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President Biden's Cabinet Say Joe Biden is Always the Sharpest Guy in The Room.

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posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Sharper than a hockey puck, and twice as Black, too...

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 10:48 AM
That is the Dumbest Crap that i have Read in all My 68 Years.

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Friday, June 7, 2024

The vast majority of Americans (and the world) know U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., is even less competent now, than he was when he graduated in the bottom 10% of his law school class (#76 out of 85 graduates). So....What are we to make of these impressions of President Biden by his cabinet?

The people Joe Biden hired to help him run the country, say he is "One Step Ahead of Them" during meetings and in conversations.

'The article was BS': Biden's Cabinet fires back at scathing report in the Wall Street Journal, exposing declining mental acuity.

'The president is utterly on his game. He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room', is the overall sentiment of President Biden's cabinet.

--Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was direct, telling Fox News, "The article was BS."

"The president is utterly on his game," she added. "He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room. He asks the toughest questions and has the keenest insights on the complex questions brought to him. He is sharp, thoughtful and wise."

--Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement, "I have been in dozens of personal and larger meetings with President Biden, and I always note that his ability to simultaneously handle difficult issues is astounding."

--Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "I’ve worked for President Biden for 22 years." Now as then — in strategy discussions and in meetings with foreign leaders — his depth of knowledge, fluency with policy and politics, and ability to cut to the chase and argue his case are exceptional! He’s invariably one step ahead of us."
More at:

These cabinet members were hand-picked by Biden. They are strongly declaring, "Joe Biden is smarter and sharper than we are!"

Are these top officials so dumb, that Joe Biden is a GENIUS in their eyes?

-WeMustCare 😨

Here's the part you're missing.

His cabinet members are NOT saying that Joe is a genius. Intelligence is conventionally defined as the capacity for complex thought. I've argued before that Joe's IQ was probably in the top 10% of the population when he was a young man. That makes him above average, but not a genius. That has undoubtedly slipped a bit with age, as it does with everyone who's about his age. That means--as an example--that there are undoubtedly members of his national security team who have doctorates and other advanced degrees who are more intelligent than he is now and was when he was a young man.

What his cabinet members are reflecting is that fact that when you've been around in some field of endeavor for a long time, you've pretty much seen every move everyone is likely to make. Nothing surprises you any more. Joe has been in government essentially all his adult life. He knows all the issues and who's on which side and why they believe what they believe and who can be negotiated with and what they want. That's true domestically and internationally. He's watched all the other major leaders of the world emerge from obscurity and rise to power. Putin, Xi, Netanyahu, Orban, Macron, etc. He knows what makes them tick and what they will do and not do. When confronted with a new development in the world, he doesn't have to spend a lot of time wondering what's happening and what the response should be. He's seen it all before.

That's the wisdom that comes with age.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 11:15 AM
The Biden Cabinet Secretaries and underlings are the biggest collection of misfits and freaks in History. 😀

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Friday, June 7, 2024

The vast majority of Americans (and the world) know U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., is even less competent now, than he was when he graduated in the bottom 10% of his law school class (#76 out of 85 graduates). So....What are we to make of these impressions of President Biden by his cabinet?

The people Joe Biden hired to help him run the country, say he is "One Step Ahead of Them" during meetings and in conversations.

'The article was BS': Biden's Cabinet fires back at scathing report in the Wall Street Journal, exposing declining mental acuity.

'The president is utterly on his game. He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room', is the overall sentiment of President Biden's cabinet.

--Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was direct, telling Fox News, "The article was BS."

"The president is utterly on his game," she added. "He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room. He asks the toughest questions and has the keenest insights on the complex questions brought to him. He is sharp, thoughtful and wise."

--Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement, "I have been in dozens of personal and larger meetings with President Biden, and I always note that his ability to simultaneously handle difficult issues is astounding."

--Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "I’ve worked for President Biden for 22 years." Now as then — in strategy discussions and in meetings with foreign leaders — his depth of knowledge, fluency with policy and politics, and ability to cut to the chase and argue his case are exceptional! He’s invariably one step ahead of us."
More at:

These cabinet members were hand-picked by Biden. They are strongly declaring, "Joe Biden is smarter and sharper than we are!"

Are these top officials so dumb, that Joe Biden is a GENIUS in their eyes?

-WeMustCare 😨

Here's the part you're missing.

His cabinet members are NOT saying that Joe is a genius. Intelligence is conventionally defined as the capacity for complex thought. I've argued before that Joe's IQ was probably in the top 10% of the population when he was a young man. That makes him above average, but not a genius. That has undoubtedly slipped a bit with age, as it does with everyone who's about his age. That means--as an example--that there are undoubtedly members of his national security team who have doctorates and other advanced degrees who are more intelligent than he is now and was when he was a young man.

What his cabinet members are reflecting is that fact that when you've been around in some field of endeavor for a long time, you've pretty much seen every move everyone is likely to make. Nothing surprises you any more. Joe has been in government essentially all his adult life. He knows all the issues and who's on which side and why they believe what they believe and who can be negotiated with and what they want. That's true domestically and internationally. He's watched all the other major leaders of the world emerge from obscurity and rise to power. Putin, Xi, Netanyahu, Orban, Macron, etc. He knows what makes them tick and what they will do and not do. When confronted with a new development in the world, he doesn't have to spend a lot of time wondering what's happening and what the response should be. He's seen it all before.

That's the wisdom that comes with age.

I agree with you.

I am 77. I'd say my thinking and understanding is broader from real life / hands on experience. Joe is a career politician and knows all the ins and outs of how the system works.

Am I as quick as I used to be? NO Is my physical balance what it used to be? NO. But it does not affect my years of learned knowledge.

I once followed Ross Perot -- thinking this country needed a businessman to run the country. I realized I was wrong -- because its limited knowledge when you compare it to the vast needs of a World Leader.

And BTW -- Trump will be 78 years-old June 14th.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The Biden Cabinet Secretaries and underlings are the biggest collection of misfits and freaks in History. 😀

At least they're not in prison.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Annee

Thats only because the DOJ,FBI,CIA are democrat controlled.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen
The Biden Cabinet Secretaries and underlings are the biggest collection of misfits and freaks in History. 😀

At least they're not in prison.

A lot of them should be. People like Biden, mayorkas, blinken, garland should be tried for treason and dereliction of duty, among other charges. They are the enemy of the state and have done irreversible damage to this country, along with a lot of others in this dumpster fire of a administration. What gets me the most are the brainwashed trained seals clapping for these idiots and trying to defend some of the dumbest and most corrupt people this country has ever seen in gov. I don’t even think useful idiots begins to describes these sheep to the fullest. You have to have a IQ of a crayon to defend the corruption of our current gov.

But hey let’s prioritize our country’s greatest concerns and throw trump in prison for a book keeping error, right annee? Clown world🤡🤡🤡
edit on 8-6-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 01:27 PM
Let's give Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt, shall we?

Perhaps he and Vladimir Putin worked together on Top Secret Projects in the 1980's and 1990's?

President Joe Biden has been ridiculed by the Kremlin after saying he knew Russian President Vladimir Putin "for over 40 years," despite Putin serving as an undercover KGB agent during the 1980s.

Biden officially had his first in-person meeting with Putin while serving as vice president in 2011. A second meeting occurred in the early months of Biden's presidency, when the two leaders met at a summit held in Geneva, Switzerland, in June 2021.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: WeMustCare

Sharper than a hockey puck, and twice as Black, too...

Joe Hates Black people. He cancelled a program, right after taking office, that was saving lives of Black kids and teens in urban America.


We can't get rid of this racist administration fast enough.

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 02:11 AM
FYI: A "Teaching Moment"...

When the RACIST mind of Joe Biden is in control of his actions:

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 03:22 AM

President Biden's Cabinet Say Joe Biden is Always the Sharpest Guy in The Room.

Well then that means his cabinet are either a bunch of liars, or they are the dumbest bunch of partisan idiots the USA has ever seen because a corrupt dementia driven 200 year old is smarter than them. One or the other.

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

President Biden's Cabinet Say Joe Biden is Always the Sharpest Guy in The Room.

Well then that means his cabinet are either a bunch of liars, or they are the dumbest bunch of partisan idiots the USA has ever seen because a corrupt dementia driven 200 year old is smarter than them. One or the other.

Just a taste of what is to come, while America is without a mentally sound President, for the first time in hundreds of years...

Russian Yasen-Class Nuclear Submarine “Kazan” Along With 3 Warships Arrive in Havana, Cuba.

Today, June 12th, is Russia Day, a national holiday in the Russian federation. The symbolism of the intentionally timed events happening today seems to be lost on most western media.

A Russian Yasen-class nuclear submarine named “Kazan” arrived in Havana, Cuba today after piloting through the Florida straits. Watching a massive nuclear submarine sail into Havana is something extraordinary considering all the provocations taking place between the USA and Russia surrounding the conflict in Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

This just in from the WTF Newsroom...........

" White House: Joe Biden Might Commute Hunter Biden’s Pending Sentence "
“He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive,” Jean-Pierre said about a potential pardon. Regarding a commutation, “I just don’t have anything beyond that,” she said.

Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 of fines. "

Some ATS Members here Predicted Joe was LYING when he said he would Not Pardon his Son , but I was Skeptical of that Considering the political Implications of that but Yet Again , Joe was just Talking Out his Arse there ......

edit on 12-6-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 08:02 PM
This is a classic

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
This is a classic


posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

One of the Few Times Joetato Spoke a Truth...........

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 05:03 PM
June 20, 2024

Biden supporters are FINALLY starting to question if Joe is mentally declining.

A little late for them to start being "concerned". But that's a problem analysts say Democrats suffer from. They do move FAST...but they move too LATE. (i.e. Trump entrapments)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 09:20 PM
June 24, 2024

VP Kamala Harris's husband says THE COUNTRY and THE WORLD depends on Biden-Harris winning in November.

What is he saying?:

"The World Depends on them winning". That's a nebulous statement, to put it mildly. Maybe the entire Administration is drinking water that contains brain-eating bacteria. Not just Joe.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 12:05 AM
July 9, 2024

President Biden is shooting himself in the foot so frequently, his aids are now contacting media outlets and pressuring them to "clean up" Joe Biden's verbal gaffes and misspeaks.

Both ABC and the New York Times were "forced" to change their transcript and reporting of what Joe Biden said.

Dims must be loyal to Biden, or else!:

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