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Was Kamala Harris put in charge to lead efforts to control migrant surge at border?

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posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel
Seems like the Democrats are saying Kamala Harris was never in charge of leading efforts to control the illegal migrant surge at the border.

According to the very liberal/left leaning Huff Post that was exactly what she was put in charge of.

Kamala Harris will lead efforts to control the surge of migrants at the southern border, giving the vice president leadership over one of the administration’s most high-profile challenges

The migration challenge is the first issue Biden has publicly asked Harris to lead, and it’s one he oversaw while serving as vice president under Barack Obama. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has acknowledged that the U.S. is “on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years.”

Harris will oversee the administration’s diplomatic efforts with the “Northern Triangle” countries — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — and work with them on both short- and long-term solutions to reduce migration to the United States. Her focus will be addressing the root causes that push people to come to the country

So what ever became of her work with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras? What else did she do to control the migrant surge that she was put in charge of fixing?

July 26, 2024

Yesterday, The U.S. House (GOP + Dems) voted to CONDEMN Kamala Harris for her spectacular failure as President Biden's border czar.


Because of her failure at continuing the success delivered by the Trump administration, thousands...THOUSANDS of American families have lost loved ones, been injured, robbed, or otherwise damaged by the people Kamala and Joe let come into our country illegally, where they remain to this day, bringing additional harm to Americans!

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 01:18 PM
Right from Joe's mouth - debate over


posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel

originally posted by: CarlLaFong

The shoe fits.


Czarmala 😂


I heard a montage from one of the Conservatives Talk Radio folks of Camala/Czarmala saying over and over "no one is illegal". Then when asked should they get free health care she said "no one should be turned away" accept Americans will be and have been but for a select group like any Brown person not Asian.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 01:28 PM
Star for your compassion. I am compassionate about the kids and the escaping hell.
But the reason we need to try to vet them is simple, INVASION!

Vetting doesn't guarantee great people, but it gives OUR CHILDREN a chance to not have a rapist come into our country and rape then murder them. Let's keep this into the proper perspective. Just opening the door to your home all day long every day while you are there or not there and see how smart it is to just "let them in".

Great that we can care for others, but who decides if all should be allowed like this?

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: network dude

Once again, I have provided you with a primary source. It doesn't matter what the media dubbed her. Show me in the primary source where I lied.

Can we all try to have a real discussion/debate because the facts speak for themselves?

We all know what the problems are south of the border and in many places around the world where migrants (mostly unaccompanied children/youth, it's as if their parents tell them they have no choice but to flee to save their lives) have to flee their countries (which most of them say they would rather stay in their own countries) is because of cartels, gangs, violence and no jobs or hope because of corrupt governments.

Harris' role:

But Daniel Suvor, who was chief of policy for Harris from 2014 to 2017 while she was California's attorney general, said he was unsurprised she was tapped to address root causes of migration in Central America.

“She’s been interested in Central America for some time, and she has built up a wide range of relationships down there,” Suvor said.

Suvor said Harris' connections in Latin America stemmed from her work as attorney general to combat drug trafficking by transnational criminal organizations and her trips to Mexico City to meet with foreign officials.

“She understood all the way back then that we needed to work with the Mexican government, El Salvador, Honduran, Guatemalan government, to take on the cartels.”

The agreement sent funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development, coupled with those from the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation, to help people in Central America. Since then, the U.S. has stayed on track to meet its commitment of $4 billion to address root causes, but Harris has also been able to solicit significant help from private companies, which have invested $5.2 billion in the region since 2021.

Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Global Refuge, noted Harris’ role launching an anti-corruption task force with the Justice Department focused on Northern Triangle countries.

“I do think she [Harris] has played a leadership role in addressing the root causes,” Vignarajah said.

“Do we believe this solves the problem? No. Of course not. And this is where Congress needs to be a real player,” she said.< br />

Listen to rancher Jim's story about the trails on his land that the Cartels use to traffick drugs.

“It’s been an open door for people coming through. The druggers as well as the economic migrants,” Jim says.

This is more than an unfinished wall. It’s the centre of a political battle that will shape the presidential election.

It’s a monument to Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency, an unrealised grandiose vision. And it’s a stark reminder of one of the Biden administration’s political weaknesses — many Americans believe it has lost control of the border.

Jenny says many of the asylum seekers were terrified of the people smugglers.

“They kidnap, they demand money. Luckily, thank God, none of that happened,” Jenny says.

The pursuit of the American dream can be deadly. Over the years, Jim Chilton has made many terrible discoveries on his ranch.

“Since the 1990s, I’ve had an estimated 35 people die on the ranch,” he says. “I suspect that it’s lack of water, getting lost, no food or sometimes they are injured … if they break a leg or get a bad ankle, the group just leaves ’em.”

“When I hear Trump say the crazy things he says about this ‘invasion’, and they’re sending their rapists and their murderers and they’re emptying their prisons, I mean, all you have to do is spend a half hour with these people and you realise like in a heartbeat, you’d take them as neighbours.”

Where is your empathy and compassion ATS?

“A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, ‘That’s OK. Please blame it on me. Please. Because they were getting ready to pass a very bad bill,’” Trump said.

Trump's solution was to kill the bill and call all migrants 'animals' and Kamala identified the problem but the resources offered were deemed by the southern countries involved as being too slow.

So ATS tell us your solution to tackle cartels, gangs, gang violence, poverty and no hope for jobs for people with corrupt governments?

edit on 26000000493120247America/Chicago07pm7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: quintessentone
Where is your empathy and compassion ATS?

Where is your common sense and ability to see the very basic truth that when a country is invaded by tens of millions of dirt poor people who are uneducated and whom many are criminals, it can't carry the weight of that and it falls? The tax paying American shouldn't have to pay for free housing, food, medical care, education, transportation for tens of millions of illegals who should be in their own countries fixing them instead of bringing their problems here.

That rancher, Jim, has empathy and compassion and would accept any migrant as his neighbor and he is the one on the front lines with the cartels and the migrants. Get a grip.

So all the people on the border who own property actually want more illegal migration through their ranches? got a link?

The link is above in this thread, don't you read posts in threads?

I have learned that with you, I need a quoted paragraph before I invest any time in looking at something. You have a habit of either not understanding what you are reading, or blatantly misrepresenting it. Then you argue a completely different point, and when challenged, play the "I'm rubber, your glue" game. Good news is, you are consistent. So, having said that, why don't you quote the part you claim says what you think it does.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Watch Joe Biden put Kamala in charge of the Border in 2021...Today, the media tells us this never happened

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