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Trump Announces He Has Agreed To Three Debates with Harris

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Just a guess, his lawyers told him he's fine to do it. Maybe?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Well he has lawyers as if you don't know. Maybe he got an agreement with ABC. What's your suspicions ?? 😃

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Does it matter? He has agreed to the traditional three debates that the candidates engage in for the Presidential election. Harris, on the other hand, refuses to do two of them. This, after she got in front of democrat filled audiences and screamed to Trump ..'say it to my face'. He took her up on that and did. And now she's cowering. She should cower. She can't put a sentence together with any kind of actual information. It's all word salad.

Trump bloviates and rambles. But he gets the facts out. Harris doesn't know anything about anything and just tries to word salad her way through a question. She's being carried by the left wing press and the lemmings are sucking it up.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Well he has lawyers as if you don't know. Maybe he got an agreement with ABC. What's your suspicions ?? 😃

My suspicion is that he knows he’s dropping in the polls and is in panic mode.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Who the hell cares why? He is doing it.

Prepare yourselves for your "savior" to be completely destroyed on her utter failures as VP, let alone her brain scrambling word salad responses to any question.

She is scared, you guys are scared, you are all scared sh!tless.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Well he has lawyers as if you don't know. Maybe he got an agreement with ABC. What's your suspicions ?? 😃

My suspicion is that he knows he’s dropping in the polls and is in panic mode.

He might be scared with the way the MSM is propping her up, but they can't do the basement thing forever. the three or four actual journalists left are starting to ask questions. She will have to come up with some answers as to how she is going to fix all the things she and Joe broke. And once the glitter wears off, everyone will wonder why they cheered for a shiny turd.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
My suspicion is that he knows he’s dropping in the polls and is in panic mode.

He agrees to the traditional three presidential debates that happen in an election year and that's 'panic mode'?? Yeah ... right. The one in panic mode would be the one not wanting to debate when the polls are all tied up. If one was way ahead of the other I could see that person not bothering. But with it tied ??? No .. Harris is the one who looks weak here ... not Trump who is just agreeing to what is traditional.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: network dude

And once the glitter wears off, everyone will wonder why they cheered for a shiny turd.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:46 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:48 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:50 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: RazorV66

Why is Trump agreeing to the ABC debate all of sudden? It was just a few days ago he was claiming he couldn’t do it because of a law suit he filed against an ABC journalist.

Well he has lawyers as if you don't know. Maybe he got an agreement with ABC. What's your suspicions ?? 😃

My suspicion is that he knows he’s dropping in the polls and is in panic mode.

You're only exposed to the rigged public free polls. The Campaigns pay big money for private company polling that is more pinpointed accurate. You don't know what those are saying do you. I do.


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:36 PM
This election should look very much like 1984. No joke. We had an administration that was worse that Carter and I honestly, for a modern POTUS, never thought this would happen.

Remember, Hillary was showing 8 to 12 points up 2 weeks before the 2016 election. He campaign knew 3 weeks before the election with internal polling they were done and cancelled her NYC party. That is when a lot of people realized it was over.

Right now, all the Democrats are saying is Trump sucks. People are tired of it. Trumps has not been president for 4 years but she has.

Trump has agreed to any debate.
edit on 892024 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
This election should look very much like 1984. No joke. We had an administration that was worse that Carter and I honestly, for a modern POTUS, never thought this would happen.

Remember, Hillary was showing 8 to 12 points up 2 weeks before the 2016 election. He campaign knew 3 weeks before the election with internal polling they were done and cancelled her NYC party. That is when a lot of people realized it was over.

Right now, all the Democrats are saying is Trump sucks. People are tired of it. Trumps has not been president for 4 years but she has.

Trump has agreed to any debate.

I agree 100%

These fools are desperate.

When they say these things, they are trying to convince themselves that Harris will make it past the first debate.

It's astonishing that they forget how nauseatingly bad she was in 2020 with only 844 votes before dropping like a sack of dogsh!t.

And for God's sake, should we not mention her putrefying 3 1/2 years as the most useless VP in over 50 years?

She is not the savior of the Dem party, not by a long shot and along with her tampon loving VP choice, they will be the biggest laughingstock in the history of American politics.
edit on 9-8-2024 by RazorV66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

This campaign is funny because in 2020 they actually had Joe to go to because no one was sitting president. Now, hearing how many people turned her down, this is all just a money grab for the DNC.

The Progressives are talking to the people they already know will vote for them. Trump is looking at the kids and going more digital like 2015-2016. He knows where to go. When he does not hold his own rally but goes to support the down ticket the media says he is not campaigning. It is a joke.

The funniest though is anyone who says Trump is scared...of what? The Cackle? I do not think he will be able to not laugh at it.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Trump took a bullet for this country.

He's not scared of any of those clowns.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Well ... that's it. Trump has said in public that he has agreed to three debates with Harris in September. He said little details like 'audience or no audience' will be ironed out. Harris has yet to respond.

If Trump stays on topic and doesn't bloviate he will win because Harris is just a word salad mess who knows absolutely nothing about anything. Ask her a question about basic economics for the country and she'll fold like a taco. However, if Trump goes off topic and bloviates, like he does sometimes, it will overshadow Harris doing her word salad and it will cover up of her ignorance and she will look better.

We will see if Harris agrees to the debates.

Then we will see if Trumps sentencing happens on September 18th not. The judge has finally decided that he might have to recuse himself because of his daughters work for Kamala Harris. This should have happened at the very beginning but whatever ... if he gets recused then the sentencing may be put off. If the sentencing goes through as planned, the debates may not happen because Trump might be under house arrest etc etc

Trump Announces He Has Agreed to Three Debates Against Harris

Speaking from Mar-a-Lago on Thursday afternoon, Trump announced that he has agreed to take part in three presidential debates in September: Fox on September 4, ABC on September 10, and NBC on September 25.

"So we have those three dates and those networks, they're very anxiously awaiting that date and those dates," Trump told reporters. "We have spoken to the heads of the network and it's all been confirmed," other than "minor details" like location, whether there will be an audience, and other details.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

There are now three debates for KAMALA to use in convincing Americans that she is serious this time about doing something meaningful, instead of just jabbering and cackling. From former President Donald J. Trump tonight...

The first Debate with Kamala Harris, for President of the United States of America, will be with FoxNews on September 4th, 2024, LIVE from beautiful Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The second Debate will take place on Fake News ABC, home of George Slopadopoulos, to be anchored by David Muir, on September 10th, 2024, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The third Debate will take place on NBC, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 25th, 2024, to be anchored by Lester Holt - Details to follow. I look forward to seeing Kamala at all three Debates! DJT

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: matafuchs

Trump took a bullet for this country.

He's not scared of any of those clowns.

By his reaction it looked more like a bee sting to me.

Either way, not like he even saw it coming… yet your gonna talk nonsense like he sat there waiting to get grazed on the ear by a bullet.

Come on dude, he didn’t take nothin for nobody… a narcissistic billionaire turned his head at the exact right time and got lucky. That’s all that happened there.

edit on 11-8-2024 by JadedGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: TzarChasm
They should get viewers to submit a variety of questions and the highest voted questions are copy pasted on the mediators talking points clipboard, instead of engineering hot button debate topics to make Kamala look good.

No need to Hot topic for Kamala, to make her look good... She is good!
Anyways you could put a chimp up against Trump and the Chimp would look excellent! lmao

What is it she is good about? She could probably win a world record for “ word salad,” as she’s gaining quite a reputation for it. For what little she seems to have in her head though, it appears she is on board with some radical stuff.

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