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The threat of Communism is driving support to Trump.

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posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 08:56 PM
Remember why We the People, originally got President Trump last time?

Because of dems BS under the o'buma regime. Did it really take o'biden to remind people of that? Because it seems so.

Shame so many Americans, have forgotten what it has taken to get America to pay attention. September eleventh two thousand and one, we came together like never seen, since Pearl Harbor.

Now American people are divided over nothing really.
It's not important what people do in the privacy of their bed.

It's not important what people wear, or what their opinion is.

What's important is that We The People, have rights.
Everyone has equal rights, it's not the 1900s let alone 1800s.

Why are people acting like it is?

Because they're being manipulated into doing it.

Free thinking, is individuality in and if itself. When someone is told what and how to think, their mind slaves.

Free men and women, don't ask for permission, or what to think.

Free men and women, know their rights and exercise them.

No micromanaging Corrupt Career Parasite Politician needed.

God gave us all free will.

Use it, or lose it... it is yours not theirs.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:07 PM
Strange how the media and Democrats suddenly have a memory worse than Joe Biden's.

They worry Donald Trump will ruin the country, like he's an unknown commodity.

Stupid people.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: lilzazz

The part I was referring to about not aging well was the "which trump endorses" part of your comment. Project 2025 isn't endorsed or even vaguely supported by Trump. His agenda is pretty clearly spelled out in Agenda 47, but I do agree with you regarding theocracy as well as the patriot act. Thankfully the steps necessary to establish a theocracy require so much power to be given to one side that it will likely never happen. The president doesn't have the constitutional authority to do it alone.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I agree.

What we're seeing now is more similar to China's cultural revolution with the struggle sessions and destruction of history.

I gotta ask... who is Mao, and the student red guard in your comparison?

Just ask Anita Dunn. She’ll tell you. He’s her favorite person.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:11 AM
i take back what i said, none of those issues are new and tend to be worse under Republicans but they are masters of deflection and misinformation, making people regularly vote against their own interests and sabotage efforts to fix the various issues they face, yet people still give them power like lambs to the slaughter. so many roosevelt laws that made American life so much easier have been been ripped up or distorted by Republicans to cause hardship to keep themselves in power by blaming it on democrats or communists or immigrants or blacks or whoever is a good target to direct peoples frustrations toward.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: lilzazz

It's not like you are far wrong lilzazz

Politics is about wielding power, authority and control.

Money simply enables them to do so.

But yeah you could indeed argue just about everything is all about the money.

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