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posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DAVID64

Neither you NOR your son needs to apologize for driving a truck!

I drive a truck because I'm proud to drive a truck, and that's all that matters.

Your OP is funny because 'way back when', when I was in the dating scene in my college years, I used to have this old beat up 1974 Ford LTD station wagon with a rattle-can ivory white paint job (and my (nice) truck). My friends and I affectionately called it the "Ghetto Battle Cruiser". I would intentionally go pick up 1st dates in the GBC just for exactly the reason your son experienced! Got that crap out of the way right up front!!!!!

"You'll ride in the Ghetto Battle Cruiser and like it!! Oh, and we're goin' to 7-11 for dinner too, bay-bee!! We'll see where things go from there."


Great minds...

Ain't no sense in startin' things off on the wrong foot, right??

"Chili-dogs an' a Cherry Slurpee all the way, BAY-BEE!! It's what's for dinner!! WOOOooooooooo!!!"

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
My youngest Son is 26, never been married or had kids, so he's still in the dating world.....and getting a bit fed up with it. He said that dating is getting be a pain in the ass, because women his age have been convinced they're a Princess and you have to take them to the most expensive restaurants and then some club expected to spend hundreds of dollars on the first date. I talked to him last night and he was telling me about a date he had last weekend.

Let me give you a little important background : He drives a Silverado 2500 HD. It's a damn nice truck, with heated/cooled leather seats, sun roof and all that stuff. It's a 4 wheel drive, but not lifted and while it sits higher than a normal truck, you don't need a ladder to get in, just a small step up.

So, he meets this girl a couple weeks ago, they talk and he asks her out. She said yes and for the next few days they call and text and she seems pretty nice....until...

He goes to pick her up and as they're walking out she stops and say "You are taking me out in a truck ! ? " and says it it a disgusted voice. Then follows with "I'll go this time but if you're going to date me you're gonna have to buy a car".

He said "Dad, she didn't even make it to the driveway, I told her never mind, got in my truck and took myself out to dinner".

His Mom and I gave him advice when he started dating. She gave him the usual "Be a gentleman, hold her doors etc, etc and I agree with that.

I gave him the Dad version.

# 1 - No matter what she does, what she says or what she tells you, always Always ALWAYS wear a condom. Kids are expensive and you're too young to get married or pay child support.

# 2 - Get to know her. Before you pop the question, live together for a year. BE PICKY. Remember, a marriage license will cost you $30 - A divorce will cost half of everything you own.

I know that sounds cynical and a bit of an asshole, but it comes from past experience. I got taken to the proverbial cleaners and I don't want to see him have to go through that.

LMAO - he don't need a car girl.

I'm pretty sure my wife married me FOR my truck....

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I used to take my dates on fancy expensive thrillrides when I was younger. I was horny and financially irresponsible. Money flew in and out of my bank account without a care.

It got old fast when it sinks in just how shallow and unappreciative some people are. Dumb and boring too.

It sinks in when you realize they're just waiting for some imaginary white whale millionaire with a bad heart and they will sell you down the river faster than you can blink!

And yes I've heard the "If you're dating better do this..."

Simple. We aren't dating then. No irrational ultimatums ever.

This is why I focus on me, enjoy life, and don't care if I ever date again. You have to really impress me before I'll even look at the application!

edit on 21-6-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: DAVID64
My youngest Son is 26, never been married or had kids, so he's still in the dating world.....and getting a bit fed up with it. He said that dating is getting be a pain in the ass, because women his age have been convinced they're a Princess and you have to take them to the most expensive restaurants and then some club expected to spend hundreds of dollars on the first date. I talked to him last night and he was telling me about a date he had last weekend.

Let me give you a little important background : He drives a Silverado 2500 HD. It's a damn nice truck, with heated/cooled leather seats, sun roof and all that stuff. It's a 4 wheel drive, but not lifted and while it sits higher than a normal truck, you don't need a ladder to get in, just a small step up.

So, he meets this girl a couple weeks ago, they talk and he asks her out. She said yes and for the next few days they call and text and she seems pretty nice....until...

He goes to pick her up and as they're walking out she stops and say "You are taking me out in a truck ! ? " and says it it a disgusted voice. Then follows with "I'll go this time but if you're going to date me you're gonna have to buy a car".

He said "Dad, she didn't even make it to the driveway, I told her never mind, got in my truck and took myself out to dinner".

His Mom and I gave him advice when he started dating. She gave him the usual "Be a gentleman, hold her doors etc, etc and I agree with that.

I gave him the Dad version.

# 1 - No matter what she does, what she says or what she tells you, always Always ALWAYS wear a condom. Kids are expensive and you're too young to get married or pay child support.

# 2 - Get to know her. Before you pop the question, live together for a year. BE PICKY. Remember, a marriage license will cost you $30 - A divorce will cost half of everything you own.

I know that sounds cynical and a bit of an asshole, but it comes from past experience. I got taken to the proverbial cleaners and I don't want to see him have to go through that.

LMAO - he don't need a car girl.

I'm pretty sure my wife married me FOR my truck....

is that what the kids are calling it these days?

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Wow ....have kids dealing with this sort of BS as well....You son did right thing with the whole truck thing

Funny story
This guy who works in my building....we are sort of work friends per say .......see each other and shoot the #.....Anywho a few weeks back he was talking about how girls/dating sucks.......So he goes on to tell me he asked this lady out who also works in the same building.....BUT after finding out he's the janitor she wanted NOTHING to do with him....she said oh I ain't dating someone who cleans toilets...Mind you he's the Owner of the Janitor service that takes care of our building and 2 others....a company he built....But likes to be out there working with his crew vs bossing people about shallow

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:07 PM
Your son had the unfortunate luck to date someone who is still acting mostly on primate instincts. He needs to find a woman that embraces her human side more.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:26 PM
Personally, I hate trucks, find them depressing somehow
But that's because my European upbringing , and you almost never see them in Europe. I find them redneck and awful, but has nothing to do with the pricetag.
Could be a 80k truck or a 40k car and I would prefer the car.

I also miss Europe and just generally prefer European culture

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: DAVID64
My youngest Son is 26, never been married or had kids, so he's still in the dating world.....and getting a bit fed up with it. He said that dating is getting be a pain in the ass, because women his age have been convinced they're a Princess and you have to take them to the most expensive restaurants and then some club expected to spend hundreds of dollars on the first date. I talked to him last night and he was telling me about a date he had last weekend.

Let me give you a little important background : He drives a Silverado 2500 HD. It's a damn nice truck, with heated/cooled leather seats, sun roof and all that stuff. It's a 4 wheel drive, but not lifted and while it sits higher than a normal truck, you don't need a ladder to get in, just a small step up.

So, he meets this girl a couple weeks ago, they talk and he asks her out. She said yes and for the next few days they call and text and she seems pretty nice....until...

He goes to pick her up and as they're walking out she stops and say "You are taking me out in a truck ! ? " and says it it a disgusted voice. Then follows with "I'll go this time but if you're going to date me you're gonna have to buy a car".

He said "Dad, she didn't even make it to the driveway, I told her never mind, got in my truck and took myself out to dinner".

His Mom and I gave him advice when he started dating. She gave him the usual "Be a gentleman, hold her doors etc, etc and I agree with that.

I gave him the Dad version.

# 1 - No matter what she does, what she says or what she tells you, always Always ALWAYS wear a condom. Kids are expensive and you're too young to get married or pay child support.

# 2 - Get to know her. Before you pop the question, live together for a year. BE PICKY. Remember, a marriage license will cost you $30 - A divorce will cost half of everything you own.

I know that sounds cynical and a bit of an asshole, but it comes from past experience. I got taken to the proverbial cleaners and I don't want to see him have to go through that.

LMAO - he don't need a car girl.

I'm pretty sure my wife married me FOR my truck....

is that what the kids are calling it these days?

I'm no biologist, so...

but, probably?

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
Personally, I hate trucks, find them depressing somehow
But that's because my European upbringing , and you almost never see them in Europe. I find them redneck and awful, but has nothing to do with the pricetag.
Could be a 80k truck or a 40k car and I would prefer the car.

I also miss Europe and just generally prefer European culture

Stay away from Dave's son.....he already told you...

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:13 PM
"Love is a horrible trick nature plays on us" (That one is mine).

We are programmed to desire a mate. It is only after we have aged beyond our reproductive usefulness that we can see how we got used by nature to procreate and perpetuate our species at the cost of our time, energy, and any wealth we could have accumulated during a lifetime.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:41 PM
Speaking of trucks and women, seeing as how we're on the subject (sort of)...

I just bought a new Ram late last year; 2023 Ram 3500 Mega Cab with the Cummins turbo diesel...heh heh (brushes nails on shirt) (j/k). I was going to sell my old truck a 2004 F-250 turbo diesel crew cab. The Ford has been well taken care of and is in perfect condition physically and mechanically. I figured I could get a pretty penny for it with truck prices being as crazy as they are today. I figured it would be a really sweet ride for someone. I no sooner got this out of my mouth when my wife said..."You will do NO such thing!! The Ford is now MY truck!!!!" They're all paid for so I didn't care, and by the time I turned around I saw the Ford headed up the hill to the barn. Within 5 minutes all the doors were open, floor mats out and on the ground, and I see two little feet sticking out of one of the doors. She's already inside the truck cleaning HER truck out!! LOL!

About two days later 4-5 boxes showed up from Amazon. "Oh Goody!", she says. Not 10 seconds later she asks if I can help her replacing the headlights and tail lights. She'd bought all new ones so she didn't have to hassle with trying to buff out the old faded ones. She wasn't kidding about it being HER new truck! I had unknowingly created a monster. Next thing I knew freight trucks are showing up with entire banded pallets of stuff! What the...??? New Black Rhino wheels, all new Toyo 12 ply rubber all around, new Ford badging (front, sides and rear), new trim, replaced the running boards and now she wants a Ranch Hand bumper and new winch on it. Damn thing almost looks better than my truck now! Almost. Now, a few months later, the old Ford looks like a brand new truck!

Yeah, I kinda, mighta', got into helping the ol' girl out with all her mods. But that's my kinda' gal!!

If she would have walked out of the house on a 1st date and saw a truck, she'd have probably said..."COOL, can I drive it?? And, if I'd have pulled up in a car she'd have probably inquired just to make sure I had a truck too! LOL!

That's the kind of girl the OP's son needs to find! One who, 25 years later, will still fight ya' for the keys to the truck.

edit on 6/21/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

In my neck of the woods (the south) girls are told not to trust a man that drives a It usually means they no nothing about independence. You can't pull a boat, horse trailer, or trailers in general. You also can't load up materials to build a deck or dog pens.....etc

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Your son did the right thing. A woman like that would have made him miserable!

I'm not a big woman and have driven a truck my entire adult life (except for one SUV that I hated). I just bought a new Ford Lariat 4-wheel drive (no lifts) and a damn nice truck. I eat out a lot this time of year so one of the cafe's that I often order takeout from started calling me the little bitty woman in the big ass

My sister is a bit like that woman your son was going to take out. Back a few years ago she used to drive an Escalade and I bought a z-71. She ridiculed me for years calling me a redneck and such until one day my brother was there when she was running her mouth about it and he said, "oh piss! your just mad because that truck was made at the same factory and is on the same frame as your escalade. It's the same damn ride except hers doesn't have covered seating and cost about $35K less than you paid for that caddy". She hasn't said a word about what I drive since! She has asked
to borrow it to haul things in......wanna guess what I tell her?......... Here's a hint she hasn't driven a truck I owned ever and for that matter never will.
I also taught my son all of the things that you described and he is very good to women. If that had been him instead of your son he may have asked her if she was an idiot or worse. Yes, I know that doesn't sound very nice be she started it!

I think your son dodged a bullet! The right one will come along and she will probably know how to drive a truck and will love it!


He did a great job denying ignorance as well! lol
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posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Perhaps she was in heels with a long tight evening dress on?

But clearly, she wasn't that into him and he wasn't that into her.

She just wasn't 'the one'.

edit on 2024-06-21T16:19:33-05:0004Fri, 21 Jun 2024 16:19:33 -050006pm00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Perhaps she was in heels with a long tight evening dress on?

Do girls do that on a 1st date?? I'd have probably stopped her at the door and suggested she might want to wear something more comfortable for eatin' chili-dogs and drinkin' beer at the rodeo.

But clearly, she wasn't that into him and he wasn't that into her.

And he definitely won't be in the future either! Ba-dum...TSSSS! LOL!

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 06:02 PM
My ex drove a manual truck. Nothing got me more revved up

We didn’t work out for other reasons, but the truck definitely wasn’t one of them.

I wish your son luck out there in the dating world.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 07:52 PM
Would have loved to have seen what that little entitled princess would have thought if he had pulled up in a late nineties station wagon. Or how about a honda odyssey....

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: Cvastar
a reply to: DAVID64

Reading that made me realize something.

She didn't even want to "date" anyone.......she just wanted a nice ride and a free meal. She NEVER wanted to actually "date" someone with the purpose of getting to know them for a relationship in the future.

That's what people like your son are up against. People who present themselves as one thing when in reality they are something altogether different. In this case, she presented as "datable" when in fact, she never was.

All of which gives rise to the question........just how many women out there, I.e., percentage wise, are really just not "datable" anymore? You son may see 100 "single" women a month out there. It's altogether possible only a small percentage are actually datable. The rest are posers looking for freebies.

Not gonna lie for about a year of my life after my divorce. I jumped off the deep end. And that's where I found myself. There was no feelings for anybody. It was. What can I get out of them and screw the world. With a hard smack from my family across the head and some kind gentle words. I snap back to it and became a decent human. About a year after that, I found some really nice guy. In the end, it didn't really work out nine years later... But I did not go back to how I was. I restored myself properly and life is good right now.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DAVID64

Neither you NOR your son needs to apologize for driving a truck!

I drive a truck because I'm proud to drive a truck, and that's all that matters.

Your OP is funny because 'way back when', when I was in the dating scene in my college years, I used to have this old beat up 1974 Ford LTD station wagon with a rattle-can ivory white paint job (and my (nice) truck). My friends and I affectionately called it the "Ghetto Battle Cruiser". I would intentionally go pick up 1st dates in the GBC just for exactly the reason your son experienced! Got that crap out of the way right up front!!!!!

"You'll ride in the Ghetto Battle Cruiser and like it!! Oh, and we're goin' to 7-11 for dinner too, bay-bee!! We'll see where things go from there."


Great minds...

Ain't no sense in startin' things off on the wrong foot, right??

"Chili-dogs an' a Cherry Slurpee all the way, BAY-BEE!! It's what's for dinner!! WOOOooooooooo!!!"

If ever, i'm going on a first date, I don't go anywhere expensive. My last date that was a first date was to a free music festival and I packed some snacks and so did he. Nothing wrong with going cheap. It's all about the experience and what you do and how you feel

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Cre8chaos79

OR...a beat up old 1974 Ford LTD station wagon called the 'Ghetto Battle Cruiser'!! ☺️

But yeah, I agree.

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