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OMG - U.S. President JOE BIDEN Needs 7 Days to Prepare to Debate a Challenger!.

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posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 09:27 PM
Saturday, June 22, 2024

The President of the United States of America is briefed daily (aka: EVERY DAY) on multiple subjects that are important to Americans, and to the Earth's population in general.

You would think the person trying to earn the job of U.S. President would be the one prepping most thoroughly. After all, he/she will be debating the sitting President of the United States.

BUT, as we come up on the 2024 November election, we find U.S. President Joe Biden squirreled away for SEVEN (7) DAYS, undergoing intense preparations to debate Republican challenger, Donald J. Trump...

NEW YORK -- President Joe Biden begins an intense period of private preparations Friday at Camp David for what may be the most consequential presidential debate in decades.

The 81-year-old Democrat's team is aware he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Republican rival Donald Trump for 90 minutes on live television, Thursday June 27th. Biden's team expects aggressive attacks on his physical and mental strength, his record on the economy and immigration and even his family.

Trump, 78 and ever confident, will stay on the campaign trail before going to his Florida estate next week for two days of private meetings as part of an informal prep process.

I understand the need for the sitting President to be on his toes, but 7 days of intense preparation, just to debate a civilian who is not involved in the day-to-day things that make our country hum? To put it mildly...Something isn't right.😨


edit on 2262024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 09:41 PM
They're probably bringing him up to speed on what's happened over the last few years. When the lights are on and no one's home, there can be a lot to learn. When Biden callously stated that Americans "have money to spend" insinuating that the economy isn't a problem for many, he completely missed the mark.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
They're probably bringing him up to speed on what's happened over the last few years. When the lights are on and no one's home, there can be a lot to learn. When Biden callously stated that Americans "have money to spend" insinuating that the economy isn't a problem for many, he completely missed the mark.

Then his daily briefings from the Economic advisors are just B.S. lies, if that's who's telling him ALL IS WELL with inflation and discretionary income.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:56 PM
They got to hide all the wires.

Time to perfect the makeup.

Not even 100% sure he’s still kicking.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:17 PM
I love how the nightly news showcases people who are never Trumpers and why he would destroy America if given a second term but never a single person who is for Trump or against Joe biden.

Are people reallty so stupid they can't see their being manipulated by MSM?

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:59 PM
We already know CNN is gonna give the Biden team all the questions in advance so he can study up and know what to say, it's so obvious. No crowd at the "debate" and moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, 2 of Trumps biggest "fans".

It's gonna be a Biden love fest with slow pitch questions he knows all the answers too these debates should be held by some neutral ground not CNN that literally hates Trump like no other person around

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

This is going to be painful for the democrats. I mean, Hilary screwed up and let his him lead her into the continuous defensive/offensive. I can't imagine Joe's up to this task.

Trump is going to continuously keep every point defensive. Joe's going to trip over himself, being over-concerned with eloquence, and he's going walk right into a 100% Trump dictated debate.

I'll be interested to see if CNN actually tries to step in with directed moderation to prevent Trump from leading Biden into the same futile traps he lead Hillary into. Her only recent actions she had to defend were emails about Libya. Joe has dozens of Libyas to defend. And he won't be able to adequately invert it either.

Joe can prep all he wants but he'll be doing the deer in headlights thing a lot, and then run into a tree trying to escape.

edit on 23-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Trump will discombobulate Joey in 3…2…1 Once Trump gets into his head it’s all over for Joey boy.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
They got to hide all the wires.

Time to perfect the makeup.

Not even 100% sure he’s still kicking.

Indeed. Something is fishy. Also, the Trump team is not allowed to independently record the debate. So if Joe Biden begins saying crazy things like he did when Special Counsel HUR interviewed him, CNN will edit that out of the delayed broadcast, the Trump team will have nothing to prove Joe's moment of babbling.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 01:47 AM
rumor going around is that James Biden will be out on the stage and not Joe Biden. I think people need to keep a very close eye on this to see if there is any truth to it going forward.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:23 AM
So now people have a problem with someone being prepared for a debate as important as this one?

What is wrong with you people? Being prepared used to be taught in school as A GOOD THING. Not a bad one.

But well, perhaps being prepared is only for those who actually want to win the debate.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:24 AM
Seems you're hedging your bet by lying about getting the questions so when Trump screws up, you have a reason.

Sounds like Trump already lost to me.

a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Seems you're hedging your bet by lying about getting the questions so when Trump screws up, you have a reason.

Sounds like Trump already lost to me.

a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Guarantee you that Joey’s getting all the questions and answers in order ahead of time, I’m sure that’s what they’re working on. They have to, the guy you’re voting for is a toasted vegetable.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Seems you're hedging your bet by lying about getting the questions so when Trump screws up, you have a reason.

Sounds like Trump already lost to me.

a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

corn pop has him on the ropes.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:15 AM
Not much to see here really, I'm sure most candidates spend a good deal of time preparing for a debate. I would expect no less from the Biden camp. As much as I dislike Biden, and as much as I am an outspoken critic of him and the democrats, I don't find his taking a week to prepare for the debates all that surprising.

Don't forget, every candidate is not just debating a finite number of other candidates, they are debating the minds of scores of other people who have been coaching this candidate for months. Each candidate's team will be trying to out maneuver the other teams, and trying to come up with trick questions which will back their candidate into a corner.

Trump, in this regard, is a master at the game. He is a master at flipping the narrative, and he's quick on his toes. He can pivot subjects quickly and he's clever. Plus, Trump is great at using body language against his opponents also, so he doesn't even have to say say something. Biden, on the other hand, is absolutely terrible about body language. He's robotic and stiff.

Bottom line, if even I was going to debate Trump, I would want to take a good solid week to prepare. I would want my people trying to figure out every single way he could trap me, or trick me into saying something I'd regret, or back me into a corner.

What lays in front of Biden in this debate is a very serious challenge for him, both mentally and physically. I honestly worry he is not up to the task physically (just imagine if he collapsed during the debate).

If I were Trump, what I would be doing is having my people coach me in how to get the sound-byte right before the moderators (who are clearly in Biden's camp) cut me off, or try to twist or disrupt the overall message and debate sequence...which they WILL (very much) try to do.

So, in summary...Biden's challenge is Trump. Trump's challenge is the moderators. Biden is no match for Trump on the Debate stage.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Seems you're hedging your bet by lying about getting the questions so when Trump screws up, you have a reason.

Sounds like Trump already lost to me.

a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

In 2016, CNN and Donna Brazile were caught giving all the topics and questions to Hillary, and had to admit they cheated.

And remember all the Social Media censoring against Conservatives and Republicans that was proven to be from White House and other gov pressuring.

whataboutallthat? 😀

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Seems you're hedging your bet by lying about getting the questions so when Trump screws up, you have a reason.

Sounds like Trump already lost to me.

a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

I don't think anyone's worried about Trump screwing up. And if you're paying attention, the few frail attempts at exposing his speaking flaws have no wings. Biden on the other hand, it's all anyone can talk about because it's so obvious and such a constant flaw when he presents to the public. He also makes up stories, aka LIES and in fact embellishes pathological lying.

Trump's nemesis will be the moderators. Biden's is and always has been himself.

Regardless, it will be refreshing to have a second debate and see how it plays out.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I just hope they both stick to the issues. Everyone already knows the shortcomings of both candidates and they both do have shortcomings it is easy to just let Biden talk and maybe sound incoherent don't need to bring that up. Hunter is an embarrassment but has nothing to do with how Biden admin has tanked America and made pretty much everybody unhappy with the economy among other things. Relying on these clickbait things is not the way to get the liberals who are fed up with Biden to switch sides. Its just going to make them tune out and use a bunch of what-about-isms against Trump like "but Trump has 34 felonies, Hunter only has 3" or whatever.

Same on Biden though, everybody knows Trump paid hush money/however many felonies hes convicted of. I mean back in the run up to 2016 I can't even tell you how many times I heard that clip in the media and on the news of Trump saying if you're famous you can just grab them by the pu$$y and they let you. Which is probably actually true. It didn't affect him at all versus Hilary which you would think statements like that would have more of an effect when going up against a female opponent. But Hilary isn't popular.

Hey you're into this political stuff pretty deep, why do you think they put Kamala as VP? Why wouldn't they use Hilary? Did she not want to be VP? I can't remember what happened there. I do know didn't Kamala only get like 2% of the vote in some primary so they already knew she was unpopular when they picked her. Why did they pick her?

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 11:37 AM
The "dings" from CNN will be when and who cuts off the microphone by "accident" !! 😃💲

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 12:20 PM
"Inside Baseball" talk, regarding the Thursday June 27th Trump -vs- Heavily Drugged Joe Biden Debate.

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