I've always been a fan of the mantra...'
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it' (regardless of who said it, or the
exact phrasing).
It has often been reported over the past decades that Ronald Reagan was not fully in control of his faculties by the time he left office in 1989. As
much as I loved Reagan as a president, I have to agree that towards the end of his 2nd term he did disappear from the public eye and was increasingly
less vocal in the media and just in general. This caused me great concern back then; if some sort of dynamic world event had taken place I worried he
might not have been able to deal with it.
Now we have a president who has conducted his entire term as president in much the same way as Reagan did in the waning years of his final term. I'm
sorry, but I don't care what people on the left contend, this man is not fit for office. He simply isn't. He has failed at every single thing he has
attempted, he inspires no one, he's the laughing stock of the entire world and he's a danger to this republic. Period.
So, we're sitting here, all of us, watching history repeat itself by failing to act. As much as I detested Jimmy Carter's policies as president, he
was at least in complete control of his faculties well past his term as president, and I never doubted his resolve to act in the event of a crisis if
one were to face the country. I have the exact opposite opinion of Joe Biden and his resolve to act decisively, or even act at all, in the event of a
crisis. I wouldn't trust the man to safely drive me to 7-11...would you? Honestly, would you trust the lives of your children or loved ones with Joe
Biden behind the wheel of a car? If the answer to this question is "no", then how can you possibly support this man 'driving' the most powerful car
in the free world, this nation???
Some people think I slag on Biden because I'm conservative, but that's not what this post is about. In this context, I don't think he's actually in
charge of this nation, and I don't think he's capable of being charge, regardless of his desires. Candidly, I question whether he's ever been in
charge of this country, but that is another post.
The bottom line here is, not only are we as a people allowing history to repeat itself by failing to learn from it, but worse some people are actually
seriously contemplating supporting this man for a future term (as incomprehensible as this seems to me). Thus, not only are we failing to learn from
history, but rather we are consciously perpetuating more of the same.
This is highly disturbing, and it really needs to stop.
edit on 6/6/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)