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JOSEPH BIDEN Says Democrat Coup Leaders Forced Him to Resign the Presidency - Eff 1.20.2025.

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posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: 727Sky

Probably the same person that left the fake bomb at the DNC on January 6th.

Former President Trump is suing JOE BIDEN/DOJ over the raid on his home.


He really wants the contents of the seized documents made public, LEGALLY.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Thank you for that honest reply The. I do, however, recognize the probabilities of pressures placed on Biden to relinquish his candidacy both public AND private yet the ''proof'' does not lay in these words that he has spoken.

What I see as having happened was a simple ploy that included Biden's support, laying in wait. The plan as I saw it was to let the Republicans move in one direction, that of focusing on Biden. Surely the Democrats were aware of his condition, surely. How could they have been that dumb or dumber yet to have thought they could hide it any longer.

Better to keep up the pretense until the 'Republican convention had ended and then to pull the plug. Biden vehemently stating over and over that he would stay the course, Pelosi and others insisting that it would be his decision whether to continue or relinquish. The slow leaking of voices in and out of government saying he was losing his competency and would lose the election

I see a life long politician playing one final role, that role, the stubborn old man, and he played it well. And he played it well enough that even in this video as his last remaining focus leaves him he still holds the script. That script, his best advisors convinced him to step aside for the good of the party and the good of the nation.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

Trump had a rally in Montana a few days ago 😃

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 10:33 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 10:53 AM
Republicans: "This isn't fair, we showed up ready to beat up an old man."

In the interest of fairness, the red team is allowed to replace their old guy as well.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

well Friend, at least we can agree to disagree a bit.

What i see this as, is an internal fight for the (lack of) soul of the democrat party.

When Trump surprised in 2016, and they saw him on the path in 2020, the dems made a compromise:

The Clinton camp could pick the face, Biden, and Obama pulling the strings from his basement in his sweats. They would solve the Trump issue by jailing him...or killing him, and move on.

But none of that worked, Trump is the nominee.

So what we have seen over the past 6 months, is a power play. Biden did not resign on his own, he was forced out. This means the Obama camp won the struggle. I truly believe Biden did not write,or release that resignation. It got put out, Obama endorsed Kamala, and the Clintons lost.

If Trump loses in the fall, we will be under a dictatorship, plain and simple.

Because of the game being played, Biden can't use the words "forced out". He had to say it without saying it...his family are probably the ones who would pay if he says it in plain words.

edit on 12-8-2024 by theatreboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

Biden is campaigning for Harris and they have a scheduled rally in PA in 2 days.
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris to make first joint trip since Biden dropped out

Not according to your link. Did you forget to read it?

The White House announced Friday morning that Biden and Harris will head to Maryland on Aug. 15 for an official, non-campaign event to “discuss the progress they are making to lower costs for the American people.” They did not disclose the location or more specifics.

It says nothing about Biden attending a rally anywhere for KH.

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 11:58 AM
Ahhh, Joe has signs of some pretty substantial cognitive decline and probably some dementia. He needed to be out of that job. If he hadn't quit his run, the Democrats would be forced to take him out of office by the twenty fifth amendment, going along with him in his state of mind would have been the worst thing the Dems could do because it would prove they were all nuts for backing someone in his position to run again.

Meanwhile Joe doesn't like it, a person with dementia usually can't tell they have problems when it progresses past a certain point. He did realize he had some decline before the last election and was not interested in running, but the Dems and their handlers convinced him he would be all right...I condemn the actions of the people who talked him into running last time and not Joe for this. He has a legitimate mental health issue and might not realize he is not competent for the job anymore.

Didn't have much good to say of Biden before this cognitive decline happened, he was a career politician with a head bigger than Trumps. But at least he could comprehend things on his own and could deceive people better when his brain was working better. He knew when to hold them and when to fold them back then.

Pelosi backed him for that 2020 election and she had to know he was having cognitive problems. Sure, he could read a monitor and repeat what was written, but a President of this country needs more abilities than that. I blame Pelosi for contributing to his running last time...although evidently she might not be much better at thinking than he is. We need to scrutinize every politician we allow to run better, some of them are a little nuts. Who in their right mind would vote for the squad or for pelosi's partner in deception who's name sounds pretty shifty

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

I don't wish to disagree with you, merely to offer an alternative perspective. Myself,I try not to believe as much of this stuff as I can because I am poor with little power and can only guess at the make up of people with money who do have power.

Your take makes as much sense as does mine I think. This here is interesting

The Clinton camp could pick the face, Biden, and Obama pulling the strings from his basement in his sweats. They would solve the Trump issue by jailing him...or killing him, and move on.

I kind of saw this as the moderates picked the face and the progressives picked the agenda. Whichever, I think we agree that Biden was just the face of the party. They, the party, would never let him be king. For one, he never had the charisma or unified support, it was always a committee or cabal thing.

Trump however I see as different. He would be king if he could and now, the Republican Party has lined up, at least in public as saying ''yeah, that's ok with the rest of us.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Euronymous2625

Completely false is somewhat of an overstatement.

As the article said Biden all but admitted he was forced out, he danced around and got his point across to anyone with two brain cells in thier old noodle.

I think he is negotiating his retirement pension through the media with TPTB in the Democratic hierarchy, basically saying I'll squeal if I'm not taken care of.

One must remember Joe Biden will likely not be able to take up the retired Presidential affinity for high-dollar speaking engagements, I'm not sure a ghostwritten book would have much acclaim.

Im not sure he will show up at the convention or not, but they may have to pay him not to.

I can see a little Zoom meeting the Democrats are so fond of

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

edit on Mon Aug 12 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger2
I'm still laughing at how quickly their narrative changed. Like in 10 minutes. It went from Joe being the sharpest guy in the room and Kamala being unpopular and unlikeable, to Joe being senile and Kamala being the savior of democracy.

After Democrat voters realize, like Joe Biden finally understood, the Democrat party (which includes 95% of the news media) has been screwing them over for years, they will rebel in a big way.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: ColeYounger2

Remember how tapping into Joe's wisdom was going to save our democracy? Good times.

Joe was tapped in 2020. Used. And cast aside, after filling the pockets (LLC's) of corrupt Democrats, Republicans, and foreign leaders. (I hear Ukraine President Zelenskyy is now a multi-millionaire.)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
Biden's performance at the debate done nothing to change his mind or the party position. It was only after the attempted hit on Trump that the wheels fell of the Biden cart.

A month into this shooting and still nothing to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that the lone shooter theory is correct. Maybe it is? Maybe it ain't? If there was a bigger state sanctioned order to go ahead with such a plan, no way Biden could stay after failing on that one. The public ain't going to hear much about it, except for a creased flag at his funeral.

Hopefully one of our assets at the NSA will blow-the-whistle, to confirm that Joe Biden himself ordered the murder of former President Trump, in order to "Save Democracy". (His official reason) Joe blew it, Pelosi forced him out.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Good work with the flashing alert about the misleading title.

You wouldn't want to upset any obsessed, WEF apologist, fact-checkers... again.

I've got that covered though.

Let's not forget that Trump was accused by nearly the entire DNC and corporate press of both insurrection and attempting to perform a coup, both of which had less impact on any political office or the democratic process than this DNC rugpull against Biden.

If the shoe was on the other foot they'd be claiming what Biden said is an admission that a coup occurred and we all know it.

They feel they should not only get to change word definitions to suit their whims, but who can use the same definitions and standards they do.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Euronymous2625
Another completely false thread title from WeMustCare. Shocking.


I think he is negotiating his retirement pension through the media with TPTB in the Democratic hierarchy, basically saying I'll squeal if I'm not taken care of.


Very interesting point!

Burisma anyone? How many others??

Hunter???....Hunter???? (in my best Dean Ed Rooney voice.)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
Republicans: "This isn't fair, we showed up ready to beat up an old man."

In the interest of fairness, the red team is allowed to replace their old guy as well.

No need to.

Trump is going to beat your DEI Queen just like he would have beaten Biden.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Stranger too is why they would allow "Biden" to even go on a show and say all this, the subtle digs are bad for The Kamala Campaign. There's a bigger plot involved. All part of the confusion strategy. Something much much bigger is ready to happen. Something so bad nobody can imagine the results! ☠️☠️☣️☢️

Nancy Pelosi is DANGEROUS. She says her life's goal is to stop Donald Trump from being President again.


When Joe Biden's attempted assassination of Donald Trump failed, she was the one who forced Joe out of office. Now that Joe Biden has confirmed she pushed him out, Nancy may have 2 targets at the top of her "life's goal" list to see murdered.

This is not funny. Nancy is as dangerous as Hillary. 😨

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The fact that no top Democrats are asking President Joe Biden to campaign with them, is evidence that an intra-party coup was responsible for him suddenly not seeking re-election to a second term in office, back on July 21st.

Is it a fact? And it's evidence, right? Is that how that works?

Like if I state it's a fact that Trump has holed up for weeks now, and decided to do a press conference out of his dining room at Mar-a-Lago to let us know he will do a press conference, that is evidence he was panicking and losing his mind.

And now that I stated it, it's fact and evidence, just like with your OP.

Biden is campaigning for Harris and they have a scheduled rally in PA in 2 days.
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris to make first joint trip since Biden dropped out

So your fact/evidence theory is already bunk on page 1.

The media was complaining about Kamala not holding a formal Q&A. President Trump decided to hold a press conference to show Kamala how its done. It's no more complicated than that to rational political observers.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: ADVISOR

I have always opined about "they". How could "they" peacefully coexist? It always seemed to defy logic there could be a "they". Sooner or later one of the "they" would start feeling like they didn't want to share the power, or the money, or the control, with the rest of the "they". My thoughts have always been "they" could exist for a while, content with being given the key to the cabal washroom, but eventually this wouldn't be enough. It would start out as a much larger number of 'they', and over time, one by one, "they" would consolidate their power into an increasingly smaller group.

It's interesting to piece some of the puzzle pieces together, looking at things in retrospect. Take Jeffrey Epstein for example. Many people think he was just a facilitator of some twisted orgy of depraved decadence, but he was so much more. Epstein's real role was to get the "goods" (have the negatives, so to speak) on everyone else, didn't matter who, to ensure membership in the cabal was never exposed. Epstein upped the game. He opened the door for bolder and greater graft and corruption. You couldn't have the level of corruption we see today without someone like Epstein (and likely many others). But then Epstein got caught, exposed for what he was. It started little by little, but eventually what he was up to came to light. Epstein was the Devil's concierge. When Epstein went down, all bets were off. No one knew who would be exposed, or how much.

It was time to start trimming the (money and power) 'tree'...and this is just what we're witnessing. Then there was Trump. Trump wasn't a member of the cabal, he was an "outsider"; he couldn't be allowed to exist. Trump was a serious threat to all the career politicians, a threat to the "Swamp".

Then there was covid. Covid was designed to create a socialist welfare state. Force everyone to stop being able to provide for themselves so they would have to depend on the government, but covid turned out to be a dud, not anywhere near as powerful as what the cabal had thought. So what did "they" do then? Created the 'vaccine'. What covid couldn't achieve, the 'vaccine' could. And it almost worked. They almost pulled it off. That is...right up until Biden sh!t the bed. And, on top of this, "they" underestimated Trump. "They" figured they had him demonized to the point he'd never run again. Trump's over inflated ego saw to that.

And what we witnessing right in front of our eyes is the systematic implosion of the 'Swamp', and the "they" consolidating power.

It's kind of scary in a way, because no one knows what will happen next. They've definitely got more tricks in their bag of horrors, but now, now these are the "big guns"; the really nasty stuff. The kind of stuff people don't walk away from without a scar, if at all.

What's next?

For my part, I pop open the news each morning half expecting to see some bold headline where the Wizard has pulled back the curtain..."Alright all you sorry sacks of excrement...I am the one who is REALLY in charge...the political sideshow in this country is OVER...Now. I. Am. In. Charge!"

We are definitely coming up on a moment where it's put up, or shut up. I see there's a thread saying ALIENS may be in charge. Maybe that will be your surprise?

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Stranger too is why they would allow "Biden" to even go on a show and say all this, the subtle digs are bad for The Kamala Campaign. There's a bigger plot involved. All part of the confusion strategy. Something much much bigger is ready to happen. Something so bad nobody can imagine the results! ☠️☠️☣️☢️

Ok, so what if the plan now is to whack Kamala and say they have to get Joe back. and lookie here>>>> Joe wants it back!

Not too likely on the 1st part.

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