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Corona Virus Updates Part 7

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posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 05:55 AM
Corona Virus Updates - Part 7

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Agit8dChop started this thread on Jan, 23 2020 with the following aim:

I'm not normally one to post a new thread when multiples exist, but there's no thread for overall updates. It would be good to have 1 thread where updates can be placed.

There where a lot of threads when this started and there are still many threads continuing today. This has been a valuable thread with many different sources and updates as the situation evolves. It does contain a lot of history and links to how events have transpired.

In the current ATS situation, Agit8dChop is not available to continue this tradition. With my last post on Part 6 hitting a limit and not displaying, it is time to start a new thread for this discussion to continue.

The last post i wanted to add was an update from Peek Prosperity that reviews some of the emails for Fauci and other evidence since released. The conclusions are of a lab origin with state sponsorship from the censorship and readiness of vaccine trials.

COVER UP! US Government Officials Funded the Work That Led to Covid (And Then Lied About It)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: kwaka

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me.

Once the ban hammer went down on HCQ is when I knew this is not going to end well. I was freaked out in Dec 2019 with what was coming out of China. As for why the WHO waited until the Chinar holiday period was over until stopping international travel was too late if trying to stop the spread was the plan. It stopped a lot of trade and industry after. Stressful time trying to get everyone rushing for the vaccination to get back to life. All this time other treatments where demonized so the emergency use authorization would pass without any other approved treatments available.

Now that the initial strain out of the lab has long mutated and blended in with the rest of the microbiology going on, excess deaths are persisting among the nations subjected to vaccination mandates. There is one Australian Parliamentary inquiry in excess Mortality going on. Some Senators are on to it, some government departments going slow.

Parliment Link

With the kind of data that Barry Young from New Zealand released, damming evidence of increased death after vaccination. The New Zealand government has sealed the data as for how long this court case drags out? Barry will be vindicated one day, as for how long that is going to take?

This has gone viral

With how 9/11 went, lot of dark rabbit holes in trying to make some sense of it.
edit on 9-7-2024 by kwaka because: added links

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: kwaka

I was wondering at the start of all this in 2020 how all our postmen and shop staff were not all dropping dead with the amount of mail that comes out of China and smelled a rat pretty quickly .

The figures coming out for excess deaths especially in children are heart breaking one city in Canada announced a 3000+ % increase in child deaths just the other day

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

What about the politicians who allowed gain of function to start back up? Or the ones who legally shielded big pharma from any lawsuits against the shots?

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me

They’re too busy adjusting their mask and yelling at people who aren’t wearing one. …And trying to set up an appointment for Ouchie #12.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

The figures coming out for excess deaths especially in children are heart breaking one city in Canada announced a 3000+ % increase in child deaths just the other day

Doctors Warn of 'Alarming 3000% Increase in Unexplained Child Death

Found one link on it with some short videos of a press conference. It does not say exactly where this 3000% rate is. All cause mortality is up in Canada. These claims are around an event call 'An Injection of Truth' in Alberta. In the next video the media does a hit piece on this event, say the increase was 350%.

Here is the full event, 4 hours:

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:42 AM
The number of people willing to comply with mandatory vaccinations in the future has been greatly reduced because of all the Covid shenanigans.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me

The word "COVID" doesn't appear as frequently, or at all, during my internet surfing these days. Imagine what it must be like for those that feed exclusively from the MSM trough for their info.

COVID fizzled out when by all accounts it should be burning bright to this day, but it's not. The shots were proven to be ineffective in the spreading of the virus, so logically, with the MILLIONS of unvaccinated illegals that poured into the country over the last ~4 years, and the ~75-100 million who didn't get the shot at all, the virus STILL didn't reignite or keep the same vigor it once did.

The unvaccinated should be dropping like flies but they aren't. All those illegals and the ones still on their way should be infirmed and incubated, no? I mean ELEVEN MILLION+ illegals and no outbreak??

Why is that?

Oh, my bad..... Americans are just more susceptible, what was I thinking 🤦. Those third world iron stomachs are completely underrated that's for sure! Amirite? Geez. 🙄

What happened to COVID for all these people? By the stats, a little over two thirds of the over 11 million illegals should be presenting symptoms AND anyone want to run the numbers of how many should be dead??!!


🤔 WHY weren't they?? There's plenty of shots left and big pharma loves profits, so why are these people required to be vaccinated and these people aren't??

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

I was wondering at the start of all this in 2020 how all our postmen and shop staff were not all dropping dead with the amount of mail that comes out of China and smelled a rat pretty quickly .

The figures coming out for excess deaths especially in children are heart breaking one city in Canada announced a 3000+ % increase in child deaths just the other day

The Coronavirus only survives for about 3 hours on paper surfaces. That’s why people weren’t dropping dead from handling mail from China.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

I was wondering at the start of all this in 2020 how all our postmen and shop staff were not all dropping dead with the amount of mail that comes out of China and smelled a rat pretty quickly .

The figures coming out for excess deaths especially in children are heart breaking one city in Canada announced a 3000+ % increase in child deaths just the other day

The Coronavirus only survives for about 3 hours on paper surfaces. That’s why people weren’t dropping dead from handling mail from China.


COVID 19 on paper could last for up to 24 hours as well. On these surfaces, it is difficult to clean and disinfect without damaging the item. It is still possible to spray the item with disinfectant. In many cases, recommendations for handling possibly contaminated boxes (for example, packages or other shipment materials) that may have Coronavirus on the surface, the recommendations include leaving it outside or in a separate area to wait out the 24-hour period of possible infectious viability.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

The figures coming out for excess deaths especially in children are heart breaking one city in Canada announced a 3000+ % increase in child deaths just the other day


The biggest increase is with unknown death in the 15-19 age group, over 3000% from pre covid levels. The 0-14 age group is up 350% in unknown deaths.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 03:39 AM
This epically long, historic and very useful Covid Update thread has had to make a necessarily pivot into being a vaccine damage thread.

Hopefully it'll soon become unnecessary. But i fear that won't be the case

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me

The word "COVID" doesn't appear as frequently, or at all, during my internet surfing these days. Imagine what it must be like for those that feed exclusively from the MSM trough for their info.

COVID fizzled out when by all accounts it should be burning bright to this day, but it's not. The shots were proven to be ineffective in the spreading of the virus, so logically, with the MILLIONS of unvaccinated illegals that poured into the country over the last ~4 years, and the ~75-100 million who didn't get the shot at all, the virus STILL didn't reignite or keep the same vigor it once did.

The unvaccinated should be dropping like flies but they aren't. All those illegals and the ones still on their way should be infirmed and incubated, no? I mean ELEVEN MILLION+ illegals and no outbreak??

Why is that?

Oh, my bad..... Americans are just more susceptible, what was I thinking 🤦. Those third world iron stomachs are completely underrated that's for sure! Amirite? Geez. 🙄

What happened to COVID for all these people? By the stats, a little over two thirds of the over 11 million illegals should be presenting symptoms AND anyone want to run the numbers of how many should be dead??!!


🤔 WHY weren't they?? There's plenty of shots left and big pharma loves profits, so why are these people required to be vaccinated and these people aren't??

According to many on here.. the vaccinated are supposed to be dropping like flies... and they aren't. So it goes both ways.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

I joke to my family that if i was feeling suicidal I'd get the vaxx. But I then say that I'd probably have a painful slow end with blood clots and deteriorating health and wouldn't luck out dying suddenly right after getting it or dying from a heart attack or blood clot a short time later.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: kwaka

How Fuchi and Co are not being hunted down by angry mobs of people is beyond me

The word "COVID" doesn't appear as frequently, or at all, during my internet surfing these days. Imagine what it must be like for those that feed exclusively from the MSM trough for their info.

COVID fizzled out when by all accounts it should be burning bright to this day, but it's not. The shots were proven to be ineffective in the spreading of the virus, so logically, with the MILLIONS of unvaccinated illegals that poured into the country over the last ~4 years, and the ~75-100 million who didn't get the shot at all, the virus STILL didn't reignite or keep the same vigor it once did.

The unvaccinated should be dropping like flies but they aren't. All those illegals and the ones still on their way should be infirmed and incubated, no? I mean ELEVEN MILLION+ illegals and no outbreak??

Why is that?

Oh, my bad..... Americans are just more susceptible, what was I thinking 🤦. Those third world iron stomachs are completely underrated that's for sure! Amirite? Geez. 🙄

What happened to COVID for all these people? By the stats, a little over two thirds of the over 11 million illegals should be presenting symptoms AND anyone want to run the numbers of how many should be dead??!!


🤔 WHY weren't they?? There's plenty of shots left and big pharma loves profits, so why are these people required to be vaccinated and these people aren't??

According to many on here.. the vaccinated are supposed to be dropping like flies... and they aren't. So it goes both ways.

Not sure how that takes the "odd" out of the equation but okay. I sincerely hope those Deagel 2025 population projections are a joke. I read mixed reviews.🤷🏻

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 09:09 AM
Breaking Bombshell report Greg Harrison presentation part 2 on how white clots are formed

A +1 hour presentation by a polymer chemist that goes into the chemistry and biology of the white fiber clots going on. The Phosphate Lipid Nano Particle and mNRA produced spike proteins both have chain of actions that contribute to this condition. The usual clotting process are disrupted resulting in this uncontrolled growth.

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 02:32 AM
New ATS thread about covid:

More research on nicotine and Covid

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
New ATS thread about covid:

More research on nicotine and Covid

During Covid many Medical staff were sharing anonymously online that it was mainly non smokers on their wards and most staff were wearing nicotine patches but that little fact was being hidden from the public

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 10:15 AM

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