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posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 05:41 AM
They could provide assistance to obtain ID. Then no one could say it was too hard.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: DAVID64


There's a long list of things you need an ID for - Renting a car, getting a loan, renting an apartment, open a bank account, buying alcohol, cigarettes....but Kamala says it's racist to require one to vote.

So, anyone want to explain why you needed a government issued ID to attend her rally in Arizona ? I'd really like to hear the logic behind that.

Honestly, do you really need to ask this question? Notice we never hear any other party besides the democrats calling for this lack of accountability in the voting process. I can't imagine why! (note: I can imagine why, so a rhetorical question).

I've often wondered what it's like to live in a communist dictatorship. Specifically, I've wondered how the people who are smart enough to understand what is going on feel about such a political atmosphere.

I've lived in a true 2-class society (Malaysia) where there really are only two classes...the "haves" and the "have nots". There is literally nothing, exactly zero, in between these two classes. I understand how those people feel, but Malaysia isn't even a dictatorship. It is termed a "Federal Constitutional Elective Monarchy", which is just a fancy way of saying people vote, and then the "haves" do whatever they want, and the "have nots" just have to suck it up and deal with it. Long ago they 'weaponized' their political process, and opponents just get accused of wild crimes and jailed. I watched it happen. So, I wonder how people in a true dictatorship feel?

How does this relate to the OP? Well, for starters, when there is no accountability in the voting process, there can be no accountability in the election process, or even the entire political process. It isn't really even an "election", it's just a sideshow for window dressing, and this is what the democrats accountability for anything so they can just do whatever the hell they want.

But politicians are cowards for the most part, they're not the brave patriots they make themselves out to be. In a real dictatorship most of these cowards would be killed or exiled, so what democrats want is a softer form of a dictatorship, one which provides them with all the benefits of a dictatorship (i.e. consolidation of power, and money, and influence) without all the bullets. Sound familiar????

edit on 8/12/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Specifically, to your question, why is ID required for a rally, but not to vote?

Well, it would seem the democrats are happy to get elected...even if they're AFRAID of their own voters!!


posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 07:43 AM
Kamala is saying blacks Asian, Hispanic and

Native are to stupid to get voter ID.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Scratchpost

Kamala is saying blacks Asian, Hispanic and

Native are to stupid to get voter ID.

Even though they know that’s a lie, that’s exactly what they’re saying. I find the democrats despicable in so many different ways.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 11:31 AM
I would but I’d have to be able to also explain why the Democratic VP pick endorses having your child removed from your being a parent if you disagree that your 5 year old isn’t the sex/gender they claim they are.

Or why his wife loves the smell of carnage and burning tires.

But yeah, it’s racist because the rest of the world does it.

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 04:26 PM
Love all these answers dancing around the obvious. It’s neither racist nor that difficult to get and then provide ID. However it does make voter fraud a touch more difficult.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Vetting. Security. It's what it is....

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

So, anyone want to explain why you needed a government issued ID to attend her rally in Arizona ?

a check stub or a receipt from the harris campaign for 20,000 dollar must be how.
maybe even a bus boarding roster from the homeless camps would count.
edit on 13-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

The Trump compaign doesnt require ID. Not even now, after being shot in the head.

No one is after Kamala. Nobody cares enough about her.

Requiring ID is not for security, its for power.

The party of fear needs to know who to target.


having IDs is redundant.... despite my objections, i find that my PC goes and 'Sync's' other sites i have associations with...Yes MS10 pick-my-pocket indiscriminately... a hacks treasure trove of sensitive data

amassing data for analysis of 'patterns' to ID / Profile future 'problem Persons' (aka targets) as you pointed out
edit on 13-8-2024 by StudioNada because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 09:53 AM
If you're too poor, or too stupid, or too unqualified to get a state issued ID, you probably aren't qualified to be voting.

I don't understand why this is an unpopular opinion. How stupid do you have to be to not be able to get an ID?

You can't drive a car, buy alcohol or cigarettes or firearms or fireworks or even ammo in my state without an ID.

if you're not able to get an ID, I don't want you voting for the people who exist to make more laws/taxes to hold me down.

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 08:39 AM
Answer: Fast track the illegals to US citizenship, just starting now. a reply to: DBCowboy

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: DAVID64

How are illegal aliens supposed to vote if they are forced to show ID?

I brought my drivers license and my voting card they send in the mail to show my polling location. The ladies who were running the polling place were duly impressed when I plunked them down together.
But I hear the Democrat helpers are helping the illegals to get drivers license welfare benefit and voter registration.
edit on 15-8-2024 by EyeoftheHurricane because: (no reason given)

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