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Spoken Language is the Greatest Lie.

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posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

My point was that it's not the metal that is causing any type of effect.

There are a few forums that might be appropriate:


Science and Technology

ATS Skunkworks

Also, we are thread drifting. We should take this into PMs or start a new thread if you want to pursue.

edit on 28-6-2024 by Hakaiju because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Is not a nonpoisonous snake looking like a poisonous one also a lie? Is not a false move in sports to make your opponent do something to your advantage also a lie? Is not a poison tasting sweet a lie? And all of these have not involved spoken or written language in any way.

There are many lies in this world yet you only scratch the surface of understanding that fact.

All fair points .

Yes these are Lies , Deceptions , Skills and survival mechanisms . Clearly when I said Language and Writing are the only lies I didn't think that through.

edit on 28-6-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I am very good at reading people, whether it be lying or whatever.

From being an ex addict, to playing poker professionally for a few years, i can quite easily a lot of times know when someone is trying to bullsnip me.

Little tells, eye contact, fiddling with their ears, hair etc.
People dont even realise they're giving off major signals which show they are lying its almost comical.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

We are all just acting. Usually unconsciously. But I assure you, we all act differently alone and ‘with ourselves’ than with others. So in some way, we are all liars.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I am very good at reading people, whether it be lying or whatever.

From being an ex addict, to playing poker professionally for a few years, i can quite easily a lot of times know when someone is trying to bullsnip me.

Little tells, eye contact, fiddling with their ears, hair etc.
People dont even realise they're giving off major signals which show they are lying its almost comical.

Quite right .

Everyone gives off physical tells it's automatic . People can train there bodies to not give off physical tells e.g. poker players , Espionage agents , politicians but it takes years and it's not full proof by any means.

No amount training can change the Eyes . Pupil dilation is the main pointer.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: YouSir

Yes mate the very condensed version of what you are saying is . Humans lie to themselves AKA Cognitive dissonance AKA Mental illness.

But the Truth is no one can lie to themselves . The Truth is always there .

People try to lie to themselves but eventually either 5 minutes from now or on their death bed the Truth comes out which is moot because they always knew the Truth .

Ummm...except that they live the with it and wrap themselves in it...become the fiction...

They justify illusion as a defense mechanism...

When having lived ones life clothed in layers of illusion...coming clean on their final day does not negate a life of illusion...does not wipe the slate clean...the ripples of their choices to husband and hold lie as truth have traveled far beyond their own version of existence they've constructed...spread out and become interwoven in the fabric of other affected persons illusions...

So where is truth...?

Truth was supplanted by a life of lies...and long ago...left the building...or was buried so deep under layers of is unrecognizable...because those ripples took root and live on in the minds of those the lies were directed towards...and to all those it was disseminated to...

If you honestly think that the versions of unreality the public is spoon fed 24/7 on the talky box are truth...then by all the swampland...

Programming...isn't truth...indoctrination...isn't truth...propaganda...isn't truth...yet that's the version of existence humans are continuously fed...and they live their lives...and accept as factual...illusion...posing as truth...

So...whence comes truth...?


posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: YouSir

f you honestly think that the versions of unreality the public is spoon fed 24/7 on the talky box are truth...then by all the swampland... Programming...isn't truth...indoctrination...isn't truth...propaganda...isn't truth...yet that's the version of existence humans are continuously fed...and they live their lives...and accept as factual...illusion...posing as truth...

Of course mate . The Media is the greatest proponent of Lies none better . People drink it up and it courses through there mind poisoning them into madness to the point they Get a rifle and shoot up a Walgreens or Schedule a surgery to cut their genitals off.

Truth was supplanted by a life of lies...and long ago...left the building...or was buried so deep under layers of is unrecognizable...because those ripples took root and live on in the minds of those the lies were directed towards...and to all those it was disseminated to...

And yet like a river or stream we are looking to get back to the source . We have strayed far from the Truth but we are not lost.

When having lived ones life clothed in layers of illusion...coming clean on their final day does not negate a life of illusion...does not wipe the slate clean...the ripples of their choices to husband and hold lie as truth have traveled far beyond their own version of existence they've constructed...spread out and become interwoven in the fabric of other affected persons illusions...

Indeed mental Illness is quite real I don't deny it . But instinct is also equally real . That little whisper within our soul we all hear it and most people ignore it preferring to allow others to choose for them .

Whence comes Truth ? From within of course as it always has .

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
Yes I’m referencing the Bible as I always do .

That is not a source of proof or evidence.

The Bible is full of wisdom and Truth; you just have to know how to read between the lines

IE: Make stuff up

My theory is that before the Tower of Babel Humans had no need for Spoken and written Language . We communicated through Body language and Our minds,

So you think humans had telepathy? And what removed that ability? God?

You're making all of this up with no evidemce. The fact that you use the bible as a source of truth or evidence already discredits your theories because, the bible is a work of fiction, by man, for man, to control. Nothing more.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: NoOneButMeAgain

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
Yes I’m referencing the Bible as I always do .

That is not a source of proof or evidence.

The Bible is full of wisdom and Truth; you just have to know how to read between the lines

IE: Make stuff up

My theory is that before the Tower of Babel Humans had no need for Spoken and written Language . We communicated through Body language and Our minds,

So you think humans had telepathy? And what removed that ability? God?

You're making all of this up with no evidemce. The fact that you use the bible as a source of truth or evidence already discredits your theories because, the bible is a work of fiction, by man, for man, to control. Nothing more.

Me and my harebrained self have a theory.

^^^ From the Original post

Of course I'm making it up ? It's just a theory mate . I'm not standing on the street with a loudspeaker demanding all of what I'm saying is a FACT.

I get the feeling you are young Mid twenties at most .

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 04:11 PM
It is the language part of the brain that is effected by schizophrenia and it shows up on scans

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Within (Sinai) initiation we are taught:

Numbers are the Primary Sequence, which is Creation
Letters are the Secondary Sequence, which is Decay

The reason for this is ...

Numbers are precise and perpetual. Their measure is equal to any extent of figurative necessity

The sequence expands incrementally, as the internal complexity grows to exceed it's limitations

Which is comparable to the expansion of the universe and creation itself

Letters on the other hand, are algorithm within limited character set. Designed to convey complex communications, as concisely as possible

The sequence is subject to limitation in both expression and reception

Character sets within things like language are subject to interpretation, and misinterpretation, within all layers of communication. All the way down to the words themselves

A good example of this, is the distinction between your original post, and the very first reply made by someone else

Though you made no mention of the concept of language being "evil", the first response was from someone who translated your post as being about such

They took the algorithm of concept, and translated it within communication, as you saying it is relative to what they would perceive to be evil

Numbers are precision points of interaction and perspective

The sequence of what we refer to as "degrees", which is a position relative to source

Within Freemasonry, this begins with the perceiver themselves as 1 (Entered initiate), that or who which they relate to as 2 (fellowcraft) and that which they relate within, or that being related (that which is "between") as 3 (Master Mason)

In Illumination, we simplify these 3 degrees into a statement which perfectly relates the 3 founding positions of perception, which (sacred) phonetics that relate not only to the process, but also the numbers themselves and the meaning of their symbols

"Unto the"

1) One - Un (originating from within / Entered initiate)
2) Two - To (passing to / Fellowcraft)
3) Three - The (medium / Master Mason)

In physics, these are the founding principles of everything like dimension/space/time. The internal and external spheres of the philosophers stone

1) Internal
2) External
3) Direction

Anyways, the point is ...

That letters represent a shifting in state between the positions of numbers

The symbols themselves, represent a type of relationship, pattern, transition or phase, between points (or degrees) of perspective (within numbers)

This is why the book of Numbers, comes before Deuteronomy, which is the "second law", or "book of words"

A = Angle ... A symbol that very literally shows a bridge between two lines, representing angle of incidence between two linear planes

B = Binary ... A symbol which shows two seperate arcs, linearly binded as one

Within the "upper case", the symbols represent being internal, looking to the surrounding macrocosm

Within the "lower case", the symbols represent being external, looking to the internal microcosm

Confusion arises in language, because perspective is inprecise

Whether we then use this for illegitimate communication such as lies and deception, is a completely different matter to language itself

Letters and language (as with things like symbols) can be no more said to be deceptive or flawed, them the manner by which it is crafted and chosen to be used. As well as the manner which it is translated and chosen to be received

Though, you are very right, in that the seat of decay lays within the lettering we use to construct our language

A big part of the problem, is that nobody understands the meaning behind the individual lettering and symbols which make up the sequences in their most pure form any more

We are taught these sequences in great detail within illuminated initiation, which allows us a very specific and deep insight into those we speak with, through little more than their choice of words

We can tell someone is lying (or being deceptive), by their ordering and choice of words

We can also tell when people have certain personal "issues" based on how they present and structure their thoughts

We learn to destroy legislation and legal writings as exercises within initiation, to teach us how worthless even the most perfectly and carefully worded documents of this nature are

Not for any type of disruptive or anarchist reasons, but merely to understand that language is a system of decay

At its foundation, nearly every word can be deconstructed down to a meaning which is the opposite of its intended meaning

We also practice deconstructing words and sentences, to all possible phonetic pronunciations, both backwards and forwards

We practice reading sentences, to find the same (and opposite) meanings reading a phonetic variation both backwards and forwards

We refer to these in Illumination as "keys" and they are very powerful

By powerful, I mean ... You could be having a conversation with someone about something completely innocuous, whilst considering something deeper or personal that you wish to know about them

Within a harmless message you send to them, you "key" the phonetics, so that you have asked them the question within the encoding of the message. Keyed both backwards and forwards

Do this, and you will find that their very next answer to you, tells you exactly what you want to know

They will answer the types of things they would never tell anyone. Without even knowing they have told you

Sometimes, it will cause them to answer something very random or strange, that even they may not understand. Which seems like it could be some type of defence mechanism. Them trying to avoid giving the answer up in code, even though they may not be aware

Sometimes, they will blatantly tell you the thing you are after. As if keying them, leads them to want to bring it up in conversation and tell you

Other times, something "takes over" when you try key them. Which is very interesting

It is like suddenly talking to a very unimpressed part of their soul, which is annoyed it needed to be "wakened", to do what it sees as "protecting" those you key

My point is, that the same decay systems used to communicate, can be used to steer and influence people

But with most people, you do not even need to communicate with them to "key" them, or manipulate them in such a way

All you need do is key their name

Their birth name will tell you everything you wish to know about them

If you can key a particular word, phrase or sentence, using their full name written both backwards and forwards, you can almost guarantee that this key is relative to who they are as a person

It can be a weakness, or vulnerability

Or it can be a strength and virtue

To "key" someones name in such a way, can be very dangerous though. Not only to them, but to yourself, if they reject your alignment

Or if you try to align to something within them, that they would never normally allow

It can cause massive confusion and pain to all involved

Or worse, you can "trance" them. Turn them into a type of mindless, submissive pet. Though this may sound like it could have it's benefits, it is almost guaranteed to turn into a problem that you do not want

My point is, that language is a type of coding

We are like computers, inputting and outputting that code

Code can be corrupted. Code can be manipulated

But at the end of the day, it is just code
edit on 30 6 24 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: Compendium

As always you give knowledge freely and ask nothing in return if only more people would pay attention to what you post.

Indeed my internal conflicts are often broadcast through my Post but I am not ashamed of this. People often come along and help me put the puzzle together , I see what I'm missing and or misunderstand.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I don't see any conflict in your post

I think you are just in the process of realising something reasonably profound, which most are blind to

Adject honesty is one of the simplest and most powerful keys to the liberation of the soul

Though it can often be the hardest tenet to adopt, in my experience coaching people on such things. Taking even my wisest of Greek friends a few years to properly grasp

The honest soul is blameless

You may find it interesting to know, that our tradition teaches that the story of Arthur and the sword in the stone, speaks, in essence, of the very thing you propose within this thread

If you record yourself saying the name "Arthur" and play it backwards, it still says "Arthur"

It is phonetically perfect and the same, both backwards and forwards

The point of this is, that the linear nature of things like spoken language, can be binding and limiting, like stone

If we are not honest within our expression and reflection, especially within sequences of linear decay such as language, we find ourselves trapped within our own webs, and unable to "pull the sword from the stone"

Exactly as you proposed in this thread, though a little more existential

But if we are pure in our use of the linear systems, we cannot be limited within any form of cyclic (Christ) return (or opposition, such as opposing forces), and we can easily "pull the sword from the stone"

Within which, we earn the right to our throne. Meaning, we exist blameless, at peace within our soul

Without being a prisoner to our conscience

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
I get the feeling you are young Mid twenties at most .

You feel wrong.

I'm 51.

posted on Jul, 1 2024 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Adject honesty is one of the simplest and most powerful keys to the liberation of the soul

I feel that truly . But its the people on the receiving end that almost seem to tremble in the face of such honesty. We as a people are so lost , What we once had is lost and there are small groups that seek that which was lost . everyone else lives in this toxic chaos .

People wake each day unable to comprehend the true potential of there consciousness , I feel it like some wild thing running circles around me teasing me. I cannot grasp it , it's like a puzzle I'm missing pieces to or a Language that I can hear but cannot speak.
edit on 1-7-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

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