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Eagle Assault, China Just Positioned Itself In Europe on Polish Ukrainian Border

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posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

They all do backhanders FB, look at the colonisation of FSU controlled central and eastern Europe by the EU, all those superb modern motorways built in places like Poland funded by German money, they all do it.

China will become increasingly involved in the affairs abroad when thoe foreign nations absolutely determined to pen it in to no further than its immediate borders fund the same penning in with Russia. They aren't completely stupid over in China, even a blind Chinese knows that the ultimate end game is the takeover of China and a NATO / US / EU flag planted in Beijing. We just wait for the the civil fragmentation to begin, then again maybe the Chinese won't allow what was witnessed in eastern Europe by the 'west' and their brainwashing of the natives into believing they'd be better off by western policies dismantling their economic system, crashing the local economies and having their daughter dragged off to western brothels and their sons sent like slaves to work in the agricultural fields just to try to survive in the wonderful western sponsored economic 'system'

All I do in these current events FB is look at the situations from the other angle, try to place my feet in the shoes of the natives and the chosen nation / leadership / owner of much desired resources, rather than being brainwashed by Brussels and their policy planners, NATO MIC, grey haired old buggers still living in the Cold War mentality who tell us through the MSM what we should know and be instructed to believe is the correct view point prior to possible basic training and sending millions more to die in their foreign adventures assuming they've run out of native gun fodder by then to have play their sick games and western liberal MSM and their plans for us.

We need to stop meddling in the affairs of others, stop invading foreign nations that have no real economic, cultural, religious, political links to us and give the meddling a break. All these British, indeed worldwide resources being channeled to Ukraine to continue to kill and maim millions of young men, total nonsense and something effectively broken and bankrupt nations like ours can no longer afford when we need to look inward and look after our own island and people and fix what is broken here, and heavens above there's plenty to fix. Our only hope is Trump getting elected to power in November, praying he will bring this jingoistic overseas adventure that is killing thousands every day to an end. Trump is the only hope for peace in this world.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I'm curious to know what you think about the military exercises that the US and it's allies carry out annually on China's borders?

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: Irishhaf
At this moment even with chinese troops there, I am reasonably certain poland could reconquer belarus pretty quickly.

They have had a long time to learn from us about things like logistics.

It looks like the Chinese troops arrived on their version of the IL-76 transport aircraft. They have about 30 or so. By comparison, the US has about 225 C-17s and another 50 or so C-5s. That's what it takes to have the capacity for global projection of power. The Chinese exercise is basically just for propaganda purposes.

Or training purposes, cause you know, it’s a military exercise.

And to Freeborn below this post you are correct and Western Europe is beyond redemption. The fat lady might not be singing but she’s made her travel arrangements and been paid in pies 😂
edit on 11-7-2024 by Dalamax because: Why post twice when you can edit once?

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Of course lots of politicians take backhanders, thing is here Yanukovych was elected on a pro-EU/The West ticket and when he did an about face and decided to sell his country out the people were that pissed off that he had to flee to Moscow from where he has never returned.

You and others seem intent to believe that the EU somehow manipulated the whole situation.
That's bollocks - the Ukrainian people themselves were very, very annoyed.

As for the EU investment in those former Soviet countries etc - yes, its quite significant.
But I don't see how that equates to 'colonisation'.....and there's a massive, MASSIVE difference here; the people from these countries want closer links with the EU/NATO - its their CHOICE.
They have expressed their democratic wish and their elected politicians have forged these links to the EU/West/NATO in accordance with their wishes.

Where is the problem here?

Now if Russia doesn't like it, well, # 'em.

You failed to mention which Chinese borders you think we've been encroaching on - quite bizarre considering only relatively recently we gave Hong Kong back to them much to the annoyance of the vast majority of people who actually lived in Hong Kong.

And no comments on my observations that you seem to be trying to legitimise China getting a slice of the Ukrainian pie if Putin wins his war?

If you really think Donald #ing Trump is our only hope then God help us indeed because we must be well and truly beyond redemption.
FFS man, I really thought you were so much better than that.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The only hope is if the Russian people rise up and depose Putin. Probably a forlorn hope.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 10:18 AM
Marking so I can read fully.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Now if Russia doesn't like it, well, # 'em.

You failed to mention which Chinese borders you think we've been encroaching on - quite bizarre considering only relatively recently we gave Hong Kong back to them much to the annoyance of the vast majority of people who actually lived in Hong Kong.

And no comments on my observations that you seem to be trying to legitimise China getting a slice of the Ukrainian pie if Putin wins his war?

If you really think Donald #ing Trump is our only hope then God help us indeed because we must be well and truly beyond redemption.
FFS man, I really thought you were so much better than that.

With attitudes like "if Russia doesn't like it, well, # 'em" we are never going to find the middle way when it comes to central and eastern Europe. Attitudes like this come from full scale brainwashing from our MSM, NATO, EU during 'education' during and after the Cold War. We will never get peace in the region unless we see Russia's point of view. A middle way needs to be found. Unless we go down that route and give up on the "if Russia doesn't like it, well, # 'em" red's under the bed type attitude, while out military slowly encroaches on Russia's borders and near abroad, then a response as we have seen through intervention into Ukraine was as sure as night follows day. What was Putin expected to do when cookie bar Nuland was flown in to Ukraine to support a coup against an elected leadership. Sit back and watch and wait for NATO's next move eastwards?

Wait for NATO to facilitate a second post USSR demolition of Russian industry, natural resources and wealth?

Let these NATO banksters steal the wealth second time around of Russia indeed the whole FSU, our nation Great Britain being the prominent recipient of this theft of continental proportions, our government and banks turning a blind eye indeed working with the thieves who stripped Russia virtually bare, gleefully welcoming the insane influx of capital stolen and invested in our banks and London property. fuelling the boom of the past decades? A policy carried on from the rape of Africa and India in previous generations. Our foreign policy stinks and is based on pillage and theft from anywhere regardless of how many asian's, african's and now slav's have their futures destroyed or get killed off in the process.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The only hope is if the Russian people rise up and depose Putin. Probably a forlorn hope.

Russian's are fairly brainwashed into believing they are doing the right thing in defending their nation and its wealth from western nations. After losing 27,000,000 people in WW2 along and watching the same western nations destroy their economy in the mid 80's followed by the UK government through the City facilitate one of the greatest thefts of resources and wealth ever seen in the history of Planet Earth during the 1990's, maybe "Russian people" sometimes acknowledge it's best to keep these westerners at arms length, at least not let them into your nation again and possibly protect your age old near abroad from the same inevitable fate.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

"destroy their economy in the mid 80's followed by the UK government through the City facilitate one of the greatest thefts of resources and wealth ever seen in the history of Planet Earth during the 1990's"

What are you on about?

Russian oligarchs aka Putin's mate stole billions from Russian folk.


posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I'm not 'brainwashed' orb, not at all.
I formulate my own opinions based upon all the information available to me, from various sources, and my life experiences.
That they sometimes align with those of MSM etc really isn't that shocking....bear in mind it more often than not DOES NOT align with them.

You seem to imply I'm a brainless moron who can't make a qualified opinion and judgement on my own - I absolutely assure you I can and do.

The thing is I don't just simply dismiss something out of hand simply because it does come from MSM or is the popular public opinion - which many do - which is as equally 'brainwashed' as believing everything that comes form it.

We'll never get peace in the region until Russia accepts that other countries and people have a right to express their Right To Self-Determination.
They have no divine right to determine what other countries do....exactly the same as we haven't.

And the simple FACT of the matter is most of those European countries do not want closer ties with Russia - they've experienced it before and they didn't like it.....they want to be in charge of their own affairs and make theor own decisions.

The EU/NATO etc did not instigate the removed of Yanukovych, that was on in him - he was elected on a pro-EU ticket and then accepted a bribe and went agains the wishes of the Ukrainian people nad tried to move closer to Russia instead - the Ukrainian people took great offence at that and sought his removal.
That was their right - their country.
Not the EU or NATO's choice, not Russia's choice - The Ukrainian people's choice.

So yeah, # Russia if they can't accept it.

I'm not one for backing down from anyone or anything and firmly believe the direct approach is far more effective when dealing with bullies and naked, outright aggression.

Appeasement doesn't work - never has and never will.

The biggest enemy to Russian wealth has been The Oligarchs and their exploitation of post-Soviet Russia.
And no-one - and I mean absolutely no-one - has benefited more from them than Putin who has received his slice from every one of them as they've raped their own country of its wealth.

Yes, the amoral UK banking system has benefitted from that as well....but until we get worldwide reform on that major issue I say Why not? If we hadn't someone else would have.
Morally wrong maybe - but damned #ing realistic.

As for the UK benefiting from its colonial past.
Of course it bloody did - which other Empire hasn't?
A topic I'd love to go into more depth about - maybe in another thread some time.

The thing is; Russia is trying to establish a new Greater Russian Empire today all at the expense of non-threatening neigbouring nations that do not want to be a part of it.
You seem to hate us and our own past yet offer support and justification for Russia attempting to do the self same thing in the here and now.

So, again......# Russia.
edit on 11/7/24 by Freeborn because: clarity

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: worldstarcountry

The question isn't if S will HTF but when.

I've been hearing the SHTF since I first joined ATS a decade ago! LOL

Are we getting closer ?

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