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Triad of prophetic dreams with precise countdown clock to year of the onset of Apocalypse.

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posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:38 AM

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on your guard and stay alert! For you do not know when the appointed time will come.…

Mark 13:32

No man knows the day nor the hour…

But did a series of three extremely vivid & powerful, cosmic scale prophetic dreams, occurring across three consecutive nights of my sleep approximately six months ago, indicate the countdown clock that reveals the exact year of the initiation of the Apocalypse, or Great Unveiling, detailed in the vision sequence of the Book of the Revelation of St John? These dreams were none of them lengthy, but all of them were extremely shocking, moving, impactful, and ground-shaking in their very obvious import. Each was most assuredly carried & imparted by, and suffused through with, the distinctive divine Spirit of a genuine prophetic dream in the Christian tradition.

As a Christian of over twenty years, I was told twelve years ago by a well established prophet that God was blessing me with a prophetic gift. I began to have powerful & accurate dreams which foretold exact future events in my own life, in the lives of family & friends, and in the public life of my own nation & internationally. For a long time I wasn’t really sure what to do with this gift – who to tell, when to let people know that I’d seen something, how to pray for greater revelation or how to move into a position of responsibility within my local church where the gift was recognised & heeded, of course with appropriate oversight & accountability. Eventually I was recognised by my church as having a genuine prophetic gift & I’m a member of the prayer team helping to look after people who are seeking a word from God regarding some aspect of their lives. More recently, after having some deep conversations with other believers about elements of my dream life, I was told that I seem to have the gift of a ‘Seer’ also, which is a related gift that seems to exist for God to impart especially potent messages at times of need, indeed times of great need, when nothing but a word from the man upstairs will cut it to prepare people for upcoming events. After reflection & research following this series of dreams I’m writing about here, I’m now convinced that God has sent a very specific message to the world regarding the specific year of the onset of the Biblical events of the Apocalypse, using me as a vessel for this purpose. The way I see it, He has prepared me to understand the mechanics of the Prophetic & Seer giftings over the past twelve years, and the entire purpose of the whole process was so that I would make a public statement concerning the exact year in which the events of Revelation would begin to unfold – signs & wonders, the presence of angels, tribulation, rapture, judgment, and ‘Apokatastasis’ (more on that later).

Although it is stated clearly in Scripture that we do not know the day nor hour of the onset of these events, it is now my firm belief that God has revealed to us the year in which these supernatural events will begin to unfold, in advance, specifically so that we can begin to make very practical preparations for what will without doubt be very difficult times, no matter the creed of the people experiencing them. We must not seek to save our lives at the expense of our soul, but God does not want us flailing around like headless chickens either, He will need us to share our faith with those who are confused, lost & hurting when the supernatural manifestations begin; so we have been blessed with a bit of time now to ready ourselves, before the real difficulties begin. Exactly what form our preparations must take are somewhat known to me, based on other dreams of a similar nature that I’ve had over the past twelve years. In fact, since realising what these three specific dreams which I’m writing about here signify, I have come to see many other dreams from over the years in the light of the context which these three specific End Times dreams symbolise & portend, and I will be making an effort to update the thread in time with additional information that may prove to be useful as we prepare.

I have been a very private man in the real world over these past twelve years, primarily because of the worsening of a disability which has kept me physically isolated from society, highly immobile & bed-bound for 90% or more of each day due to severe chronic pain, struggling with even the most basic of physical & social activities. Despite being a prisoner of my bedroom over these many years, God has blessed me with a vivid, varied & fantastical experience of nightly dream travels. They say that when one sense diminishes, another will spring up & rise in prominence to compensate for the lack in another area – certainly that has been how this experience has felt at times; the dreams have kept me sane, given me hope, nourished my faith, and helped me to help others in need. It hasn’t been without a severe retaliation from the Enemy of our souls. Despite the wonderful Heaven-inspired dreams, occurring perhaps 40% of the time, the other 60% has involved severe nightmares – frustrating & disheartening twisting epic fractal puzzles & demonic manipulation in the underworld, including severe demonic abuse (including the creation of real physical pain during torture whilst dreaming). In the past six months, since the time of having had the three dreams to which I refer specifically in this thread, I have managed to regain a modicum of control over these evil dreams through the application of sustained spiritual warfare, affirmations grounded in scriptural promises recited & confirmed prior to sleeping, has more or less rid me of the nightmares when I am consistent in my prayers. Hallelujah! But nothing in this world is easy, so the battle is difficult, testing, and at times overwhelming, especially if my pain prevents me from engaging properly with my prayer discipline. Anyway, enough backstory.


posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:38 AM
And so, on to the content of the dreams, before I begin a discussion of the symbolism & what I believe is represented & foreshadowed. As I stated previously, these were not lengthy or overly complex dreams. The primary reason for the deep impact they have had upon my psyche & belief, is that they were IMMENSELY powerful representations, sequential across three consecutive days, they involved direct repetition (which I have NEVER experienced ever before in my forty plus years of nightly vivid dreaming; certainly not on consecutive nights). The other main reason for my shock at the directly evident meaning so clearly intended is that I had never before considered the subject matter contained within the first two of the dreams, and only rarely had I expressed some measure of interest with the second phenomenon, occurring in the third dream; the general subject area itself simply hadn’t been a part of my lexicon of knowledge/interest, being as it was based in astronomy, something I have read about in light depth occasionally. Perhaps I would consider a particular topic briefly when it crosses my path, but never has it ever been anything that I could say I have taken a deep interest in. Furthermore, the subject matter was so very specific in its nature, and, as it transpired, deeply meaningful in ways that are broad in scope, and indeed based on the deeply held beliefs of huge swathes of people of ancient culture in several parts of the world, containing also some very specific & unusual cosmic/ scientific points of meaningfulness which cannot be overlooked as we continue to examine the matter.


The first dream was simple in form; it was a powerful vision of the heliacal rise of the brightest star in the skies, Sirius, seen close-up, with incredible swirls & flashes of colour & light, a sense of immense vibratory force emanating from the star, cosmic life flowing from & around the star, pulsing & rippling, rising as it did above the low horizon in the twilight of dawn, in the eastern skies, as seen from Heliopolis in Egypt. It was as though the clockwork of the heavens had unlocked a secret passageway that was somehow making the star into a portal of God’s majesty & grandeur, with the Creator-of-everything-that-is forcefully driving His manifest presence into the Creation that He forged so many aeons ago; undeniable, unapologetic – not vicious or violent, simply being more present in His world than He has ever been before, in a glorious & unshakeable manifestation, choosing to flow for a moment through the form of the star, taking centre stage in the skies with the creation & manifestation of one immense cosmic sign, intended to point the way to a future that will ultimately demand true change of every individual capable of comprehending the phenomenon & its meaning. It was EPOCHAL in its all-consuming intensity, words are literally not enough to describe the power & majesty of this dream experience.

The second dream, on the second night, was essentially a repetition of the first dream, with highly similar visuals, feelings, and intuited depth, forcefulness & clarion signalling of potent meaningfulness, mysterious as that insight was as the time. This repetition shocked me deeply on awakening, as it had never been a feature of my dream life ever before. I was literally floored by the undeniable magnitude of the situation, the repetition of two intensely powerful, richly vivid & deeply meaningful experiences, on two consecutive nights – symbolism never before encountered, never before a subject that I had been particularly intrigued by (astronomy), repeating so clearly & unmistakeably – I had never had dreams more deeply & forcefully of true & everlasting meaning; never before had I had dreams so visually rich, detailed, awe-inspiring... Undeniably, a message from God, straight from God, clearly something I was supposed to understand & share with others. But initially, the actual meaning of these first two dreams, and indeed the one I will now relate, utterly eluded me. Typically, when I experience a prophetic dream, or a spiritual dream which I know contains a message from God, upon awakening I am able to immediately intuit what the exact meaning of the dream happens to be, whether it is a message for me, for someone else, for the church, for the nation, for the world. The ability to render exact interpretation is a key component of the gift. But this time - these three dreams – it wasn’t clear. I was left only with a sense of the undeniable power, and the undeniable origin as arising from God’s heart; there was no interpretation.

My initial reaction was to Google regarding the heliacal rise of Sirius, which revealed some information that I’ll relate shortly – but nothing jumped out at me at the time. I had just had the most powerful & clearly God-driven dreams that I’d ever had (and I’ve had a lot), but I was adrift in my search for meaning. I had to let the memory of the dream series rest in my subconscious/conscious mind for several (six) months, cogitating over the possibilities every now & then, asking a trusted church friend & his wife to weigh it up (they had no answers either). But then, over the course of the past two weeks, I had an initiating spark of insight as to what may have been signified; and I’ve become gradually more & more convinced in my certainty of what these dreams reveal, to the point that now, I have absolutely no doubt, and I will be proclaiming with bold confidence, as in this thread, exactly what I believe to be presaged by the experience. But first, the third dream.


posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

On the third night of this remarkable experience, I went to bed expecting nothing. Surely, there couldn’t be yet further continuation of this process that had unfolded so powerfully. And yet, that night, I dreamt again in the Spirit, though this time the dream was a little more complex, and had a different, yet broadly similar content, in that it dealt in part with an astronomical event. Again, there was a sense of divine power suffused throughout the dream, and again, there was a sense of deep meaning. In the third dream, I found myself standing with one foot in the ocean, and one foot on the land. This was an instant intuited understanding of the fact that I was standing in the extremely shallow waters of a beach, which extended much further inland in the same shallow depth than would be the case in real life. This understanding, of having one foot on land & one in the water, came to me immediately while I was dreaming, which is unusual in itself, and I recognised straight away that there was a Biblical principle at work for this very fact of stance is described in the book of the Revelation of St John, when an angel stands in this manner with one foot on the land & one foot in the ocean, before announcing something of import. I am not suggesting that I am that angel, merely that there was direct suggestion in the symbolism that the work of angels was beginning. Low on the horizon, dominating the skies, was the Midnight Sun phenomenon which is observed in the Arctic Circle around the Summer Solstice, which over an approximate six month period at the pole never sets below the horizon, it appears merely to circle the observer closely, and it was casting a reddish glow over the entire scene. Again, it carried a sense of the divine presence, with power emanating from the Sun which was directly evocative of the power of the Almighty – not that He was directly represented by the Sun, only that the scene carried the same divine power pulsating throughout its manifestation. The dream was extremely vivid & highly realistic; the Midnight Sun itself was a sign & a wonder, an omen that the light had dimmed, that darkness had come upon the Earth, and yet God was at work during the period in which the light had apparently been reduced. The scripture concerning the combined presence of land & sea in the stance of the angel is found in Revelation 10: 5 as follows:

When the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to put it in writing. But I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.” Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven. And he swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and everything in it, the earth and everything in it, and the sea and everything in it: “There will be no more delay!…

Revelation 10: 5

The text in bold reveals what I felt to be the overarching meaning behind the symbolism of this third dream – that there would be no more delay, that the time of judgment had come, that all was about to be unveiled. The mystery of the Seven Thunders has never been revealed to Mankind, it was sealed up & hidden at the time of its writing, a sacred promise of powerful things to come, yet hidden until the days in which their stated purposes will be revealed. I believe that with the unveiling of the promise & warning of the dream sequence which I received, the days of the revealing of these mysteries are nearly upon us.

In the scripture quoted above, the angel raises his right hand as he swears by Heaven concerning what would occur; this is mirrored in the other most highly prophetic text of scripture which refers to the period of the onset of Apocalypse, the Book of Daniel, specifically Daniel chapter 12, which I reproduce in full below for reference:

“At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt. Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.
But you, Daniel, shut up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam to and fro, and knowledge will increase.”
Then I, Daniel, looked and saw two others standing there, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. One of them said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long until the fulfilment of these wonders?”
And the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by Him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, and times, and half a time. When the power of the holy people has finally been shattered, all these things will be completed.”
I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will be the outcome of these things?”
“Go on your way, Daniel,” he replied, “for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless, and refined, but the wicked will continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.

And from the time the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is he who waits and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.
But as for you, go on your way until the end. You will rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”

Daniel 12


edit on AugustMonday2418CDT10America/Chicago-050040 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

So, what does it all refer to in combination?

In ancient Egyptian culture, the heliacal rising of the star Sirius coincided with the Summer Solstice, and was the key indicator which demonstrated that the seasonal flooding of the Nile river was about to begin, bringing fertility to the land, the agricultural season upon which the entire nation depended. I believe that the main point here is that the representation of the agricultural season is equivalent to the representation of the great harvest of souls promised in the Christian scripture, by Jesus Himself, who stated that angels would descend upon the Earth to reap a harvest of souls. Furthermore, there is a key theme associated with the heliacal rising of Sirius in Christian culture, derived from thought in more ancient Egyptian & Babylonian culture (yet being entirely within Christian thought during the early years of the Christian church, and the ‘Church Fathers’ especially, which is the notion of Apokatastasis. This is the theory that there will be a restoration of the world & all that it contains, to a perfected Edenic state, a completion of the grand cosmic cycle represented by the return of the star Sirius to its place & time in which it denotes a great fertilisation of the world, bringing it back to a perfected state. Some have theorised that there is a possibility of universal salvation, that all souls will be brought back into harmonious relationship with God. However it is stated in Daniel chapter 12 that some souls will be revived into a state that is at least less than perfect, as they would be subject to shame & contempt. This however, does not necessarily translate as eternal damnation, but rather that there will be a less than perfect state of existence for those souls who failed their respective tests whilst living upon the Earth & perhaps also in the heavenly realms beyond their life upon the Earth. Even a less than perfect state could be interpreted as a form of everlasting punishment, knowing that they were destined to remain outside of the perfection of a truly restored relationship with the Creator. I have some sympathy with this theory of Apokatastasis as a form of universalism, the restoration of all things, because my journey of faith has brought me to an understanding of God as an intensely merciful & loving Creator, One who is perhaps determined to bring all souls into as near a perfect relationship with Himself as is possible. I certainly hope that in some manner this is the truth of the matter, though I cannot claim any specific revelation on the truth of this theory. Certainly though, the dreams with such an emphasis on the completing cycle of Sirius brings the suggestion at least of a veil of seeming truth laid over the matter of Apokatastasis, that there will be, following the Apocalypse, a restoration of the Earth & all within it to a perfected state, and this indeed is borne out by the scripture in which the Millennial reign of Christ is predicted after the consummation of the Apocalyptic era. It is my belief therefore that as is written in Daniel chapter 12, Michael the archangel will be manifest upon the Earth, he will rise up as a conqueror during the End Times, taking a supporting leadership position amongst the remnant of the church of Christ and acting as protector for the Christian peoples while the tribulation is ongoing – which is a period specifically intended for the evangelisation of those who remain outside the church during those times, prior to the harvest of souls & the Apokatastasis restoration when Christ Himself returns. Remember that Daniel 12 prophesies that “the power of the holy people [is] shattered” at the very conclusion of the Apocalyptic events, prior to Apokatastasis.

Further supporting my sympathy for the doctrine of Apokatastasis, the final judgment of the Book of Revelation states that not only will ‘Death’ itself as a concept & an archetypal entity of some sort be cast into the Lake of Fire for destruction, indeed ‘Hell’ itself as a concept & archetypal entity will also be cast into the Lake of Fire for destruction. There is a legend amongst exorcists that a demon, under compulsion to tell truth during the final stages of an exorcism around the year 1932, responded to the jibes of the exorcist, who was mockingly threatening the demon with the fires of Hell, believing that God had prepared this torment for demons & lost souls alike, stating:

“God didn’t create Hell; we did. IT NEVER ENTERED GOD’S MIND TO CREATE SUCH A PLACE.

From this snippet of exorcism lore, which was a confirmed testimony from a very famous & competent exorcist back in those days in Italy, I am confidently assured of my own personal conviction that Hell is essentially a sort of pocket dimension created in connection with the occulted (hidden) sub-lunary plane of existence, related to the commonly referenced astral plane, by Satan & his demons, a realm which he created in essence mocking God’s Creation, making for himself a fiefdom in which he could torment lost souls & demons which displeased him at will. This is why God will destroy Hell itself in the Lake of Fire at the summation of the universe; because it is an evil abomination, a place that He Himself would never have countenanced, a place of desolation & destruction & mayhem that has absolutely no place in a perfected Cosmos under the rule of God when the malign influence of the Great Satan has been removed, who also will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire, obliterated, the smoke of the torment ascending forever. Note carefully that this does not imply that the torment itself will necessarily last forever; the words are carefully selected to indicate destruction with an accompanying ‘memento mori’, a lasting testimony of that destruction, the ascending smoke, which will be a place of desolation, a sort of ‘Mount Doom’ where the Created Order is reminded of what went wrong at the first Creation, when free will produced beings that refused to live in accordance with God’s laws, which furthermore went freely down a deeply dark path, ending in their total destruction. Only those souls who didn’t sell out to Satan will remain in the perfected universe, though as noted in Daniel chapter 12 there will be some who awaken to everlasting shame & contempt, a less than perfect state which is not equivalent to eternal damnation, because they failed in the character tests & opportunities for grace that were laid before them repeatedly by God, in His attempt to redeem them.


posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Final Conclusion: The Countdown Clock

The most straightforward explanation, if we are looking at this dream series through the lens of prophecy & what is intended in terms of a timeline, is simply this: By showing me, six months ago, two heliacal rising events for the completion of the annual cycle of the star Sirius, God has set a countdown clock in motion for the initiation of major signs & wonders, the events of the tribulation beginning to occur, precisely two years from now. We will not see a third heliacal rising of the star Sirius before these events begin to manifest & unfold dramatically, altering Reality in ways that will require us to respond deeply, from the heart, to the events that God brings into effect, compared to the events that Mankind’s leaders & our Satanic adversaries will attempt bring into effect. They, in fact, are highly likely to treat the appearance of angelic beings as a military threat, and indeed we are told in scripture that the leaders of Mankind will eventually assemble under the aegis of the final Antichrist in Israel intent on doing battle with the LORD of Hosts, as if such a thing could ever be even remotely a viable campaign in any way whatsoever. The dream series occurred six months ago, and it is intended for the awareness of everyone who comes to know of the details, but especially the Christian church (who should make practical networking & ‘prepper’ type preparations before the onset of these events). It is also intended for those with influence over Western leadership & Western peoples, as they are the de facto leaders of the world – hopefully some good changes will come about as the result of good people in positions of power taking responsible actions to better the circumstances of those in need nearer the time (though I confess I do not know quite how this could unfold, when the influence of people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and all the other evil clowns is so massive in the world at this time – look only though at El Salvador’s recent political history to see what can be achieved when Christian people work through the government powers to create beautiful change in the world. In my opinion though, sadly, most Western leaders will walk right into the camp of the final Antichrist when he appears on the world stage.

The heliacal rising of Sirius for 2024, at the latitude of approximately 40 degrees (Chicago is at this latitude) is set to occur on August 12th (represented by the first night of the dream series). At roughly the same time next year, 2025, the second heliacal rising of Sirius will occur (the second night of the dream series). There was no third rising of Sirius in the dream series, and so I believe, I am convinced, that we will not see the middle of August 2026 without first having entered into the Time of Trouble prophesied in Daniel 12, when the archangel Michael will arise & challenge those who stand opposed to the plans & purposes of God Almighty, and the people who are represented as His own. Thus the Antichrist will likely appear just before Michael comes to oppose him, some time between August 15th 2025 & August 15th 2026. The countdown has begun.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on your guard and stay alert! For you do not know when the appointed time will come.…

Mark 13:32

LYRICS (Lonely the Brave, Backroads)

Saw things that the rat saw
And my eyes couldn't take them in
Just want to fall here silently
Into the arms of people I love
Under waiting stars as the ships come rolling in

But look at the way the faces turn
Eyes burn wide (Eyes burn wide)
If you be the sky then I'll be the bird
Oh look at the way the faces turn
Eyes burn wide (Eyes burn wide)
If you be the sky then I'll be the bird

So the power lines were leaning
And all was lost here
Make a vow with the city lights
With your fingers crossed here
You said I'd be a place and time
I said I'd be a man
Making eyes with a sea of lies
So you understand
That you're raping on my dreaming
And you're ruining my best made plans

The rat he turned and bares his teeth at you
The wake is calling, what you gonna do?
But your head's gone
And it won't be long
The rat he turned and bares his teeth at you
The wake is calling, what you gonna do?
But your head's gone
And it won't be long

So the sinners stopped and the villains turned
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird
Let's meet the mountains and see what they heard
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird

I said I'll be the sky and you be the bird
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird
I said I'll be the sky and you be the bird
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird


posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thanks for reading.

I will be adding further exposition of other dreams I’ve had over the past twelve years which I believe to have some bearing on the coming times of preparation that we need to be making. Ultimately, making preparations to survive hard times is a sensible plan anyway, especially in light of quite how mental the world has become of late, so I am not giving wild or unreasonable advice. The leaders of the free world will fall in line behind the Antichrist, indeed the Antichrist SYSTEM is already here, manifesting through certain globalist bodies such as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation, the censorship industrial complex afflicting our social media world, and the bad actors within Western governments all over the world. COVID was the swan song heralding the demise of true freedom in our world, and under the Antichrist system it will only get worse from here. Networking with people who understand that, within the wider Christian church, the political right, and the freedom movement generally (follow the many podcasters & independent journalists leading the charge & the rebellion against those WEF-aligned interests) is a powerful & valid thing to be doing. One thing in particular that came up in a certain dream a few years ago was that all of these freedom-loving people I have just mentioned, need to be prepared to create intentional ‘pop-up’ communities outside of the main world system, because the Antichrist will deliberately cast people into poverty, crafting a two tier society – people who won’t ‘take the mark of the Beast’ will be deliberately excluded from ordinary society, but to a more extreme level than anything we’ve witnessed before, hence the need for careful & comprehensive preparations & networking to ready ourselves for intentional outlaw societies. We saw the way that people who bucked the trends during COVID were ridiculed, abused & excluded. This was a deliberate foreshadowing of their longer term plans. They wanted a trial run to see how readily the sheep would exclude those in the freedom movement – and damn, the sheep impressed the Masters.

Jesus said that when the time comes, we will need to be ready to run for the hills. He didn’t say that for fun. We need to be ready to jump straight into alternative communities that are somewhat able to defend themselves from the ordinary rabble. Of course, it is also prophesied that eventually, the government will turn on those who refuse to go along with the Antichrist system, and then we will mostly end up martyred for the cause. But that’s okay. Because all of this comes before the time of the Lord’s Apokatastasis, when the Earth will be restored, and all things will be brought back into alignment with Truth, Justice & Freedom, under the aegis of a loving God who will wipe every tear from our eyes.

Therefore, friends, keep the faith & fight the good fight.



posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

What will happen to your mental state if August 26 comes and goes without incident?

You seem to have a lot of yourself wrapped up in this ordeal that you say is coming. As I see it, you won't be able to say, "See, I told you so," with any satisfaction as we will have all winked out. And if nothing happens, after all of these pent up emotions and words, then what? Are you prepared to say simply,"I'm sorry, I was wrong"?

It is about 45-minutes later. Decades ago, After my UFO abduction experience in 1964, I got too wrapped up in what I wassupposed to be doing. I wrote a paper about what corrective actions I needed to do to keep my feet mostly on the ground as I endeavored in my work. That paper still has a value for me as the decades have marched on. You have to learn to "rest easy" to what you know and think you know.

edit on 5-8-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 06:57 PM
I, for one, hope this is all in your head and the world doesn't end in a year or two.

I can tell that you definitely believe you are a prophet, as another person you believe to be a prophet told you that God made you one as well. You definitely believe this, or you wouldn't be thinking about it for 12 years, and searching for prophecies in your dreams.

But if you're right, that means my entire family may die, so I hope you're just hearing voices or whatever, and remembering and interpreting dreams as you want to see them.

I'd say good luck and have a nice day, but on this topic I wish you no luck.

edit on 5-8-2024 by Mahogani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Given FITO's physical condition, as explained in the OP, it is quite possible the poor soul won't be able to survive as long as August 2026.

But then, for many in chronic, debilitating pain and disability, the prospect of an "End Time" is both a comfort and a goal.

And who would blame them?

Is it any wonder why, during periods of intense suffering, throughout human history, that Death has been seen as not just inevitable, but actually, a welcome "release" (if one could be assured of "going to the Good Place" by a life lived piously), from the purgatory of Life?
edit on 5-8-2024 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 07:07 PM
thank you for sharing.
hope your body gets better.

I try not to place much stock in people's dreams; too many variants. just because one has a dream that seems prophetic doesn't mean it's from God; I think a lot of these are self-generating.
but I do like to read them. at some point a bunch of people are going to have similar dreams and that could be significant.

Joel's prophecy states that we'll dream dreams. so I don't doubt some of these dreams ARE divine.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Was it the helical rising (first morning sky appearance) of Sirius that coincides with the Nile Flood you saw? Sirius is associated with Sopdet. Did you know that's happening now?

The first dream makes me think you're getting an ancient feed filtered through a christian mythology channel convertor.

Im not certain what pantheon of god's and goddesses you're getting intel from, but there is significance in having a dream about Sirius rising in early August. That's when it happens. Well, August 17th (this year) to be exact. Could be an ancient collective unconscious. Especially not referencing it's Egyptology significance or seeing it as such.

The Dog days of summer are over when Sopdet (Sirius) rises and (conflated) Isis weeps her tears. Which precludes the farming season in ancient Egypt.

You can be positive about it with a different mythology.

edit on 5-8-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

What will happen to your mental state if August 26 comes and goes without incident?

You seem to have a lot of yourself wrapped up in this ordeal that you say is coming. As I see it, you won't be able to say, "See, I told you so," with any satisfaction as we will have all winked out. And if nothing happens, after all of these pent up emotions and words, then what? Are you prepared to say simply,"I'm sorry, I was wrong"?

Why should he feel that need to apologize to a bunch of people that ridiculed him or gave him patronizing replies?

The idea that he will feel some need to say "I told you so" is pure projection, not based on anything FITO has ever actually done.

What's ironic is that FITO is one of the few regular posters on this site with sufficient character to actually own up to being wrong. He's one of the few people that I've seen apologize after he engaged in some self-reflection and thought it was appropriate. Every single day political wet brains tell lies and spread their delusions, without a whiff of the thoughtfulness and eloquence that FITO consistently applies to his prose. Are you going to ask them about apologies? Are you going to concern troll them?

I'm sure if it doesn't happen he'll go on with his life, like billions of other people do every day even when their delusional opinions are shown to be wrong.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Funny enough 2026 is also the year stressed by the theory that we are currently living in Satans little season. The time after the millennial reign of Christ. It goes on that Christ returned in 70 A.D. like he told his followers that he’ll return before some of them die, and the dark ages and renaissance were actually part of the 1000 year reign of Christ.
So now we are in the little season, the time foretold Satan would rule, thought to be 250 years, a quarter of a millennium, like a season. It goes on that Satan was released in 1776, and there was a lot of history fabricated, or the events were spread out to seem like more years passed between.
250 years is up in 2026.

Probably just coincidence.
edit on 6-8-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 11:02 AM
Thank you for sharing your visions.

We are all honored by this.

You have shared.

This brought tears to my eyes.

Sirius holds a special place in my heart.

As does the sun and its own home system.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 01:23 PM
Acts 2;

And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams

in another multiverse those who have received such supernatural 'clues' in this reality will not be selected to 'pass-it-on-to-others'

for instance 'Landis' was actually (bin) Laden... but the Arab-Pakistan connection was correct
and 1995 'mid-America city' was not Kansas City but was Oklahoma City 6 years before 911 as stated in 1990 (by viktor)

a cadre of individuals are given the task of sowing cryptic info to the masses, for the astute sakes'

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Look. Clearly, I don't want for the world to end. The simple fact is that I had a series of powerful dreams which seemed to indicate a mythological scale event happening in a couple of years. Naturally, I hope I'm wrong - I have a family too, and desire for my sons to rise up in their own independent lives & succeed in whatever they put their hand to. If 2026 comes & goes without incident I will celebrate that, I certainly won't be feeling saddened or disheartened that the vision didn't come to pass. Why did you assume I'm somehow gleeful about the nature of the prophecy? Nothing I said in any way portrays me as gloating regarding the possibility of the end of the world, you simply read into it what your prejudiced mind wanted to get from it, so you attack me & call me out when in actual fact I have no malice in my heart towards anyone, and I certainly don't want the world to end. Your post simply shows that you have spite in your heart towards anyone who holds views different to your own, whereas with myself, I am tolerant of just about everyone, to a degree.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Thank you for your kind words. As noted above, I sincerely hope that the Apocalypse does not begin in 2026. But the dreams I had, interpreted through the lens of the Christian doctrine, our God being the One who overthrew the gods of Egypt in power & might when the Hebrew slaves were liberated, seem to show that significant events will unfold in 2026. But I hope I'm wrong. Regardless, 'as for me & my house, we will serve the Lord', and I will make moderate preparations for survival & independence in the wake of disruptive events happening in the world around us. I will prepare food, materiel, and 'assorted items' to defend my family should the need arise. In the meantime, I will pray alone, I will seek God's will, I will read the Bible & attend my church, pray with others & worship in Spirit & in truth.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

This theory you mention is a headscratcher indeed. It's one of those things that I'm a little unsure on, though indeed I have seen evidence on certain Telegram channels which seems to support the idea that something funky went on between AD70 & 1776 or thereabouts. I recall seeing plate images of electrical arc sword battles between knights in gladiatorial arenas, I recall seeing strange issues with dating on churches & other landmark buildings which seem to show alternative dating methodology. But I can't think too deeply on this issue, because for it to be true there would have to have been a 'great delusion' foisted upon the people at the end of that era, in order for everyone to forget what had occurred in the preceding centuries. It's not entirely beyond the realm of possibilities, but I will hold it lightly & observe the signs of the times with care & caution, to see whether these matters are necessarily to be held more closely than at first thought. Thanks for your contribution.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

What's ironic is that FITO is one of the few regular posters on this site with sufficient character to actually own up to being wrong. He's one of the few people that I've seen apologize after he engaged in some self-reflection and thought it was appropriate. Every single day political wet brains tell lies and spread their delusions, without a whiff of the thoughtfulness and eloquence that FITO consistently applies to his prose. Are you going to ask them about apologies? Are you going to concern troll them?

These words were wonderful & most appreciated, thank you. Indeed I do always write with care & concern that I don't offend unnecessarily, and yes I have engaged in self-reflection to the point of apologising & revising my thoughts on whatever matter may be at hand if I realise I was in error, or at least writing in the wrong spirit. So thank you for recognising that. Indeed, if the prophecy turns out to be in error, I will be most happy & continue living with my family as best as I can.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Thanks for your contribution. Indeed, I understand the Egyptian symobols & gods etc, highlighting the Sothic cycle was at first something I intended to include in my OP, but then I decided that as I was interpreting through a Christian lens, under the aegis of the God who overthrew the Egyptian pantheon with the ten plagues when Moses led the Hebrew slaves to liberation, I decided it was unnecessary to go deeply into the Egyptian ramifications of the dream's symbolism, though in an oblique way there are points of interest that we can draw out concerning the nature & position of the star in question. The final thought which I forgot to mention, is that Jesus is considered Biblically to be the Bright & Morning Star, taking the place of Lucifer who originally held that title. This is obviously a reference to Sirius in pure astronomy terms, though as noted in the OP it was the Lord Almighty who was being represented as emanating power from the star in the dreams. Hence not Sopdet, the Egyptian claimant to the title of Sirius' majesty, but rather the God who overthrew the Egyptian gods.

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