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A litmus test for justice

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posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:31 AM
Many think Trump's trial was rigged. It's not something you can hand waive away. It's a real thing. But the justice system isn't supposed to be like that. It's supposed to be blind. Meaning, political position, nor any other factor should play into the case. Worrying about what party the judge belongs to should never, ever be a factor. So how do you police that?

I'm glad you asked.

When the appeals process plays out, there is supposed to be a "righting of the wrongs" if any are found. And the person wrongfully convicted gets the decision reversed. Sounds fair. Until you factor in the Duke Lacrosse factor. Some may remember that fiasco. A college lacrosse team was accused of gang rape by a hired exotic dancer. As it turned out, the entire thing was made up. A fabrication. So how did the accused fair? Well, they have from that moment, and forever on, be seen as "rapists", even though they were exonerated. Their character was not exonerated. It's still broken.

So what can be done? Well, on another thread we were all discussing punishments for rapists ironically enough. And one thing stood out. If the punishment for doing wrong is severe enough, less people will do the crime. If there is no punishment, they will do more of the crime. So how do we identify the culprits, and then punish them?

When the appellate court overturns a case, and it's shown where the errors are, there needs to be accountability. If a judge screws up badly, like allowing testimony from one side that isn't relevant, but blocks testimony from the other that might be, then that judge needs to be punished so he knows what he did wrong, and knows he can't do that again. Ever. And if he does, he is disbarred, and jailed. Punishment. Just like they hand out when someone is convicted. A higher court convicted them for wrongdoing. But does this kind of justice exist? Not yet. But it is needed. And needed for any and all political sides, or any other limiting factor. We should be able to trust the justice system, just as we should be able to trust the justice department. If that trust is gone, the rule of law is worthless.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: network dude

When a Liberal tells you “Nobody is above the law” or “Follow the rule of law” when it pertains to Trump, they are full of sh!t.

They have appeared to make up new laws or modify existing laws in a way that’s unprecedented to get Trump.

Why are they so scared of Donald Trump?
He was already president for 4 years, what did he that was so heinous other than offend some easily offended and fragile people?

Ever since Trump came down the elevator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president, we have seen the Left lose their F’ing minds.
Over what?

What makes Trump so goddamn scary to these lunatics that they are willing to suffer financially under Biden?
Because people are suffering, that’s a fact.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

Didnt you see??? He almost took over the universe! Seriously, liberals dont care about thenones they love, or they would lut their wellbeing over their own pettiness. Google "AOC scandal," and you'll find plenty of wrsit slapping over campaign finance issues, tax evasion, etc. Has she ever been on trial? She's been admonished. Thats about it. Then look at the current FBI and DOJ. Are they getting locked up for contenmpt of congress? Never! Liberals know this, and simply don't care. They dont care that senior citizens are the highest growing demographic of an already skyrocketing population of homelessness. Theyxdo t even care about the homeless in general. Take theirbrespurces and give them to illegals. Litterally ANYTHING but trump. This is why I wont hire liberals, progressives, democrats, etc. They have no one's best interest in mind. Not even their own. They're more interested in the attention they might get from crying "victim" every chance they get. I wouldn't trust one to take out my trash.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

the PTB cannot continue the program under Trump. He will not play by the WEF, or whoever is driving the bus off the cliff's rules. So their agenda is in jeopardy. And they have convinced about 81 million idiots to blindly follow their destructive ways, as it destroys everything. It's fascinating that Americans would vote for the current paradigm, knowing it's making everything worse.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:00 AM
There also needs to be stiffer punishments for those who falsely accuse. If you accuse someone of something like rape, that actually never happened, you go to prison.

You are ruining someone's life and need to be held accountable. Because if it never happened, they still have to live with the consequences of having been accused.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:07 AM
I know of one that has made some progress in this area:

Some progress has been made in dealing with bad judges by going through the legislator. This thread does have some weight:

GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson Launches a 3-Pronged System to Counter Government Thug Officials.

As for how it all pans out, time will tell.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: network dude

The judge in Trump trial is a well-known Biden and democrat donor with ties to Soros.

His daughter is a Democrat fundraiser.

Now what does that means? is justice blind? in NY Trump trial.

The trial was a political contribution to biden and the democrats

edit on 5-6-2024 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: marg6043


The judge didn't recuse himself. The excuse was he doesn't control his daughter. If it weren't for his political contributions and statements, I might support that.

On the flip, Alito's wife hangs a flag upside down, and they want him to recuse himself.

Funny thing to me is, in another thread recently, Christians were accused of believing the man was in charge of his wife, and how wrong and misogynistic Christianity is because of that.

But in Aliot's case they want him to recuse because, I guess, his wife wouldn't have hung it without his permission?

Hypocrites. Every bloody one.

Although I doubt it will happen, I want Merchan Disbarred. And since, as we will see in appeal, he allowed a very uneven trial.

This is also election interference.

After the appeal, he should be sentenced to the sentence Trump is eligible for.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:37 AM
There should be an investigation into election interference.

Every hearing, motion and order.

If these are the rules they want to play by then let's play.

Im well aware how that ends and the destruction it would cause. But at this put what else will do the job?

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: network dude

Making false accusations is illegal no?

What if a case is overturned due to insufficient evidence or a procedural issue but the underlying crime still occurred? Would the people that brought the claim be punished?

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:01 AM
I wonder if there is a current Hobo culture developing, a culture of people who have accepted the life of a homeless bum. I never looked into the reasons for the Hobo culture, I had thought it was mostly an economic phenomenon of that era. However, from pop culture, I have assumed it had a lot to do with people rejecting the rat race lifestyle with all its injustices. Look at today's economy, politics, and injustices, times seem right for people to decide to abandon the system and become transient vagrants who roam freely at will outside of it.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: network dude

It's fascinating that Americans would vote for the current paradigm, knowing it's making everything worse.

That’s what really needs to be studied by people a lot smarter than us.
How and why is that happening?

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

Is this thread about Trump? I thought it was more of a general discussion.

In this specific situation wouldnt those that brought the case to court be protected because there are instances of illegal activity? Such as falsifying business records.

edit on 5-6-2024 by EndTime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:31 AM
Status of the Justice System

Here is clear confirmation as to what REALLY happened at the New York Trump Trial

Well today’s congressional hearing confirms it.

There no longer can be any doubt about it.

But, it only matters if Americans see this.

You know for sure that the libnut media will try to bury this.

The rest of you - please share

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: EndTime

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

Is this thread about Trump? I thought it was more of a general discussion.

In this specific situation wouldnt those that brought the case to court be protected because there are instances of illegal activity? Such as falsifying business records.

As long as the law was followed, there should be no issues. When the law has been violated, there should be punishments. It's really that simple. Like in the Trump case. He was found guilty of 34 felony counts. That's huge. To not give him jail time would be wrong. But if those 34 felony counts were obtained using unlawful methods, then those who broke the law to adjudicate the trial, should be punished. Does that make sense?

And keep in mind, this should never ever be a partisan issue. I feel so deeply about that, if a judge is caught displaying personal bias, be it from any political spectrum, he should be disbarred, and jailed after he is found guilty of such actions. I think public hangings are a bit over the top, but I'm not against it per se.
edit on 5-6-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: EndTime

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

Is this thread about Trump? I thought it was more of a general discussion.

In this specific situation wouldnt those that brought the case to court be protected because there are instances of illegal activity? Such as falsifying business records.

As long as the law was followed, there should be no issues. When the law has been violated, there should be punishments. It's really that simple. Like in the Trump case. He was found guilty of 34 felony counts. That's huge. To not give him jail time would be wrong. But if those 34 felony counts were obtained using unlawful methods, then those who broke the law to adjudicate the trial, should be punished. Does that make sense?

And keep in mind, this should never ever be a partisan issue. I feel so deeply about that, if a judge is caught displaying personal bias, be it from any political spectrum, he should be disbarred, and jailed after he is found guilty of such actions. I think public hangings are a bit over the top, but I'm not against it per se.

Agreed that the rule of law should be followed. A judge should be unbiased. Obtaining evidence should be done. Lawfully punishments should be as per the law and per precedent.

The felonies Trump is charged with our on the minor side of the severity scale, as it comes to other felonies. Considering his past record, and the fact that these are nonviolent crimes, the punishment should be assigned accordingly.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: EndTime

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

Is this thread about Trump? I thought it was more of a general discussion.

In this specific situation wouldnt those that brought the case to court be protected because there are instances of illegal activity? Such as falsifying business records.

Fruit of the poisonous tree.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: network dude

Judges are rarely, if ever, held accountable for any of their actions.

The system is set up for them to protect each other; they are the top of the food chain and if their reputation is stained in any way, it's not good for business.

People are dumb and don't pay attention to Judges getting their decisions reversed, they only pay attention to when judges are suspended - that's what undercuts public trust of the Judicial system. What's the solution to this? Not hold any of them accountable. Issue scathing letters about them and do nothing else. Do whatever they can to brush things under the rug, turn a blind eye, let them get away with anything and everything. Hell, even the Judicial committees that are supposed to oversee and handle complaints against them are set up and run by attorneys and former judges and spend their time practicing their mental and legal gymnastics to protect judges and keep them out of the limelight.

I wish I was being sarcastic.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: EndTime

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: EndTime

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: EndTime

Agreed that is special. Trumps wasn't that. They taped this one together beginning with a statute of limitations issue, then skipped over the FED had jurisdiction. Then made it so and NDA is illegal when it is not. I can go on and on with facts that show contempt for the law by Bragg and Marchon.

Is this thread about Trump? I thought it was more of a general discussion.

In this specific situation wouldnt those that brought the case to court be protected because there are instances of illegal activity? Such as falsifying business records.

As long as the law was followed, there should be no issues. When the law has been violated, there should be punishments. It's really that simple. Like in the Trump case. He was found guilty of 34 felony counts. That's huge. To not give him jail time would be wrong. But if those 34 felony counts were obtained using unlawful methods, then those who broke the law to adjudicate the trial, should be punished. Does that make sense?

And keep in mind, this should never ever be a partisan issue. I feel so deeply about that, if a judge is caught displaying personal bias, be it from any political spectrum, he should be disbarred, and jailed after he is found guilty of such actions. I think public hangings are a bit over the top, but I'm not against it per se.

Agreed that the rule of law should be followed. A judge should be unbiased. Obtaining evidence should be done. Lawfully punishments should be as per the law and per precedent.

The felonies Trump is charged with our on the minor side of the severity scale, as it comes to other felonies. Considering his past record, and the fact that these are nonviolent crimes, the punishment should be assigned accordingly.

If not to punish a 34 count felony convicted, then why would it be important to convict? Or was that one just political so they could call him a convicted felon? Be honest.

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