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I literally just saw a middle aged guy just disappear before my very eyes!!

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posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Akecheta

originally posted by: Arthurox1717
I sh*t you not.. not more than then 50 ft from me across the street!

I saw him walk down the street past my car there are bushes between me and the street, this guy walked down went over to the trash containment area smoking a cigarette came back walked across the street by the guy across the street house, by his van and I was looking at him and he just disappeared literally...

Like there is no way that he could have gotten past me he didn't walk backwards he didn't walk forward he didn't get in the van cuz it's not in his van it's a commercial van he just disappeared!

Read, here hundreds of eyewitnesses like you wrote letters to the Dailymail. ods-Mail-readers-paranormal-expert-explanation.html

Thx you for this!!! Gonna read it in a minute. Yes.. time slips .. ugh .. don't get me started... LOL anyways.. appreciate the post.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel
Did you get out of your car to investigate right away? I think if that happened to me I would walk over there as quick as I could to see if I could see him anywhere. May e you were daydreaming and blanked out for a second?

If not that's really cool and it's happened to many a person in the past

YES I DID! thx you! I immediately exited my car and did a quick direct look from around the bush, there's no way he could have walked that quick and not be seen within 5 secs of him disappearing! he was walking up by the white panel van parked in front of a car trailer 15 left long. He would have had to walk back, which he did not... OR walk forward past the van to the sidewalk.

There's a 5 foot privacy fence along the house with no door or gate, it's solid, if he had walked forward, he would have had to take a left turn and walk up the sidewalk in order to get into the house, if he lived there.. but i would have seen him clearly if he did.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Unseendimension
I had 2 books called the encyclopedia of the paranormal. These were published way back in the 1970’s. There was a story of a guy who was at a family reunion, or a party where everyone was there, and he vanished in front of everyone. As if a wall suddenly emerged, where he was gone, but could be heard on the other side. His voice was heard for days until one day it just disappeared. Also the voice moved from the yard to parts of the house, and then one day never was heard again.

I wish I still had those books, so I could cite where the event happened. Then again, it could have simply been fiction as a lot of those things are.

I have seen things in this world that I cannot comprehend or explain. Seeing someone disappear, or have someone disappear is not as shocking lately, but given the glitches in the matrix we see every day, nobody is surprised the way they should be.

Thx you for this! I know what you mean.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: Arthurox1717

I literally just saw a middle aged guy just disappear before my very eyes!!

video or it didn't happen.

I knew this was coming!
but issue is, normal people don't just whip out their phones to randomly video random people because it's creepy and most people respect people (hmmm well... not so much anymore)

But.. I almost did because is actions seemed a bit sketchy.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna

originally posted by: Unseendimension
I had 2 books called the encyclopedia of the paranormal. These were published way back in the 1970’s. There was a story of a guy who was at a family reunion, or a party where everyone was there, and he vanished in front of everyone. As if a wall suddenly emerged, where he was gone, but could be heard on the other side. His voice was heard for days until one day it just disappeared. Also the voice moved from the yard to parts of the house, and then one day never was heard again.

I wish I still had those books, so I could cite where the event happened. Then again, it could have simply been fiction as a lot of those things are.

I have seen things in this world that I cannot comprehend or explain. Seeing someone disappear, or have someone disappear is not as shocking lately, but given the glitches in the matrix we see every day, nobody is surprised the way they should be.

There is a movie called tangent room it is really low budget hehehehehe but basically about 2 parallel dimensions colliding and how things would glitch out the people start glitching in and out of existence and they disappear and reappear in a different part of the room. Like both the dimensions are in their own bubble or time bubble and when they get close they interact with each other and weird stuff happens.

WHOA! Thx you for this! Gonna look it up on TUBI, shot in the dark but never know.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: Arthurox1717

Did you notice a German nearbye?

Jurgen Klopp has the power to make people vanish

Jurgen Klopp appears to make Liverpool player Xherdan Shaqiri disappear into his coat

Remember when footballer disappeared behind Klopp

Thx you for this! Not sure if he's German or not. But that video is crazy!

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Unseendimension

Well , that Guy that Disappeared could be a " Jumper " ....Hmm....




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