posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 04:03 PM
originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: stonerwilliam
TR seems to serve as a convenient distraction from the elephant in the room called ethnic fractures in British society. But let's not talk about
that, it is much easier to simply claim the far right is to blame.
Tommy and Co come across as agent provocateurs and there is probably a Muslim version of him on the net doing exactly the same winding up the idiots
and on the payroll of M16 .
I am expecting a FF like the London bombing of 2005 where all the emergency vehicles just happened to be parked round the corner on Tavistock square
at the time doing a exrecise and all the patsies bought return tickets and the train that morning never run .
I used to work all over England's cities years ago shopfitting but would hate to try that these days with the millions of 3 Rd and 4 th world savages
that have poured in since then .
A member here Mac ? Wrote a few years ago about being married to a Muslim lady and living in London and how they were getting treated by the new
arrivals because of their perception of a mixed religious marriage , even out shopping they were getting grief ..
I am glad I stay in a quiet part of the UK well away from the madding crowd and if anybody were to start any trouble it would soon be stopped in its
tracks by the locals who are not as armless as people think
Yes we need to be VERY VERY carefull of what we post online these days especially after the prankING the government got yesterday and how a labour
councillor was shown up calling for whites to be executed who were using public transport , I really hope they throw the book at him but his card is
If he does not get jail time and lots of it then expect fireworks
edit on 8/8/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason