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Watch Live: Biden to deliver remarks on Supreme Court's ruling on Trump immunity case

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posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:33 PM
7:45pm Eastern Time

Biden will sternly and seriously address the Nation!

Subject is the Supreme Court Ruling handed down today about President Immunity.

Will Biden make a visual comeback?

Will Biden get redemption?

Will he be coherant?

Will he be mean and yell?

Will he threaten anybody or any groups?

Will he tell lies? (how many and how bad?) 😧

Watch Live: Biden to deliver remarks on Supreme Court's ruling on Trump immunity case

Washington — President Biden will deliver remarks Monday night on the Supreme Court's landmark decision that former President Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for official acts he took while in office.

Mr. Biden is expected to give remarks at 7:45 p.m. ET at the White House.

The Supreme Court's decision fell along ideological lines, with the six Republican-appointed justices concluding that former presidents have sweeping legal protections from charges for alleged acts that fell within their official duties. But the Supreme Court rejected Trump's argument that he has absolute immunity unless impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.

The decision all but ends the likelihood that Trump could be tried before the November election on charges he plotted to overturn his loss against Mr. Biden in 2020.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:48 PM
Are they sh*t'n me? They've got Biden all dolled up with orange makeup!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Already a dozen lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Democrats making up their own "SCOTUS" rulings 😃

He's slurring early on

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:49 PM
There's a 90-second delay.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Well, he passed that test. Keep him as the Dim's candidate!

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

He is off in an imaginary dream world. Too many things to mention them all.

Gallows being constructed on January 6th. Police being attacked and killed. Donald Trump ignoring the law. These are just a few.

I mean whitch ones do we start with?

He is tilting at windmills and seeing dragons.

edit on 1-7-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: xuenchen

Well, he passed that test. Keep him as the Dim's candidate!

All it took was 4 minutes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Are they sh*t'n me? They've got Biden all dolled up with orange makeup!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Already a dozen lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Democrats making up their own "SCOTUS" rulings 😃

He's slurring early on

Orange Man Stupid.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:55 PM
I love that he and the MSM keep saying no one is above the LAW !

? Well yeah clearly not DJTrump considering he has been tied up in court for the past 4 years .....

Though Hillary , Pelosi , The Bidens and all others are Clean upstanding citizens . This is getting hard to talk about the lies are just everywhere I don't no whats up and down anymore.
edit on 1-7-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: xuenchen

Well, he passed that test. Keep him as the Dim's candidate!

All it took was 4 minutes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

That was his briefest action over the past 6 months!

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
I love that he and the MSM keep saying no one is above the LAW !

? Well yeah clearly not DJTrump considering he has been tied up in court for the past 4 years .....

Though Hillary , Pelosi , The Bidens and all others are Clean upstanding citizens . This is getting hard to talk about the lies are just everywhere I don't no whats up and down anymore.

Biden himself with classified material illegally obtained and illegally stored. 😀

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Okay, take away the immunity and charge Obama with gun crimes, Bush with war crimes, Biden with violating constituinal rights (thoigg that would be an impeachment, but feel free to add his quid pro quo and business dealings as well), Biden with selling classified docs for a book deal (the author still has them btw). No, he'll be all "rules for thee, not for me" like every other dem. This will just be more fodder for his brainless believers who seem tocget their news from The View and memes.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Boogerpicker
a reply to: xuenchen

Okay, take away the immunity and charge Obama with gun crimes, Bush with war crimes, Biden with violating constituinal rights (thoigg that would be an impeachment, but feel free to add his quid pro quo and business dealings as well), Biden with selling classified docs for a book deal (the author still has them btw). No, he'll be all "rules for thee, not for me" like every other dem. This will just be more fodder for his brainless believers who seem tocget their news from The View and memes.

The Bidens were (are?) selling for more than book profits. 😬

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:04 PM
Wow Biden looked orange making his statement.

Wow the left is going unhinged over SC ruling. Democrats are getting nuts over this.

On that note if Biden gets another term the SC will be getting packed with leftists.

edit on 1-7-2024 by Enduro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

So , Joe will aspouse his Beliefs here Contrary to the Constitutional Laws of these United States ? The Judicial Branch of Our Constitutional Republic has Merit and Power to Decide According to OUR LAWS , and they have Decided Justly . What can this Feeble Man Say Contrary to that of Any Merit ? NOTHING Except Propaganda and More LIES to the American People , but the MAJORITY of the American People are WISE to the Crap Extruding from the Mouth of this Pretender in Chief , and Say " NAY " to it !
edit on 1-7-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: xuenchen

So , Joe will aspouse his Beliefs here Contrary to the Constitutional Laws of these United States ? The Judicial Branch of Our Constitutional Republic has Merit and Power to Decide According to OUR LAWS , and they have Decided Justly . What can this Feeble Man Say Contrary to that of Any Merit ? NOTHING Except Propaganda and More LIES to the American People , but the MAJORITY of the American People are WISE to the Crap Extruding from the Mouth of this Pretender in Chief , and Say " NAY " to it !

This is the same guy that ran on unity , he wants a race war

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: xuenchen
Are they sh*t'n me? They've got Biden all dolled up with orange makeup!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Already a dozen lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Democrats making up their own "SCOTUS" rulings 😃

He's slurring early on

Orange Man Stupid.

Once Trump is in Office Again , if he Lives that Long , The Power of Military Tribunals is at his Disposal , and All the Lawyers on the Left be Damned.........

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Enduro

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: xuenchen

So , Joe will aspouse his Beliefs here Contrary to the Constitutional Laws of these United States ? The Judicial Branch of Our Constitutional Republic has Merit and Power to Decide According to OUR LAWS , and they have Decided Justly . What can this Feeble Man Say Contrary to that of Any Merit ? NOTHING Except Propaganda and More LIES to the American People , but the MAJORITY of the American People are WISE to the Crap Extruding from the Mouth of this Pretender in Chief , and Say " NAY " to it !

This is the same guy that ran on unity , he wants a race war

He wants a race war, a class war, and a political war all in one. He wants to burn it all down.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:13 PM
IMO should have been a 9-0 ruling.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:17 PM
I hope he says in a serious whisper,

“They can’t get me now.”

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 07:18 PM
Yowser; I knew Biden would be desperate after his pore showing last week and his lack luster fundraising; but I never expected him to go full fascist scare monger so quickly.

He might not like the outcome but the SCOTUS is the highest court in the land; he doesn't get to dictate how they rule ... he is after all not supposed to be a dictator.

Now that he has given marching order to his Administration and his base to desent from the governmental checks and balances we have in this country can we say we are now in a constitutional crisis?

And why did he make such a big deal about these cases being completed before the election? I thought they were about justice and had nothing to do with the election. I guess we can all but assume Joe's DOJ were in fact using thess cases as a campaign strategy.

Someone really does need to replace Joe Biden before he goes further down the road to dictatorship.
edit on 1-7-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

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