I see your point...
I also do not beleive that an ANFO bomb could have done it all, but I consider the likelyhood of the ATF/FBI armament to be a more likely source for
the additional explosion...
they would of course run a coverup to prevent looking bad... (well, it wouldn't have fallen down if the FBI/ATF wouldn't have had C-4 in the weapon
also there are several pieces of laughable disinfo out there, by supposed "witnesses on the scene"
I have the most impressive witness to the scene...
she was the poor lady who was helped down off the top floor OUTSIDE THE BUILDING... you saw her in all the TV cameras... she is a good friends
she said there was no warning....
she was sitting at her desk, doing work, and the next thing she knew, she was knocked back under a desk behind her, and when she got up, half the
building was crushed and her entire office of coworkers was dead...
there was no "prequake" as a bunch of flakes on the net would have you believe... (which is the entire basis for people thinking there were charges
now how does that affect the rest of the story? Well, I will tell you this...
the third person implicated... the guy in arizona...
he knows more than is being told... An investigator friend studied him, and found lots of connections to the government that were never
I am still stuck on the FBI agent provocatuer scenario...
it fits
here is a startingly accurate story... amazingly from rense...(but is cited at several other reputable sources) about the judge that is releasing
documents regarding an FBI informant that helped them get bomb making materials...
it is being ordered thru a civil lawsuit... and the FBI has refused to turn over evidence... they are in contempt...
what are they hiding in regards to this informant?
FBI informant and poor officer Terry Yeakey