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A Ray of Humanity in a Dark Place

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posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:34 PM
Norma Romero, the founder of Las Patronas, sees the American Dream as a nightmare, particularly for the hordes of migrants from Latin America journeying toward the US border and the hope of a new and better life in the United States. She knows that despite the terrible hardships of that journey -- hunger, thirst, exposure, exhaustion, human parasites of all kinds who prey upon the helpless, the ever-present danger of being captured and imprisoned, later to be deported -- very few can be persuaded to turn back. The vast majority of them will never make it into North America, and most of those who do will find only failure and hatred in a country where they are despised. Yet these terrifying odds against them are no match for their desperation.

The Mexican women aiding migrants on their perilous journey north

Few people know how perilous the migrant journey across Mexico has become in recent months better than a group of women in the eastern state of Veracruz, known as Las Patronas. For the past 30 years, as policies towards Central American migrants have hardened on both sides of the Rio Grande, they have unfailingly kept up the same humanitarian gesture to the migrants who pass through their village.

Every day, Las Patronas bag up rice, beans, tortillas, bread, tins of tuna and bottles of water. As the freight train known as La Bestia, meaning The Beast, approaches, they scramble to the side of the tracks and hold out the food for the migrants travelling on its roofs to grab as they thunder past.
“Gracias! God bless you!” the migrants yell over the deafening noise of the train as it clatters north, a fleeting moment of kindness on what is one of the most dangerous migrant journeys in the world. Many will struggle to make it much further north.

Often on this and other US websites, migrants are demonized and libelled as criminals or freeloaders. Harmless and helpless as they are, many on the US right speak of them as 'invaders'. A conspiracy theory has grown up among an extreme fringe of far-right white voters, alleging that the wave of migration across America's southern border -- a phenomenon of economic inequality, experienced all over the rich world -- is an electoral conspiracy by the Democratic Party. The absurdity of this fabrication is no barrier, it seems, to belief in it.

Swimming upstream against this tide of hatred, migrants gratefully accept rare acts of charity from generous individuals and organizations like Las Patronas. It is little enough, and does nothing to improve their chances of reaching the US, although for some it may make the difference between starvation and survival. Ms Romero and others like her know the migrants' dream is futile, but also that persuading them to turn aside is impossible. So they do what they can, and leave questions of international politics and economics to others.


Too often, on this website, discussion of the migration issue in the USA is carried out in terms that dehumanizes the migrants themselves, treating them as if they were vagrants, thieves, rapists and so on (though statistics show that they are, in fact, more law-abiding than native US citizens), or treating them as statistical units, pawns in the game of US power politics. I thought that, for one thread at least, we might look at migrants as human beings, talk about their problems, and talk about migration as a human issue. Any takers?

+27 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:56 PM
They are criminals because they are here illegally. That is all there is to this. Nothing more. At best, your toxic altruism and that of the person you are lauding are on display.

All of these people would be wise to return to where they came from. It will cause them less problems in the long run.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

It's too bad that Donald Trump does not live in Vera Cruz. If he did he could help those women understand that all those people they are helping are viscous criminals, rapists and murderers.

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

You'll find more often than not that a majority of AMERICAN CITIZENS do not want any of these people in their country, so why would they care to know or empathize with their plight?


They're just pawns like everything else that is used to proceed forward with the next thing or whatever.

Got a grievance? Feeling sick about the whole thing? Bless your heart! Go talk to the facilitators that created this "humanitarian" crisis. The only support you'll find here will be from lunatics and sycophants.


edit on 1-8-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

A conspiracy theory has grown up among an extreme fringe of far-right white voters, alleging that the wave of migration across America's southern border -- a phenomenon of economic inequality, experienced all over the rich world -- is an electoral conspiracy by the Democratic Party.

Let me get this accuse "far-right white voters" of hatching conspiracy theories. You emphasized your speech with terms like "fringe" and "extreme".

Didn't you post a thread a couple weeks ago, where you said;

"I can safely say that we all know the Trump ‘assassination attempt’ was nothing but a false flag operation, designed by shadowy figures within or allied to the MAGA movement, to ensure that the 2024 election will be a lock for their frontman."

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: Kallipygywiggy

Norma Romero, the founder of Las Patronas, sees the American Dream as a nightmare, particularly for the hordes of migrants from Latin America journeying toward the US border and the hope of a new and better life in the United States. She knows that despite the terrible hardships of that journey -- hunger, thirst, exposure, exhaustion, human parasites of all kinds who prey upon the helpless, the ever-present danger of being captured and imprisoned, later to be deported -- very few can be persuaded to turn back. The vast majority of them will never make it into North America, and most of those who do will find only failure and hatred in a country where they are despised. Yet these terrifying odds against them are no match for their desperation.

It seems to me that trying to immigrate legally would be a safer and easier option.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

It's too bad that Donald Trump does not live in Vera Cruz. If he did he could help those women understand that all those people they are helping are viscous criminals, rapists and murderers.

Ummm Trump never said they were “all” viscous criminals, rapist and murders. He was 100% accurate in saying some coming over were. We just had 3 ME terrorist caught coming through the border in the past week or two, cartel and gang members have been flowing into the country the last few years. During Trump era we had 7 terrorist come over the border, Biden had almost 200 I believe it was. I don’t understand why people keep parroting the comment you made when it’s been debunked over n over and what he said is in fact, fact.
edit on 1-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: Kallipygywiggy
Norma Romero, the founder of Las Patronas, sees the American Dream as a nightmare, particularly for the hordes of migrants from Latin America journeying toward the US border and the hope of a new and better life in the United States.

Most that are coming over now are from countries that rarely ever qualify for asylum. Send them back to fix their own countries instead of coming here and burdening ours and demanding we take care of them. So sick of these people riding on our coattails. THEY’RE WOES ARE NOT OUR PROBLEM especially when most don’t qualify anyway. Stop letting them in or send them back.
edit on 8/1/2024 by yeahright because: Entire OP quoted- edited by Staff

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

It's too bad that Donald Trump does not live in Vera Cruz. If he did he could help those women understand that all those people they are helping are viscous criminals, rapists and murderers.

He could help those ‘migrants’ understand that liberal border policies are responsible for them even starting the journey in the first place.

Liberals love misery especially when they can orchestrate it 😉 you know what I’m talking about.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger2

I'm with you. This is pure left wing drivel. We are getting terrorists, rapists, murderers , drug dealers, gang bangers and cartel members along with the 'nice' people just trying to find a better life. My neighbors have been working on their residency for years LEGALLY and have no use for these people just crashing the border and collecting benefits.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:51 AM
These are military aged men by and large thinking that the "American dream" means handouts. It's the exact opposite. The American dream is the ability to prosper from nothing through determination and hard work. And applying for citizenship is a good first step. If you have a valid asylum claim, then fine. But contribute to society and work like the rest of us.
edit on 1-8-2024 by sine.nomine because: Little typo

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

The only support you'll find here will be from lunatics and sycophants.

I didn't start this thread because I was looking for support.

Think of it as a sort of opportunity. Who knows when it might come your way again?

edit on 1-8-2024 by Kallipygywiggy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

It's too bad that Donald Trump does not live in Vera Cruz. If he did he could help those women understand that all those people they are helping are viscous criminals, rapists and murderers.

I realize you are using sarcasm to show your disdain for a certain politician, but have you been to these countries? Your statement is truer than you think. I can't speak to them all, but my sister-in-law is from Venezuela. Her family in Caracas says it is safe to walk the streets again. You can actually leave the house with a cell phone or purse in your hand. This was unheard of a couple of years ago, but over the last few years the Venezuelan government really has been using our open border to send their criminals here. 

So despite the sarcastic take, there is a lot of truth in your statement.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

All makes you wonder why orgs like The UN aren't teaming up with the government of Mexico and building new towns and factories near the Border. Just think of the commerce and manufacturing that could be thriving by now 💡

Why aren't you talking about real solutions instead of BS? 😀

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

They break the law by illegally crossing the borders and yet you think they are more law abiding? What kind of logic is that?

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Kallipygywiggy
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

The only support you'll find here will be from lunatics and sycophants.

I didn't start this thread because I was looking for support.

Think of it as a sort of opportunity. Who knows when it might come your way again?

I know. You were hoping the support you're not looking for would develop naturally. 🙄

I'm ecstatic to disappoint you! This is making my day, thanks.😊

Believe me...probably more than half the country is waiting for their opportunity to help physically, or monetarily, to round up all these people and send them home where they belong. Wanna come back?

No problem, Theres a process for that and it requires you to apply while you live in your own country. Crazy, right? Your number comes up, we'll calI you.

I know it sounds wildly responsible, but that's how our immigration laws are supposed to be applied, and they will be again.

Currently, those laws are being purposely distorted to allow for a steady stream of misery and death along the journey, and if you make it here, you WILL be shunned and despised as any other criminal would be.

You're looking for a empathic discussion, but you're not looking for support. Gotcha.🙄

All those struggles and strife, you're wanting to dissect, STOPS the moment the laws are applied again.

They're here because criminals are helping criminals. That's it.

edit on 1-8-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:22 PM
How is it fair to all the people who struggled and saved and went through the legal process to immigrate for these people and yes, illegally crossing the border is a crime, so these criminals just walk on over and do whatever they want. What a slap in the face to those people. But as usual, you follow the rules you get screwed.

I think America is the only country where people just feel entitled to come illegally and do whatever they want. Its a shame. Other countries have very high standards for immigration. Like you have to actually contribute something to society. Not just do low skill low pay jobs and take those jobs away from disadvantaged low skill actual American citizens.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:37 PM

I think America is the only country where people just feel entitled to come illegally and do whatever they want. Its a shame. Other countries have very high standards for immigration. Like you have to actually contribute something to society. Not just do low skill low pay jobs and take those jobs away from disadvantaged low skill actual American citizens.

it used to be that way here. The democrats have done their level best to destroy us from within. They really are only proxies for our enemies, since most of them are funded by our enemies

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:50 PM
I'm just glad we turn a blind eye to the perpetual and generational welfare leeches that infest each and every one of our cities.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: berbofthegreen
They are criminals because they are here illegally. That is all there is to this. Nothing more. At best, your toxic altruism and that of the person you are lauding are on display.

All of these people would be wise to return to where they came from. It will cause them less problems in the long run.

Most are criminals ONLY because they came here illegally. There are some bad ones and even criminals in the numbers coming across the border no doubt, but every one that illegally immigrates is a criminal.

They are being led to believe that they can come here illegally and work, that there are loopholes in our laws. But in reality they are believing in lies.

I have no problem with legal immigration, people being vetted properly and migrating in. But it seems like a lot of bad people are using the mass amount of decent immigrants sneaking in to get across our border. We are overwhelmed with the mass numbers of illegals coming across which means the bad ones can sneak in when the border security is busy trying to screen others. Are there drugs coming across this way? Probably some, but most times if everyone securing the border is out dealing with illegal crossings, there is way less available to properly deal with drug smugglers.

That wall needs to be built, it will help with having less people dealing with illegals and more legal immigration of good people will happen. It should not cost a fortune to become a registered alien either. People migrating here are not going to be working in high paying jobs initially. They cannot afford all the legal costs of immigrating and getting citizenship, maybe our government should work with that, Hire their own legal staff long term, not support the lawyers with their high price tags.

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