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Did This Psychic Just Accurately Predict Trump Assassination Attempt

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posted on Jul, 15 2024 @ 03:43 AM
I've been experiencing massive alignment within the lines of probability recently too

I wrote a "dreams and predictions" thread about it around 2 weeks ago

The second line of my quatrain verse is: "Emperors end when stone won't bend"

ATS Thread Link:
Fire In The Sky, See The Birds Fly

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:55 AM
Since there are Two Threads allowed on this same subject, I will add my post to this thread and the other as well.

I do not believe in coincidence as well, however serial predictions being correct after an initial hit are very rare to non existent.

The initial hit of the grazing bullet is one in a number of ways that some people would envision a near miss on an assassination attempt with a firearm. In a set of people who think or even dream about this event happening, some may simultaneously come up with this scenario, in many different degrees of accuracy. The statistics involved would prove it to be possible, so science needs to have a real say in the logic.

There is a possibility of an instance of accurate remote viewing, because we know there is something to that, due to the U.S. and (then)Soviet Union being so interested during the cold war and providing substantial resources to the projects let alone some really talented remote viewers Joseph McMoneagle and the Stargate Project and Soviet and European Parapsychology operations.

So, in abbreviated conclusion, I do not bet on prophesy but will allow a bit of math and science to even up the odds table.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: charlyv

It's all algorithm within the closed cycles of toroidal equilibrium

We are subject to the cycles, so too can we train ourselves to recognise patterns within them

Alignment of this sort, to recognise and influence patterns, is one of the main purposes of the mystery school teachings

In Illumination we refer to things such as visions and dreams as being effigy sync. An alignment within lines of probability

Within such, there are two types of active alignment of this sort

Pre-effigy sync seeing things which are likely to happen, or things that will cause other things to happen, before they happen

Post-effigy sync seeing the way things most likely happened, or why they happened, after they happen

These concepts are explained within the correctly translated Bible in the book of Ephesians, which means "Effigian", or "that which is of, or relates to the effigy", meaning physically manifested reality

Initiation teaches how to recognise these patterns and align within them

What is commonly referred to as "remote viewing" is actually a simply type of "astral projection"

The real "remote viewing" is something far beyond simply viewing lines of probability within pre, or post effigy sync

"Remote viewing" is physically aligning with someone else, in a way that is like waking up in reality as someone else. Where you can see, hear, feel, touch, taste and even smell as if you were them. You also share their emotions and thoughts. Except you are also still consciously awake and aware as yourself at the same time

A very strange and profound thing to experience, which is hard to explain to those who have not

It is like wearing someone else as an avatar, so you can experience what they experienced

Most people are not even aware such a thing is possible. Hence why they mistake simple astral projection for being remote viewing

But they are vastly different things

There are also different "coloured" dimensions, within this, which represent things like the difference between viewing Probability or Possibility


Within the context of the Bible, these concepts have been mistranslated by those who did not understand what they were translating. Such as the recognition of patterns within complex (cyclical) non-linear dynamics

To the average person who perceives their existence linearly, probability looks like prophecy

But to those who have trained their minds to perceive their existence cyclically, it is no than probability

Like recognising the change of the seasons, or recurring patterns within the things you experience

Most people are oblivious to even simple recurring patterns in their daily life, they should be well aware of

The externalised counterpart to "Probability", is what we refer to within teachings of Ascension as "Possibility"

That which is less likely to happen, or have happened, but is still technically possible

Within remote viewing, these dimensions are usually red in colour, in my experiences. As they seem to be linked to the spheres of body and flesh (Mars alignment)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
Apparently, the guy used to work with some preacher named Copland...

Copeland is a nut.
This guy does seem to have gotten it.
But then again, 1/2 the people here at ATS saw the writing on the wall.
We knew that if lawfare failed to get rid of Trump,
'they' would get some patsy to assassinate him.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: nugget1
I think everybody of sound mind has beeen predicting an assination atempt for a long time.
I read an article a couple of weeks ago saying all the planets in alignment suggest there will possibly be an assination attempt on Trump around July 15, give or take a few days.
I checked out the Bible Code, Remote Viewers and all the fringe sites I could think of; they pretty much echoed the samr thing, middle of July goes hot.

I think I should start checking out August now.

Please do the research! Post a thread! 👁‍🗨

Nope. I'll do the research, but not creating and monitoring a thread that's sure to attract every Karen on the site, turning it into page after page of in-house arguing.

This gal has been pretty accurate so far.

hey buddy i thought that would happen on my posts too because i read a lot of threads here before i started posting and see a few people who seem annoying but everybody is actually pretty nice even if they dont agree with you. thats what we need is a civilized discourse with people who disagree.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I do remember the prediction about July 15th being pivotal but that was the date of the RNC convention so somehting big was going to be announced or could be called big.
If they assassinate Trump and its clear its a professional hit, that makes the dems dog meat no matter who they run. BUT... the repubs could then run a deep stater like Pence or Romney or McCain( BIH) and still the establishment doesn't change. Just like if Newsom or Harris win, the establishment stays put. This JD Vance. Is he a closet deep stater? Is that they're goal to have somebody waiting in the wings to keep the shadow government in control despite Trump? And what if they do give up trying to bully Trump since he doesn't bully. What if they threaten his family if he doesn't play ball this time?
The deep state needs to go. They are the greatest threat to America. And since they run both parties and the government, it all needs to be cleaned out.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: nugget1
I think everybody of sound mind has beeen predicting an assination atempt for a long time.
I read an article a couple of weeks ago saying all the planets in alignment suggest there will possibly be an assination attempt on Trump around July 15, give or take a few days.
I checked out the Bible Code, Remote Viewers and all the fringe sites I could think of; they pretty much echoed the samr thing, middle of July goes hot.

I think I should start checking out August now.

Please do the research! Post a thread! 👁‍🗨

Nope. I'll do the research, but not creating and monitoring a thread that's sure to attract every Karen on the site, turning it into page after page of in-house arguing.

This gal has been pretty accurate so far.

hey buddy i thought that would happen on my posts too because i read a lot of threads here before i started posting and see a few people who seem annoying but everybody is actually pretty nice even if they dont agree with you. thats what we need is a civilized discourse with people who disagree.

Well, buddy-that doesn't happen very often on ATS now, does it?

Three or four of the same people always show up to trash any thread that might gain some traction, like the usual crowd that cheered Trump's assasination attempt, butt hurt because it didn't succede.

The government has been deeply involved in researching what laymen call 'paranormal' since the late 1920's, only they call it things MK Ultra and Remote Viewing.

My whole life has been a deep dive into paranormal and I find it coincides with government funded research, looking to weaponize that 'something' ability we all possess but don't use-because few realize they have that inborn ability.

There was a time all civilizations relied heavily on their 'paranormal' abilities to survive, but then organized religion came along and labeled it demonic, sinful and a sure-fire trip to hell if you indulged your abilities.

Fear is such a powerful motivator-and controller.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: nugget1

yeah i get strong feelings about things sometimes so i definitely think there could be something to psychics. there are a couple that are featured on unsolved mysteries that i believe had to have some sort of psychic ability in order to find a dead body they would have no idea at all but go directly to the place the body was.

i definitely think the government has been developing this stuff for a long time to use like a weapon i mean look what happened to frank olson.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:30 PM
It's interesting. I can't deny that.

I just want all of you guys to know that a true prophet from God, according to the Old Testament requirements will never tell a false prophecy, ever. If this was a prophecy, the likelihood it has come from God is close to zero going by his dozens if not hundreds of previous false prophecies.

The scripture does say sometimes prophecies can come true, by chance or perhaps spirits not aligned with God, correct me if I wrong here, but if they preach anything against the Word even if they do come true to immediately discount it. God is testing your loyalty.

I just wanted to chime in here as I've watched videos in the Christian circle about this guy and the "prophecy" and consensus seems to be the above.

edit on 16-7-2024 by TTU777 because: (no reason given)

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