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Breaking Germany issues Warrant for Ukrainian Diver in Nordstream2 explosion. Biden 22 well end it

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posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:05 PM
Breaking: Germany Issues Arrest Warrant for Ukrainian Man Suspected in Nord Stream Explosion.

2 years ago in February 22’ during a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Biden is asked about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

President Biden on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia Invades Ukraine:

"We will bring an end to it."

Biden: "There will be no longer Nord Stream, we will bring end to it"

Journalist: "How will you do that exactly, since project is in Germany's control?"

Biden: "I promise you we will be able to do that"

2 years later now.

Poland Received German Request to Arrest Nord Stream Suspect but He's Left Country, Prosecutors Say

BERLIN (Reuters) -Poland received a European arrest warrant issued by Berlin in connection with the 2022 attack on Nord Stream pipelines, but the suspect, a Ukrainian man named as Volodymyr Z, has already left Poland, Polish prosecutors told Reuters.

Yes you read that correctly. Suspect is a Ukrainian man named as Volodymyr Z for privacy reasons.

It is alleged he attacked the pipelines in tandem with at least two others, who are also believed to be Ukrainian citizens.

The suspect was believed to last be living in Poland, but Polish authorities said they could not act on the warrant because he had left the country.

FILE PHOTO: Gas leak at Nord Stream 2 as seen from the Danish F-16 interceptor on Bornholm, Denmark September 27, 2022. Danish Defence Command/Forsvaret Ritzau Scanpix/via REUTERS/File Photo

He was able to leave as Germany had failed to include his name in a database of wanted persons, added the prosecutors.

The multi-billion dollar Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines transporting gas under the Baltic Sea were ruptured by a series of explosions in September 2022, seven months after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

German investigators believe Volodymyr Z, a Ukrainian diver, was part of a team that planted the explosives, the SZ and Die Zeit newspapers reported alongside the ARD broadcaster, citing unnamed sources.

February: “we will do it”

September: “we didn’t do it.”

edit on 14-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:06 PM

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Imhere

Warrant was issued yesterday...if I remember right. Anyone who had the available 2 brain cells to rub together knew this whould be the case...

But...Russia Russia Russia...

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

BAMN...not MM it stands for by any means necessary.
...glad I could help...

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: quintessentone

BAMN...not MM it stands for by any means necessary.
...glad I could help...

Hey, I do my bamm the way I want, mind your own bamm business.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 08:58 PM

Former Poland foreign minister thanked USA in 22’ suggesting Americans caused it.

Mr. Sikorski, meanwhile, has a history of bold tweets. He posted, “Thank You, USA,” after the Russian NordStream pipeline was damaged in September 2022 — a suggestion the Americans caused it. He later deleted the post.

Former foreign minister and now EU lawmaker Radosław Sikorski has caused controversy after posting a tweet many perceived accused the US of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline.

Sikorski was foreign minister from 2007 to 2014 and, as an MEP, is now part the EPP group in the European Parliament.

The controversial tweet includes a photo of gas coming out of the damaged Nord Stream pipeline, accompanied by the words “Thank You, USA”.

The tweet has attracted party-wide criticism, including from Sikorski’s colleagues from the Civic Platform (PO). The tweet was also criticised by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS).

“You cannot make such hypotheses, especially when you are a serious politician, a person about whom the public has no doubt that he has some knowledge,” PO lawmaker Borys Budka said on broadcaster Radio Plus. Sikorski “should think more about what he writes,” he added.

PO President Donald Tusk has a long talk about the situation with Sikorski, Budka also said.

Sikorski later explained his tweet with more tweets.

“The failure of Nord Stream narrows Putin’s room for manoeuvre. If he wants to resume gas supplies to Europe, he will have to talk to the countries controlling the Brotherhood and Yamal pipelines,” he wrote in one of them.

edit on 14-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:04 PM
Russia attacks Ukraine.

Ukraine blows up a Russian-owned natural gas pipeline.

It's WAR. What's the problem?

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Russia attacks Ukraine.

Ukraine blows up a Russian-owned natural gas pipeline.

It's WAR. What's the problem?

It's always been war, what's the problem?

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Russia attacks Ukraine.

Ukraine blows up a Russian-owned natural gas pipeline.

It's WAR. What's the problem?

1) attacking a part-German-owned civilian infrastructure. (which some would consider to be an act of war in other countries)

2) Germany just issued an arrest warrant for the Ukrainian diver suspect on the Nordstream pipeline explosions. They’re not exactly happy about it now.

Poland’s former Foreign Minister, a sitting member of the European Parliament, is praising what he suggests is a US attack on part-German-owned civilian infrastructure, which could condemn millions to poverty in a frigid winter. I am speechless.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser, Mikhail Podoliak, claimed that the incident was “a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards EU” arguing the best course of action to respond to this attack would be to provide the Ukrainian army with German tanks.

"Gas leak" from NS-1 is nothing more that a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards EU. 🇷🇺 wants to destabilize economic situation in Europe and cause pre-winter panic. The best response and security investment — tanks for 🇺🇦. Especially German ones…


A day after the attack, adviser to Ukraine's President Zelenskyy Mykhailo Podolyak blamed Russia,[185] alleging their intent "to destabilize economic situation in Europe and cause pre-winter panic."[186]

There’s many sources on how this was a sabotage on Germany’s infrastructure.

The finger pointing in 22’ was at Russia doing it.

In which Germany had to “cough up” the German tanks afterwards. When Germany was hesitant/opposed to it prior.

Now 2 years later, Germany issued the arrest warrant on the Ukrainian diver suspect.

edit on 14-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

No thanks...I intemd to point out every idiotic post you make...because you make a lot...and well posterity means more to me than being bored. I tend to surf ATS while being paid most days so in my favor! But boo can keep doing you...cause all it does is help me make your points as obviously idiotic as they come across to me.

Btw where are you from again that espouses such radical left leaning policy and candidates in the US. I assume one of the aussie islands because they depend on US politics so much as they don't even have the UK's pull to help tuemsepves enact golbalist policies.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: RickyD

You surf, you don't immerse, you don't know what you are talking about.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:46 PM
I'm not sure what to make of this.

On the one hand, Biden is an idiot for saying what he said, even if the US was behind this in some way.

On the other hand, I sincerely doubt Biden (as much as I dislike him) would have been able to come up with such a scheme himself. This leads me to believe an even more sinister plot, one which further reinforces the notion Biden has never really been in charge of anything. And, those who really are in charge are truly dangerous individuals who do not have the best interests of the American public in their hearts.

edit on 8/14/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: quintessentone


Btw where are you from again that espouses such radical left leaning policy and candidates in the US. ...

Probably Quebec, Canada. That, or Toronto. Maybe BC. One of those, almost certainly, but likely Quebec. Ask her if she speaks French.

Go easy on our brothers down under. They're our brothers at heart. Same for the UK. They're going through a lot of the same sh!t we are, just different politicians.

edit on 8/14/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:58 PM
How many men does it take to blow up a pipeline?

Seriously, could three men do it?
edit on 8/14/2024 by Dapaga because: clarify

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

This does make me wonder if Burisma made money from the line getting blown. Then there is also this,
From: World Economic Forum

Germany takes new steps to tackle the energy crisis
Aug 24, 2022

Germany has decided to replace all Russian energy imports, most notably natural gas, by as soon as mid-2024, a Herculean effort given Europe's top economy depends on Moscow for the fuel to power its industry.

In 2021, Russia accounted for 55% of Germany's gas imports, a level that had declined to 26% by the end of June 2022, due to significantly reduced flows via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which is operating at just 20% of capacity.

Since a landmark strategic shift outlined in a speech by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Germany has taken numerous measures to tackle the challenge while softening the blow to its economy and citizens.

Funny how that report came out only a month before the Nord Stream explosion happened.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Dapaga
How many men does it take to blow up a pipeline?

Seriously, could three men do it?

1 in the boat
1 on the watch
1 in the water

So yes.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: Imhere

Yea and what do you think they can do if the investigation ends as we all know it should...pointing at the US employing him? Not a damn thing...cause we fund everyones everything. Thats how all pur adversaries will know for sure we did it...nothing will happen...

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Actually I am the only one in this conversation who has even a clue what they are talking about or even mean...

I don't mince words...I speak what I mean...and say it consicely...I would very much appreciate if you would too...but you wont cause you squirm too much to want to get held to your own consice words.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

2 in the water...boat left them and another picked them up...not saying I know...but I am also not dumb...any other way and those who own the boat know they are on the hook.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Now that you wrote that, I seem to remember something of that story around the time it happened. It was making the rounds before that US Naval ship got brought in to the topic.

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