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Prediction watch how fast the war in Ukraine ends.

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posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: andy06shakeyou wrote something about the offensive, almost every day Russia liberates territories - a fortified area, a field, a village, a road, a city, accepts voluntarily and not only those who surrendered, restores in the liberated territories, destroyed by the Ukrainian fascists housing, roads, infrastructure, electricity , water, food food, communication, internet. clears mines, pays residents decent pensions, benefits and salaries, provides education and medical care. according to information sources, this is direct communication with residents of Novorossiya via Zello, Telegram, etc.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: peretc96

Of course, Russian's aren't viewed as invaders by Ukrainians but as benevolent liberators. They are welcomed with garlands and cheers.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: pennylane123
Yea she like to use Trump's actions as of saying make America great again, because they're wolves in sheeps clothing

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Trump is Jewish and probably feels as much about defending israel as every other Jewish person. So I would think a quick peace in Ukraine would be preferable than fighting a war on two

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: peretc96

So if thats the case peretc96.

What is the hold-up?

I mean should Putin's ""special miltary operation"" aka war and invasion not have been over long ago?

The fact is the Russian scum are being held in place by ex-farmers with some dated NATO toys.

Aye, i wrote something about the offensive, that being it's failed once again this year.
edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

Harris has no power or inflluence and unless the US threatened to or used nukes in Ukrainian and European cities the war will continue with or without US backing as taking over Ukraine is only the first step in Russia and Belarus' empire building - Invading Romania via black sea and Ukraine was next in their plan then Lituania/Poland to take the Sulwaki Gap and join with Kalingrad according to the Russian war plan maps Belarus accidentally leaked on state TV a couple of years back.

originally posted by: peretc96
a reply to: andy06shakeyou wrote something about the offensive, almost every day Russia liberates territories - a fortified area, a field, a village, a road, a city, accepts voluntarily and not only those who surrendered, restores in the liberated territories, destroyed by the Ukrainian fascists housing, roads, infrastructure, electricity , water, food food, communication, internet. clears mines, pays residents decent pensions, benefits and salaries, provides education and medical care. according to information sources, this is direct communication with residents of Novorossiya via Zello, Telegram, etc.

Using rape as a weapon of war, kidnapping children, targetting civilian infrastructure, hiding explosives in childrens toys, mining huge areas, cutting off food supply etc... isn't liberating - they're war crimes. East Europeans have been completely against being forced back under Russian dicatoral rule for decades for good reason.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:22 AM
The big difference is 'how' either one of these people (i.e. Harris or Trump) will, in theory, end the conflict in Ukraine.

To the best of my knowledge, Harris doesn't have a clear plan as I write this. Oh, I'm sure she'll 'conjure' something up before long (in between the cackling). Whatever this plan winds up being, it will take her to both Russia and Ukraine to broker any kind of a deal.

Trump, on the other hand, has a plan already, and he won't set foot in either Ukraine or Russia to execute this plan. His plan will send him to Belgium instead. There won't be any televised high level meetings. Sure, you might see him arrive, and then later depart. What happens in between will be a mystery to the World.

I don't know what he will say, exactly, but I've got a pretty good idea. Within 2 months the war in Ukraine will quietly end. To the less informed it will not be clear who the winners and losers are. But to the more trained eye, the outcome will be clear. Both sides will say they won, and in a way they'll both be right.

So, what will have happened? Nothing really, but in this context 'nothing' is something. It's actually easier to describe what will NOT have happened, in order to understand what DID happen. Ukraine will not become a member of NATO...and Putin will go home. Life will go on. And what of this 'deal' Trump struck? Well, it's pretty basic really. Trump will dump the Ukraine conflict in NATO's lap. He will likely tell them this is their conflict, not America's, and he intends to withdraw American support. NATO can choose to do for Ukraine what the U.S. has been doing, or they can do nothing. (They will choose the 'do nothing' option, including not admitting Ukraine to NATO). Putin will have gotten (for now) what he wanted. Zelensky will have gotten what he wanted, an end to all the killing, but without the NATO badge. And America will have gotten what we needed, an end to the taxpayer blood-loss.

Putin has made his point. He doesn't need anything Ukraine has to offer; he's already got the natural resources in spades, and he's already got the agricultural real estate. Ukraine doesn't have anything else to give. Besides, he already knows he can steal most of the wealth in those two Ukrainian sectors anyway, regardless of what flag flies over Kyiv.

Harris could never cut this deal, so there's no way she could ever try to steal Trump's thunder (even if she learned of this plan). She doesn't have the credibility. NATO will never take 'The Gotham Giggler' seriously (no one will), and besides, she will come with some other kooky requirement on NATO which they will never agree to. She'll try to get something out of it for the U.S., not realizing that just stopping the taxpayer blood-loss is something.

So, it's all about the "how", and the differences between Trump and The Gotham Giggler couldn't be more stark.

edit on 7/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: andy06shake
well, at least i know there are good drugs in lala land, you and anyone pushing that official line got to be all kinds of pissed to actual believe we believe this rubbish anymore. eh well, here is one to the twilight zone, the outer limits, or wherever part of crazyville the likes of ye hail from.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Yeah, worldstarcountry i dont think its what I'm smoking that's the problem.

Good luck with that butthurt all the same in Trump land, i recommend some cream.

Again the polls speak for themselves.

And you will simply have to deal with the fact that Kamala Harris is probably going to give your man a run for his money and may even beat him like a drum.

Time will tell though, 100 days or thereabouts.

Im sure you will be able to scream """election fraud"" if your side fails to win anyhoo like the last time, so its all good.

Edit: The Trump team just sh@t out the debate by the way, claiming Democrats may still change their mind.

Plain as day Trump does not wish to debate an ex-prosecutor, i wonder why that is?

edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Putin has made his point. He doesn't need anything Ukraine has to offer; he's already got the natural resources in spades, and he's already got the agricultural real estate. Besides, he already knows he can steal most of the wealth in those two sectors anyway, regardless of what flag flies over Kyiv.

Riiight. This is why he decided to invade Ukraine because he doesn't need anything Ukraine has to offer. He only wanted to make a point to the whole world that Russians would need no less than ten years to defeat the former Soviet satellite with the help of Kim Jong Un's ammunition that kept exploding in their faces.

I still wonder what card Trump is going to pull out of his *** to convince Putin to go home. Putin has made it clear what his objectives are before the war even started, that is withrawing NATO forces and infrastructure from the Eastern Europe, the demilitarization of Ukraine and establishing there a pro-Russian regime.

If Trump gives in to Putin's demands, that will be capitulation not victory. Because Ukraine is not fighting alone, using its own resources, but the US and the whole NATO has been engaged in this war. So the defeat of Ukraine will be the defeat of NATO. We can sugarcoat it as much as we want but it won't be victory. If one is desperate, one can call it poor investment, like the one my auntie made and lost one third of her capital.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: twistedpuppy
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Putin has made his point. He doesn't need anything Ukraine has to offer; he's already got the natural resources in spades, and he's already got the agricultural real estate. Besides, he already knows he can steal most of the wealth in those two sectors anyway, regardless of what flag flies over Kyiv.

Riiight. This is why he decided to invade Ukraine because he doesn't need anything Ukraine has to offer. He only wanted to make a point to the whole world that Russians would need no less than ten years to defeat the former Soviet satellite with the help of Kim Jong Un's ammunition that kept exploding in their faces.

No, that's not why Putin invaded Ukraine. Putin invaded Ukraine because Ukraine was on the brink of being admitted to NATO. Ukraine was lobbying hard for admission. Putin didn't want to share a border with a (another) NATO country. And, Putin didn't want another NATO country in between Russia and the Black Sea (even though he has access further east)

I still wonder what card Trump is going to pull out of his *** to convince Putin to go home. Putin has made it clear what his objectives are before the war even started, that is withrawing NATO forces and infrastructure from the Eastern Europe, the demilitarization of Ukraine and establishing there a pro-Russian regime.

Putin knows he's not going to get NATO forces out of eastern europe with or without Ukraine. This won't happen anyway. So, he's not going to win that battle by crushing Ukraine. In fact, the exact opposite is true; he's likely to wind up with more NATO countries along his border if he DOES crush Ukraine. Demilitarization of Ukraine he might get simply by virtue of ending the conflict. The 'pro-Russian' regime thing is Putin's ego and his antiquated ideology to re-establish the USSR. He'll let this go (for now) as long as he can save face. Bottom card out of Trump's a$$, just NATO backing off.

If Trump gives in to Putin's demands, that will be capitulation not victory. Because Ukraine is not fighting alone, using its own resources, but the US and the whole NATO has been engaged in this war. So the defeat of Ukraine will be the defeat of NATO. We can sugarcoat it as much as we want but it won't be victory. If one is desperate, one can call it poor investment, like the one my auntie made and lost one third of her capital.

So, two things here. First, Trump isn't giving in to anything, he's merely withdrawing US support from the conflict. The rest is up to NATO. Second, NATO isn't about "win", they're about not "losing". In other words, NATO is about protection, not conquest. NATO doesn't 'try' to expand, they merely exist as an alliance. There's no "victory" to be had in Ukraine. You're not looking at it from the proper perspective. The only 'victory', if there is any to be had, belongs to the Ukrainians or Putin.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Putin didn't want to share a border with a (another) NATO country.

And now he has the border of Sweden and Finland to contend with because he drove them into NATO arms with his invasion of Ukraine.

The fact is that Russian borders with NATO nations have doubled.

Smart cookie Mr Putin.

edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

That's exactly right, and as I stated above also. Putin is not doing himself any favors. What he didn't want in Ukraine, he got a double dose of with Finland. He tried to stick his foot in the door, and they chopped his whole leg off!

edit - Putin knows he can't really "win" (in any sense of the word) in Ukraine. Now he's just looking for the right excuse to get out and save face in the process. Giving up the NATO push in Ukraine is just the excuse he needs.

Additionally, if you flip it around the other way, do we really want Ukraine as part of NATO? (Honest strategic question). Not particularly; it's not a deal-breaker if Ukraine isn't NATO. Nice to have? Yes, but not the end of the world if we don't. AND, this will be a constant hot zone / flash-point from here on out if they DO become part of NATO...possibly even triggering WW3. That's a lot of risk for very little strategic gain. Again, nice to have, but not a critical necessity. The World, and America in particular, have other "fish to fry" at the moment. Maybe later, but not now.
edit on 7/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Yeah, but the man has generals and military advisers Flyingclaydisk.

It's not like they would not have indicated what would most likely happen via invading Ukraine.

It's clown shoes by my guess.

Nonetheless, a dangerous game to play.

I think we all wish to see peace put it that way.

How that happens and what the map looks like afterward is the real question.


Additionally, if you flip it around the other way, do we really want Ukraine as part of NATO? (Honest strategic question). Not particularly; it's not a deal-breaker if Ukraine isn't NATO. Nice to have?

I think given what has transpired, and thats going to be on the cards at some point in the future, if we make it that far.

But they can't just snap a claw and join NATO.

They will be required to meet certain obligations and make the "Accession Protocols" just like every other member nation.
edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Putin invaded Ukraine because Ukraine was on the brink of being admitted to NATO. Ukraine was lobbying hard for admission.

You're repeating Kremlin's propaganda here. Ukraine wasn't about to being admitted to NATO. You're confusing political rhetoric with facts. Ukraine could want to join both NATO and EU but it doesn't fulfill the admission requirements, even partly. And it won't be fulfilling them in the near future either. Just because some politicians would wish Ukraine in NATO, that doesn't mean Ukraine is ready or will be ready in near future to join NATO. Ukraine has been NATO buffer zone. This is why there were mutual military exercises. That's all.

Putin knows he's not going to get NATO forces out of eastern europe with or without Ukraine. This won't happen anyway.

Yet he issued such demands before the invasion.

Putin's December 2021 Ultimatum

Trump isn't giving in to anything, he's merely withdrawing US support from the conflict.

Sure, just like Biden withdrew from Afghanistan. Don't you really see that the US looks like a laughing stoke recently?

NATO doesn't 'try' to expand, they merely exist as an alliance. 

And you wrote in the same post earlier that Ukraine was about to be admitted to NATO. And that it was the reason for the war. Now you're saying NATO doesn't try to expand. Make up your mind.
edit on 26-7-2024 by twistedpuppy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: twistedpuppy
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You're repeating Kremlin's propaganda here. Ukraine wasn't about to being admitted to NATO. You're confusing political rhetoric with facts. Ukraine could want to join both NATO and EU but it doesn't fulfill the admission requirements, even partly. And it won't be fulfilling them in the near future either. Just because some politicians would wish Ukraine in NATO, that doesn't mean Ukraine is ready or will be ready in near future to join NATO. Ukraine has been NATO buffer zone. This is why there were mutual military exercises. That's all.

I don't agree (at all), and why would I repeat Putin's crazy propaganda? Putin's crazy propaganda is exactly what started all this. I'm merely stating the facts.

Yet he issued such demands before the invasion.

Putin's December 2021 Ultimatum

Putin has issued all sorts of crazy demands over his tenure in Russia. He can issue whatever crazy demand he wants, but it doesn't mean he's going to get what he's demanding. And, in this case, he will never get that demand...and he knows it! It would be like North Korea demanding the US renounce the Constitution and surrender to Mexico. Crazy.

Sure, just like Biden withdrew from Afghanistan. Don't you really see that the US looks like a laughing stoke recently?

C'mon, you're smarter than this (I hope)! Two completely different situations. First of all, Biden is an idiot. Secondly, the US doesn't have a massive footprint in Ukraine (unlike asskrackistan). Third, the US looks worse by being Ukraine's arms dealer and fighting a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine. The US would look much better if we weren't involved in Ukraine at all. Look, the loss of life alone, on both sides, is enough of a reason to end this, but I damn sure don't want American boots on the ground in order to satisfy some twisted honor thing. This isn't our fight!

And you wrote in the same post earlier that Ukraine was about to be admitted to NATO. And that it was the reason for the war. Now you're saying NATO doesn't try to expand. Make up your mind.

Your reading comprehension must not be very good. What I said was exactly what I meant to say, you just read it wrong. Someone applying to become a NATO member is wholly different than NATO recruiting people to become members. NATO doesn't recruit new membership, they only decide on admitting new members who wish to join. The intent is on the applicant's side, not NATO's side. That was my point, and it's what I said; my point stands.

edit on 7/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Any links to Trump's plan as I haven't paid attention recently and only heard him use the soundbite 'I want people to stop dying' but not offering any details. Putin wouldn't be able to travel to Belgium or most countries due to war crimes arrest warrants and history repeatedly shows appeasing dictators massively increases the eventual death toll.

Ukraine isn't a part of NATO and NATO aren't involved in Ukraine; Ukraine are making moves to be able to join NATO in 10/20 years or so when they meet entry criteria (proving Putin doesn't get his way and take complete control of Ukraine and divide it into the four territories).

Personally I think if the US pulled out of NATO it would be a huge boost to Russia and China and majorly weaken US security. The US would likely have to remove nuclear weapons and early warning systems from Europe and potentially lose most bases outside the US and lose echelon/five eyes intelligence threats.
edit on 26-7-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Trump is Jewish.....

Is he?
Are you sure?

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Trumps a Protestant.

Probably thinks that because Ivanka Trump converted to Orthodox Judaism.
edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

The register is either true or false.
edit on pm720247America/Chicago731533124 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

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