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Jewish couple was rejected as foster parents because of their religion. The future Project 2025

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posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:35 AM
Project 2025 at work; in 2021 the President Trump back Project 2025 bard a Jewish couple from adopting a three year old boy due to the fact that the adoption agency was run by a Christian organization that restricted their services to Christian couples only. The Jewish couple is now attempting to sue the state of Tennessee for allowing this Christian organization violate their constitutional rights. More information at the link below.

The rest of the Guardian news article goes on to explain how Project 2025 influenced the situation experience by this Jewish couple in 2021 and how in the coming year more religious discrimination will occur as we move into the year 2025.

It's becoming clear that we must end Christian Nationalism and put a stop to these Christian organizations that help foster children. With every child these organizations help, by finding them foster or permanent homes, is one step closer to Dominionism and we can no longer tolerate this.

A Jewish couple was rejected as foster parents because of their religion. This is the future Project 2025 envisions

In 2021, Liz and Gabe Rutan-Ram decided to take the next step toward growing their family and applied to foster a child. After identifying a three-year-old in Florida who they hoped to ultimately adopt, the Rutan-Rams turned back to their home state of Tennessee to start training to become foster parents.

But their plans quickly fell apart when the Christian state-funded foster care placement agency informed them by email that they “only provide adoption services to prospective adoptive families that share our belief system”. The Rutan-Rams, who are Jewish, were out of luck.

The Rutan-Rams sued the Tennessee department of children’s services, arguing that a state law permitting private agencies to refuse to work with prospective parents on religious grounds violates the Tennessee constitution’s equal protection and religious freedom guarantees. The case will soon go to trial.

the Gurgaon

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:41 AM

Project 2025 is just a right wing think tank.

The left wing have them too.

It has no real influence and was never heard of until the left wing media decided to make it their new boogyman.

That's what the left run their campaigns on .... they are absurdly fear driven.

They make up monsters to be afraid of and to promise the people that the Democrats will save them from.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:45 AM
Trump is pretty pro Jewish from my understanding.

Lots of Muslim services only service Muslim’s
Lots of Jewish services are only for Jews.

Your final paragraph reads like satire worthy of the Bee.

a reply to: Dandandat3

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Sorry to burst your bubble but project 2025, is just that propositions on how to run the country during the Republican take over, is up to the president if he wants to endorsed or now, take what he can and discard the rest.

Soo far Trump has not shown any leaning to any parts of it.

But what can I say, project 2025 is all the democrats have to campaign against Trump, they have been grooming kamala the nice littler girl to seat, eat, talk and smile when she is told soo, project 2025 is their base now.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

This group is helping them: Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Should be a very interesting court trial.


On August 24, 2023, the Tennessee Court of Appeals reversed the trial-court panel’s decision, agreeing with us that Elizabeth, Gabriel, and all the other plaintiffs have the right to bring the lawsuit. The defendants then filed an application seeking review of the case by the Tennessee Supreme Court. On November 7, 2023, we filed an opposition to that application. On May 16, 2024, the Tennessee Supreme Court denied review of the case. The case will now proceed in the trial court.

The history:

Not sure when the trial date is or if already took place.
edit on q00000051731America/Chicago3838America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Project 2025 didn't exist in 2021. It wasn't even published until 2023.

Trump has nothing to do with it, and hasn't supported or endorsed it in any way.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:52 AM
This case began in 2021 and has absolutely nothing to do with Project 2025, nor does Trump for that matter, but keep pushing the lie as truth. If I use the same logic that because Trump simply knows and employed people who are behind it, I can also assume that Joe Biden is a transvestite child molester simply because he knows and employs such people.

As far as the *actual* topic, the law itself needs to be addressed because Holston’s discrimination is explicitly approved by a Tennessee law that authorizes child-placing agencies to deny services based on the agencies’ religious policies—even if the services are funded by state money.

I do agree that if organizations want to have government money, they cannot discriminate based on religion. As a side thought, I wonder if we could find a Muslim or Jewish or any other religion that limits adoption based on religion and if people take issue or sue.

Anyway, I know of a children's foster home in a very conservative state that is an amazing organization and doesn't take one red cent from the government overlords. It can be done. But the goal should be finding good, stable, loving homes for children, period.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Your title 'The Future Project 2025" is absolutely spot on in regards to this thread's context.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

I know, words and especially quotes are a difficult feat.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Trump has publicly stated he doesnt support Project 2025 and will not implement it on multiple occasions now.

Therefore anyone who's still trying to pump up this nonsensical farce is doing so in bad faith. A story about an oppressed Jewish couple is a pathetic vehicle for this BS narrative.

edit on 24-7-2024 by AgarthaSeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:16 PM
Don't be fooled.

“We proudly stand for families and Life,” states the new platform’s brief section on abortion. “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.” (The odd capitalization reflects, as has been reported, that Trump personally edited the document.) In other words, the platform maintains that embryos are people with constitutional rights and must be protected under the law. This idea is the core of a radical anti-abortion movement that seeks to bestow “personhood” rights on fertilized eggs.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:18 PM
Ok, so why did a Jewish couple go to a Christian organization to begin with?

Do they not realize there are plenty of State run foster care agencies they could deal with?

Did they really want a child, or a lawsuit?

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Ok, so why did a Jewish couple go to a Christian organization to begin with?

Do they not realize there are plenty of State run foster care agencies they could deal with?

Did they really want a child, or a lawsuit?

Are there specifically Jewish adoption agencies where they live or even in Tennessee?

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp


Trump, in April '22, keynoted a Heritage dinner as it began work on Project 2025: “This is a great group & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do ... when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."

video here

Trump also stated he will bring back former administration member and assistant to authors of the Project Tom Homan. Vance wrote the forward in another of the projects author's new book.
But, yeah, yeah, want nothing to do with it... OK.
edit on 24-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: frogs453

It's the other 36% that isn't being mentioned.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Yep for sure.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Cool story.

If you had any credibility....that might just move the needle....

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

Great deflect! When you can't rebut the topic, go for the player!

All you had to do is show where Trump did not make those statements and Trump’s plan has none of the same things as the project and he has no plans to hire any of the same people involved. You can do that right?
edit on 24-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Perhaps you should learn the meaning of that word....

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 12:32 PM
🤣 can't do it?

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