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O’Keefe exposes Disney

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posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: GotterDameron23
I wonder when Disney is going to start bleeding Stock.

That will probably be the end of Disney.

Good news, tho: George Lucas could probably buy back Star Wars for a 10th of what he sold it for.

I hope he does. He gave us a bit of hope if you think about it with the good force verses the dark force being the theme.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 11:41 AM

Here is part two: Twitter Video

CONFRONTED: The Walt Disney Senior Vice President Michael Giordano is confronted by James O'Keefe and @OKeefeMedia after uncovering @Disney 's discriminatory hiring practices. The situation intensified when one of our American Swiper’s confronts Giordano about having a "tickle" in his throat to avoid seeing her, while on a date with another American Swiper. Both journalists leave the scene as O'Keefe enters the stage to question Giordano. Caught off guard, Giordano fled to his car with O'Keefe tailing him. The scene at Sunset Plaza didn't go unnoticed — Hollywood influencers @xhuddy , Chiara Hovland, and Nick Higham, who witnessed the entire incident, praised OMG for "Saving the city" and pledged to check out O'Keefe Media Group.

Not only does he confront him, he has both the girls that recorded him confronting him for cheating/lying.

For those that don’t like Twitter, here is Jeremy from Geeks & Gamers going over whole video with commentary.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: rdambroso
a reply to: pianopraze
I hope disney gets sued out of existence really..for so many reasons..dei being only one of them.
Their movies sukk..they hire pedo groomers to work in their parks...its sick really. Walt must be rolling
over in his grave

I would hope Walt didn't approve. With that steamboat willie Micky was using his willie to make holes in cheese in one episode. His willie wasn't wet but it was erect like no small child should be exposed to for sure.

I saw that and 'heard' it was a deepfake. I saw the original many times and am pretty certain that wasn't in there

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