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Harvard Study - Govt Might Be Downplaying Evidence Aliens Live Among Us Disguised as Humans

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posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 04:47 AM
Well, this is strange. The PDF linked in the OP is gone.

I noticed this from 727Sky's latest Why Files post and it is mentioned in the Video Description...

...The Why Files is cited as a source (pg 14, pg 39) But the paper has suddenly disappeared... ...though we saved you a copy: ...

Perhaps there were too many hits on the site or was it never meant to be published?

posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 04:58 AM
There are a lot of statements and questions in this thread so far.

I'd be tagging people all day.

Do we believe someone when they say they've seen things that are unbelievable?

If you ever met those people, then you'd know they are telling the truth.

I can honestly say that I've never witnessed anything I'd call paranormal of any kind.

I do believe, considering all the alleged evidenced firsthand accounts, which includes photographic and video evidence, that the possibility there is in fact, multiple species of varying somethings or someones which are beyond our comprehension.

Close you're eyes and imagine how you'd feel if they made themselves known to the world , would you die of sheer terror?

The public honestly just isn't ready for that, the governments are right, religion got it wrong, if the public finds out there is no God chaos will in fact, ensure.

Everytime something bad happens the public go to the store and buy all the gas, then the food and all the hand sanitizer and tp they can handle.

Seriously consider if on every channel, each world government was giving simultaneous speeches, disclosing life that coexist with us or views us an an energy source of some form or another.

The newest pair of shoes won't matter anymore, you're killed over the last can of spaghetti Os.

Imagine if the movie '"They live" was real.

Imagine if "Predator ' was real.

Please for the love of God, I pray "Aliens" isn't real.

I have seen evidence of things that are unexplainable for over 40 years.

Just imagine if everything you thought wasn't, actually is.

I do want to give my opinion on a
"skin walker" beyond what tradition says. I want to go from someone who would look at it like an animal, a scientific approach.

Compare this creature to animal varieties found in cave systems, considering it's almost always described as pale in color and are encountered in subterranean environments and or abandoned structures with little to no human activity. Odds of being nocturnal, very high.

Quick disclaimer,:
-Take everything with a grain of salt.
-Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
-A bunch of other self enlightening quotes that won't save you in the "Thunderdome" .

posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Encia22

Here try this and download it immediately to keep on your local storage…..if this is the 43 page pdf in question…

The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis - A Case for Scientific Openness to a Concealed Earthly Explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

The Why Files is referenced 5 times…..

edit on 14-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Thanks Ophi. I grabbed my copy yesterday when it was still working, but this is handy for anyone who missed out.

posted on Jun, 16 2024 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Also, the US is a huge country. Last time I checked the population was around 360 million people. I don't know the current number and I'm too tired to google it. But with that large a population as opposed to my country where we're barely 6 million people. Also the US has been considered for many years as a military super power. That might add to the interest of foreign life.
To my knowledge we haven't really had any big events happen where I live and I've never seen anything odd. I'd love to see it for myself but even though I haven't (yet) I certainly believe in the possibility that there are aliens of some kind living among us.
And as for the "general" universe, there's no question in my mind that intelligent life exists out there somewhere. I'd love to see us making contact with foreign life. Provided that they are friendly. Imagine what we could learn and maybe we could teach them something too. It's incredibly interesting.

posted on Jun, 16 2024 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Cometzombie
a reply to: lilzazz

I'll come to the Rez. After i find nothing i will be very disappointed.

With that attitude, perhaps it's best you stay home.

posted on Jun, 16 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

This caught my eye. I havnt read the whole thread

3. CTH3: Former extraterrestrial or extratempestrial cryptoterrestrials. Extraterrestrial aliens or our intertemporal descendants who "arrived" on Earth from elsewhere in the cosmos or from the human future, respectively, and concealed themselves in stealth.

So, they're taking for granted we will, or can, travel back in time at some stage??

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