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Key Democrat donors threaten to pull plug or the emperor's new cognitive decline

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posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 11:19 AM
Donations to do what. If your still undecided after the debate?

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: putnam6

An incumbent should stand on their accomplishments and not the same old tired fears of the other candidate.

Biden can’t stand on his accomplishments because there isn’t any to stand on, he hasn’t done anything for this country in 50+ years of political office.

The only thing they have is this unfounded fear mongering about Trump that 95% of their low info, low IQ supporters just slop up by the bucket full, we see it first hand from all the Liberals here on ATS.

I saw hysterical people in threads last night about the SC ruling yesterday.

“You guys have destroyed the country” they were saying, how the F do they not see the destruction caused by Biden and his Democrat goons?

Well he did mention "they beat Medicaid"

60 days till the end of August if he isn't gone then they will go Harris or they likely give up OHIO completely

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 11:23 AM
I'm reading reports that Biden donors are clamoring to
get their money back now.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: putnam6

The "donors" to Joe Biden are fools anyway. They should have stopped giving money to the Biden campaign the moment his TRUMP IS BAD commercials started airing, and Trump's poll numbers started inching up higher.
edit on 272024 by WeMustCare because: Artificial Intelligence Sucks

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: burntheships
I'm reading reports that Biden donors are clamoring to
get their money back now.

Joe will have to put the squeeze on his friends Zelenskyy and Ayatollah for a larger kickback.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: burntheships
I'm reading reports that Biden donors are clamoring to
get their money back now.

Joe will have to put the squeeze on his friends Zelenskyy and Ayatollah for a larger kickback.

Yeah he can’t rely on SBF’s money laundering operation at FTX this time.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88
Donations to do what. If your still undecided after the debate?

There are loads of undecided people, mostly because before Thursday a significant percentage of likely Biden voters were surprised by Thursday and have or will slide into undecided

interesting thread here


See new posts
Ken Dilanian
Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Biden and his top aides this week at the White House, four people familiar with the matter tell my colleagues, who are told the reaction from some senior White House staff has been, “What the hell is happening?”
2:08 PM · Jul 2, 2024

edit on p000000317pm076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 01:13 PM

FWIW he did significantly better than Thursday though it was of the prompter and he was talking about the heat and mentioning

"a new website say again" he could have been saying I'll say it again but if he did I didn't ever hear the I'll.

same old tired speech where only some of the names change, same little whispering moment virtually every one of his speeches have

Regardless it probably turned down the heat for the time being, it was like one person suggested these moments come and go, and they do.

I see my 84-year-old mother every day sometimes she is great and sometimes she puts her coffee mug in the toaster to heat it instead of the microwave.

Seems like an extra layer of concern a country never needs, it is an interesting political drama though.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: putnam6

"what the hell is happening here"

Hunter Biden joining White house meetings now?

Does he hold a security clearance?

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: putnam6

"what the hell is happening here"

Hunter Biden joining White house meetings now?

Does he hold a security clearance?

The scorched Earth policies are starting!! 😬

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

America be damned!

Joe only cares about one thing, his power.
To the bitter, messy end.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: putnam6

"what the hell is happening here"

Hunter Biden joining White house meetings now?

Does he hold a security clearance?

Ol Joe is bringing in the smartest Guy He Knows .

Hunter Biden only knows how to do one thing and that is ' Self Preservation ' . Everything he is revolves around his Father being in the White House and that has been the case since 2008 .

Hunter Biden is scared sh*tless and I would be to if I were him.

The only Reason Hunter Biden is not Dead or in Prison is because of the Safety net his Father cast around him . It is in Hunters best interest to keep is Father in office .

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Jill attending and intimidating people in Huntards trials…the wagons are circling!

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Hunter should be careful, but doubt he is that bright
after all. He is the "weak link" if it ever came
to a real investigation. Which still could happen in
the foreseeable future.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:34 PM
Remember that clip where Biden wanted the prosecutor in Ukraine gone, or he would remove a pledge $B from said countries bank sheets?

Odd. No idea why I’m thinking of that in this thread.

My how the turn tables.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: 38181

On the bright side, the down ballot voting could
be exciting, shake things up quite a bit more than normal.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: putnam6

"what the hell is happening here"

Hunter Biden joining White house meetings now?

Does he hold a security clearance?

I thought felons couldn’t.


posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:41 PM
Even Rosie O’Donnell is admitting Sleepy Joe has dementia or has lost it.

From her TikTok….

“I think what the right thing to do would be for [Biden] to step aside,” she said.

“We all watched for 90 minutes, and it wasn’t just a ‘bad night,'” she said. “We have aging parents, we know what it looks like — we know that look of confusion on their face.”

It’s over, Joe.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: burntheships

Jill attending and intimidating people in Huntards trials…the wagons are circling!

I think the jury was petrified. They did not even speak to interviewers after the trial

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican
I thought felons couldn’t.


Can you imagine what it would be like to have him
in a White House meeting? I bet the images running
around inside those staffers brains would be highly

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