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Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra says we have a pandemic of vaccine injured

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posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 09:35 AM
Were Deaths During The COVID Vaccine Trials Covered Up?

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: stonerwilliam

My personal experience is that adverse events appeared in clusters.

The Worlds largest “cluster fk”.

I am flabbergasted at the amount of people online who are talking about loosing family or friends at a young age ,And that is just in general discussions about life ?.

Before and during covid I was able to get a doctors appointment in a matter of days now that has gone to 4+ weeks wait , Hospitals are the same .

I know a lot of hospital staff and live in a small population area 80 k and know what I am seeing and hearing is not right , 2 of my family members have done a total 180 on their views which shocks me .

It is what I heard from a lady who works in a maternity ward that has me worried and the chaos that loosing a father or mother etc does to a family and society in general with people caring for sick relatives and after a bereavement.

I think not a lot of healthy children will be seen getting born and a children of men scenario is coming down the line in the western world

Seems that lady I was talking with who worked in the maternity unit knew her stuff and that was well over a year ago I spoke with her , The above X post confirms what she was telling me

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: stonerwilliam

My personal experience is that adverse events appeared in clusters.

The Worlds largest “cluster fk”.

I am flabbergasted at the amount of people online who are talking about loosing family or friends at a young age ,And that is just in general discussions about life ?.

Before and during covid I was able to get a doctors appointment in a matter of days now that has gone to 4+ weeks wait , Hospitals are the same .

I know a lot of hospital staff and live in a small population area 80 k and know what I am seeing and hearing is not right , 2 of my family members have done a total 180 on their views which shocks me .

It is what I heard from a lady who works in a maternity ward that has me worried and the chaos that loosing a father or mother etc does to a family and society in general with people caring for sick relatives and after a bereavement.

I think not a lot of healthy children will be seen getting born and a children of men scenario is coming down the line in the western world

Seems that lady I was talking with who worked in the maternity unit knew her stuff and that was well over a year ago I spoke with her , The above X post confirms what she was telling me

So some babies are having heart attacks in the womb?

All this is madness and we need to investigate this, and the investigation should have started a long time ago - the fact that it didn't should tell us all something doesn't add up!

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: PrivateAngel

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: stonerwilliam

My personal experience is that adverse events appeared in clusters.

The Worlds largest “cluster fk”.

I am flabbergasted at the amount of people online who are talking about loosing family or friends at a young age ,And that is just in general discussions about life ?.

Before and during covid I was able to get a doctors appointment in a matter of days now that has gone to 4+ weeks wait , Hospitals are the same .

I know a lot of hospital staff and live in a small population area 80 k and know what I am seeing and hearing is not right , 2 of my family members have done a total 180 on their views which shocks me .

It is what I heard from a lady who works in a maternity ward that has me worried and the chaos that loosing a father or mother etc does to a family and society in general with people caring for sick relatives and after a bereavement.

I think not a lot of healthy children will be seen getting born and a children of men scenario is coming down the line in the western world

Seems that lady I was talking with who worked in the maternity unit knew her stuff and that was well over a year ago I spoke with her , The above X post confirms what she was telling me

So some babies are having heart attacks in the womb?

All this is madness and we need to investigate this, and the investigation should have started a long time ago - the fact that it didn't should tell us all something doesn't add up!

I was shocked at how that lady I met had shared that with me as I did not know her BUT the look on her face said everything! !! .

For that lady to come out with the word monsters to a total stranger like me shows you how bad it is , I meet and know a lot of people who work in the local hospital in all departments and see the look on their faces when you bring things up ?? .

At a wake of a man I worked with years ago and was good friends with the above subject was talked about in the above video , how older fit people were dying within days of entering a old folks home if you listen near the end to the numbers that were dying in care nation wide is mind blowing and cost me 4 months in jail doing something about it


My friends wife was in school with one of the stars of the above series Utopia (RB ) in the series it starts in the Orkney Islands.

In the Falklands war a great battle took place for a weather station in the south Orkney Islands that involved SAS & SBS teams and those scientists put up some fight . .

I met the brother of one of the above scientists briefly, He instantly stood out as a highly intelligent man well educated and spoken who the RAF had to call out of retirement as they could not replace him and know the family do not believe the official statement how the brother died

This is one VERY VERY deep rabbit hole VERY DEEP

The only picture of me on the net is this one which I posted in a thread here a few years ago

Maybe some one will figure out what I was trying to get across , some see dead people , I see robots

posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 09:28 AM
Brianne Dressen: AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Victim Criticizes Government Neglect

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