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JOSEPH BIDEN Says Democrat Coup Leaders Forced Him to Resign the Presidency - Eff 1.20.2025.

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+9 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:12 AM
Monday, August 12, 2024

The fact that no top Democrats are asking President Joe Biden to campaign with them, is evidence that an intra-party coup was responsible for him suddenly not seeking re-election to a second term in office, back on July 21st.

President Joe Biden confirmed yesterday that he was FORCED TO RESIGN, effective January 20, 2025..

President Biden admitted he was pushed out of the presidential race by Democratic Party elites, and specifically name-dropped former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in his first TV interview since the tectonic news last month.

Biden said that Dems in the House and Senate were worried that he’d drag down their chances of being reelected.

The incumbent president, 81, faced a public mutiny by numerous Democrats during the aftermath of his shocking debate performance against Trump at the end of June.

After dropping out of the race, Biden promptly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democratic candidate for President, on November's ballot.

A coherent, calm, (but internally angry-bitter) JOE BIDEN tells CBS News yesterday morning what leaders in his own party did to him.
Maybe GOP candidate Donald Trump was right when he said last week the "fighter instinct" in President Biden is so strong, he may decide to attend the big DNC convention in Chicago on August 19th, and REVERSE THE COUP. Wouldn't that be something to behold.

-WeMustCare 😎

edit on 1282024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:36 AM
Stranger too is why they would allow "Biden" to even go on a show and say all this, the subtle digs are bad for The Kamala Campaign. There's a bigger plot involved. All part of the confusion strategy. Something much much bigger is ready to happen. Something so bad nobody can imagine the results! ☠️☠️☣️☢️

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Stranger too is why they would allow "Biden" to even go on a show and say all this, the subtle digs are bad for The Kamala Campaign. There's a bigger plot involved. All part of the confusion strategy. Something much much bigger is ready to happen. Something so bad nobody can imagine the results! ☠️☠️☣️☢️

Yep...Sum of all (their) fears! 😨

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:53 AM
Let's be honest here shall we? In that video, or anywhere else, did Biden say he was forced to leave his candidacy? Not in my listening to it. Anyone else hear him say he was forced?

Did he say he was pushed? I did not hear that either. Oh, I read it a lot when written others but not from any statements of his. Coerced? Not that either. What I hear him saying is that he decided to quit for various reasons.

Now, in honesty , I can be wrong here but in honesty has anyone else heard him saying he was pushed or forced or coerced?

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 01:54 AM
Well at least they got him off the ticket without a random hidden smothering pillow attacking him during the night.

Oh and by the way what ever happened with identifying who brought the Cocaine into the W.H. ? I doubt true history will be kind to this administration..

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Probably the same person that left the fake bomb at the DNC on January 6th.

+7 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 02:08 AM
I'm still laughing at how quickly their narrative changed. Like in 10 minutes. It went from Joe being the sharpest guy in the room and Kamala being unpopular and unlikeable, to Joe being senile and Kamala being the savior of democracy.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger2

Remember how tapping into Joe's wisdom was going to save our democracy? Good times.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 04:10 AM
Biden's performance at the debate done nothing to change his mind or the party position. It was only after the attempted hit on Trump that the wheels fell of the Biden cart.

A month into this shooting and still nothing to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that the lone shooter theory is correct. Maybe it is? Maybe it ain't? If there was a bigger state sanctioned order to go ahead with such a plan, no way Biden could stay after failing on that one. The public ain't going to hear much about it, except for a creased flag at his funeral.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 04:16 AM
Rush Limbaugh called it, and was spot on when he predicted the leftist dems eating their own. It begins and the media can't hide it.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Wasn’t Kidding: Democrats Want to Eliminate Elections

They don’t want it to derive from the people. They don’t want it to derive from persuading people that their ideas are the best — and where is all of that codified? All of that thinking, all of that behavior is codified in elections. What are elections about? Elections are about trying to persuade people to support you, to vote for you. Based on what? Well, it could be any number of things.

It could be you’re better looking than the other guy. You’re gonna give away more welfare than the other guy. You’re gonna beat our enemies better than anybody else. Whatever it is, elections are the result of persuading millions of people to support you. They resent having to do that. One reason is they’re a minority. They can’t persuade a majority of people

Obama destroyed this party, folks, literally has destroyed the Democratic Party while elevating himself

The Democrat Party is going bananas -- completely, totally unhinged -- on the road to literal insanity.

This is the establishment. This is the elites. Their concerns just have very little in common. Illegal immigration, to complain about it is so, so uninformed and so small-minded. They never encounter, they never face the consequences of their own laws. They don't face the consequences of their own directives or actions.

No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.', 'Liberals measure compassion by how many people are given welfare. Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need it.', and 'Most of the reasons people think they can't do something are reasons they've created.

Democrats Want to Eliminate Elections

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The fact that no top Democrats are asking President Joe Biden to campaign with them, is evidence that an intra-party coup was responsible for him suddenly not seeking re-election to a second term in office, back on July 21st.

Is it a fact? And it's evidence, right? Is that how that works?

Like if I state it's a fact that Trump has holed up for weeks now, and decided to do a press conference out of his dining room at Mar-a-Lago to let us know he will do a press conference, that is evidence he was panicking and losing his mind.

And now that I stated it, it's fact and evidence, just like with your OP.

Biden is campaigning for Harris and they have a scheduled rally in PA in 2 days.
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris to make first joint trip since Biden dropped out

So your fact/evidence theory is already bunk on page 1.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger2
I'm still laughing at how quickly their narrative changed. Like in 10 minutes. It went from Joe being the sharpest guy in the room and Kamala being unpopular and unlikeable, to Joe being senile and Kamala being the savior of democracy.

And then when he was forced out the narrative went to 'how brave Joe is to not hold onto power, how like George Washington he is to give up the seat to a black woman, how unselfish he is' etc etc. And some like Van Jones actually had tears in their eyes and were getting chocked up at the thought of Biden not running for office.

Morons. All of them.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani
it's a fact that Trump has holed up for weeks now, and decided to do a press conference out of his dining room at Mar-a-Lago to let us know he will do a press conference, that is evidence he was panicking and losing his mind.

That's not true at all. He spent two weeks doing podcasts and tv interviews and making new commercials and working on the campaign. You left wingers had a problem with that. THen he did an all out interview with the press for an hour and answered every question they put to him. You left wingers had a problem with that too.

He's not panicking and he's not losing his mind. He's giving access to the media and he's engaged in his campaign. That's something Kamala Harris can't say the same for. And no, I don't like Donald Trump at all ... but lets not tell lies about the man. That kind of partisan tomfoolery is why the country is such a mess politically.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I have always opined about "they". How could "they" peacefully coexist? It always seemed to defy logic there could be a "they". Sooner or later one of the "they" would start feeling like they didn't want to share the power, or the money, or the control, with the rest of the "they". My thoughts have always been "they" could exist for a while, content with being given the key to the cabal washroom, but eventually this wouldn't be enough. It would start out as a much larger number of 'they', and over time, one by one, "they" would consolidate their power into an increasingly smaller group.

It's interesting to piece some of the puzzle pieces together, looking at things in retrospect. Take Jeffrey Epstein for example. Many people think he was just a facilitator of some twisted orgy of depraved decadence, but he was so much more. Epstein's real role was to get the "goods" (have the negatives, so to speak) on everyone else, didn't matter who, to ensure membership in the cabal was never exposed. Epstein upped the game. He opened the door for bolder and greater graft and corruption. You couldn't have the level of corruption we see today without someone like Epstein (and likely many others). But then Epstein got caught, exposed for what he was. It started little by little, but eventually what he was up to came to light. Epstein was the Devil's concierge. When Epstein went down, all bets were off. No one knew who would be exposed, or how much.

It was time to start trimming the (money and power) 'tree'...and this is just what we're witnessing. Then there was Trump. Trump wasn't a member of the cabal, he was an "outsider"; he couldn't be allowed to exist. Trump was a serious threat to all the career politicians, a threat to the "Swamp".

Then there was covid. Covid was designed to create a socialist welfare state. Force everyone to stop being able to provide for themselves so they would have to depend on the government, but covid turned out to be a dud, not anywhere near as powerful as what the cabal had thought. So what did "they" do then? Created the 'vaccine'. What covid couldn't achieve, the 'vaccine' could. And it almost worked. They almost pulled it off. That is...right up until Biden sh!t the bed. And, on top of this, "they" underestimated Trump. "They" figured they had him demonized to the point he'd never run again. Trump's over inflated ego saw to that.

And what we witnessing right in front of our eyes is the systematic implosion of the 'Swamp', and the "they" consolidating power.

It's kind of scary in a way, because no one knows what will happen next. They've definitely got more tricks in their bag of horrors, but now, now these are the "big guns"; the really nasty stuff. The kind of stuff people don't walk away from without a scar, if at all.

What's next?

For my part, I pop open the news each morning half expecting to see some bold headline where the Wizard has pulled back the curtain..."Alright all you sorry sacks of excrement...I am the one who is REALLY in charge...the political sideshow in this country is OVER...Now. I. Am. In. Charge!"

edit on 8/12/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The fact that no top Democrats are asking President Joe Biden to campaign with them, is evidence that an intra-party coup was responsible for him suddenly not seeking re-election to a second term in office, back on July 21st.

Is it a fact? And it's evidence, right? Is that how that works?

Like if I state it's a fact that Trump has holed up for weeks now, and decided to do a press conference out of his dining room at Mar-a-Lago to let us know he will do a press conference, that is evidence he was panicking and losing his mind.

And now that I stated it, it's fact and evidence, just like with your OP.

Biden is campaigning for Harris and they have a scheduled rally in PA in 2 days.
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris to make first joint trip since Biden dropped out

So your fact/evidence theory is already bunk on page 1.

it just feels like something is different. I can't put my finger on it......wait, I know! The idiot left changed horses towards the end of the race. And now Trump is going against a totally different candidate. Would he have to change anything in his campaign? Probably not, they kind of run themselves. so I concur, why isn't he out on the campaign trail showcasing all of Biden's weaknesses and his strengths. I bet he beats Biden by a bunch.... DERP.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Let's be honest here shall we? In that video, or anywhere else, did Biden say he was forced to leave his candidacy? Not in my listening to it. Anyone else hear him say he was forced?

Did he say he was pushed? I did not hear that either. Oh, I read it a lot when written others but not from any statements of his. Coerced? Not that either. What I hear him saying is that he decided to quit for various reasons.

Now, in honesty , I can be wrong here but in honesty has anyone else heard him saying he was pushed or forced or coerced?

The only way to win democrat hearts and minds is by convincing them that DNC sabotaged their hero so that kamaleon can take his job. And somehow Trump is going to avenge him at the debates and the election because he feels bad for the guy. But you're correct, he didn't use those words at all. The title is misleading.

edit on 12-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Let's be honest here shall we? In that video, or anywhere else, did Biden say he was forced to leave his candidacy? Not in my listening to it. Anyone else hear him say he was forced?

Did he say he was pushed? I did not hear that either. Oh, I read it a lot when written others but not from any statements of his. Coerced? Not that either. What I hear him saying is that he decided to quit for various reasons.

Now, in honesty , I can be wrong here but in honesty has anyone else heard him saying he was pushed or forced or coerced?

I use the term you in the post. This does not refer to BingoMcGoof, but all dems in general.

You have to have ears to hear.

You don't want it to be true, so your mind doesn't accept what he says as true.

Think about it:

You have had no choice on the dem side. Kamala was chosen for you.

For you to accept the facts, you have to admit the dems are DICATATING who you can choose from. You have to admit the dems are on course for a dictatorship. And by supporting the dems, you support the dictator (Obama)

Instead of accepting the truth, you bury your head in the sand and spin.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

There is no need to oversell it to the fair and rational, but the title is a tad

to be fair

Just be glad they didn't do this earlier, right now the Democrats are running on BVE, sooner or later she will have to talk to the press. Rumors are they want to wait till the convention as the coffers are still low in comparison to 2020, all rumors but are still logical and rational conclusions, as is the assumption Joseph Robinette was ushered out quietly, and it was because of Democratic down-ballot concerns as much as Presidential. Again logical and rational assumptions or conclusions

[url][/ur l]

President Biden all but admitted he was pushed out of the presidential race by Democratic Party elites and specifically name-dropped former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in his first TV interview since the tectonic news last month.

Biden said that Dems in the House and Senate were worried that he’d drag down their chances of being reelected. He said he believed his reelection bid would face too many distractions if he carried on.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 09:45 AM
My thread about the resignation from the election letter that he allegedly wrote .
He didn't write the letter. He didn't sign the letter.


Now Nancy Pelosi says Joe Biden didn't write the drop out letter.

Legal Insurrection

PELOSI: “I didn’t accept the letter is anything but a letter. I mean — I mean, there are some people who were unhappy with the letter. Let me say it differently. Some said that some people were unhappy with the letter — I’ll put it in somebody else’s mouth — because it was a — I mean, it didn’t sound like Joe Biden to me. It really didn’t.”

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
Well at least they got him off the ticket without a random hidden smothering pillow attacking him during the night.

Oh and by the way what ever happened with identifying who brought the Cocaine into the W.H. ? I doubt true history will be kind to this administration..

Unfortunately, the lazy GOP Congress went on vacation July 26th, lasting until September 9th. The Cocaine and Biden Crime Family and Trump Being Shot investigations are all on hold while they lay around on the beaches of the world. Meanwhile, their side (MSM/Biden/Judges/etc.) is hard at work shaping the next 90 days.

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