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Chinese Rocket Crashes after Unexpected Launch

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posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

I bet you can't even explain why it would be.

It's just word play.

edit on 5310808America/Chicagoam01 by 5thHead because: 🪀

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 12:29 PM
Not in the least bit.

Far more tame than literally any song that plays on the radio today. Straight up N

Less lewd then song of the year WAP

it’s hilarious.

In the same way African tribes making helicopters out of reeds is hilarious. Or a Spanish dude getting obliterated by a Bull or a crappy Chinese things breaking and killing everyone or an East Indian electrocuting themselves on top of train, a Palestinian throwing rocks at a guy with a gun, a Russian off his face on vodka falling or fighting to his death

These things surprise no one when they happen, are expected even and can be quite funny to the observer. Is it racist to find these things funny? Hardly, stupid isn’t a race and as you can see it comes in all colours and creed.

Plus you should see the way actual Chinese people from China view literally everything else that isn’t Chinese I don’t think you would jump to defend them so hastily.

The Chinese are Chinese supremists right to core of even the average man women and child.

So yup I make fun of them. Sum ting wong with that?

its all absolutely hilarious.
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

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