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World bank demands end to farming by 2030

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posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
New World Order, is not new.

Isn't about order, just control.

United We Stand, The Rest Is, Not An Option!

We either stand with our farmers, and defend organic food, or we lose.

Stop buying the garbage foods, with artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, artificial ingredients, GMO is a no go!

God created us Organic, he didn't make mistakes.
We don't need Artificial Food, we don't need Artificial Immunity.

No vaccines, nothing.

We don't need it.

We need Jesus!


I'd say Jesus needs us to stand up and fight...

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

When I see an article/headline like the one in the OP I try to understand the rationale behind such a piece before forming any sort of a judgement, one way or the other. Thank you for your post as you saved me some words; I think you are correct. I think the OP illustrates a couple other more subtle, but equally more important, points as well.

Further to the point, I think it important to at least attempt to understand both sides of an issue. Ironically, it should come as no surprise that the opposing side of the argument can be found not in the camp of opposing geopolitical views, but rather within the same ideological camp. In plain English, The progressive leftist agenda can't even agree with itself (as you so correctly have pointed out). And, this is one of the biggest faults I see with the progressive liberal agenda(s); they fail to take their initiatives out to their logical conclusions. They scream from every rooftop about the sky falling and call for action before they even bother to look what the other side of their own party/ideological group is also screaming for from the same rooftop. In other words, they don't look at the 'end-game'; they are diametrically opposed to...themselves!

I truly wonder how reasonably informed people can endorse these progressive initiatives, bodies and/or parties when it is patently obvious they conflict so disturbingly with each other. There is an old saying, a couple of them, which apply here:

"You can't have your cake and eat it too"...and..."There is no such thing as a free lunch".

How ironic both of these sayings would also be about food when this is also the subject at hand, but they are fitting.

It is fine, responsible even, to care about environmental concerns here on the planet. It is also fine to care about things such as famine and starvation. But only irresponsible people will take up one cause as their sole cause without at least recognizing the existence of the other. Therefore, reasonable people will recognize the need for a balance to be struck. Failure to do this is a fool's errand, yet this is often the moniker of the left.

edit on 6/10/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: EyeoftheHurricane

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you serious?

Didn't watch the video?

Didn't do your own search?

Just going to assume the wef gives a crap about the people?
They're trying to kill us off, we are the carbon they want to reduce.

Especially those of us who stand against globalist cabal.

Don't you want clean food?!

UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global “War On Farmers”

The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.

Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.

High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the U.N.’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.
You will eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy


This is so funny.

You think the World Bank is trying to cut off its main source of income.

And that the world is run by a conference company, the WEF.

And that 'they' are going to have the production capability to be able to feed the world with insects.

And that the CCP is directing the most capitalist organizations on the planet.

I suppose they are all shape-shifting lizzids, too running their evil pedo rings out of family pizza restaurants, too?

You are guzzling the kool-aid so fast you should really stop to breathe - or your brain might be starved for oxygen.

Well the wef does want us to eat bugs….

Nah mate. Someone had a talk there about using meal worms as a potential food source once. And the right-whingers went apes#it about it - just like they did with '15 minute cities', which they think means that cars and other transport will be banned. LOL (Some people just aren't that bright).

Insects are already in processed foods, but they don’t have to list as bugs …. Kinda like “hydrolized protein”

Hydrolysed protein is when you mix a protein, like from a plant or animal, with water to make a 'mushier', heavier and cheaper mix. And I think that in the US, you will probably find that it is "hydrolysed vegetable protein" on the labels of food products.

But there are a few foods that contain bugs in the USA. Froot Loops is a popular example.

Oh and by the way, Communist China has been buying agricultural farmland in the US. You can just think about it a while….

And US companies and individuals buy agricultural farmland in other countries too. It probably means that they expect to get a good price on produce grown/grazed on it.

edit on 2024-06-10T06:54:46-05:0006Mon, 10 Jun 2024 06:54:46 -050006am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:59 AM

edit on 2024-06-10T07:07:04-05:0007Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:07:04 -050006am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: chr0naut

Real mature content bruh, congrats.

Well, has someone posted a link evidencing that the World Bank ever actually said they wanted to shut down farming?

I'm just getting a bit sick of all the 'alternative facts' being presented as emotional appeals for the truly rightarded to get all but-hurt about.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The sky needs to fall every now and then for a good crop. Many farmers rely on assistance and loans anyway.

Might be why so many farmers use the cheapest methods to produce the largest crop in the shortest time?

It's all a bit of a daft gamble that's moving the agricultural industry away from providing food and into providing profits. Because if it was about providing food then we'd see the likes of India and SE Asian nations absolutely thriving when it comes to national food security whereas the reality is a lot of food goes to waste waiting on western buyers... Or any buyer for that matter.

Why is China an importer of foodstuffs? It wouldn't suprise me to find out that those who are invested in politics actually want us all scared and moaning about who said what whilst we pick sides and forget about the real issues at hand, an issue what tends to be between having and not having. In the west we want chicken every day, ideally breaded. But we won't waste too much bread on acquiring the stuff either... Funny that. Considering the majority of people these days wouldn't have a clue how to bread a chicken breast never mind how to remove it from the damn bird.

I know plenty of people who have used food banks in the UK. I don't listen to politicians much but I'll listen to the people I meet. Do you find it ironic that these are the type of people who do not realise that making food from scratch and storing the ingredients properly could slash their budgets by 60-70%? I don't, I find it tragic. What I do find ironic is that whilst they bang another frozen meal into the oven they've got a head full of worries and feel like time is too short to worry about their bellies.

Most of what I've learnt has been from recreational activities, I didn't think I'd learn enough to actually save money whilst eating better but good food is good food you know? Politics has little to actually do with that other than the constant nagging and worrisome bs that doesn't actually matter.

Just saying...
Buy bulk, learn to cook.
If it all goes tits up you can eat cake and pie for a couple of years and I'll bet every penny of worthless money I have that the likes of politicians and bankers will be struggling before you do. Without their money and people doing everything for them they're screwed. Doesn't mean we have to be.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness
It's never going to happen with 2.5 billion farmers in the world

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Didn't watch the video?

The video that claims the World Bank wants to end farming by 2030 ?

Pure nonsense.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 09:12 AM
I had a spiritual level conspiracy against farming. At first reading this I was like, that's interesting, a spiritual awareness on farming being bad, but I read they want control of the food chain, then I saw the real reason, they don't trust farmers to continue their mission of steeping us in karmic crisis.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Does the commie-glabalist takeover now include making the entire planet be controlled by a single group of jackass oligarchs?

China still gets to be a leading coal emmiter, build ridiculous empty cyberpunk cities, and there is still going to be the stereotypical Chinese farmers in pointed hats tending to their rice patties with their oxen.

Why the F*** does this German dude matter? Klaus Schwab is just a figurehead for paranoia at this point. People that can't control China, can't control the world, and the part that listens want to be.

Russia freaking invaded exactly one grain producer and caused a ripple effect that inflated the world and probably starved a few in the process.

They can't control much, and all their faux magnanimous agendas are just that. A bunch of leading figures pretending to act like they give a sh*t... from Davos... with the goose liver and fish eggs. But the climate! Gotta be proactive!

Are they going to imminent domain the entire world and give me an allotted amount of GMO IMF approved tomatos? Or just convert it to pills so they can use insects?

There will be just as much agriculture in 2031.

The biggest threat these secret masters present are people spreading a mystique of their importance and giving them attention they don't really deserve. Politicians and rich people assuaging their own track record with environmental philanthropy and crafting a way to still make everyone rich.

Fearing and dwelling on this sh*t is like letting Satan win.
edit on 10-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: ADVISOR

Didn't watch the video?

The video that claims the World Bank wants to end farming by 2030 ?

Pure nonsense.

Hey Man , I would not mind trying Hunting and Gathering again to Survive . Our Ancestors were pretty Good at it until one of them got Lazy and Wanted to just Stay Home .....

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you serious?

Didn't watch the video?

Didn't do your own search?

Just going to assume the wef gives a crap about the people?
They're trying to kill us off, we are the carbon they want to reduce.

Especially those of us who stand against globalist cabal.

Don't you want clean food?!

UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global “War On Farmers”

The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.

Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.

High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the U.N.’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.
You will eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy


This is so funny.

You think the World Bank is trying to cut off its main source of income.

And that the world is run by a conference company, the WEF.

And that 'they' are going to have the production capability to be able to feed the world with insects.

And that the CCP is directing the most capitalist organizations on the planet.

I suppose they are all shape-shifting lizzids, too running their evil pedo rings out of family pizza restaurants, too?

You are guzzling the kool-aid so fast you should really stop to breathe - or your brain might be starved for oxygen.

Man I usually agree with your comments but know the WEF is a little bit more than just a conference company right?

From their own website

The Forum’s commitment on facilitating progress on systemic challenges is taken forward through its 10 Centres, each applying the institution’s unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts. The Centres build communities of purpose essential to addressing large-scale global challenges. Guided by these communities, our centre teams convert ambition into focused action, through structured multi-year initiatives and insight generation.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

You're a fan of the World Bank now?

It's one of the most universally despised organisations in the world regardless of political leaning or country. Their predatory loans and hyper-capitalist shock therapy have destroyed dozens of developing countries.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

The most dangerous person is the one that thinks they are saving the world.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: ScarletDarkness
It's never going to happen with 2.5 billion farmers in the world

I'm one of em....alfalfa, asparagus. Sold my Texas cotton acreage but inherited my fatherinlaws place. They will have to pry the John Deere from my cold dead hands.

World bank demands end to farming by 2030

I'm calling cheeze on this one.

edit on 10-6-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you serious?

Didn't watch the video?

Didn't do your own search?

Just going to assume the wef gives a crap about the people?
They're trying to kill us off, we are the carbon they want to reduce.

Especially those of us who stand against globalist cabal.

Don't you want clean food?!

UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global “War On Farmers”

The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.

Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.

High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the U.N.’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.
You will eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy


This is so funny.

You think the World Bank is trying to cut off its main source of income.

And that the world is run by a conference company, the WEF.

And that 'they' are going to have the production capability to be able to feed the world with insects.

And that the CCP is directing the most capitalist organizations on the planet.

I suppose they are all shape-shifting lizzids, too running their evil pedo rings out of family pizza restaurants, too?

You are guzzling the kool-aid so fast you should really stop to breathe - or your brain might be starved for oxygen.

Well it would be funny yes, if it wasn’t true. You just have your head in the sand or somewhere else entirely. Are you actually involved in farming? I am and we are being strangled at every turn. It is deliberate and it is methodical. Your approach and motivations appear obvious, though, so no worries. I mean we are here to deny ignorance, so perhaps information from those with actual experience might carry a bit more weight, more than robotic rebuttal.
edit on 10-6-2024 by ARM19688 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: WaESN
Another example of how the gullible will believe absolutely everything so long as a) it's in a youtube video and b) it's totally nonsensical, illogical, impossible and complete fantasy.

I do wonder whether some people have been outside their basements in the past 20 years ......

I dismissed this topic until I read your comment, now I think there could be something to it..

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: ADVISOR

Didn't watch the video?

The video that claims the World Bank wants to end farming by 2030 ?

Pure nonsense.

Hey Man , I would not mind trying Hunting and Gathering again to Survive . Our Ancestors were pretty Good at it until one of them got Lazy and Wanted to just Stay Home .....

I bet you that you'd hate subsistence living for the little time you had.

I'd much rather be alive for many decades longer in an environment where a small injury does not mean sepsis and death, and where I can enjoy reasonable health.

Did you know that back in March 17, 1923, Lord Carnarvon cut himself shaving, and died of sepsis from it?

The death of Lord Carnarvon

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you serious?

Didn't watch the video?

Didn't do your own search?

Just going to assume the wef gives a crap about the people?
They're trying to kill us off, we are the carbon they want to reduce.

Especially those of us who stand against globalist cabal.

Don't you want clean food?!

UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global “War On Farmers”

The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.

Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.

High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the U.N.’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.
You will eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy


This is so funny.

You think the World Bank is trying to cut off its main source of income.

And that the world is run by a conference company, the WEF.

And that 'they' are going to have the production capability to be able to feed the world with insects.

And that the CCP is directing the most capitalist organizations on the planet.

I suppose they are all shape-shifting lizzids, too running their evil pedo rings out of family pizza restaurants, too?

You are guzzling the kool-aid so fast you should really stop to breathe - or your brain might be starved for oxygen.

Man I usually agree with your comments but know the WEF is a little bit more than just a conference company right?

From their own website

The Forum’s commitment on facilitating progress on systemic challenges is taken forward through its 10 Centres, each applying the institution’s unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts. The Centres build communities of purpose essential to addressing large-scale global challenges. Guided by these communities, our centre teams convert ambition into focused action, through structured multi-year initiatives and insight generation.

You know that toilet paper manufacturers have similar sounding grandiose mission statements?

The Corporate B.S. Generator

edit on 2024-06-10T18:11:07-05:0006Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:11:07 -050006pm00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Anti Human Progressivism Must Die a Quick Death ASAP or Humanity on this Planet Will . Simplistic Reasoning is Usually the Correct Path to Facing a Harsh Reality .....

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