could answer this for you, but they likely won't be found on here anymore.

There is such a thing as "genetic memory":,1288434,1288434

“It is possible for the person who has the advantage of this gift of inheritance, to summon up from his blood all this reservoir of knowledge.” - Viktor Schauberger, Living Water

originally posted by: nugget1
Have scientists ever been wrong? Besides thing like:
I think it's too early to rule out some of these methods, but I don't have the time to go through all of these examples.

originally posted by: nugget1
Why would those who control us tell us? It would be in their best interest to do everything possible to deactivate it.
Not necessarily. They do want people to lend themselves to reckless experiments. They sprinkle enough info to make people curious in things they shouldn't be dabbling in. It's not a coincidence that Yoga, Zen, New Age BS, etc. were successfully disseminated throughout the West and poured into post-Soviet Russia.

Once clairvoyants are in the media spotlight and hold the world's attention, probably everyone will be in a rush to develop their abilities, but without first improving their mentality or condition. Clairvoyance becomes increasingly common during a decline period of empires, and the first thing people do when they awaken their abilities is to show off and flaunt it, leading to abuse in war, which will become evident to everyone when a younger generation forcibly seizes influential political/military positions.

Our children grow up to be tyrannical despots with arbitrary will thanks to coddling pedagogy from parents/tutors, especially overprotective mothers, and also the education system's half-hearted approach to everything.

The wise thing to do is to refrain from awakening abilities and not take interest in the pertaining phenomena: lucid dreaming, astral projection, mediumship, etc. Instead, it'd be better for portion of mankind to develop their sensory organs to the same degree as wildlife, such as seeing new color spectrums. Look into Goethe's Theory of Colors. Also, study the effect light has on organisms. Then they can help scientists search for cures/remedies to the coming famine/outbreaks; healing energies, which lie dormant in plant life and water, also within humans, will revolutionize science. 2025 marks a significant turning point for science; unlike events, the discoveries from here on out cannot be forestalled or concealed from the public.

Gordon Scallion predicts: "Many of the diseases of the twentieth century are gone... Color and sound therapy are the predominant healing modalities." He did not initially awaken clairvoyant abilities, but expanded his natural sight, his ordinary eyes, could see colors and lights around plants, animals, and people.

Viktor Schauberger wrote:
"In this regard, equal care will also be taken to ensure that everyone learns how to use these forces. For if humanity is truly intent on self-destruction through the use of force, then it should have the requisite means placed at its disposal, so that it can fulfil this desire as quickly as possible."

Here's a fascinating prediction:
"It was caused from a black substance of fluids that had an odor. It was used during the mid-late era when humans were on a search for executions or weapons and cures that could be used to improve Earth but as expected not all went to plan during the post era of the after war. Though necrosis and psychosis was one of the symptoms, but as many all died, so did some live with some immunity."

Several predictions mention people showing immunities being spared by the military and confined instead.

The whole point of the coming famine-plague-war is:
1) to force scientists to examine new ideas/systems they dismissed out of hand;
2) to teach people to be more compassionate towards each other.

originally posted by: nugget1
What IF it's true that the pineal gland can be a direct link to our Creator'? What if the pineal gland has all or some of the powers mystics and ezoteric religions claim?
I'm not in a position to say anything about the pineal gland, but I think you're asking the right questions, not about the pineal gland, but rather about the talking points of mystics (kabbalists, yogis, sufists), saints, seers, and wise men with knowledge beyond men who have all been saying throughout the ages, that it's possible to establish a direct link to the deity (not just an imagined one, in the case of mystics).
It's just that most people cannot maintain the connection or they rely on crutches, but their minds are not able to keep up so they fall back to their ordinary condition, but usually deceive themselves into believing they still have contact with the deity, which is how most religions have formed.

Gershom Scholem wrote:
"Yet it seemed improbable to me—I could not say why—that Kabbalists could have been such charlatans, buffoons, and masters of tomfoolery as he made them out to be. Something seemed to me to be hidden there, and it was this that attracted me."

Chew on this: Alexander the Great learned his healing arts and expertise in medicine from Aristotle, which made him naturally disposed to help others and alleviate their suffering, and he was also taught "secret" doctrines/knowledge not intended for the many (esoterics). These were not the Greek mysteries (secret "knowledge"), the schools Aristotle inducted him into was publicly known, only its teachings were secret. Apollonios of Tyana also ascertained the causes of plagues and how to expiate them. In Croatia, Nikola Tesla observed how cholera ravaged the nation, "it is incredible how absolutely ignorant people were as to the causes of this scourge which visited the country in intervals of from fifteen to twenty years."
In George Nelson's Orders of the Dreamed, there are said to be four spirits which go through the earth spreading pestilence, these diseases were personified to emphasize recurrent epidemics which swept through the tribes.

Regarding Covid, an user shared this dream with me:

I recently had Covid, and I had a strange dream that it appeared to me in the form of an old woman and spoke to me, and told me that it uses the symbol of a mistletoe plant, due to them being parasitic, and draining the water and nutrients from tree vascular systems. I found that interesting because the illness made me very thirsty. I was also told that it has poison too, and that was symbolized by holly berries.

edit on 24-8-2024 by GogolJoker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: burntheships
So here is where I feel the need to point out, if you drink too much bleach you die, but ALL municipal water has so many PPM of chlorine bleach to kill bacteria and other pathogens. It has been determined a certain PPM of bleach in the water will sanitize it of biological agents that will make you sick. This is well established science, and anyone can see the results with a good microscope and watch things break down.

Why cannot the same principal be applied Fluoride? This study basically says drinking fluoridated water at twice the safe PPM is what will damage the mental development of Fetus in the womb while mama drinks these levels. But! If all municipalities that fluoridate water do so at well below a dangerous threshold, wouldn't this water be just as safe to drink in the same regard that it is safe to drink chlorinated water supply?

I was initially very fluoride skeptic like ten years ago, but I have continued to drink so much water from the tap that I just dismissed it as probably a misunderstanding on the safe PPM the way chlorine in water is still safe to drink at a safe PPM.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I think the problem is it's in the water. And some of it occurs in water naturally.
And it's in toothpaste. And then we have prescription strength toothpaste with even more fluoride. Many of the safety studies were done before we went gungho on putting it in toothpaste.

It may be fine for you. But not for kids.
And TBH, I would rather not have to drink it.

Get rid of it in the water.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry

I was initially very fluoride skeptic like ten years ago, but I have continued to drink so much water from the tap that I just dismissed it as probably a misunderstanding on the safe PPM the way chlorine in water is still safe to drink at a safe PPM.

proof that it's making you dumber, smart you would wonder just how much of this stuff it takes to make you a little silly.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe
Well is there any study saying it does not help with preventing tooth decay?? Remember our entire society mostly consumes refined synthetic sugars which are very detrimental to our teeth. Fluoridation seems to be a reasonable way of getting ahead of this societal fondness for synthetic processed sugars found in everything.

Dental fluorosis is a known issue, and is why they stated the range for safety was dropped from 0.7 - 1.2 to a solid 0.7 as an effort to mitigate that issue. But DTOM, me and the kids also use mostly crest and Colgate toothpastes just because they clean better i feel and fresher. These also have fluoride. I am very mindful of what I am allowing my kids to ingest, but like myself their number one beverage is water. They are not suffering from the dental fluorosis either. This is why I am so confused!! They are exceptional readers and all save the youngest read well above their grade level, although math may be a different story as you go from one to the next.

I just, I want to believe there is some conspiratorial danger to the fluoride, but with having been exposed to it all our lives and still performing well academically, I just am having a hard time to see this as the danger it is. Our water has bleach, it makes it safe to drink. Shouldn't we at least entertain that maybe fluoride can be just as safe if municipalities keep it at safe levels?? because based on how I see peoples teeth in other western societies who don't do this, I think our smiles are generally on average a bit better.

but then again, I have always taken oral hygiene very seriously since those dinosaur cartoon commercials when I was a kid in the 90's and how they encourage fresh fruit and veggie consumption and brushing after every meal. I always wished I had grapes and strawberries at that age. My kids have never had to want for fresh fruit as it has been a natural part of their diet since infancy. berries and grapes were the first food I gave to all of them after the sauces. I still am impressed though that 4 of my five have zero qualms about eating raw baby carrots. Even I cannot do that, my carrots need to be cooked!

I just wish there was a definitive benchmark they can point to like with the bleach and say "you will help your teeth with zero negative impacts to your health while it is in the water" so I don't have to be so confused on this issue.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 08:00 PM

Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 08:09 PM
I don't if it's related but in 5t grade around 1970 I got an experimental application at the dentists office due to cavities gone wild. After that time I consistently got worse grades in school and difficulty learning. Something in the stuff they glued and uv-hardened on my teeth or the various metal fillings. I made excellent grades until grade 5 then boom, bottom of the class. never know what if any relation there is but it can make you wonder when you see those elements together. I'd never made a connection before.
edit on 24-8-2024 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Is there a study that shows fluoride breaks down at
the same rate or similar as chlorine?

Personally, I do not drink tap water ever if I can avoid
it. I'm a long time organic gardener. I've used city
water to grow a garden, also have mostly used
well water or irrigation water.

There is a marked difference in the plant growth,
and fruit and vegetable growth, flowers too when
comparing tap and well water. The chlorine is a
bio-cide. While it won't kill you, it isn't the best,
or even desirable. It is better than drinking pathogens,
sure. The longer the water sits, the more chlorine
dissipates, I don't think fluoride is the same at all.

Fluoride does have a synergistic effect with medications,
it will cause higher uptake. So all of the prescription
medications in the water that do not get filtered
out, as they are too small and pass though the
filtration systems, those meds are amplified
with chlorine.

edit on 24-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:56 PM
Around here there were putting the max allowed in the water in the towns, about 1.5 tops with about .7 minimum and they put it at the max. I knew the guy who was working at the water treatment plant. They did not even need to measure what was naturally in the water. I also knew the guy who did this in a neighboring town...they said it was harmless to add the max.

About eight to ten years ago the government lowered the max because they said it mottled teeth, and the friend I know who was there was kind of pissed because he said it doesn't hurt to have stained teeth compared to cavities, but he did lower it down to the point seven....It had something to do with mg per liter or ppm or something.

Since that time they found it was causing problems with bones in older adults too, but the new levels were supposed to be safer for that as long as the older people only drank about two to three glasses of water a day.

Now, he told me they added the max amount and they did not test for natural fluoride at all in the towns so they had no clue what the natural amounts were. So when they lowered the limit, he went to that new maximum limit.

They knew for over a decade that fluoride was causing a reduction in IQ, in fact they have been reducing it in frying pans and to treat foods like potatoes to keep them from sprouting or extend their shelf life because they knew people were getting it from all sources. One thing about things like this, when they were discussing how to lower levels in food by altering preservation chemistry, there was lots about where they used it on the net, to cover their tracks about their screwup, lots of this information was gotten rid of, wish I would have copied the articles when they discussed this in the food agency sites. They don't have to burn books to cover up their screwups anymore, it can be done a lot quicker, I bet AI could be trained to eliminate all traces of the screwups by the government at lightning speed.

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